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Shin Megami Tensei appreciation thread


d[-_-]b said:
SMT is unplayable :(, i feel bad for people who played this game.
I feel bad for those who can't play it. :(


I don't have a PS2, so I've missed out on all the games from that era, but I did play Persona 1/2 a bit a few years back. It was novel and definitely interesting, but I can't say I found it particularly compelling. Though, to be fair, it was an extremely cursory trial of the games, so I didn't really give them a chance.

Given how much I've been enjoying Etrian Odyssey, though, I'd be quite willing to give the series another go once there are actually games released on systems I own (or vice-versa). Nocturne would be one of the games I'd want to try out if I got my hands on a PS2.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
to be fair, if he played SNES SMT1 then yeah it's pretty unplayable these days. not because of the graphics but because is full of gamebreaking bugs. not fun.

tho I heard the PS1 remake is sexy.


Error said:
to be fair, if he played SNES SMT1 then yeah it's pretty unplayable these days. not because of the graphics but because is full of gamebreaking bugs. not fun.

tho I heard the PS1 remake is sexy.

The PS1 remake is great. I love that game.

Speaking of which, anyone remember how to tell the difference between the two versions (bugged and not) of the remake of of SMT2 for PS1?


Error said:
to be fair, if he played SNES SMT1 then yeah it's pretty unplayable these days. not because of the graphics but because is full of gamebreaking bugs. not fun.

tho I heard the PS1 remake is sexy.

I got through it. Didn't run into any game breaking bugs... some pretty screwy scripted moments, but nothing that just stopped my progress.


Anyone else try out the beta of SMT Online for PC? I played up till level 13 but stopped because a damn monster didn't want to join me. I'll pick up the game again if they ever decide to localize it.

Also do we have any clue as to what is coming after Persona3? The studio has been finished for a while so I'm assuming they've been working on SMT4 - maybe we'll find out around E3.
I've always wanted to get into the SMT series due to all the praise I've seen not only on GAF, but on other forums as well.

Back during the PSX generation, I owned a copy of Persona but I never played it much. Shelved it and eventually traded it in when I got a PS2. Probably a mistake since I believe it is somewhat rare. Fast forward a few years and I picked up a used copy of Persona 2, but I haven't started it yet. About a year ago, I went in to a Blockbuster and was checking out their used games and I found a mint copy of SMT: Nocturne with everything for $30 used. I remember reading that the game was OMGawesome and rare, so I picked it up. Played for about 1.5 hours and stopped, haven't gone back since. The story seemed a little sparse, and from the reviews I've read (while being positive), have said that the story is indeed second to the gameplay.

Recently, I found a copy of DDS2 on the cheap and picked it up, and, from what I've heard, the gameplay is still really fun, but the story is more central -- I like that. That being said, I'm having a hell of a time finding a copy of DDS1. So, my question: is DDS2 something I can play on its own without having any experience with the first DDS, or am I going to be lost/screwing myself by playing DDS2 before the first one? I prefer a game with a great story and good gameplay.

OR.... should I initiate myself into the SMT universe (awesome gameplay, medicore story?) in a trial-by-fire with the notorious Nocturne, which I believe is a stand-alone experience? Maybe use a guide with it? The fusion, demon recruiting stuff was very confusing, but, admittedly, I only played for about 1.5 hours.

Help me GAF! I want to get into this serious and feel the love, but as it stands, I'm a little scared of jumping in, and am looking for a good spot.
DDS 2 is the second half of DDS, they do have a little cutscene that more or less summarizes the previous game but it won't be as good. Get DDS1 first and DDS2 later even if the second half of the story was a let-down.


CastleBravo said:
OR.... should I initiate myself into the SMT universe (awesome gameplay, medicore story?) in a trial-by-fire with the notorious Nocturne, which I believe is a stand-alone experience? Maybe use a guide with it? The fusion, demon recruiting stuff was very confusing, but, admittedly, I only played for about 1.5 hours.

using a guide in Nocturne would remove a lot of the intensity, i would imagine - this is a gameplay-centric rpg.

one of the better parts of Nocturne is the nervousness of exploring a new area and not knowing what you're going to run into there - those first few encounters are inevitably dangerous... any kind of demon spoiler guide would make this a lot less intense (in a bad way).

and the story is above average for an rpg, though simple and told in a rather minimal style.


I loved DDS1+2 so I bought SMT:N since a lot of people said it's as good or better.

