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Rumor: Wii U final specs

You don't really need to quote anyone. The whole community was an echo chamber.
I often visited the community, and I didn't recall it being that bad. We had a lot of good discussions in there. I guess I could have just ignored some of the irrational posts, but quite a few people had reasonable expectations with various degrees of optimism/pessisism.
No. I work at an University, I've programmed Cell (though it was 2 of them in an IBM blade, and more accurately it was PowerXCell8i) and I think it's a beautiful architecture.

Definitely an interesting design that was ahead of it's time. Even though Cell is dead it is still used at universites, mostly for educational purposes of course. I've programmed it a little bit myself.
But I guess you will agree that in terms of game perfomance Cell is likely to be topped by Sony's next console CPU.


The thing I'd really like to know about the memory bandwith is how important the issue really is. Were the 360 or PS3 ever bottlenecked by the ram bandwidth? I haven't done any low level coding for either, but I can't remember hearing much complaints about it from the engine coders at my old job, or other devs, apart from possibly the frame buffer access for PS3 for lacking edram.

the 360 should theoretically be able to access 373 MB each frame ( at 60 fps). That's almost the entire memory, each frame. Obviously some memory will be accessed many times per frames, while others won't be touched. But it still seems quite a lot to me. Most of the data for nearly any game is textures, so let's say 50% for textures. At 1280x720, that's 200 bytes of data access per pixel. meaning you could fill the entire screen 50 times with unique uncompressed native res 32 bit textures. On the Wii U it should be a bit more than half than that so 25-30 times; still not something you'd want to do.

I'm not saying it's not important. I honestly don't know how big of an issue it is, but I doubt most of the doomsayers do either, and I'm guessing some of the backlash from this news is a bit exaggerated. Lower latencies, bigger caches and edram should be able help offset the issues in many cases, though perhaps not all of them.
There's still the memory efficiency wildcard, tenchir's post actually pointed me to the direction I was looking for a few days ago when I said Xbox 1 bandwidth wasn't 6.4 GB/s but couldn't remember why (and could only find it was divided between CPU and GPU, but that wasn't what I was looking for). When I read the memory controller part it all made sense, because I remembered the efficiency I was talking about was rated in percentage. here it is:

It has been brought up that DDR SDRAM is only 65 percent effective, and it is only 65 percent effective when comparing a SDRAM based GeForce2 graphics card with a DDR based GeForce2 graphics card. The Xbox's main memory efficiency should be around 75 percent effective if one considers that the Geforce3 has a much better memory controller than what is on the Geforce2 chipsets.

(...) Xbox: 5.4 GB/sec x 0.75 = 4.05 GB/sec

(...) Michael Abrash, who is part of the Xbox Advanced Technology Group at Microsoft has also indicated that Xbox's memory efficiency to be 75 percent effective.
Source: http://www.segatech.com/technical/consolecompare2/index.html

So there it is, GPU part of Xbox was fed by a 4 GB/s bus, not 6.4 GB/s.

Now, this is vintage tech and pretty meaningless, because it applies to any platform in existence, even the Gamecube design, with 1T-SRAM (that behaves like cache) was only 90% efficient, so no way Wii U is 100% effective (meaning actual bandwidth will never be a clean 12.8 GB/s, but less), but it would be an interesting prospect to know how effective are current computer GPU's and more importantly, how effective are the memory controllers on both current gen HD consoles.

Latency and memory controller effectiveness should tell the whole story in this case, but I still stand by what I said above.

As said before, Gamecube had optimizations between CPU and GPU, so data didn't have to be decompressed between them, I'm pretty sure they didn't step back on that one. x360's tesselation unit for instance was largely useless because it couldn't deal with compressed vertex data, so it would bloat vertex data big time by adding detail to it. Not very effective.

Of course most of those implementations will take long to be disclosed (or be taken by granted in recent architectures, as being able to deal with compressed vertex data is for newer GPU's), but seeing this kind of bottleneck, no doubt they should go from optional to obligatory on this platform (even if they exist on PC, chances are they're probably not used for much, seeing the game still has to fallback to platforms without it)

I'm sure Nintendo went with a case of compression friendly enhancements for both CPU and GPU interoperability like they did on GC. But it's still very naive when they're asking for third party support.
The thing I'd really like to know about the memory bandwith is how important the issue really is. Were the 360 or PS3 ever bottlenecked by the ram bandwidth? I haven't done any low level coding for either, but I can't remember hearing much complaints about it from the engine coders at my old job, or other devs, apart from possibly the frame buffer access for PS3 for lacking edram.

the 360 should theoretically be able to access 373 MB each frame ( at 60 fps). That's almost the entire memory, each frame. Obviously some memory will be accessed many times per frames, while others won't be touched. But it still seems quite a lot to me. Most of the data for nearly any game is textures, so let's say 50% for textures. At 1280x720, that's 200 bytes of data access per pixel. meaning you could fill the entire screen 50 times with unique uncompressed native res 32 bit textures. On the Wii U it should be a bit more than half than that so 25-30 times; still not something you'd want to do.

