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Shadow of Mordor offers Ultra texture optional download, recommends 6GB VRAM @ 1080p


They neither have 6BG for the gpu, and yet this game is asking for 6GB.

(I'm not saying: you *will need* 6GB or 8GB. I'm saying that before having a consistent idea on what the requirements for "next gen" games are going to be, upgrading your video card can result disappointing).

We don't know for sure if the PS4 matches PC's ultra textures but I think this is unlikely. You don't "need" 6GB.
Maximum settings are completely independant of consoles.


That post does explain it perfectly and also confirms(he would know, too) that its a mixture of Ultra, High and Medium textures. So he's actually confirming you are wrong.

no he is not, he is confirming I am right as upclose when you can notice it the PS4 runs Ultra textures same as PC, the further away and less in sync with view it is lower but un-noticeable.
So other than the Titan, is there another GPU with 6GB of Ram, and I mean total usuble ram, not SLI/Crossfire rigs that only really have access to 3?

This is starting to feel like Doom 3's Ultra setting

I am all for better textures and increased req because then there is a reason to upgrade other than just having the latest greatest parts available. With more games requiring higher amounts of VRAM we can hope that Nvidia will actually increase the memory in their GPUs without insane prices.


Did this thread really turn into a 15 page thread about people bitching about their old video cards becoming obsolete?

Come on PC guys, act like you've been there before.
I really think PC devs should start hiding their higher end specs behind the Konami code and just call Medium settings "Ultra mega settings." Then everyone can praise all games for being "well optimized." These conversations are depressingly stupid sometimes.


I,really think PC secs should start hiding their higher end specs behind the Konami code and just call Medium settings "Ultra mega settings." Then everyone can praise all games for being "well optimized." These conversations are depressingly stupid sometimes.

Yep agreed!
Yes it is a crazy idea. You don't get to decide what "highest" means and entails.

That's exactly what I was doing tough guy. I was choosing what highest means. I certainly wasn't expecting a beefier pc than console to run a cross platform game better than the less powerful console. That's what I mean by highest. Stop being so aggressive.


no he is not, he is confirming I am right as upclose when you can notice it the PS4 runs Ultra textures same as PC, the further away and less in sync with view it is lower but un-noticeable.
Direct quote from the post:

Watch Dogs in PS4 use a clever mix of ultra/high/medium textures (not perfect mix btw)


If this is the direction PC gaming is taking in regards to multiplats, then it can go F itself then, I'll stay with my Dota2-runs-fine specs.

I know right? How dare they offer optional ultra resolution textures for videocards better than my own!


People seem to be thinking because a PS4 has 8GB of memory, they'll have ultra textures in use for this.
Maybe there will be a mixture of texture quality.
A game doesn't just use graphics assets and data either. The memory it has available for games after the OS with its GUI and services are accounted for is going to be taken up by non-graphics data too.

edit: also for Watch_Dogs, I've seen comparisons and PS4 uses a mixture of texture quality. I've seen screens where textures were identical to medium setting and others which seemed to be the same as high.


Ok, so two thigns are possible:

Ultra on PC are much higher resolution than on the consoles, or, more likely, there is a higher number of texutres - greater texture variety.

People who think Ultra = consoles when they don't have 6 gigs of RAM for level assets and textures, nevermind game data is so hilarious.
Because... PS4 version has all ultra textures....

Is there any screenshots of what ultra looks like?

Because I've turned down texture details and other detail settings in various games and barely notice any difference, besides an FPS boost from turning off those settings.


not to pick on you in particular, but why are there so many comments in these threads by people with no technical knowledge explicitly or implicitly calling devs stupid and lazy because spec requirements are going up?

Typical forum egoism or just trying to defend a vcard purchase that no longer makes sense?

* * *
Crysis released back in the day with options intended to take advantage of future grfx specs. People went nuts, even to this day 'will it play crysis' is still a thing.

Durante had a thread stating that, as a dev, it is in his self interest to release a game with kneecapped ultra settings because otherwise he would be called lazy and stupid and everyone would think the game was terribly optimized instead of just future proofed.

It makes me think these devs should just not include these options and/or just use the crappier 360 version as the base for PC to prevent the anger and loss of sales.

This situation isn't comparable to Crysis. Crysis was a PC first game that was highly optimized for the platform and allowed gamers to use their powerful hardware to produce graphics that were far beyond what consoles or other PC games were doing at the time. This game and the watch dogs appear to be console first games, and even with this game maxed out, it won't look better than other maxed out games that use significantly less resources.


