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Rumor: "Untitled Spiderman PS4 Project" incoming


Is Amazing Spider-Man 2 worth it for 10 bucks?
Does the Webswinging feel good?

It's the same as TASM1 with the difference that the anchor point is now functional (attaches SOMEWHERE NEAR a structure, most of the times it goes through buildings into thin air though). No momentum, you can't build up any speed and if you skydive from a skyscraper and press R2/L2 it negates any momentum. But it's quite fun, the rest is mediocre though.

The biggest problem the game has is the hero or menace system though. That will kill all joy you get out of swinging later on (when you have to constantly do the repetitive and lame side missions, that require a loading screen, or you're attacked by flying super troopers + miniguns shooting at you everywhere). You can work around that by not advancing past a certain story point or by loading a chapter/mission to freeroam (no collectibles or side missions though).


Why is everyone saying sucker punch are making one?

Wishful thinking. Probably because the leak states it's a Sony game and the only studio that makes super hero games is SP. There is no evidence that SP is working on a Spidey title. All we know about their in development title is that it's something new/not related to inFAMOUS.


It's the same as TASM1 with the difference that the anchor point is now functional (attaches SOMEWHERE NEAR a structure, most of the times it goes through buildings into thin air though). No momentum, you can't build up any speed and if you skydive from a skyscraper and press R2/L2 it negates any momentum. But it's quite fun, the rest is mediocre though.

The biggest problem the game has is the hero or menace system though. That will kill all joy you get out of swinging later on (when you have to constantly do the repetitive and lame side missions, that require a loading screen, or you're attacked by flying super troopers + miniguns shooting at you everywhere). You can work around that by not advancing past a certain story point or by loading a chapter/mission to freeroam (no collectibles or side missions though).
Meh, thats a bummer... But for 10€... Hm.

Why is everyone saying sucker punch are making one?
Because they made superhero games before, even while those didnt even worked similar how a Spider-Man game has to work to be good.

Its kinda like every game should be made by Platinum or FROM.
Wishful thinking. Probably because the leak states it's a Sony game and the only studio that makes super hero games is SP. There is no evidence that SP is working on a Spidey title. All we know about their in development title is that it's something new/not related to inFAMOUS.

Where'd you get it not being related to Infamous from?

Colin Moriarty interviewed Scott Rodhe at PSX and when pressed about Infamous he said "we're never going to retire an IP"... "that's a personal favourite of mine"... "that's about the best way I can answer that".

Why is everyone saying sucker punch are making one?

I thought there was more of a connection than there is. But it seems weird Sony would try to get the license if they didn't have a reason to use it. Having a studio who seem to do stuff in the same ballpark. I just have a horrible feeling it could be true.

Unless this all turns out to be nothing to do with Sony, it's just PS4 lead and someone has assumed Sony has the game rights, because they have the film rights? Possibility given that it comes from a resume.
Wishful thinking. Probably because the leak states it's a Sony game and the only studio that makes super hero games is SP. There is no evidence that SP is working on a Spidey title. All we know about their in development title is that it's something new/not related to inFAMOUS.

I've not heard that. Do you have a link?
I would be alright if Suckerpunch made a Spider-Man game. I would just enjoy a Spider-Man game. But I'd hope they wouldn't add their rather crappy karma system as it just wouldn't suit it.

Well I'm expecting nothing from this, even though it makes perfect sense.


I would be alright if Suckerpunch made a Spider-Man game. I would just enjoy a Spider-Man game. But I'd hope they wouldn't add their rather crappy karma system as it just wouldn't suit it.

Well I'm expecting nothing from this, even though it makes perfect sense.

Why would they consider doing this? I highly doubt there is anything to worry about. The karma system only exists because they want split powers and storylines in infamous. If they were making the game I'd expect it to be a movie tie-in and I don't see them planning to take a route where Spider-Man can be a hero or villain


I would be alright if Suckerpunch made a Spider-Man game. I would just enjoy a Spider-Man game. But I'd hope they wouldn't add their rather crappy karma system as it just wouldn't suit it.

Well I'm expecting nothing from this, even though it makes perfect sense.
If SP were to do a spiderman game, they wouldn't implement a karma system. And actually working within the constraints of pre-established universe/ruleset, only having one powerset to worry about that everyone would get, one storyline etc SP could actually benefit and end up with an even better game than their past efforts.

But yeah, I'm just gonna file this under "hope it's true, but not expecting it"


If SP were to do a spiderman game, they wouldn't implement a karma system. And actually working within the constraints of pre-established universe/ruleset, only having one powerset to worry about that everyone would get, one storyline etc SP could actually benefit and end up with an even better game than their past efforts.