I'm not saying it's not important. I honestly don't know how big of an issue it is, but I doubt most of the doomsayers do either, and I'm guessing some of the backlash from this news is a bit exaggerated. Lower latencies, bigger caches and edram should be able help offset the issues in many cases, though perhaps not all of them.
It seems the real problem is not so much "if" a well coded game can't live with it as it is that a lot of games this gen were really "creative" to say the least in the way they worked; Wii U compared to that is looking more and more like a fixed function architecture of sorts.

I'll explain, this generation was all about streaming and move data from here to there, working it around, re-transfering; and dealing with the latency coming from that.

For example, MLAA on PS3 is all about sending the finished frame for the CPU (to the SPE's) for it to do some image processing on top of the finished result and sending it back to the framebuffer. I don't know via which method they deal with it on the RAM side, but for all I know they could be transfering the frame from the GPU RAM bank into the CPU bank (and dealing with the fact they're different kinds of RAM with different latencies so they have to wait cycles for communication to occur) processing it and sending it back. I noticed a big amount of lag (for an action game) in God of War 3 for instance.

Anywho, that kind of way of going about things was less than ideal (inventive, yes) but fact is... you could do it.

X360 also did some crazy things, some games used part of the RAM as framebuffer or buffer of sorts, some used solutions like the Halo 3 HDR rendering technique (instead of rendering HDR the normal way it opted to render the image twice, at two light levels, one dark the other lighter than the final result, then combining them). 32 MB eDRAM is quite a bit, but by approaches like this one anything but unlimited and thing is they're loosing overhead for doing some of those tasks "the wrong way" which would increase latency but still get the work done.

I've only talked about exclusives so far, and that's the thing, exclusives will be just fine on the Wii U; problem is the third party games; possibly even late ports. No developer wants to optimize a game from the ground or having to cater to a lot of rules just so the game runs like it should, he just expects to drop the code in and see it run sufficiently well.

The expression "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" comes to mind, but it's still Nintendo's fault for making it more of a one trick pony than a jack of all trades.

Gamecube (and by extent) the Wii were one trick ponies, ports fared so-so there, but if you wrote a game from the ground you'd have the whole lot of shortcuts hardwired into the hardware and the game could shine big time.

The reason embossed surfaces, EMBM water maps and even fur shading was so cheap is because not only was it very good at texturing but it had 1 MB of dedicated eDRAM on the GPU, these textures were often low res (not a lot of room) but they had it's own memory channel, bandwidth and could essentially spam the GPU and be accessible at all times; doing fur shading on the Xbox (conker's bad fur day) was comparably heavier, as is doing it on normal main ram on the X360 (and no way the 10 MB eDRAM buffer could have the overhead for it). With that in mind it's easy to see why Nintendo went with 32 MB of it, not as a means to have a big framebuffer to endure any kind of usage, but for main screen rendering, auxiliar screen, and then extra RAM for doing some stuff the Nintendo way (and then it doesn't seem that big all of a sudden). Thing is no one's rendering pipeline is being optimized for "ex-Nintendo Gamecube developer logic" and being the most different child on the block never brings the best results; even if that path of doing things works and is effectively the best, they should never have deprecated others.

This machine is not about moving data around, it's about placing it in the right place right from the beginning and making it so it is as effective as possible. But we just had a generation that was pretty anarchist in that sense. They're enforcing the wrong kind of rule and getting the wrong results, possibly due to it.

Biggest problem though, is that they put themselves in a really vulnerable situation to beat as they're coming to market first, it's not about besting current gen platforms, it's about keep being respectable (not a beast of a platform, just respectable) once the other platforms get out there; and depending on the poker play the other manufacturers have in mind or still in the table now that Nintendo has shown theirs, they might be laughing or planning on making it so that they definitely perform better on that area (or that their architecture relies heavily on having bandwidth and in developers using it while also using compression) so Nintendo has a hard time. And I can't blame them for doing just that.
In general? Very important. In this particular case? Probably completely irrelevant.

