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Senior VP of PSN allegedly tried to meet 15 year old for sex. Incident recorded by independent pedophile 'hunting group'

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He is wearing the exact same glasses and T-shirt in the selfie as he is when he opens the door.
I have a picture on my phone taken last week of me wearing my glasses and the same shirt I have on right now, I wear that shirt a lot, and obviously a person who needs glasses will mostly always be wearing the same glasses. You can be wearing the same shirt at on point and another
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"Jim Ryan: Yeah. We've got to be mindful of our responsibility to our install base. Minecraft - the demographic playing that, you know as well as I do, it's all ages but it's also very young. We have a contract with the people who go online with us, that we look after them and they are within the PlayStation curated universe. Exposing what in many cases are children to external influences we have no ability to manage or look after, it's something we have to think about very carefully."

I just find this crazy that after all this about keeping children safe on PSN and not allowing crossplay etc that the actual head of PSN looks like he is an actual predator.
Oh dang I forgot about that quote! Man that quote looks bad now. However, how would Jim know his company could fall so far from a perfect family protecting quote at the hands of one of his VP's?
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Rich people are garbage humans anyway. It's not really their fault. Money quite literally kills the empathy part of your brain. Many studies have been done. If they are rich they are 100% of the time human garbage. No exceptions.
People can be garbage no matter the wealth. I am a lower middle class income working class guy. I don't hate rich people or poor people. There are rich people who donate to charities and run companies giving jobs to millions.
Also they pay the most taxes. Is there shit rich people yes... Soros, kotick for example.

There are poor people too that are garbage. I was jacked and beatup in N. Philly hit upside the head while walking in front of a 7-11 by gang bangers... You going to say those assholes and stick up people are justified because they are poor? They are scum , robbing and hurting other people. Philly is a scumbag city full of people like that.


If you had his phone the picture could have been on there already, there's no proof its a new photo,

Also answering your door isnt a crime and doesn't mean anything

Everyone is different, but I feel like my reaction would have been a bit different if some rando was at my door calling for "Jeff" and saying I could talk to them or the cops. Guy never even asked any questions, "Who are you?" or "What are you talking about?".


I have a picture on my phone taken last week of me wearing my glasses and the same shirt I have on right now, I wear that shirt a lot, and obviously a person who needs glasses will mostly always be wearing the same glasses. You can be wearing the same shirt at on point and another
Simple answer is Sony will answer this as Sony knows the VP's address! If the guy is fired well bye bye don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Gold Member
Not disappointed so far. People trying to justify this somehow already lol. I wouldn't even be bothered once the person told me they were a minor. But then again I wouldn't bother with lame apps for weirdos.
Hey dipshit, how is Grindr an app for weirdos? It's just the most used app that gays use to fuck. We're all weirdos, right? Dipshit.


Unless this somehow gets connected back to the company showing some sort of complicity or knowledge of what this guy was doing, nah, not really.
Still an executive employee, they have to respond even if just to say "he has been put on leave while investigating these aquasations"

As far as evidence unless that text conversation is fake iy is solicitation of a minor, doesn't matter that the person on the other end wasn't a minor or intent on the described actions


Still an executive employee, they have to respond even if just to say "he has been put on leave while investigating these aquasations"

As far as evidence unless that text conversation is fake iy is solicitation of a minor, doesn't matter that the person on the other end wasn't a minor or intent on the described actions

Yeah, sure, that kind of thing happens all the time with executives at companies doing something shitty in their personal lives. I doubt it’ll have any ramifications for the company and its stock, though, unless something shows up connecting the company to the behavior.


The thing for me is that originally the model was for investigative journalism. So, say some politician has some sort of rumoured corruption, putting someone undercover to find out whether they have their hand in the cookie-jar is right and proper. That said, the key thing is what is supposed to happen next. The reporter returns with their story to their editor, producer whatever who then kicks the tyres (legally speaking) to see if its safe to publish. Once it goes public, then an actual enquiry can be started because there's essentially not just public interest, but a trail of evidence -likely backed up with supplementary discoveries- for the appropriate authorities to work with.