That's exactly what I was doing tough guy. I was choosing what highest means. I certainly wasn't expecting a beefier pc than console to run a cross platform game better than the less powerful console. That's what I mean by highest. Stop being so aggressive.

A beefier PC will effectively run a game better (better IQ, more FPS) than a console as long as you are not bottlenecked by VRAM which could be the case on many setups.


We don't know for sure if the PS4 matches PC's ultra textures but I think this is unlikely.
Yeah it most likely doesn't. But that wasn't my point, my point is: "don't upgrade before the dust caused by the beginning of the new gen, has settled".


Finally the new generation of games is starting to use the power of the PC. I only have 4 GB of vram so I guess no ultra for me ;-) feels really good to see progress!
Why is it some people think that the only quality preset for PC Gaming is ultra?

If you don't have enough VRAM you can play on medium or even high. That's what PC Gaming is about. When you buy new GPU in the future you'll be able to return to the game and max it.

lol no. Pc gaming is about chasing framerate on ultra 4k settings and amassing a backlog so large the entire Russian army couldn't complete it.

As far as 6 for vram that seems nuts but this kind of thing always a happens at the start of a gen. My gaming PC is getting a little out dated so I'm Probaly just gonna go PS4 and not worry about settings at all.


aka andydumi
Well my 3GB 7950 might let me play on high. As long as its steady at 1080p, I'll be happy. I would rather turn down some lighting and shadow options than go too low res on the textures.


That's really not what he said at all, though.

You are making a lot of assumptions. Wouldn't mipmapping handle LOD levels of textures anyway?

You clearly have a vested interest in the result here on one side, I own the game on both but I am making it all up, as I have no interest which side it falls and this is really dragging on so I will leave it here.

All these "insane" vram requirements are just fluke as these consoles only use 2gb and the other 3-4gb is just left to waste I am sure.


Is there any screenshots of what ultra looks like?

Because I've turned down texture details and other detail settings in various games and barely notice any difference, besides an FPS boost from turning off those settings.
You'd probably barely notice them here too. The option is just there for people who want it. Like the "uber" texture settings in Witcher 2.

Turn them down and enjoy a great looking game with great performance. All these very high end extra bells and whistle settings do really are two things:

1) assure a games place in benchmarks for years to come

2) make it cool to revisit the game in a decade to crank everything at 4k.

They are neat "future proof" settings and not much more,


I think the "ALWAYS ULTRA, MAX SETTINGS AT ALL TIMES" is the motto for people that like to use "pc master race" everywhere... Now many are left out of the race :D

Salty Hippo

When can we expect to see some tests and comparisons? I have until monday to decide whether I want to confirm my purchase of a 4GB 970 or not. They're pretty much out of stock anywhere here so if I don't buy it by monday, I'll probably be out of a GPU for a couple of months (running Intel HD here).


You clearly have a vested interest in the result here on one side, I own the game on both but I am making it all up, as I have no interest which side it falls and this is really dragging on so I will leave it here.

All these "insane" vram requirements are just fluke as these consoles only use 2gb and the other 3-4gb is just left to waste I am sure.

Well, you also need to store game state data, in addition to level and texture assets on the consoles. All on 5.5 gigs. Not only that, but doubt the PS4's GPU has the bandwidth to process that high number of very high resolution textures. It's not all just about buffer size, you do know that, right?

And the devlopers themselves have spoken on the issue, I think I'm going to believe them over you. No offense.


Junior Member
We get bent out of shape over constant spread of misinformation.

Maybe not everyone have same mind from that direct quote. If they want console version, just let them go, no need to tell them that some old GPUs still better because of people are different taste and mind. For example some don't like to setting at medium when they know could do better, even it will better than console. Get on console might help to ease their minds.

Of course few crazies moan or joking on "Ultra is mandatory", "970 dead already" or "Ultra = 100% PS4 graphics". No need to take them seriously. Lot of them are just playing.


I really think PC devs should start hiding their higher end specs behind the Konami code and just call Medium settings "Ultra mega settings." Then everyone can praise all games for being "well optimized." These conversations are depressingly stupid sometimes.

Wouldn't people playing the console versions complain that they only managed 'low' settings for it?


When can we expect to see some tests and comparisons? I have until monday to decide whether I want to confirm my purchase of a 4GB 970 or not. They're pretty much out of stock anywhere here so if I don't buy it by monday, I'll probably be out of a GPU for a couple of months (running Intel HD here).

Why base the purchase of the card on a single game?