Well, I wouldn't call it completely irrelevant. You believe the eDRAM will be used as cache for texture streaming, I take it? It's still affecting performance, because then that's less eDRAM to use as a framebuffer. When we first heard some of the specs for this machine, we were expecting AA to be a no-brainer. That is obviously not the case. But hey, there's always FXAA/MLAA.


Well, I wouldn't call it completely irrelevant. You believe the eDRAM will be used as cache for texture streaming, I take it? It's still affecting performance, because then that's less eDRAM to use as a framebuffer. When we first heard some of the specs for this machine, we were expecting AA to be a no-brainer. That is obviously not the case. But hey, there's always FXAA/MLAA.
Textures are pretty much a non-issue to begin with. We'll see...


For telling the WiiU fanboys who said it was going to be a uber console and giving folks like me and Arkam a hard time exactly what I thought of them in a most ungentlemanly fashion once the truth finally started to come out on this 'on par' system.

And it was absolutely worth it.

Of people who visited the WUSTs regularly, who were these fanboys saying it was going to be an uber console?

Almost everyone who spent time in those threads predicted a modest increase. Something we have NO proof of either way yet.

Well, I wouldn't call it completely irrelevant. You believe the eDRAM will be used as cache for texture streaming, I take it? It's still affecting performance, because then that's less eDRAM to use as a framebuffer. When we first heard some of the specs for this machine, we were expecting AA to be a no-brainer. That is obviously not the case. But hey, there's always FXAA/MLAA.

I might have missed any replies to my previous attempt to get an answer, but how many MB does a 720p frame take up. Do we just look at 32bits per pixel or are there typically more buffers in there as well?


Well, I wouldn't call it completely irrelevant. You believe the eDRAM will be used as cache for texture streaming, I take it? It's still affecting performance, because then that's less eDRAM to use as a framebuffer. When we first heard some of the specs for this machine, we were expecting AA to be a no-brainer. That is obviously not the case. But hey, there's always FXAA/MLAA.

Even without using the edram too much, you'd be able to access quite a lot of texture memory per frame, going by my extremely unscientific calculations above. I'd assume that a lot of games these days are bottlenecked by the shader calculations rather than memory bandwidth, or people wouldn't be talking about flops so damn much.
I might have missed any replies to my previous attempt to get an answer, but how many MB does a 720p frame take up. Do we just look at 32bits per pixel or are there typically more buffers in there as well?
If it's 3D you have to take a z-buffer into account.

As for maths:

1280x720x32 = 29491200 bits = 3.5156 MB/frame (x30fps=105.47 MB/s; x60fps=210.94 MB/s)

That's for 2D.

If it's 3D:

1280x720x64 = 7.0313 MB/frame (x30fps=210.94 MB/s; x60fps=421.88 MB/s) <- 3D without AA

1280x720x112 = 12.3047 MB/frame (x30fps= 369.14 MB/s; x60fps= 738.28 MB/s) <- 3D with MSAA 2x

1280x720x160 = 17.5781 MB/frame (x30fps= 527.34 MB/s; x60fps= 1054.69 MB/s) <- 3D with MSAA 4x
Textures are pretty much a non-issue to begin with. We'll see...

Really?! In regards to achieving parity with current gen? I mean, higher res textures are always nice, and that requires more bandwidth if I'm not mistaken. I don't know enough about programming to make any specific claims, but I'd sure love to learn more (and plan on it). One thing I am sure of is that bottlenecks will vary greatly depending on what type of game devs are making. I read that one "memory size vs memory bandwidth" thread on Beyond3d, and while much of it went over my head, I found one part interesting. It was mentioned that extra RAM could be used to store the next area of a game that was broken into stages so that loading was effectively reduced. Sounds like a Nintendo move to me. Loading and latency. They'd rather you suffer through a blurry texture or two than have you wait around (or have the machine waiting around).

In support of your point, and I've said this before, I do see it as a testament to the architecture that we are getting ports that are comparable (and not a word of lower res textures) even with that low bandwidth and, how do we say this, "different" CPU. With a little bit more time and effort, I am sure that even better results are achievable. Sadly, devs are just going to keep adding more and more things to their games, going off next gen systems and PCs, so Wii U versions will likely never be in that same league. That being said, if next gen engines are designed so that floating point operations are done on the GPU, it should be possible to at least get some version of certain next gen multiplatforms.

