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Senran Kagura: Estival Versus |OT| Summer Life in Your Hometown

So what do you guys reckon: Start on Normal or Hard? What are the upsides/downsides of each. I am normally pretty good at games like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, God of War etc. Do I get more XP/Money for Hard mode and does unlocking skills, items etc cost more in Hard?

Thank Ye!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
So what do you guys reckon: Start on Normal or Hard? What are the upsides/downsides of each. I am normally pretty good at games like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, God of War etc. Do I get more XP/Money for Hard mode and does unlocking skills, items etc cost more in Hard?

Thank Ye!

Hard difficulty gives better rewards in money, not sure if there's an increase in XP because some times it felt I was gaining levels quicker when doing stages on Easy mode than Hard. I'd say start on Normal first and adjust accordingly.
Hard difficulty gives better rewards in money, not sure if there's an increase in XP because some times it felt I was gaining levels quicker when doing stages on Easy mode than Hard. I'd say start on Normal first and adjust accordingly.

Is there a way to change difficulty mid-game? Is there new game plus? I usually start all my games on Hard, is there any downsides to this? I just hate it when games aren't very very hard, I love the challenge as to me it's pointless beating easy games. I've never played a game that I haven't been able to beat eventually (after dying 100s of times lel)

Thanks for the help man, expecting my copy to be there when I get home from work so wanna get stuck in asap.


Is there a way to change difficulty mid-game? Is there new game plus? I usually start all my games on Hard, is there any downsides to this? I just hate it when games aren't very very hard, I love the challenge as to me it's pointless beating easy games. I've never played a game that I haven't been able to beat eventually (after dying 100s of times lel)

Thanks for the help man, expecting my copy to be there when I get home from work so wanna get stuck in asap.

You can choose the difficulty at the beginning of each mission. I've found that starting off on medium is a little too difficult, easy is piss easy, and hard is brutal. Level up your peeps first before tackling missions on medium so you're not losing matches with a hair of an opponent's health left.


Gives all the fucks
I could've sworn someone said XP increases in difficulty as well. I'm not seeing anything in the manual, though.
You can choose the difficulty at the beginning of each mission. I've found that starting off on medium is a little too difficult, easy is piss easy, and hard is brutal. Level up your peeps first before tackling missions on medium so you're not losing matches with a hair of an opponent's health left.

Ah that sounds perfect! So once I've beaten missions I can go back and try them again on a harder difficulty level....sweet! Gonna start on Normal for everything and see how that goes. Brutal sounds like more effort than I wanna put in atm haha.


Ah that sounds perfect! So once I've beaten missions I can go back and try them again on a harder difficulty level....sweet! Gonna start on Normal for everything and see how that goes. Brutal sounds like more effort than I wanna put in atm haha.
I'll pray to Yumi's gramps for you.


Decided that I'd really try to figure my way around Yozakura since I like her waaaay too much to suck at her. She definitely needs a ton more discipline about mashing buttons versus Homura or even Hikage, but it was satisfying figuring out her hold/cool down mechanic and actually learning about relevant moves in chains, lol. Her on-demand charge is beastly, too. I do wish hit impacts/reactions were meatier with her. Landing the full charge of her gauntlets doesn't quite feel as it should.

I wanna try to improve at Kafuru in the same sort of sense (dat smug) but legit dunno what you're supposed to do with her. The ninja art she has where she sends out all those projectiles seems super worthless since I can't recall a single instance where using it wound up with pretty much anything happening.


Gives all the fucks
Little FYI: If you get the Situation Finish involving the platform thing & having the girl launched into the air via fireworks, it does NOT count towards your total & you have to go back and actually destroy it.

Edit: Wow, yeah, press Square instead of X & it instantly takes you to the swimsuit you got, skipping all of the animation. How did I not notice that before.
Will put in the OP. Thanks!


My physical Vita copy showed up really bent and beaten up (outer box) :( sigh. I hope the PS4 physical copy that should reach me in a day or two will be in better condition.

Love the artbook and the OST though.

Heck at this point im tempted to import the Sakura edition on PS4 just for my collection.


Squeezed in Day 3 last night and looking forward to Day 4 after work. I've been having a lot of fun with this game overall! The presentation especially surpassed what I expected going in.


Finally got my PSVita copy! Ended up with Homura's Crimson Squad's card pack, looking good.
Now to finish Senran Kagura 2, almost there.
Oh man, I'm still waiting for my pre-order to ship! Amazon... what are you doing to me?
Call them, same thing happened to me and they told me that for some reason there was no Shipping address on the order even though I could see one. Their costumer service is good so even if you send them an email they usually respond in less than an hour.


Call them, same thing happened to me and they told me that for some reason there was no Shipping address on the order even though I could see one. Their costumer service is good so even if you send them an email they usually respond in less than an hour.

Never mind, apparently it shipped today.


Is there some sort of technique to playing this game 'properly'? I'm only on day 1 (easy difficulty) and i'm getting mostly D ranks. I've retried the levels a few times but still get D's or the odd C.


Is there some sort of technique to playing this game 'properly'? I'm only on day 1 (easy difficulty) and i'm getting mostly D ranks. I've retried the levels a few times but still get D's or the odd C.
For easier characters like Kagura or Homura, it's not especially hard - as far as I'm aware the most important thing about getting a good rank is finishing quickly. Not getting hit, and maintaining a high combo are somewhat secondary. And both of them have really good mash combos. Try to use meter as you get it since you usually get more than you can possibly use in a level, and make use of crowd control ninja arts to mow down hordes and try to wipe out bosses ASAP - a couple strong ninja arts in succession can completely lock them out of their transformation.

Also, dodge cancelling is really useful, since it resets your combo chain and lets you reposition out of crowds where you wind up taking tons of chip damage.