So, when we're talking about internet "exposure" squads who go straight to social media with their findings, we're looking at an equivalent with potentially a lot fewer checks and balances. I'm not saying it can't be done properly, but let's be honest who knows how diligent these guys were.

The Activision thing seems wholly dissimilar to me, as much as anything as we're talking about an organization being investigated for a pattern of abuses. Which means that every detail counts towards producing the narrative that there's something deeply rotten systemically. Obviously this means that many of those details may be distasteful, but not rise to the level of anything legally punishable and yet still get prominence in coverage.

Doing something tacky like calling your party space "the cosby suite" isn't illegal in any way, shape, or form. How "bad" or "tolerable" it is to the employer depends somewhat on proximity or the perception of such (was it on the premises, during standard business hours, etc). Soliciting a minor for sex is however a whole other thing because irrespective or where or when the act occurred, that's straight-up criminal and time and place really don't enter into it.
The Activision had to be followed the law thoroughly. Any holes, and it will have given activision the time, to put this shit on the rug. They had to take camera's to their law firm,. to see how it will impact them. When they can do things like that, its hard to play with mouse and cat with them.

Soliciting a minor for sex is however a whole other thing because irrespective or where or when the act occurred, that's straight-up criminal and time and place really don't enter into it.
This is something people here ignore it. No matter what the crime is, soliciting minors is never a good thing for anybody. No one wants to be involved in that. Even a simple text can act as evidence against you, since that one falls on the intent part. Something that is pretty much different than Activision case.


The guy never protested to those claims.

If someone does bulshit stuff on you, you will scream at them, that you haven't done anything, and will call the police on them.

The Fact he went back to his house, proofs this claim. No innocent person behaves the way he did.
If he's innocent the most intelligent thing would be to close the door and call the police, a random guy screaming stuff like that in front of your door may be dangerous and even if not the case, to have someone making such false accusations is also a reason to call the police.

If the guy who posted the video and the tweets didn't fake the text (maybe he's Kotick wearing a mask and claiming for vengance :messenger_tears_of_joy: ) then I think should be the one to call the police, since if all this is true he should be in jail and tomorrow Jimbo should run an internal investigation/watch what the police does and if guilty to cut his head off with a katana.

has he been fired yet?
It's weekend, I assume Jimbo is sharpening the katana waiting to see what the police says and to be Monday.
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People can be garbage no matter the wealth. I am a lower middle class income working class guy. I don't hate rich people or poor people. There are rich people who donate to charities and run companies giving jobs to millions.
Also they pay the most taxes. Is there shit rich people yes... Soros, kotick for example.

There are poor people too that are garbage. I was jacked and beatup in N. Philly hit upside the head while walking in front of a 7-11 by gang bangers... You going to say those assholes and stick up people are justified because they are poor? They are scum , robbing and hurting other people. Philly is a scumbag city full of people like that.
Not gonna get into it, but rich people don't pay the most taxes and most charity donations are calculated tax breaks. Donating actually saves them money. Our current system teaches the poor that working hard doesn't actually get you anywhere most of the time so what's the point. It's a very defeated system. No more politics for me though or else a silly mod with poor reading comprehension will ban me for being a Commie.


Gold Member
Jim’s comment was from a private email that leaked to the public. That email was not meant to be public information.
Some of the worst fanboys on a lot of forums are literally just revising history to fuel their imagination.
That was done knowing full well it would leak out. But whatever, believe what you'd like.
Not gonna get into it, but rich people don't pay the most taxes and most charity donations are calculated tax breaks. Donating actually saves them money. Our current system teaches the poor that working hard doesn't actually get you anywhere most of the time so what's the point. It's a very defeated system. No more politics for me though or else a silly mod with poor reading comprehension will ban me for being a Commie.

The rich absolutely pay the most taxes


Wow 15 pages over this.
Seems pretty incriminating though not set in stone. Hopefully this watchdog group hands over whatever evidence they have to the police so it can get properly investigated.
If true than yeah, fuck this guy and hopefully he gets locked away.

Not sure how it is related to Sony or the whole Activision stuff. There's a big difference between multiple of your employees abusing other employees under your watch Vs one of your employees doing illegal stuff on their own.
No mainstream gaming media is going to report this, even if it turns out to be true. The ad revenue thats going to be lost is to much, it will be burried and dealt with behind closed doors.