Did this thread really turn into a 15 page thread about people bitching about their old video cards becoming obsolete?

Come on PC guys, act like you've been there before.

Old video cards? The cards that were released a week ago do not have 6GB of VRAM.


ITT: people thinking Ultra is mandatory.

Isn't it nice to know that in 5 years you can revisit this game and it will look better than you remembered?


PC Exclusive Crysis comes out, ultra-settings required a $2500 rig, everybody praised CryTek for making something that beautiful and a benchmark for years to come.

Mordor comes around, ultra-level textures requires you to have a top-end GFX card and it's not optimized and Monolith should be ashamed.

Previous generation, PC gamers were complaining about being left behind in the multi-plat dev-cycle, game-settings were left to the inferior settings of the consoles, leaving much PCs running those games without flexing a muscle.

I, I'm so confused right now.


For (too many) years, the argument has been made that consoles are holding the PC back. Now, with the current gen, we see a significant bump in quality...and people complain about that?
Seeing PC gamers getting upset over being forced to upgrade in order to stay in the higher end seriously weirds me out. It's the nature of the beast, people. Wait for 6gb cards or enjoy the game with 2-4gb and ignore textures that aren't on consoles anyway.


Well, you also need to store game state data, in addition to level and texture assets on the consoles. All on 5.5 gigs. Not only that, but doubt the PS4's GPU has the bandwidth to process that high number of very high resolution textures. It's not all just about buffer size, you do know that, right?

And the devlopers themselves have spoken on the issue, I think I'm going to believe them over you. No offense.

none taken.
For (too many) years, the argument has been made that consoles are holding the PC back. Now, with the current gen, we see a significant bump in quality...and people complain about that?
Seeing PC gamers getting upset over being forced to upgrade in order to stay in the higher end seriously weirds me out. It's the nature of the beast, people. Wait for 6gb cards or enjoy the game with 2-4gb and ignore textures that aren't on consoles anyway.

a bump for who? consoles maybe, but the only thing that's changed for PC gamers is more unoptimized garbage, we haven't really seen anything push the envelope for PC's


ITT: people thinking Ultra is mandatory.

Isn't it nice to know that in 5 years you can revisit this game and it will look better than you remembered?

Plus it's not ultra everything. It's not even two things ultra. It's one setting. On top of that, it's likely those texture resolutions really excel at 4K.

I think people want to have everything on its absolute highest setting every time. If they released this game with non-ultra textures. The max would have been 'high' say, then released an 'ultra' texture pack for people to download, with a note attatched saying it requires 6GB of VRAM to use that pack effectively, people probably wouldn't be in such a huff and the misconceptions surrounding the console to PC hardware differences wouldn't be thrown around so much.


Yeah it most likely doesn't. But that wasn't my point, my point is: "don't upgrade before the dust caused by the beginning of the new gen, has settled".

what nvidia is doing right now is selling ferraris on the cheap when they only hold two gallons of gas

Finally the new generation of games is starting to use the power of the PC. I only have 4 GB of vram so I guess no ultra for me ;-) feels really good to see progress!
Now these are reasonable posts.

I have a 780 3GB and will just enjoy the game on high, very likely at a better frame rate and with better visuals than my PS4 could handle and I picked up the game for $26 so I'm happy.

However it did remind me why I'm not tempted to run out and buy a 970/980. I'll wait for the 6GB models and get along just fine on high settings until then.


Man, this kinda bums me out. Graphic Cards are already way too fucking expensive over here (costing almost twice as much as in the US in some cases.) so trying to get a good one for "future proofing" is going to be insane.

Hell, even a GTX 780 costs nearly $720 here instead of... what? $450 if you buy an expensive one in Amazon? The price difference in ridiculous.
So surely these low textures will still look better than high textures in bf3 right? And medium textures will look as good or better than modded gta4 and skyrim textures right, and high will look better than anything in any game ever.

And surely it won't be like titanfall where the textures look straight out of a 2005 game while requiring 2+GB of vram

I think the "ALWAYS ULTRA, MAX SETTINGS AT ALL TIMES" is the motto for people that like to use "pc master race" everywhere... Now many are left out of the race :D

I think strawmen don't accomplish anything other than shit up threads


Worships the porcelain goddess
I just bought a 970 4 GB and I have no problem with this Ultra setting. Means I can go back in a couple of years with a beefier card and 4K monitor and crank that baby up. One of my favorite things about PC gaming is with each upgrade, its like your backlog is new again!

That said, I would love to see comparison screens at some point. =)
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