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Rumor: Wii U final specs


I wonder who comes up with the thematic names for systems.

Like in the Wii, all the processors were named around hollywood themes.

Now it is coffee themed.



Could someone explain what the significance of the eDRAM is?
It's an extremely fast memory capable of very high bandwidth upto 256 GB/s. Downside is that it's very expensive. 32MB eDRAM should allow 720p with some AA easily, and considering the Wii U has a good GPU, image quality won't be a problem.
That doesn't have anything to do with "not enough content to justify a harddrive," which was your original point.
Yeah but in what world are people going to want to pay more for a game they can't sell, and also require external storage which in turn costs more and clutters up their AV setup? Nintendo's online store is not Noah's ark
Yeah I'm sure the pricing and resale rights will be so compelling to consumers!

I wasn't arguing that they would be (though the pricing issue might be alleviated once third-party resellers like Amazon start selling download codes), just that we have reason to expect content with higher file sizes on the Wii U eShop.

Unless my first post was wrong. I could have misinterpreted something at some point regarding Nintendo's plans.


It'd be on par with what we've heard: 1,5 GB RAM, 1GB for games, the rest for OS, probably.
Now, seriously: I remember people saying it would have been much easier porting games from X720/PS4 to Wii U compared to X360/PS3 to Wii...does this hold up?
I don't think so if the PS4 has 4GB GDDR5 as speculated earlier.
Not having DX11 could serve as a very big problem as the first couple of next gen years pass by. If the main part of your interest is the first party stuff like myself, DX anything should carry no weight on whether or not you purchase.

Azure J

Still don't believe the "enhanced Broadway" part. The 750 roadmap ended years ago, IBM had no plans to ever implement SMP or shrink it beyond 90nm. If it's close enough to be mistaken for an "enhanced Broadway", it's probably a 470S with the defining Gekko/ Broadway features bolted on (L1d locking, write gather pipe).

Something really isn't adding up. I'm not going to denounce any information on this part at all, but this CPU thing is really an anomaly in everyone's guessing.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
8GB internal storage with a MAX of 8 plus 32GB is extremely disappointing and archaic from downloadable game perspective. Most smartphones will have 32GB basically from this year on.
Where did you see the max is 32GB? I'm confident my 250GB USB HDD I was using for Wii homebrew will work officially this time.

Probably any larger drives also just as well.

Now, seriously: I remember people saying it would have been much easier porting games from X720/PS4 to Wii U compared to X360/PS3 to Wii...does this hold up?
Umm, how can you begin to ask that when we don't know shit about those systems? It's just probable, even if they're DX11 based that's still "just" a version away, when Wii was basically completely different and lacking loads of modern features the others had.


Redmond's Baby
We would hear a lot of concern from devs if they really used 'overclocked' Broadway cores...


Honestly, with those specs I'll now be incredibly disappointed with a price point higher than $249.

I think one positive aspect is that they can sell the machine for a good price

I have a feeling that the tablet controller will be the most expensive part of the WiiU set up perhaps even more so than the console itself given these specs.

Nintendo likely had a price point in mind from the very start and engineered the specs of the console to allow for the expensive of the tablet controller.


External hard drives aren't limited, though.
People were ok with the 360s power brick and the ps3 fats massive size... I'm sure another box roughly the size of a wii won't be a problem.

The one good thing about those specs is that the price is gonna be competitive with current gen consoles, that could work in their favor.
Specs don't matter as a direct system seller, as both Wii and iOS products have proven. What matters is how easy it is to develop for and is it powerful enough to do what developers want to do.

All those Android phones and tablets outspec the iPhone/iPad, but it doesn't matter because (and I speak from years of personal experience) the iOS devices are plenty powerful and incredibly easy to develop for. I can make our apps run smoothly despite needing to create and display dense graphics and textures. On Android, it's actually harder on most devices (newest Nexus and Galaxy excluded).

The problem with the Wii was that it was underpowered rather than "powerful enough". I remember a Call of Duty screenshot with a mannequin looking body on the floor. The WiiU could be powerful enough to play most games except something like a next-gen Elder Scrolls game.

If tons of high res objects need to be on the screen at the same time, there should be ways to make the WiiU push that. Of course, if it's really difficult and takes a lot of development time that could be better spent making the game bigger/longer, then you will see developer pushback and the WiiU would be in trouble.

Bottom line, specs only matter if they are too limiting, not if they aren't the best out there.


