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Senior VP of PSN allegedly tried to meet 15 year old for sex. Incident recorded by independent pedophile 'hunting group'

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Gold Member
Normally Schreier would be inserting himself into this story for attention or Kotaku would have a huge expose. Wonder why it's crickets right now?
Take your pick:

1. It's the weekend. Game sites will dig into it Monday morning

2. This issue is actually uber fake and all us gamers on game boards are blind

3. Cant bite the hand that feeds you. Sony. When free games and ad revenue are on the line, better to ignore the issue


In before millions of catholics close their eyes to global networks of pedophile priests being covered by the church. GTFO with these doomsday apocalyptical tweets.

This motherfucker will get fired and go to court.
That is people with power. Going against them led to people getting killed by them.
We are talking about normal people. The last obstacle for these dirtbags.
If these people are normalizing it, then there will be no decent person to stand up to them.

Xaero Gravity

I'm not surprised that the usual suspects are in defence force mode. Makes you wonder what kind of skeletons they have in their closets if they're ok with this shit.


I guess you live in utopia place.
Where I live in, companies will simple fire you, once they are done with you, They will go all length to not give you promotion, and fuck you over, over your pay.

Last week, we had an employee who didnt get paid for 2 week worth of work.

Not to mention, they fucking hired outside trainer, instead of promoting senior workers. That is how shit the people you trying to defend are.
I don't live in the states, i live in Canada where i know it's quite different.

If that's the case from your experience then it makes sense to have hatred for them


Gold Member
That is people with power. Going against them led to people getting killed by them.
We are talking about normal people. The last obstacle for these dirtbags.
If these people are normalizing it, then there will be no decent person to stand up to them.
The law will stand up to them. The guy is fucked. Stop with this "world is falling apart" doomsday scenario because of this motherfucker.
Nah this isn’t just some person on Twitter .. it’s a group who has uncovered many predators. The problem is a lot these guys don’t even get to the courts not because there is no evidence but because of old laws in some states saying things like the person ( victim ) has to be real minor or officer posing as one. An adult civilian posing as a minor doesn’t count.

They'd have better chances prosecuting these guys if they'd just hand the evidence over to police instead of making them aware they're being watched.



At least in Europe most people rest during weekends, they don't work. Pretty likely both Sony and the media will handle this tomorrow, davidjaffe davidjaffe .

I assume the supposed pedophile or the screaming guy who recorded the video called the police, who is fair to assume did their job, so I assume tomorrow Monday Sony or the media will ask them and act accordingly.

Specially the media, who often doesn't do their job properly and prefer to go for the easy clickbait believing random accusations from Twitter way weaker than this one without checking sources, waiting for a proper investigation, don't give a fuck about pressumption of innocence, etc.
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I don't live in the states, i live in Canada where i know it's quite different.

If that's the case from your experience then it makes sense to have hatred for them
You guys have good system there. Here it's everyone for themselves. Not to mention the political divide makes things even worse. You occasionally get communities to help each other. But that is as far as you can go.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I assume the supposed pedophile or the screaming guy who recorded the video called the police, who is fair to assume did their job, so I assume tomorrow Monday Sony or the media will ask them and act accordingly.

Why would the person who got caught call the police? He'd be turning himself in.


They'd have better chances prosecuting these guys if they'd just hand the evidence over to police instead of making them aware they're being watched.
In the light of the recent incidents with the police, they would be the last person to trust with these evidence.

It would have been better to discuss with any lawyer, and journalists. You will have better chances that way.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I have a feeling this will get buried and called a conspiracy.
In the light of the recent incidents with the police, they would be the last person to trust with these evidence.

It would have been better to discuss with any lawyer, and journalists. You will have better chances that way.

The Lawyer will have you go to the police, if not report it themselves

The journalists will chase clout just like these YouTubers do and the result becomes the same

You take the evidence to people who are trained to deal with this. Honestly fuck that anti-police meta.


chris remake GIF


Why would the person who got caught call the police? He'd be turning himself in.
If he's innocent (they may have photoshopped the sentence saying he was 15 y.o. and this could be a plot from some of their enemies, like -warning, the next few words are a innocent joke- Kotick's ninjas or another of their enemy supervillians who would want to take down their empire like Bryank75), at least in my country it's a crime to accuse an innocent of having commited a crime that he never commited, plus you're innocent until proven guilty in the court. And they didn't only threw big accusations, the guy did it screaming it on his neighborhood and sharing it online.

Plus, if he's innocent and finds a weirdo with a camera screaming these things in front of his house he may think this guy may be a dangerous crazy guy or may be with additional dangerous people, so can call the police for that.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
If he's innocent (they may have photoshopped the sentence saying he was 15 y.o.), at least in my country it's a crime to accuse an innocent of having commited a crime that he never commited. And not only that, screaming it on his neighborhood and sharing it online.