Well what are you defining as rich? The top 5% pay at least more than 50%

Do they?

With that said, I'm in no way "anti rich". Not one of those advocates for 90% taxation of the rich or anything like that, but there are just too many loopholes for them as it stands now.
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Do they?

With that said, I'm in no way "anti rich". Not one of those advocates for 90% taxation of the rich or anything like that, but there are just too many loopholes for them as it stands now.

You're conflating income with wealth


If he's innocent the most intelligent thing would be to close the door and call the police, a random guy screaming stuff like that in front of your door may be dangerous and even if not the case, to have someone making such false accusations is also a reason to call the police.

If the guy who posted the video and the tweets didn't fake the text (maybe he's Kotick wearing a mask and claiming for vengance :messenger_tears_of_joy: ) then I think should be the one to call the police, since if all this is true he should be in jail and tomorrow Jimbo should run an internal investigation/watch what the police does and if guilty to cut his head off with a katana.
That is not how innocent person acts. No sane person will close the door, if someone accuses them of trying to have sex with 15 years old. That is just in your fantasy. Most people will attack you, if you make that claim. Minor sexual claims isnt a joke. That destroys people's life. and no way innocent person will keep quiet about it.

The text raises the question about the picture. You dont get that picture angle, without taking a selfie and sending to another person.
The article specifically references "new wealth", but you're right, that is one of the primary mechanics used to lower the tax percentage of the super rich.

Right, they "avoid it" because the main driver of their wealth are their assets, which is taxed through capital gains (which is a lower rate).

But even then they still pay the vast majority of income tax
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You abused my son, lets string you up... See what i did there. Zero proof. Stop witch hunting because you hate company x or want to ruin peoples lives.
If dude really did something let the cops and the courts sort it out.

Shit I swear people here are just as bad as some sjws and reee when it comes to evidence and witch hunts, cancel culture etc...

Some dude yelling at a house is not proof of shit.
How do people reach this conclusion? Are people this much dumb? Dude, they have a clear picture of him taking a selfie, wears exactly the same clothes, when opens the door. and you call that a witch hunt?

No wonder people get away with stuff like this, because of people like you.
How do people reach this conclusion? Are people this much dumb? Dude, they have a clear picture of him taking a selfie, wears exactly the same clothes, when opens the door. and you call that a witch hunt?

No wonder people get away with stuff like this, because of people like you.
What photo? I seen 2 twitter posts on the first page, one is just an photo of sackboy and this dude. the other is a dude yelling at a house. Not seeing anything else. And if there is and I missed it (as its not on the first page of this thread) take it to the cops. I don't like social media being judge, jury and executioner. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse, dude cant go to school or live life without people still believing he was a "white supremacist" due to twitter and media slander.

I am all for justice against criminals, but by the law, not twitter.


What photo? I seen 2 twitter posts on the first page, one is just an photo of sackboy and this dude. the other is a dude yelling at a house. Not seeing anything else. And if there is and I missed it (as its not on the first page of this thread) take it to the cops. I don't like social media being judge, jury and executioner. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse, dude cant go to school or live life without people still believing he was a "white supremacist" due to twitter and media slander.

I am all for justice against criminals, but by the law, not twitter.


Gold Member
What photo? I seen 2 twitter posts on the first page, one is just an photo of sackboy and this dude. the other is a dude yelling at a house. Not seeing anything else. And if there is and I missed it (as its not on the first page of this thread) take it to the cops. I don't like social media being judge, jury and executioner. Look at Kyle Rittenhouse, dude cant go to school or live life without people still believing he was a "white supremacist" due to twitter and media slander.

I am all for justice against criminals, but by the law, not twitter.
You should click the Tipster tweet to get the low down of more texts.

Unless this People vs Preds group some reason wants to bullseye a Sony exec with a made up Photoshopped chat log, including censored dick pics, and is taking visiting his home out of context (George called for an uber and these guys twisted it into a pedo thing), this Sony exec is done.