But yeah, I'm just gonna file this under "hope it's true, but not expecting it"

A potential karma system by SP would be the least of my worries. Their side quests and game worlds are what should cause sleepless nights. The 2nd son map looks stunning at first glance but you soon realize that it's a copy/paste job at almost every single corner. No other game gave me as many déjà vu moments as 2nd son in terms of re-used map assets (I mean I recall seeing the same alley in every single building block...?).
Why would they consider doing this?
FWIW, Activision's Amazing Spider-Man 2 has its version of the karma system where ignoring certain side missions will turn people in New York against you. It was pretty much universally reviled, but there is some precedent for this sort of thing in a Spidey game.
Alternatively, the karma system is used because the story follows the Venom symbiotie and the endings of the story hinge on whether you let it corrupt you or you don't.

Probably not though, SP wouldn't just did it for no reason.


FWIW, Activision's Amazing Spider-Man 2 has its version of the karma system where ignoring certain side missions will turn people in New York against you. It was pretty much universally reviled, but there is some precedent for this sort of thing in a Spidey game.

There was the goat karma systems way before TASM2 and WoS and it worked pretty well without being annoying.The one from the PS2/Wii version of SM3. The city turned darker (dark clouds) and trees lost their leaves + more trash on the streets with less civilians. That's the kind of karma system a Spidey game should have.

It sounds like a no-brainer actually, so easy to do:
- Fail to do crimes -> crime rate rises (more crimes pop up cause gangsters know you don't care), city looks uninviting (trash, gangs chilling in public places etc), citizens hate you (news reports calling you a menace running on the big screens @ times square?) + less citizens roaming the streets (afraid to leave their home due to crime rate)
- Solve crimes -> crimes pop up at a slower rate (gangsters know you are on the hunt), city looks inviting, citizens cheer 24/7 + more citizens doing their thing


A potential karma system by SP would be the least of my worries. Their side quests and game worlds are what should cause sleepless nights. The 2nd son map looks stunning at first glance but you soon realize that it's a copy/paste job at almost every single corner. No other game gave me as many déjà vu moments as 2nd son in terms of re-used map assets (I mean I recall seeing the same alley in every single building block...?).
I honestly think many of the faults of Second Son had to with aiming for the game to come out in the launch window more than anything else (they didn't have to deal with this for infamous 1 or 2). Things (content-wise) were a significant step down from past entries. I can't even imagine the pressure of being a first party studio who's assigned to have a game be a launch window title, your game is all of a sudden that much more important and could play a big part in the console's success.

For whatever game they're working on now, whether it's spiderman, or something else, they have more leeway, and not a set console launch timeline that they have to hit.

Anyways, with the spiderman ip, they also have the luxury of seeing what countless other spiderman games have done in the past and look at what's worked and hasn't worked. Common critiques, the most lauded features etc.


I honestly think many of the faults of Second Son had to with aiming for the game to come out in the launch window more than anything else (they didn't have to deal with this for infamous 1 or 2). Things (content-wise) were a significant step down from past entries. I can't even imagine the pressure of being a first party studio who's assigned to have a game be a launch window title, your game is all of a sudden that much more important and could play a big part in the console's success.

For whatever game they're working on now, whether it's spiderman, or something else, they have more leeway, and not a set console launch timeline that they have to hit.
I guess you are right. They also had to work on the new engine? That probably took away quite a few resources.

Anyways, with the spiderman ip, they also have the luxury of seeing what countless other spiderman games have done in the past and look at what's worked and hasn't worked. Common critiques, the most lauded features etc.
The thing is, Beenox and co. had the same luxury. I can name a dozen small things that could've improved the mediocre TASM2 without costing them that much. Yet they shat the bed (I know Activision had a big part in that due to budget cuts etc but seriously... some things are just mind boggling bad in TASM2).