I'm really not feeling it. I think it's partially due to me getting tired of old RPG design. Between the load screens, transistions to and from random battles and other assorted inconveniences, I'd say at least 25% of the game is wasted time. And that's being generous and not considering the same 2 or 3 enemy layouts per area as "wasted time"

The thing where you recruit demons is kind of cool, but since you don't really control how they progress, it kind of limits the amount of strategy you can use, and MP restoration items are rarely dropped so I'm afraid to use magic a lot.

The randomness also pisses me off. I got into a random battle where SEVEN enemies appeared and SUDDENLY ATTACKED!. Their first turn knocked out all but one of my dudes, so I try to run, but I get the ! over one of their heads that means "we're not done with you, bitch." This was just after I had saved, so I reloaded, went to the same place, got in a battle at almost the same spot, and this time it was just two weak enemies I killed with no trouble. What did I do the first time that made me deserve death? What did I do the second time that made me deserve to live? Nothing, I played exactly the same, one time I died, one time I didn't. Totally unfair

Another thing that annoys me is the stupid road blocks to progress. I try to go somewhere at ginza underground pass or whatever, and this guy is like, "sorry, can't let you through" with no indication of what I have to do to make him get out of my way. The solution? You have to talk to the junk collector who promises to make the guy move if you get something for him. Something that's in the town you just left. AWESOME and TOTALLY LOGICAL

I'm being a little unfair to the game, since it's older and most of my beefs were par for the course back then, but I'm having a hard time getting past them and I'm not sure if I have the will power to see it through to the end. I hope to christ they copy FF12 with their next game. A battle system with no screen transitions in the SMT universe would be tits


the run command in nocturne is completely pointless. it should be renamed "suicide".

i thought the demon/party tweaking was more strategic than most other "let us line up opposite each other and take turns pummeling"-style rpgs - even if getting demons to inherit the right skills was a bit maddening.

and yes... we need to see some devs evolve the ff:xii system - so many good ideas there, but such a faint shadow of what it should have been.


birdchili said:
i thought the demon/party tweaking was more strategic than most other "let us line up opposite each other and take turns pummeling"-style rpgs - even if getting demons to inherit the right skills was a bit maddening.

I prefer the regular style, where you can plan the progression of your characters. You can say "this guy will be my melee tank, this chick will be my healer, this other dude will focus on status effects" etc. In SMT:N you don't really know what skills your demons are going to get until you get them. (I haven't looked closely but you may be able to see the next skill, but unless you're familiar with the series' naming system, it might as well be in japanese.)

Fusing them is a whole other layer of randomness. I fused a jack frost with a fairy and got a dog dragon thing, with no real relation to either jack frost or the fairy.

THEN there's the problem of not having enough life stones. I haven't found a place where I can buy them, so once again I have to rely on the randomness of them being dropped by defeated monsters. Not only that, I have to risk upwards of 2 or 3 stones on a demon where they will sometimes ask a question with no real right answer, so it's basically a (random) guess.

Another RPG standard that annoys me in this game is that status effects do NOTHING to bosses. I would pay $100 for an rpg if there was a boss that was weak to death spells


pj325is said:
I prefer the regular style, where you can plan the progression of your characters. You can say "this guy will be my melee tank, this chick will be my healer, this other dude will focus on status effects" etc.

you really need a party-centric approach in nocturne, rather than a character-specific one (since you're forced to fuse demons to their keep levels up). i quite liked having to shore up weaknesses in the party, and getting a good skill passed down to an appropriate demon in a fusion.

deciding on skills for the main character once you're slots are full of goodness is nasty.

pj325is said:
Fusing them is a whole other layer of randomness.

it's not random - just very, very obscure:) there are lots of flaws in this game though - i do agree with that. overall i quite enjoyed it though.

pj325is said:
status effects do NOTHING to bosses. I would pay $100 for an rpg if there was a boss that was weak to death spells

??? i can't imagine making it through this game without extensive status use on bosses.


pj325is said:
I loved DDS1+2 so I bought SMT:N since a lot of people said it's as good or better.

I'm really not feeling it. I think it's partially due to me getting tired of old RPG design. Between the load screens, transistions to and from random battles and other assorted inconveniences, I'd say at least 25% of the game is wasted time. And that's being generous and not considering the same 2 or 3 enemy layouts per area as "wasted time"

The thing where you recruit demons is kind of cool, but since you don't really control how they progress, it kind of limits the amount of strategy you can use, and MP restoration items are rarely dropped so I'm afraid to use magic a lot.

