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I put $29 in.. Waiting for the physical PS4 copy and I'll pay more.. And I was never even into Shenmue either. Just want to support it..


I think Sony will have to pay some bills for it if kickstarter success. No way they can make it with 2M

Sony is co funding 100%, there's no way they can make Shenmue III for 2 million, and it being PS4/PC is exactly the situation that happened with SFV. There will be no added platforms for stretch goals except Sony platforms (vita maybe but I doubt it).
As someone who always had interest in the series but never had the chance to play it, it's disappointing to see that no HD versions of 1&2 are even being considered.

As for those who are hyped, it makes me happy to see all of you getting what you've been waiting for, hopefully the game will exceed expectations.

We can hope that the success of this Kickstarter will make a re-release of 1 and II a no-brainer, even for Sega. 2017 is a long way away.
Kickstart Outrun 3 pls.
Seriously, this much dough would pay for Suzuki buying up all the good 'ol SEGA IPs. Not that it would ever happen, lol.

Page needs work and I'm not sure if the horrific VA in the video's supposed to be a joke, but I get the impression this KS has been quick in the making and will improve overnight. Backing it for $29!


Found it!

The moment I saw it I knew this would end up on GAF lol


I know it is premature by 2.5 years, but in celebration of today's announcement, I am firing up the Dreamcast, breaking out my day 1 copy of Shenmue and I am playing until my eyes bleed tom

And almost 800k on Kickstarter already!

Yeah, I'm going to finish playing Shenmue II as well. I bought a PAL copy and Gameshark and I started it but I had other things going on. Now I must return and finish it. I played through Shenmue I and enjoyed it immensely.

Can't wait for III. This is UNREAL.


IGN gave a pretty good analysis on this

Basically, like Igarashi's kickstarter, someone else has forked over the budget. This is just money to prove there is demand for the game.

Wouldn't surprise me if Sony or another publisher dropped anywhere from $5m and upwards for this project.


This is like the video game equivalent of Field of Dreams.
If you build it, they will come.

Special day for a lot of people.


Gold Member
with these 3 games being announced in an official capacity e3 is going to be weird going forward without these unicorns
I cried. I fucking shed tears during the reveal. Fuck FF7 remake. This is my childhood right here. The nostalgia of playing Shenmue 2 with my sister rushed into my head and I couldn't hold my emotion...
Since Shenmue 3 is more likely to happens! My friends and I expressed our interests to try Shenmue franchise. Would they are going to release Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2 for PS3/360/PS4/XB1 so people could catch up and see why people love the franchise?

i think i saw a stretch goal that will have short? movies of the first two games (5M tier i think)

pledged the 100$ tier btw, see y'all in 2017


Would have been cooler if sega footed the bill, but I can't complain since I would gladly kick start a mother 3 localization if it ever came to it.


Surely there'll be Shenmue 1+2 Remaster stretch goals.

Please god. I'm a huge Shenmue fan yet to my shame Ive not actually played beyond the first 30 minutes of Shenmue 2. I desperately want to experience 1 and 2 again (and finish 2) on my PS4. It feels essential if we're really going to get Shenmue 3 now.
Expect more niche games to follow. This game is pretty much opening the floodgates for publishers to get whale money on non f2p games by allowing them to significantly reduce their risk.

This isn't an indie dev who needs money for a game. This is essentially Sony telling you guys to fund this game because we don't want to. 8000 backers are throwing this much money at it. If they were smart they wouldn't cap the price and would do some humble bundle with it.

Really don't like where this is going. I think everyone may be too excited to realize that.

Seriously, this is like MS coming out and saying we don't want a remaster or Rares old games, but you guys can fund the development.


850k in ~90 mins while the page being not available most of the time + most of Europe sleeping. Holy cow.


Neo Member
Man this site keep crashing and kickstarter also crashed a few times.

I wonder what happened to the license from SEGA? Would they help fund this (or Sony)?
As someone who always had interest in the series but never had the chance to play it, it's disappointing to see that no HD versions of 1&2 are even being considered.

A $2 million goal is clearly just to gauge interest, as this will cost far more to make. It only makes sense that they'd want to see how well this does before deciding whether or not to make HD versions of the first two games.

I think there's a very good chance we'll see then.


Probably because the other guys just didn't give a shit and Sony put their money where their mouth is, thus making it exclusive in the process.

I mean, It's not that hard to figure out...
Clearly it's us putting our money where our mouth is.


So this was the secret kickstarter Ben Judd was talking about last week. Over $800,000 in one hour? The thirst is real O_O I've never played Shenmue so I have no nostalgia for the series but its always good to see fans put their money where their mouths are :)

No physical copy for PS4 = :( but I'm guessing they don't even have partial publisher help? (I haven't gotten a chance to watch the video)
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