I dont see how this group would go out of their way to fake a story like this.


It's genuinely sad how people are defending the dude, because he works at a company that makes their favourite plastic box.
(This dude being sacked isn't going to effect your fave console or upcoming games you're looking forward too)
You guys would probably let this man blow your first born for a ps5.

& Even worst is the people that are making themselves sound like child bonkers.

What is wrong with some of you guys...


Not gonna get into it, but rich people don't pay the most taxes and most charity donations are calculated tax breaks. Donating actually saves them money. Our current system teaches the poor that working hard doesn't actually get you anywhere most of the time so what's the point. It's a very defeated system. No more politics for me though or else a silly mod with poor reading comprehension will ban me for being a Commie.
This is an extremely naive statement, either you're young, or you have no ambition and blame the system rather than working hard.

I am not wealthy but make a decent living wage, i know plenty of "rich" people who do more for society than you do, they hire employees, pay them well, get involved in the community and donate to charities (as well as pay more taxes than i will in my lifetime) a sweeping generalization is what causes division and thats why society is fucked. These people work 14-18 hours a day and are always on call, it's not an easy life and one i wouldn't chose which is why i'll likely never be rich.

you need to scrap the defeatist attitude and work harder to do something,. it's always possible if you work hard enough.
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This is an extremely naive statement, either you're young, or you have no ambition and blame the system rather than working hard.

I am not wealthy but make a decent living wage, i know plenty of "rich" people who do more for society than you do, they hire employees, pay them well, get involved in the community and donate to charities (as well as pay more taxes than i will in my lifetime) a sweeping generalization is what causes division and thats why society is fucked. These people work 14-18 hours a day and are always on call, it's not an easy life and one i wouldn't chose which is why i'll likely never be rich.

you need to scrap the defeatist attitude and work harder to do something,. it's always possible if you work hard enough.
I guess you live in utopia place.
Where I live in, companies will simple fire you, once they are done with you, They will go all length to not give you promotion, and fuck you over, over your pay.

Last week, we had an employee who didnt get paid for 2 week worth of work.

Not to mention, they fucking hired outside trainer, instead of promoting senior workers. That is how shit the people you trying to defend are.
It's genuinely sad how people are defending the dude, because he works at a company that makes their favourite plastic box.
(This dude being sacked isn't going to effect your fave console or upcoming games you're looking forward too)
You guys would probably let this man blow your first born for a ps5.

& Even worst is the people that are making themselves sound like child bonkers.

What is wrong with some of you guys...
Not defending this dude, especially since someone updated with more tweets, but I will defend his right to trial. Dude needs to be convicted and tried by a jury not twitter or neogaf. Also I don't see how Sony has anything to do with this. If it was MS i wouldn't think they would either. Its just, most likely a scumbag doing scumbag shit.

What i don't like is witch hunts and court of social media as there is nuance and shit all the time and people's lives are ruined due to it. Look at rittenhouse or the catholic school kid and the activists. Both got slandered and called shit they didn't do, half the public still thinks they are crazy nazis or something when they are not. Its due to twitter witch hunts.

If dude is guilty and jury finds him so , throw the book at him. Thats not up to you or me to decide. Its the court.


Saw this yesterday. This is why these companies need to SHUT THEIR MOUTHS when criticizing others.

Guy's a goner, for sure.

Thanks for more update, I only saw first page.

I still think this is for the courts and not twitter witch hunts. If he is found guilty , then book thrown at him.
It shouldn't have anything really to do with gaming. Scumbag is a scumbag , he could work in your job, could be your neighbor.


Thanks for more update, I only saw first page.

I still think this is for the courts and not twitter witch hunts. If he is found guilty , then book thrown at him.
It shouldn't have anything really to do with gaming. Scumbag is a scumbag , he could work in your job, could be your neighbor.
People are pissed at the fact that this guy is in a position, where he has access to tons of kids information. and from the behavior of this text, this isnt his 1st time. even 1st time would be paranoid.

still the court must do its job. and sony must remove this guy from his position. he become a liability to them.