The thing is, Beenox and co. had the same luxury. I can name a dozen small things that could've improved the mediocre TASM2 without costing them that much. Yet they shat the bed (I know Activision had a big part in that due to budget cuts etc but seriously... some things are just mind boggling bad in TASM2).
The whole point of people being excited by this game is that a developer like Sucker Punch may be handling it and it may be getting the first party treatment. Half-assed movie cash-ins, and games put out just because "fuck it we have the license, let's try to make some money and put out a bunch of gameswith as low a budget as possible" (Beenox released 4 spiderman games within 5 years) aren't really something to use as an indicator of what to expect or be worried about if this news turns out to be true.
It sounds like a no-brainer actually, so easy to do:
- Fail to do crimes -> crime rate rises (more crimes pop up cause gangsters know you don't care), city looks uninviting (trash, gangs chilling in public places etc), citizens hate you (news reports calling you a menace running on the big screens @ times square?) + less citizens roaming the streets (afraid to leave their home due to crime rate)
- Solve crimes -> crimes pop up at a slower rate (gangsters know you are on the hunt), city looks inviting, citizens cheer 24/7 + more citizens doing their thing
Those are terrific ideas, and I'd absolutely be onboard with something like that.
You know, people were blown away when Sony allowed Disney the rights for Spider-Man to appear in the MCU and were wondering what kinda crazy deals it took to get it to happen ...
You know, people were blown away when Sony allowed Disney the rights for Spider-Man to appear in the MCU and were wondering what kinda crazy deals it took to get it to happen ...

I doubt that has anything to do with this since Sony, like a lot of Japanese conglomerates, is very decentralized with very little synergy/partnerships between the various divisions.


I doubt that has anything to do with this since Sony, like a lot of Japanese conglomerates, is very decentralized with very little synergy/partnerships between the various divisions.
They used to be. The restructuring was also about bringing the different parts of Sony closer together.
I doubt that has anything to do with this since Sony, like a lot of Japanese conglomerates, is very decentralized with very little synergy/partnerships between the various divisions.

Are you in 2012?

That Sony has gone. Especially when it comes to Playstation.

Kaz Hirai actually is doing really well with the company.


Those are terrific ideas, and I'd absolutely be onboard with something like that.
Let's just hope that whoever gets to work on a Spidey game listens to the fans and/or are Spidey fans themselves. I know for a fact that there are loads of these ideas floating around the internet (Activision deleted almost all of them on the official forums though, could be due to the restructuring they did a few years ago).

Are you in 2012?

That Sony has gone. Especially when it comes to Playstation.

Kaz Hirai actually is doing really well with the company.

That's nice to hear. I don't see how SIE getting to make a Spidey game is a top priority though. I think the deal was more or less about "you can use Spidey, we can get RDJ in our Spidey flicks, you guarantee us a movie that doesn't get torn apart by critics, we pay the bill" kind of stuff. A "We want to make a PS4 Spidey game" bullet point certainly looks out of place. Never say never though.


Bump from hell



Has this been posted yet? Proper hints regarding Sucker Punch being the one to develop the rumored Spidey PS4 game?
Spectacular isn't a very commonly used word these days, maybe that is a subtle hint (that people wouldn't think twice about) from SP on their recruitment page. Though probably not, it's probably just them using it to describe their game...


I just can't see Sony wanting to spend big money on having Sucker Punch develop an IP they don't own, it doesn't make any sense.

They said after the Crash and Spyro situation they would never make games they don't own in the future.


I just can't see Sony wanting to spend big money on having Sucker Punch develop an IP they don't own, it doesn't make any sense.

They said after the Crash and Spyro situation they would never make games they don't own in the future.

Havent they done licenced sport games in the past, too?


Spectacular isn't a very commonly used word these days, maybe that is a subtle hint (that people wouldn't think twice about) from SP on their recruitment page. Though probably not, it's probably just them using it to describe their game...

you're right

holy sheet
If this is legit, made by at least a decent developer and looks good it has potential to be one of the highlights for me this E3 if it is revealed there.

The only good Spiderman man games are the ps1 games

Don't forget Spiderman Cartoon Maker, the absolute top tier right there.

Spider-Man Cartoon Maker 2 by Media Molecule
Spectacular isn't a very commonly used word these days, maybe that is a subtle hint (that people wouldn't think twice about) from SP on their recruitment page. Though probably not, it's probably just them using it to describe their game...

It's a word that Sucker Punch seems to like

This stuff was designed to break in the most spectacular way we could manage. It’s all simulated, multi-stage breakables — so if you blow up one corner of something, the whole thing topples over and smashes to the ground. That’s been a lot of fun to work on.


Yes, it's FREE. As a thanks for supporting the spectacular launch of inFAMOUS Second Son, the team at Sucker Punch Productions and PlayStation want to say THANKS for all your support in the form of this free app featuring the awesome music of inFAMOUS Second Son.

So this could be Marvel's "Arkham" series. I wonder if they're going to be very true to the comics or do their own Sucker Punch-Verse take on the designs like the Arkham games

I wish more comics were given the Arkham treatment rather than being relegated to movie tie-ins


If this is legit, made by at least a decent developer and looks good it has potential to be one of the highlights for me this E3 if it is revealed there.