For easier characters like Kagura or Homura, it's not especially hard - as far as I'm aware the most important thing about getting a good rank is finishing quickly. Not getting hit, and maintaining a high combo are somewhat secondary. And both of them have really good mash combos. Try to use meter as you get it since you usually get more than you can possibly use in a level, and make use of crowd control ninja arts to mow down hordes and try to wipe out bosses ASAP - a couple strong ninja arts in succession can completely lock them out of their transformation.

Also, dodge cancelling is really useful, since it resets your combo chain and lets you reposition out of crowds where you wind up taking tons of chip damage.

Cheers for that. How do you dodge cancel?


Cheers for that. How do you dodge cancel?
Just press O+direction in the middle of your combo and you'll dash out and avoid the finisher cool-down/transition into Aerial Rave. A bunch of characters have different windows for it in their moves but typically as long as you're not at the very end of your combo you can do it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FesVfLz1vYo I think I may be turning around on this gaem.

Yeah. That's the problem people have with the game early on. Most of the characters are super clunky and slow when you first play as them, due to the leveling system. But as soon as you level them up a lot, they start feeling super good to play.

I don't have any problems with the leveling system being there, I just hoped it wouldn't kinda sour the first hour of the game.

Also seriously, I would pay money to get those replacement Ikkitousen characters. I don't care how janky they look, I just want the moves. I just want...

Squeezed in Day 3 last night and looking forward to Day 4 after work. I've been having a lot of fun with this game overall! The presentation especially surpassed what I expected going in.

I really didn't have any expectations going in outside of lewd. But the game is actually a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be. It's stupid, but surprisingly funny.


Taking it slow with this one. I've only done the prologue chapter so far. I've been playing the game proper on PS4 then replaying stages on vita to level up characters. Its working well ;)
Taking it slow with this one. I've only done the prologue chapter so far. I've been playing the game proper on PS4 then replaying stages on vita to level up characters. Its working well ;)

I finished up to the end of Day 2, but Jesus Christ, I have so much to play right now, it might be a bit before I get back to it.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Story Spoilers:
Homura: "My nose can sniff out strong people, sorry Asuka but I can't smell you... seems like you're falling behind."

Asuka: "There she goes trying to provoke me.."

Yumi: "Hehehe... that's just her way of saying she loves you."

Asuka: "WHAAAAT?!"

Homura: "Y-Yumi! Okay, that's enough bullshit yapping out of you!"

Yumi: "You two make a wonderful pair."



Story Spoilers:
Homura: "My nose can sniff out strong people, sorry Asuka but I can't smell you... seems like you're falling behind."

Asuka: "There she goes trying to provoke me.."

Yumi: "Hehehe... that's just her way of saying she loves you."

Asuka: "WHAAAAT?!"

Homura: "Y-Yumi! Okay, that's enough bullshit yapping out of you!"

Yumi: "You two make a wonderful pair."


the best ship


Gives all the fucks
Did this game have any pre-order bonus? Thinking of getting it with the 20% off before it expires on Amazon.
No, there's just the fact the retail version is the LE, so all physical copies give you the OST (a whopping 70 tracks), an artbook, & some cards.


I just finished the story mode yesterday and was kinda hoping for more serious parts. Had a lot of fun with the gameplay, but too bad that the online is a ghost town.


Gives all the fucks
The OST doesn't seem to be doing anything for me, seeing as I'm about 2/3rds into the 2nd disc. A shame, because the SV CD stayed in my car for quite some time & it was part of my line-up of stuff to listen to while driving. Granted, there's nothing bad per say & there was a few tracks that caught my interest. Just not enough where I feel like it'll stay in my car with my other gaming OSTs.

Also reminder I'll post/link all of the DLC hitting later today. Hopefully, I'll wake up around the same time it's added, though I'll take the time to get it typed up in advance so then I just need to deal with linking for each system (even if it's cross-buy).
Estival Versus underwear selection is a disappointment, I would have preferred they just copied the ones from Shinovi Versus. I'm only missing 25 more from the lottery but I doubt that those will be different at this point.
I get a bit uneasy regarding the EU physical release, Amazon still lists it for the 24th but no other shop and not even GameStop have it listed so far :/


Since this game is already at 60 FPS...I wonder the potential for PSVR. They'd have to fix the frame drops of course but I'm sure some gfx/density changes could improve that.

Ryobi is so fun to play (and spam) those homming bullet lol

She was like my least fav to play in SV but now she's really fun, the shotgun spread attack was a good addition.

Estival Versus underwear selection is a disappointment, I would have preferred they just copied the ones from Shinovi Versus. I'm only missing 25 more from the lottery but I doubt that those will be different at this point.

Yeah the lottery is somehow worse, though if they only had the low-res versions of the SV undies it's better they're gone lol. Rock and a hard place I guess. But yeah, I dont' bother editing underwear, it all sucks.

Sucks you can't use swimsuits as "underwear", probably a technical issue though (since some come with skirts/frills/etc). The swimsuits are well designed, unlike the underwear, but wearing them means you can't see the clothing damage


I get a bit uneasy regarding the EU physical release, Amazon still lists it for the 24th but no other shop and not even GameStop have it listed so far :/

It came out last week on both PS4 and Vita. a friend got it when we picked up Pokken. From what I saw it's nothing fancy like that standard US edition, though, just a reversible cover with the Vita art.
I saw a few USK rated versions in the wild this morning here in Switzerland.

That's reassuring thanks :) I'll check my store tomorrow.

It came out last week on both PS4 and Vita. a friend got it when we picked up Pokken. From what I saw it's nothing fancy like that standard US edition, though, just a reversible cover with the Vita art.

Right sorry I should have mentioned the German release was delayed by a week.
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