Yeah, sure, that kind of thing happens all the time with executives at companies doing something shitty in their personal lives. I doubt it’ll have any ramifications for the company and its stock, though, unless something shows up connecting the company to the behavior.
Never assumed it would , its their monkey but not their circus, some quick distancing from him and they'll be fine
That said... One has to wonder... If this is fake, to what end? Faking something like this for such a high profile individual would be very problematic for the person faking it. For that reason alone, I think it's easy to assume that the info being given is on the up and up. Hence the strong reactions.
This is a good question to consider. Sony has such a stronghold on many industries that most people would be incentivized to keep on good terms with them. The closest thing I know Sony has to enemies who would be deeply invested in their downfall are console warriors and people who don't like the western branch for their politics, neither of which are likely to have the ability to think up any sort of scheme to fake something like this. Not to mention the timing of this being so close to the unpredicted Activision/Blizzard scandals is way too close for this to be something to have been a move planned out well in advance, like faking something like this would necessitate.

It also doesn't fit the normal profile of someone trying to fake a sex scandal in the videogame business, which by now has basically been codified in the form of "harassing a woman on the job". In the modern social media age you can very much get a loud and emotional reaction without resorting to the degree of accusation this is, and not even have it be massively censored and covered up to boot. Yet, this is what's being dealt with.


Gold Member
Thanks for more update, I only saw first page.

I still think this is for the courts and not twitter witch hunts. If he is found guilty , then book thrown at him.
It shouldn't have anything really to do with gaming. Scumbag is a scumbag , he could work in your job, could be your neighbor.
I get what youre saying about witch hunts, but it's the net and people. Cant expect people to see an article and just sit there and say "OK move along, everyone lets just wait for the court judgement in 2 years".

As for what gets unfairly witch hunted on social media and not also depends on context and content.

That kids who got accused of being racist (the one with the smug face vs. the apache chief) was taken out of context, and given there was nothing really about it except some pics of a smug smile and a limited video, it leaves a lot more room for out of context material to come after (like it did with a longer video).

Unless this People vs. Preds accusation is made up with Photoshop chat logs or has a crazy out of context meaning, I dont see how the Sony guy can dig himself out of this one. The guy is trying to hook up with a 15 year old online, tried to meet him at his house and sent him dick pics.
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Iced Arcade

Thanks for more update, I only saw first page.

I still think this is for the courts and not twitter witch hunts. If he is found guilty , then book thrown at him.
It shouldn't have anything really to do with gaming. Scumbag is a scumbag , he could work in your job, could be your neighbor.
there won't be any court. dude thought he was going to bang a kid but there was no kid.
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there won't be any court. dude thought he was going to bang a kid but there was no kid.
Doesn't have to be in most (all?) US states, solicitation of what the party believed to be a minor is enough,
But since interaction ended at the door. The video and chat alone might not be enough for prosecution but it sure is enough for a warrant to investigate the guy


It's genuinely sad how people are defending the dude, because he works at a company that makes their favourite plastic box.
(This dude being sacked isn't going to effect your fave console or upcoming games you're looking forward too)
You guys would probably let this man blow your first born for a ps5.

& Even worst is the people that are making themselves sound like child bonkers.

What is wrong with some of you guys...
We are at the stage, where we lose the normality.
If we are empathetic to this type of behaviors, I will worry what the future holds.
We are heading to a dangerous territory.


Gold Member
We are at the stage, where we lose the normality.
If we are empathetic to this type of behaviors, I will worry what the future holds.
We are heading to a dangerous territory.
In before millions of catholics close their eyes to global networks of pedophile priests being covered by the church. GTFO with these doomsday apocalyptical tweets.

This motherfucker will get fired and go to court.
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One of the green rats
Thanks for more update, I only saw first page.

I still think this is for the courts and not twitter witch hunts. If he is found guilty , then book thrown at him.
It shouldn't have anything really to do with gaming. Scumbag is a scumbag , he could work in your job, could be your neighbor.
Nah this isn’t just some person on Twitter .. it’s a group who has uncovered many predators. The problem is a lot these guys don’t even get to the courts not because there is no evidence but because of old laws in some states saying things like the person ( victim ) has to be real minor or officer posing as one. An adult civilian posing as a minor doesn’t count.
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