Yikes, I'm just retreading conversations from the last year now, though. haha, this wine has gone to my head. :p
No. I work at an University, I've programmed Cell (though it was 2 of them in an IBM blade, and more accurately it was PowerXCell8i) and I think it's a beautiful architecture.

Lol and you called me 'an embarrassment' (nice edit by the way).

I was simply pointing out when the shoe is on the other foot Sony fans don't like hearing that the PS4 CPU will be outperformed on a great many tasks by the then almost 8 year old Cell CPU in PS3.

PS4 lolnextgen :).
Really. Textures only make up a fraction of the VRAM bandwidth.

Well, I'll be damned. I'll have to read up some more. Goes against much of what I've heard. Although I know framebuffers are also huge bandwidth hogs and that things like megatextures are more limited by disc access speeds. So I don't doubt what you say, but I'd certainly be interested in learning more specifics.

I hope you are right. Randy Pitchford did say that textures would be improved over current gen. I mean, he looked pretty high in those Wii U promo interviews last year, but I doubt he was just talking out of his ass.
There's still the memory efficiency wildcard, tenchir's post actually pointed me to the direction I was looking for a few days ago when I said Xbox 1 bandwidth wasn't 6.4 GB/s but couldn't remember why (and could only find it was divided between CPU and GPU, but that wasn't what I was looking for). When I read the memory controller part it all made sense, because I remembered the efficiency I was talking about was rated in percentage. here it is:

Source: http://www.segatech.com/technical/consolecompare2/index.html

So there it is, GPU part of Xbox was fed by a 4 GB/s bus, not 6.4 GB/s.

Now, this is vintage tech and pretty meaningless, because it applies to any platform in existence, even the Gamecube design, with 1T-SRAM (that behaves like cache) was only 90% efficient, so no way Wii U is 100% effective (meaning actual bandwidth will never be a clean 12.8 GB/s, but less), but it would be an interesting prospect to know how effective are current computer GPU's and more importantly, how effective are the memory controllers on both current gen HD consoles.

Latency and memory controller effectiveness should tell the whole story in this case, but I still stand by what I said above.

As said before, Gamecube had optimizations between CPU and GPU, so data didn't have to be decompressed between them, I'm pretty sure they didn't step back on that one. x360's tesselation unit for instance was largely useless because it couldn't deal with compressed vertex data, so it would bloat vertex data big time by adding detail to it. Not very effective.

Of course most of those implementations will take long to be disclosed (or be taken by granted in recent architectures, as being able to deal with compressed vertex data is for newer GPU's), but seeing this kind of bottleneck, no doubt they should go from optional to obligatory on this platform (even if they exist on PC, chances are they're probably not used for much, seeing the game still has to fallback to platforms without it)

I'm sure Nintendo went with a case of compression friendly enhancements for both CPU and GPU interoperability like they did on GC. But it's still very naive when they're asking for third party support.

Assuming, of course, that the WiiU is indeed using a single channel configuration. If it's using a dual channel configuration, this argument would be moot.
Although I know framebuffers are also huge bandwidth hogs
Not so much bandwidth hogs as they are latency hogs.

I mean a 1080p @ 60 fps game takes 949.22 MB/s bandwidth; it's not the end of the world. Problem if you have no eDRAM is that it'll be competing for the window of opportunity to send data just like everything else.

Same if the eDRAM is all of a sudden used a lot for other tasks.


Lol and you called me 'an embarrassment' (nice edit by the way).

I was simply pointing out when the shoe is on the other foot Sony fans don't like hearing that the PS4 CPU will be outperformed on a great many tasks by the then almost 8 year old Cell CPU in PS3.

PS4 lolnextgen :).

Are you feeling alright?
Lol and you called me 'an embarrassment' (nice edit by the way).

I was simply pointing out when the shoe is on the other foot Sony fans don't like hearing that the PS4 CPU will be outperformed on a great many tasks by the then almost 8 year old Cell CPU in PS3.

PS4 lolnextgen :).

if anything, durante is one of the few people in this thread who knows what they're talking about.
if anything, durante is one of the few people in this thread who knows what they're talking about.

Good for him, i hope he lights a candle, draws the curtains and gets down and dirty with the Cell, he seems to talk about it like it's a beautiful woman lol ;).

Jesus people get away with as much trolling as they like when it's about WiiU, do the same about a Sony console and its 'oh my God, how dare you say that !' from some people.