Plus, if he's innocent and finds a weirdo with a camera screaming these things in front of his house he may think this guy may be a dangerous crazy guy or may be with additional dangerous people so can call the police for that.

The way he ran and hid shows that he was guilty and knew he got caught. If he was innocent he would've confronted the people instead running and hiding.


Gold Member
Why was dude threatening to call the police? Just call them and turn over the evidence. If anything, he probably just blew this case for prosecutors.


As soon as the guy saw it wasn't some 15 year old boy there he bolted and hid. He knew he got caught and was on camera.

Agreed, same way I take it. If he thought he was meeting someone legally (not underage), I think he would question the guy mentioning the cops and all that (certainly picking up some 18+ dude on Grindr wouldn't provide any reason for the police to be looking at anything). Or, if the entire exchange is fake and he has no idea, I don't get the response to just someone walking up to you.


But, but... the youtubz money...

These groups clearly want attention for their actions, so, definitely not done for the sole purpose of protecting children. As long as they aren't framing people or doing things to trick people into these interactions, I don't have a problem with it. Only a creep would have continued moving forward with this exchange (assuming the chat logs are legitimate).
Yup, this is pretty far from earsay at this point... If you call yourself conservative and you act as if there was not enough evidence for public outrage you may want to check again. You don't want to end up on the side of the perpetrators because you are used to counter react to "the other side".


I don't know the law, but I don't see why the evidence was good or bad simply because who made the recording, so long as we know it has not been tampered with (like the authorities do fen time to time).

Me neither I just wonder where is the line drawn for example for baiting. Could I leave a bike outside a house without a lock and point a camera so if someone tries to steal it they can be arrested for theft? I know it's not the same case as this, just curious. It's pretty interesting stuff.


One of the green rats
Me neither I just wonder where is the line drawn for example for baiting. Could I leave a bike outside a house without a lock and point a camera so if someone tries to steal it they can be arrested for theft? I know it's not the same case as this, just curious. It's pretty interesting stuff.
Lol yes that is theft. Wtf


Gold Member
Me neither I just wonder where is the line drawn for example for baiting. Could I leave a bike outside a house without a lock and point a camera so if someone tries to steal it they can be arrested for theft? I know it's not the same case as this, just curious. It's pretty interesting stuff.
Entrapment is a weird thing because it depends on the laws of that state, province or country.

But a general point is whether or not the guy taking the bait would/will have done the shady thing under normal circumstances or by pure lucky coincidence or not. Or if there is some intent where the guy is waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

If you and friends set me up dropping some money on the ground, I see it and grab it as a random guy walking down the street, you cant jump out from the bushes and say I'm guilty of theft because I pocketed the money. I'm not purposely spending my afternoon waiting for money to drop from people's pants. That can be illegal entrapment.

But if you left a car unlocked outside on a street and thugs came walking by checking every car to see which ones are unlocked and then steal the unlocked one you staged, then that can be legally ok for authorities to arrest.

I'm just going by shit I see on TV. So every place will have different laws. Some places probably dont even allow the car example I wrote even though it's clear the thugs are trying to steal cars.
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Me neither I just wonder where is the line drawn for example for baiting. Could I leave a bike outside a house without a lock and point a camera so if someone tries to steal it they can be arrested for theft? I know it's not the same case as this, just curious. It's pretty interesting stuff.
That's different, a bike left there could be abandoned (I found one on the other side of the street where I live a few months back, I put messages on local parent groups, etc.) could not find who this was for. Meeting some kid with the intent of having sex or something akin to this is a situation where the intent seems to be clear enough... Also bike robbers should be subject to death penalty after they are put in solitary confinement for 10 years with only a flickering LED light as source of entertainment and the food being given to them by under the door being their only social interaction.

Back on subject, I don't care this much... I think this is fair play for that kind of crime.


King of Gaslighting
That Jaffe tweet is ridiculous.

Wow, that's crazy.

How does the law work about that in the US? Independent groups can bring evidence to the court and it's taken as if it was done by a legitimate law enforcement member?

Assuming there was actually an interaction between "Jeff" and the "minor", entrapment would fall on what the actions of the PVP folks are in getting George to meet up. If they were insistent, to the point of being pushy, a person might have a case.

Prove to me that a ceo or executive sends out emails to their peers in their organization knowing it would leak.

This stuff is done all the time in politics. Just recently Liz Smith (campaign manager for the current Sec. of Transportation in the US) got in hot water for essentially "leaking" talking points to a media personality. Leaks are wonderful tools if used right.


If you had his phone the picture could have been on there already, there's no proof its a new photo,

Also answering your door isnt a crime and doesn't mean anything
He didn’t answer the door, he was already out there waiting because the guy asked him to come outside as he was approaching. At like 4am.
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