Don't forget Spiderman Cartoon Maker, the absolute top tier right there.
Crash, exclusive (non-shitty tie-in) Spider-Man game and Agent re-reveal is the new Sony E3 trinity.
So this could be Marvel's "Arkham" series. I wonder if they're going to be very true to the comics or do their own Sucker Punch-Verse take on the designs like the Arkham games

I wish more comics were given the Arkham treatment rather than being relegated to movie tie-ins
Could this be an agreement between Disney and Sony, take Spidey on film and give us Spidey on consoles?

Spectacular isn't very subtle btw.


I would the game to be Spider-man's origin story to the MCU, mostly so we don't get another bloody origins reboot movie.

There is no origin story for Spidey in the MCU. He is already Spidey for a while in CA:CW and his solo flick continues that trend. I could see them doing a Raimi style opening credits slideshow showing his origin story but that's about it.

And honestly I'm so tired of Spidey origin stories I pray to Gaben they don't do one in a game either. Just give us the Arkham treatment, game opens and boom we're already Spidey.
Those are terrific ideas, and I'd absolutely be onboard with something like that.
That's a horrible idea.

You should be rewarded for doing more but the reward shouldn't be less gameplay situations. Especially if it's open world/sanbox.

You should keep getting shit to do no matter what, not less of it.


Could this be an agreement between Disney and Sony, take Spidey on film and give us Spidey on consoles?

Spectacular isn't very subtle btw.

Probably not, since the Spider-Man movie game license has always been its own thing that Sony has had the luxury of possessing. That being said, I'm sure the arrangements between Sony and Marvel Studios is something that they're going to leverage as much as they're able to now, since part of the deal they have is that Sony can use other MCU characters in Spider-Man. One has to wonder if there might even be a chance to get another playable hero or two in this game, especially in the wake of Iron Man being confirmed for the new film.
I just can't see Sony wanting to spend big money on having Sucker Punch develop an IP they don't own, it doesn't make any sense.

They said after the Crash and Spyro situation they would never make games they don't own in the future.

Spideys likely going to be blowing up again soon in terms of popularity thanks to his appearance in civil war and his MCU movie. An exclusive, high quality, spiderman game to capitalise on this would be a potentially massive hardware seller for them. Combined with them having the movie rights too, the benefits that would come from this likely outweigh potential negatives when it comes to licensing.

Hell,i wouldn't be surprised if them getting the VG license is part of the deal that saw spidey join the MCU.
Probably not, since the Spider-Man movie game license has always been its own thing that Sony has had the luxury of possessing. That being said, I'm sure the arrangements between Sony and Marvel Studios is something that they're going to leverage as much as they're able to now, since part of the deal they have is that Sony can use other MCU characters in Spider-Man. One has to wonder if there might even be a chance to get another playable hero or two in this game, especially in the wake of Iron Man being confirmed for the new film.

Ah man, the possibility of having a Marvel Videogame Universe, but I think it never happen.


That's a horrible idea.

You should be rewarded for doing more but the reward shouldn't be less gameplay situations. Especially if it's open world/sanbox.

You should keep getting shit to do no matter what, not less of it.

Fair point. I still think it'd be a good way to show that you solving crimes does actually have an effect on the city. I don't see the problem if the base mode is 10-15 crimes happening around you with there being 5-10 more if you don't bother with crimes (the games way of telling you "hey you should probably do your job mate?").
There should be no problem if they manage to pull off crime variety. There will always be crimes that expire cause you didn't get to them in time (and a lot of dupes happening).

I also think stuff like bank heists, burning buildings or police deadlocks/chases should be more rare than crimes like gangs beating eachother up, purse snatching or drunk drivers. It kills the immersion when you have to pick between 3 burning buildings, 4 bank heists and 3 deadlocks. I'd put bigger crimes on a timer as some sort of event every 10-15 minutes.
My dream would be villains showing up every once in a while (bank heist with shocker, Rhino running rampage etc) but I don't see it happening.


extra source of jiggaflops
More than financially. The Sucker Punch should do a Spider-Man game is something I've seen and agreed with on GAF since 2010.
More than financially. The Sucker Punch should do a Spider-Man game is something I've seen agrede with on GAF since 2010.

The more I think about it the more I feel like Sucker Punch could do a dope Spidey game. Man, and they'd have to render NYC which would be ambitious but not impossible...probably remain 30fps and possible 60fps on Ps4K.

Does anybody know how big the Seattle map was in ISS? Maybe if possible they could render the other boroughs or at least Queens since that's where Peter lives with his aunt but that might be too much, who knows
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