Why are people even talking about Sony or PS3 in a WiiU thread ?, lets compare WiiU to the last Nintendo console. Sony have proven that losing $300 per console is really not a good idea, I for one am glad Nintendo have again gone for hardware they can make a profit on pretty quickly.


If it's 3D you have to take a z-buffer into account.

As for maths:

1280x720x32 = 29491200 bits = 3.5156 MB/frame (x30fps=105.47 MB/s; x60fps=210.94 MB/s)

That's for 2D.

If it's 3D:

1280x720x64 = 7.0313 MB/frame (x30fps=210.94 MB/s; x60fps=421.88 MB/s) <- 3D without AA

1280x720x112 = 12.3047 MB/frame (x30fps= 369.14 MB/s; x60fps= 738.28 MB/s) <- 3D with MSAA 2x

1280x720x160 = 17.5781 MB/frame (x30fps= 527.34 MB/s; x60fps= 1054.69 MB/s) <- 3D with MSAA 4x

Awesome thanks. So MSA 4x would leave them with just under 15MB for textures, shadow maps etc. A 1K texture @ premultiplied 24Bit is 6MB. Divide by 4 if Nintendo uses the S3 compression they licensed which looks like it can hit 4:1 compression ratio. This brings down to 1.5MB per texture, so ~10 textures in EDRAM.

What would a game typically use? I know the answer is pretty much "how long is a piece of string" but any ballpark info would be appreciated.
Not so much bandwidth hogs as they are latency hogs.

I mean a 1080p @ 60 fps game takes 949.22 MB/s bandwidth; it's not the end of the world. Problem if you have no eDRAM is that it'll be competing for the window of opportunity to send data just like everything else.

Do you have a source for that figure? It sounds extremely low. I have not read anything about the effects on latency on a framebuffer. Any links I could check out?

Honestly, I'm skeptical that this is truly a non-issue. If 12.8 GB/s and some eDRAM are sufficient here, why these expensive video cards with high bandwidth GDDR5? It's like "Whoops! Turns out Nintendo were the only ones right all along. Bandwidth was never the issue. Latency was." I get that there's little point in adding a wider bus if you're limited by shader operations, but where is that sweet spot?
Am i right in saying there are 3 tear downs going on from different websites now ?.

I thought that 5 days after launch we would have more info than just Ram speeds, is it normal for it to take this long for things like CPU / GPU clock speeds and eDRAM amounts ?.


Am i right in saying there are 3 tear downs going on from different websites now ?.

I thought that 5 days after launch we would have more info than just Ram speeds, is it normal for it to take this long for things like CPU / GPU clock speeds and eDRAM amounts ?.

That stuff is impossible to discern from tear downs.
Am i right in saying there are 3 tear downs going on from different websites now ?.

I thought that 5 days after launch we would have more info than just Ram speeds, is it normal for it to take this long for things like CPU / GPU clock speeds and eDRAM amounts ?.

Someone is gonna need an expensive microscope to get more specifics. As for clock speeds, we may have to wait for the system to be hacked in order to get those answers. With the RAM speed known to be about 800 Mhz though, I'm pretty sure the CPU is ~1.6 Ghz and the GPU ~533 Mhz. Nintendo love their multipliers.
Someone is gonna need an expensive microscope to get more specifics. As for clock speeds, we may have to wait for the system to be hacked in order to get those answers. With the RAM speed known to be about 800 Mhz though, I'm pretty sure the CPU is ~1.6 Ghz and the GPU ~533 Mhz. Nintendo love their multipliers.

Ok cool and 32MB's of eDRAM as stated in the OP ?, would the eDRAM be running at the same speed as the 360's or lower again like the main Ram ?.

If the GPU is running at 533Mhz would that put it at around the 400GFLOP range ?.



Am i right in saying there are 3 tear downs going on from different websites now ?.

I thought that 5 days after launch we would have more info than just Ram speeds, is it normal for it to take this long for things like CPU / GPU clock speeds and eDRAM amounts ?.

WiiU is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
WiiU is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

I have faith that some of the more technically minded amongst you will be able to crack the code.

You sound like you are pretty close with the specifics of the clock speeds, keep digging, keep going ! :).

Was hoping Ideaman could spill his guts for us now that the console and the games his sources were working on are now out to the general public.

Ideaman just ask your sources outright, what speed are the CPU / GPU clocked at, they can only say 'i can not say my friend' :p.
Awesome thanks. So MSA 4x would leave them with just under 15MB for textures, shadow maps etc. Hmm that doesn't sound like a lot.
It's actually a little less. This thing is driving two screens.

