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SE CEO: Deus Ex is a "very important franchise" to Square Enix


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

"What I can say is Eidos Montreal has always developed Deus Ex, and the issue is we do not have limitless resources. We have several big titles that we work with and that's partly a factor in what our line-up looks like. Of course, it would be ideal if we could work on all of them all of the time, but the fact of the matter is some titles have to wait their turn. The reason there isn't a Deus Ex right now is just a product of our development line-up because there are other titles we are working on."

He went on to add that Deus Ex is also a "very important franchise" for the publisher, highlighting its unique position in Square Enix's portfolio as a first-person title, and added: "We are already internally discussing and exploring what we want do with the next instalment of it."

I really liked Mankind Divided eventhough it didn't feel finished and felt it would be a true shame if they can't finish Adam Jensen's story arc.


"We are already internally discussing and exploring what we want do with the next instalment of it."

I don't want to make a tired "lootboxes" joke, but the only other thing I can think of is "fuck you", because I'm pretty sure they aren't discussing how they will release a proper singleplayer follow-up to DXHR/DXMD with no additional monetisation systems.

Maybe it's a good thing they'll put it away for a couple years. Maybe the landscape will change for the better.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Sure did a great job showing it.

No kidding. Mankind Divided pretty much fell off the face of the planet as an item to be promoted after it got delayed six months. Shit situation for the developers - you want to ship the game in a correct state (and they did) but the publisher pretends it hit the original release date.


If its that important, why did it take them this long to release a statement about the franchise? The rumours started months ago. Giving all that time for speculation etc. But I guess better late than never, especially for Deus Ex fans.
Nice to hear the franchise is not buried yet. I hope they won't turn the eventual sequel into a game as a service clusterf***


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
No kidding. Mankind Divided pretty much fell off the face of the planet as an item to be promoted after it got delayed six months. Shit situation for the developers - you want to ship the game in a correct state (and they did) but the publisher pretends it hit the original release date.


I remember how surprised at how little I heard about the game after missing it's original release date.
maybe get obsidian to do the sequel to mankind divided. On the other hand, I don't think they have the resources for it either.


Good news I guess, but means we'll be into the next console generation before anythings done with it.

It's a real shame this IP has been punished by crappy tactical decisions around the launch, and around the commercialisation of content (stupid carving up of DLC, cutting of content and late addition in game purchases).

DX:MD itself was a really good game, it just got badly treated. Thief I can understand a bit more given their realisation of that world simply didn't work - that's a title for another studio I reckon. Fresh eyes.
While Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were a lot of fun I feel their design was misguided: they felt too beholden to the original game rather than try to tell their own story.

Then you have Square-Enix being complete idiots in micromanaging the devs and forcing them to spend a lot of time and money on needless stuff like those dev diaries or insist on the creation of "Deus Ex Universe" which is just silly.

If you take everything into consideration, it is a testament to the studio that Mankind Divided, as deeply flawed as it may be, turned out as solid as it did despite SE doing everything they could to screw it up.
If its that important, why did it take them this long to release a statement about the franchise? The rumours started months ago. Giving all that time for speculation etc. But I guess better late than never, especially for Deus Ex fans.

They needed to get the information translated to them and game translations take 6 months to 2 years.


pretty much the only game SE/Eidos hasn't re-released.

I'm SAYING! Square be like "Time for a re-release of Final Fantasy VII" then act surprised about Deus Ex sales lol

I'm hoping they go more open world as I loved what they made with Mankind Divided
I love the Deus Ex games. I think it would be interesting to see a sequel chronologically closer to the original Deus Ex. There's a 20+ year gap between Adam Jensen's saga and JC Denton and I feel like the series might come full circle sooner or later.
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Who exactly is that redditor and why are we taking his post as fact? It had better be a devs account. I'm so tired of "leaks".


So Jensen's voice actor has no idea about any new DE (he posted this recently, not sure whats up with the date there). With the cliffhanger MD ended on, I doubt he wouldn't be in the sequel in some capacity. It's another bullshit leak. These have been rampant lately. :/
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Mankind Divided one of the best games in this gen aside from the ending. It's just that the ending was so fucked up and it was clear it wasn't a full game. The gameplay is EXCELLENT and the setting is still incredible. SE messed up a real one here.


That whole subreddit, I’d say 80% of it is filled with bullshit, you can check for yourself.

There’s even been game devs shutting down one or two of the supposed leakers yet they still try to claim they are telling the truth.


Toufexis is a very vocal advocate of the series and says on almost a weekly basis they need to make another and he'd love to be part of it. Not sure what he'd do it they WERE making another and he knew about it, other than shut up saying he wish they would. So I guess when he stops mentioning it, it's happening.

Either that or they're not going with Jensen, which would be weird.

How late do voice actors get involved in a project?


Mankind divided was awesome but it sold like shit. So I kinda doubt we'll get a sequel any time soon.
Cyberpunk 2077 is single handedly reviving the entire genre, there are already other games with similar themes coming out like Gamedec.

Despite the cliffhanger ending I think that the Jensen saga should be dropped and that the new game should tell a brand new story with a brand new protagonist (I'm not saying about rebooting or retconning anything, just move on to another story within the same universe).
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down 2 orth

Mankind Divided was packed with content and I entirely missed any indication that the ending was incomplete. I really don't get why so many people keep saying this.

What it lacked (and the reason it didn't make the big $$) was mindless action to complement its deep and well thought-out world and RPG elements.



Jensen's become as well regarded as JC Denton in terms of characters on the DX universe, so to drop him is a surprise. I really hope this doesn't mean DX is going 'woke' for the sake of it.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

Jensen's become as well regarded as JC Denton in terms of characters on the DX universe, so to drop him is a surprise. I really hope this doesn't mean DX is going 'woke' for the sake of it.
Why would you assume that?


Gold Member
I believe Mankind Divided was the only I played to completion, but it was really good. Definitely scratched that Splinter Cell and Hitman itch.


Purely speculating on why they'd drop quite a well liked character with an un-finished story. Eidos Montreal did some stupid shit with Tomb Raider.
Maybe Adam Jensen is taking a break for a while....lol, so it would be like meanwhile....elsewhere in the land of Deus Ex....


Maybe Adam Jensen is taking a break for a while....lol, so it would be like meanwhile....elsewhere in the land of Deus Ex....

As long as it's not dropping the character for the sake of change rather than because they see an interesting new angle with a new one, that's fine.


As long as it's not dropping the character for the sake of change rather than because they see an interesting new angle with a new one, that's fine.
I am just happy that the franchise isn't totally dead, saying that this next installment you guess will have to fare better sales wise if there is any momentum to continue..


I liked the last game quite a bit. Felt good as a shooter too but it also proved to me that when stealth is an option, I abandon any other kind of play style and didn’t get as much from the gameplay as I could’ve.

The Eidos properties were the best things Square did this gen that wasn’t FF14.
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Jensen's become as well regarded as JC Denton in terms of characters on the DX universe, so to drop him is a surprise. I really hope this doesn't mean DX is going 'woke' for the sake of it.
He has? I never thought Jensen was particularly great. His voice actor has a unique voice, but that's about it.

Soft reboot is fine for me.
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