I wonder who comes up with the thematic names for systems.

Like in the Wii, all the processors were named around hollywood themes.

Now it is coffee themed.



What you're seeing now is my normal state;


This is a Super Nintendo;


And this....this is what is known as a Super Nintendo that has ascended past a Super Nintendo....or you could just call this a Super Nintendo 2;


And this.....is to go.....even further.....beyond!



Hah, thumbs up

I made those colored Wii Us I think


People were ok with the 360s power brick and the ps3 fats massive size... I'm sure another box roughly the size of a wii won't be a problem.

Does it come with the HDD though? It's a necessary separate 50/100$ purchase while that money would be better spent on actual games.


Frankly, it's simply embarrassing to use a 12-13 years old CPU, no surprise Nintendo don't want to share the specs. No matter how many cores or the clock speed, is an architecture of 12-13 years ago, it´s limited by default. It redefines the word "cheap".

That's from a hard tech viewpoint. I have no doubt that Nintendo could have huge success selling toasters and I don't need to point the excellence of their development teams that will surely do wonders with this. But there is a line between being conservative and being cheap and Nintendo is crossing it.


Where did you see the max is 32GB? I'm sure my 500GB USB hdd will work fine.

Ah nevermind I didn't notice the part where it says external HDD...hmmm that is not as bad I thought then, although I think most users of it will not end up adding storage (and it is not a good sign of Nintendo expanding Wii U eShop to be something more like PSN or XBLA), I actually want more places for people to put "middle tier" games, 1GB, 2GB, not retail, not small indie. A 1.5GB or 2GB game takes quite a lot of 8GB space...


So a this point when can we reasonably expect the price to be announced? Because that's when all of this becomes real for me.

edit: Never mind, they have an event on Thursday in NYC. That seems like as logical a time as any to make the formal announcement.


looks to be the right specs.. no need to put too much power into it, if the Tablet Controller Thingy can´t display the same kind of Power.. would be annoying looking at a gorgeus game on my Televison and then looking down at my tablet and see the same stuff not looking as good..


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yeah, the rumored $250 price might be true.
Just 2 more days to wait!

If this thing is under $250 it could be a huge seller this holiday.

Over that, I'm not so sure.


no Directx11?
Yeah that could be a big problem for the wiiu after the ps4/nextbox launch because i think unreal engine 4(not the mobile one) and luminous are based on DX11 tech?not that i think the wiiu will have good third party support but still.


1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Which stage are you guys? Because, it's all a broken record.


Does it come with the HDD though? It's a necessary separate 50/100$ purchase while that money would be better spent on actual games.
I was being sarcastic, 8gb is ridiculous. It will be ok for casuals though. I'm guessing that when the ps4/720 come out they'll release a version with more storage like a WiiU elite or something. I'll just wait for that.


Dead serious question for you. Did you see anything at E3 that made any of these specs seem too low? What exactly were you expecting them to be, based on what we'd seen about it?

Their strategy is far more complicated than "hype". They have first mover advantage for the next round of consoles, and they have the Tablet Controller as a distinguishing feature. It's not very likely to "fail", even if it doesn't succeed to the same level that the Wii or DS did. Wii, DS and 3DS have shown that you don't necessarily need to compete graphically in order to succeed, as long as you can make up some consumer appeal in other areas. To write them off solely based on technical specifications given recent history is extremely naive.

I personally think that to believe everything with Nintendo's strategy is hunky-dory because "it worked for the Wii" is equally naive, and disregards the ways the market has changed in the last 7 years.

By this point in the lead-up to Wii's launch the hype for it was contagious. Everyone was talking about it and wowed by the never-before-seen controller concept. It's a little crazy to think that the Wii U has so far gotten anything comparable to that kind of hype and, without it, my fear is that, with specs this low, there's little-to-no incentive for developers to push quality Wii U software over the alternative: continuing to make games for the two HD consoles already on the market with 60+ million install bases and specs good enough that any benefit from the added power of the Wii U won't be immediately visible to the layman.

But we'll see soon enough...:-/


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Which stage are you guys? Because, it's all a broken record.

If anybody hits any of these first four stages over a video game console, they've got MUCH greater problems to deal with.


I don't get the complains about the 8GB internal storage. You can use SD or an external HDD unlike any other consoles.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If anybody hits any of these first four stages over a video game console, they've got MUCH greater problems to deal with.

Well, some people did hit those stages over a single video game, so a console wouldn't be surprising.
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