Same thing, if it's 2D:

854x480x32 = 13117440 bits = 1.56372 MB/frame (x30fps=46.91 MB/s; x60fps=93.82 MB/s)

(I could see a static image taking less, both bandwidth and perhaps space but it depends on the implementation)

If it's 3D:

854x480x64 = 3.1274 MB/frame (x30fps=93.82 MB/s; x60fps=187.65 MB/s) &#11013; 3D without AA

854x480x112 = 5.4730 MB/frame (x30fps=164.19 MB/s; x60fps=328.38 MB/s) &#11013; 3D with MSAA 2x

854x480x160 = 7.8186 MB/frame (x30fps=234.56 MB/s; x60fps=469.12 MB/s) &#11013; 3D with MSAA 4x

Just add it to the other math.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Someone is gonna need an expensive microscope to get more specifics. As for clock speeds, we may have to wait for the system to be hacked in order to get those answers. With the RAM speed known to be about 800 Mhz though, I'm pretty sure the CPU is ~1.6 Ghz and the GPU ~533 Mhz. Nintendo love their multipliers.

I keep seeing numbers like that being thrown around, and yes while a ton of devs have said the CPU is weaker than the PS360's, that's HALF the power of the 360!


Ok cool and 32MB's of eDRAM as stated in the OP ?, would the eDRAM be running at the same speed as the 360's or lower again like the main Ram ?.

If the GPU is running at 533Mhz would that put it at around the 400GFLOP range ?.


See, FLOPS is something MS and Sony were marketing to show how powerful their machines where. I think with the WiiU, its not about FLOPS its about latency. We should find about memory bus clock cycles. Thats what Nintendo keeps promoting. Again, the quote from from Lizner:

“The performance problem of hardware nowadays is not clock speed but ram latency. Fortunately Nintendo took great efforts to ensure developers can really work around that typical bottleneck on Wii U.”
Ok cool and 32MB's of eDRAM as stated in the OP ?, would the eDRAM be running at the same speed as the 360's or lower again like the main Ram ?.

If the GPU is running at 533Mhz would that put it at around the 400GFLOP range ?.


Yup, all seem to agree the 32 MB is legit. If it's anything like the Gamecube, the eDRAM is clocked the same as the GPU. But the bandwidth would be extremely high and the latency ridiculously low. FLOPS depends on the shaders.

I keep seeing numbers like that being thrown around, and yes while a ton of devs have said the CPU is weaker than the PS360's, that's HALF the power of the 360!

Different type of CPU entirely so clocks are not comparable. The pipelines on the Wii U's CPU are much shorter.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Why are people even talking about Sony or PS3 in a WiiU thread ?, lets compare WiiU to the last Nintendo console. Sony have proven that losing $300 per console is really not a good idea, I for one am glad Nintendo have again gone for hardware they can make a profit on pretty quickly.

You ask why people are talking about Sony/PS3 in a thread about Wii U hardware, stating people should compare it to Nintendo hardware.

You then follow this up, in the same paragraph, with a dig at Sony's business and financial model for console hardware.

Good job.


I keep seeing numbers like that being thrown around, and yes while a ton of devs have said the CPU is weaker than the PS360's, that's HALF the power of the 360!

Obviously, its not necessary to clock the CPU so high to have the same results.

Look what IBM did:

The POWER6 architecture was built from the ground up for frequencies, at the cost of power efficiency and achieved a remarkable 5 GHz.

The POWER7 symmetric multiprocessor architecture was a substantial evolution from the POWER6 design, focusing more on power efficiency through multiple cores and simultaneous multithreading (SMT).

WiiU is about power efficiency and not brute force.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've been trying to follow all these different threads regarding the RAM specs, and just curious if I have this right.

Better Bandwidth = better textures and frame rates?

Better latency = better load times?
You ask why people are talking about Sony/PS3 in a thread about Wii U hardware, stating people should compare it to Nintendo hardware.

You then follow this up, in the same paragraph, with a dig at Sony's business and financial model for console hardware.

Good job.

It wasn't a dig, Sony are actually my favorite of the big three, im just fed up of people like Van Owen constantly trolling in this thread with 'lol not next gen' / 'PS4 will wipe the floor with WiiU' type comments.

And i stand by my comment it would be suicide for Nintendo to build a console that made them a huge loss on every unit sold.
Yup, all seem to agree the 32 MB is legit. If it's anything like the Gamecube, the eDRAM is clocked the same as the GPU. But the bandwidth would be extremely high and the latency ridiculously low. FLOPS depends on the shaders.

Different type of CPU entirely so clocks are not comparable. The pipelines on the Wii U's CPU are much shorter.

Thanks for the answers.

Will the pipeline difference make up for the slower clock speed to a large degree ?.
Do you have a source for that figure? It sounds extremely low. I have not read anything about the effects on latency on a framebuffer. Any links I could check out?
No source, I did the math a few months back.

But anyone can make the math, it's pretty documented all around the web.

Of course this is only part of the story, we're assuming no tricks are being put at place when they're a given. For instance for the second screen being Enhanced Definition SD every developer will know se can get away with rendering 854x448 and then scretching, it has been done since the beginning of times. (same ratio/line of thought can be followed when working with HD resolutions); you could even interpolate it 854x224 or 854x240 depending on how the system works, if it's a still image there should be no difference.

And they can reduce the z-buffer to 24 bit color, which is something I'd definitely do most of the time, specially for the controller.
Honestly, I'm skeptical that this is truly a non-issue. If 12.8 GB/s and some eDRAM are sufficient here, why these expensive video cards with high bandwidth GDDR5? It's like "Whoops! Turns out Nintendo were the only ones right all along. Bandwidth was never the issue. Latency was." I get that there's little point in adding a wider bus if you're limited by shader operations, but where is that sweet spot?
I'm not certain of the consequences as well.

As for PC GPU's, it probably has to do with the fact that they have to be able to drive way higher resolutions (I mean, every integrated card this days has to support two 2560x1440 screens, and then there's this) in a way, having bandwidth to spare is a means to still manage to perform in these extreme situations. Add textures for games running at more than 1920x1080 and stuff like 16K megatexture being supported by Rage; it's kind of future proofing, even if when games taking that throughput from granted they won't be focused on that hardware anymore.

Then being faster might not nuke latency out of the machine, but it ensures that once the information starts to be sent, it arrives faster. Then it depends wether the other parts will be left waiting for information to proceed with less bandwidth or wether the RAM sits there waiting for them. In the end it's a matter of "is the speed enough?" and if it is then the only thing holding it back is the latency. But it's certainly a balance, and I certainly don't know wether this console has it right or not.

There's also other thing to have in mind while discussing something like latency, which is that latency is reduced if you're streaming; and why explain if I just read a perfectly fine explanation back on the last thing I quoted:

Memory efficiency is largely driven by data streaming. What that means is that developers can do optimizations to their data accesses so that they are more linear and thus suffer from less latency. Latency is highest on the first page fetch, and less on subsequent linear accesses. It's random accesses that drives memory efficiency down, as more latency is introduced in all the new page fetches.
Source: http://www.segatech.com/technical/consolecompare2/index.html

Things like framebuffer calls are probably very similar to streaming (?), providing the next frame is always placed at the same place, but I might be wrong. Thing is, if it's continuous information it's different than having to send "this file" in a random kind of way.


Do you have a source for that figure? It sounds extremely low. I have not read anything about the effects on latency on a framebuffer. Any links I could check out?

Honestly, I'm skeptical that this is truly a non-issue. If 12.8 GB/s and some eDRAM are sufficient here, why these expensive video cards with high bandwidth GDDR5? It's like "Whoops! Turns out Nintendo were the only ones right all along. Bandwidth was never the issue. Latency was." I get that there's little point in adding a wider bus if you're limited by shader operations, but where is that sweet spot?

That figure would be for accessing each pixel with a 32bit color buffer and 32bit depth buffer exactly once per frame.. not a really good metric.

I can't claim to know where the sweetspot is. But the 360 memory bandwidth does seem high considering the amount of ram and the power of the machine.

Let's do some some more highly theoretical yet completely unscientific calculations to compare memory bandwith with shader capability.
At 720p, 60fps, you get about 400 shader operations per pixel (completely ignoring any resources that would have to be used for vertex shaders).

Using my previous calculations of 50% of the memory bandwith for textures you have 200 bytes per pixel. Ignoring filtering and assuming the textures are all 32-bit viewed at 1:1 with the screen resolution. That gives you 1 texture lookup per 8 shader instructions.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
For example, MLAA on PS3 is all about sending the finished frame for the CPU (to the SPE's) for it to do some image processing on top of the finished result and sending it back to the framebuffer. I don't know via which method they deal with it on the RAM side, but for all I know they could be transfering the frame from the GPU RAM bank into the CPU bank (and dealing with the fact they're different kinds of RAM with different latencies so they have to wait cycles for communication to occur) processing it and sending it back. I noticed a big amount of lag (for an action game) in God of War 3 for instance.
I know this is pretty irrelevant to discussion, but you are wrong here. MLAA on PS3 introduces less time in the rendering pipeline than 2xMSAA even. I can't remember the exact numbers, but the difference was quite large.

I never noticed any particular issue with GOW3, but it should have bit more lag than an action game running at 60FPS because it was running at ~50FPS, and also perceptively it had slower/weightier movements of your character. However, I'm pretty sure for example, KZ3 which was using MLAA had less input lag (a lot less) compared to KZ2 which was using Quincunx.
*edit* yes, 150ms in KZ2, 116ms in KZ3 (with 100ms being best possible for a 30FPS game): http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/killzone3-pad-lag-measured-blog-entry
I keep seeing numbers like that being thrown around, and yes while a ton of devs have said the CPU is weaker than the PS360's, that's HALF the power of the 360!
You can't measure a CPU like that.

Each 3.2 GHz core in the 360 doesn't manage to triple the xbox's celeron 733 MHz in general purpose performance for instance. It's not that good of a CPU.
I've been trying to follow all these different threads regarding the RAM specs, and just curious if I have this right.

Better Bandwidth = better textures and frame rates?

Better latency = better load times?
It's never that simple.

Latency is like a penalty; you can have blazing fast memory, meaning from the moment it starts sending, bam, it's done... But you always waited it's latency lag for it to start sending.

"If" more latency+faster transfer takes more time than less latency+slower transfer then it's worse.

And then there's the fact that it's a communication channel between two hardware parts, that have their own timing and cycles, think of it as an a appointment, even if you can get there really fast you'll have to wait for the appointed hour. Hardware is bound by cycles, sometimes you send information and it has to wait there until the processor can accept it; being too fast in that case amounts to nothing.

Same for RAM actually, RAM has refresh cycles during which the information they're storing is not available.

Nintendo is all about parallelism because it tends to soften these communication problems in a relative way (faster hardware, even if more unbalanced will triumph over it just because of brute force); but if the bandwidth is not enough it'll act as a bottleneck nonetheless.
Oh for sure, there was nothing wrong with questioning his info at the time. After he was verified by EatChildren, though, people would have been wise to take him a bit more seriously. Still, with all the vague info going around then and the various dev kits in existence, it was possible to hold out that Nintendo would address the situation or had already.
His biggest problem was the way he presented his information. It may or may not have been meant to be inflammatory, but it ended up being that way anyway. I think he could have presented his info in a much better way.
I know this is pretty irrelevant to discussion, but you are wrong here. MLAA on PS3 introduces less time in the rendering pipeline than 2xMSAA even. I can't remember the exact numbers, but the difference was quite large.

I never noticed any particular issue with GOW3, but it should have bit more lag than an action game running at 60FPS because it was running at ~50FPS, and also perceptively it had slower/weightier movements of your character. However, I'm pretty sure for example, KZ3 which was using MLAA had less input lag (a lot less) compared to KZ2 which was using Quincunx.
*edit* yes, 150ms in KZ2, 116ms in KZ3 (with 100ms being best possible for a 30FPS game): http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/killzone3-pad-lag-measured-blog-entry
I don't know, God of War 3 felt sluggish to me regarding how fast it answers my inputs; not the framerate itself; just seemed jetlagged to me.

I always attributed it to the MLAA and wanted to turn it off if it was an option, but if there's another explanation/reason I'll take it. Perhaps the game is just slower.

I felt it was unresponsive in regards to God of War 1 and 2 on the PS2, so I wouldn't attribute it to the framerate so I concluded it was probably because the frames were taking too long to finish rendering.

Anywho, my point was that somehow this gen you could get away with doing stuff in a creative way (or even wrong unorthodox way) and somehow get away with it, and the fact that the RAM was that fast was certainly a factor; I think using the CPU for image processing duties probably won't happen in the next generation, but fact is, Nintendo did a platform that is everything but brute force based so doing things like these seems less probable all of a sudden. If such barriers are felt, then they favour one way of doing things, with the platform pretty much making you go down that path or failing miserably.

It doesn't matter if their way is the best to solve problems (for them, at least) a platform has to be versatile enough to be forgiving for the trials and errors of others; this generation wasn't exactly balanced, but it had that quality to it.
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