The randomness also pisses me off. I got into a random battle where SEVEN enemies appeared and SUDDENLY ATTACKED!. Their first turn knocked out all but one of my dudes, so I try to run, but I get the ! over one of their heads that means "we're not done with you, bitch." This was just after I had saved, so I reloaded, went to the same place, got in a battle at almost the same spot, and this time it was just two weak enemies I killed with no trouble. What did I do the first time that made me deserve death? What did I do the second time that made me deserve to live? Nothing, I played exactly the same, one time I died, one time I didn't. Totally unfair

Another thing that annoys me is the stupid road blocks to progress. I try to go somewhere at ginza underground pass or whatever, and this guy is like, "sorry, can't let you through" with no indication of what I have to do to make him get out of my way. The solution? You have to talk to the junk collector who promises to make the guy move if you get something for him. Something that's in the town you just left. AWESOME and TOTALLY LOGICAL

I'm being a little unfair to the game, since it's older and most of my beefs were par for the course back then, but I'm having a hard time getting past them and I'm not sure if I have the will power to see it through to the end. I hope to christ they copy FF12 with their next game. A battle system with no screen transitions in the SMT universe would be tits

I totally get you... I haven't touched SMT:N in months... I really wanted to get into it, but couldn't... :(
I'll try again someday, that I know... damn you,


Farore said:
I totally get you... I haven't touched SMT:N in months... I really wanted to get into it, but couldn't... :(
I'll try again someday, that I know... damn you,
Oh my, he was a toughy. I think I had more trouble with him than any other boss in that game. I think he's tougher than a lot of final bosses from other RPGs.


Farore said:
I totally get you... I haven't touched SMT:N in months... I really wanted to get into it, but couldn't... :(
I'll try again someday, that I know... damn you,
haha funny thing is,I stopped playing Nocturne for awhile when I first reached
also. After that it was smooth sailing till the end.

however was an absolute PAIN. Wich made it even more of a relief finishing him off. Nocturne made me feel really rewarded after defeating it's bosses,more so than any other RPG last gen i can think of.


pj325is said:
Between the load screens, transistions to and from random battles and other assorted inconveniences, I'd say at least 25% of the game is wasted time.

Your way off. It might have standard RPG instanced battles and locations, but everything is seamless. There is rarely ever a noticeable load time.

pj325is said:
The thing where you recruit demons is kind of cool, but since you don't really control how they progress, it kind of limits the amount of strategy you can use, and MP restoration items are rarely dropped so I'm afraid to use magic a lot.

That's why you analyze demons before you recruit them. You can also simply observe them in battle to see what kind of skills they have (and will acquire later on).

pj325is said:
Something that's in the town you just left. AWESOME and TOTALLY LOGICAL

How about exploring the location fully before moving on? I know the section you are talking about, if you ventured out before the next area become accessible then you were wandering around without any of idea of where to go next.

pj325is said:
Fusing them is a whole other layer of randomness.

Tip: When you go to the fusion list, take a look to your right. There is a chart there. Learn to love it.

pj325is said:
where they will sometimes ask a question with no real right answer, so it's basically a (random) guess.

Um, no. Questions and answers demon's will ask are based on their mythology and sometimes they will ask you clever things you actually have to think about. For example, there are some SNAKE arcana demons that will ask you if you think your life is worth more then theirs. You might worry about offending the demon, but then again, why would it risk it's life for you if you don't believe your life is worth far more? Your alliance also plays a role in demon recruiting so you also have to worry about that.

You really have to try harder. It almost sounds like you are playing the game on a superficial level. You've spent all this time pointing out things that aren't flaws, but game design choices. If you had paid attention you would have seen that you can buy creatures that can help you customize demons the way you want, there are skills demons posses that help you acquire items more easily and that clues are scattered all around that give you vital tips on surviving.


Avalon said:
Your way off. It might have standard RPG instanced battles and locations, but everything is seamless. There is rarely ever a noticeable load time.

Do you know the meaning of the word "seamless"? there's seams everywhere. They're not long, but there's an interruption about every 10 seconds, which adds up.

That's why you analyze demons before you recruit them. You can also simply observe them in battle to see what kind of skills they have (and will acquire later on).

Yeah, except most demons use 1 or 2 attacks, you don't know what they'll have several levels later. And it's cool that when you recruit a demon they magically forget some of the spells they had.

How about exploring the location fully before moving on? I know the section you are talking about, if you ventured out before the next area become accessible then you were wandering around without any of idea of where to go next.

You must not know what I'm talking about, because I did explore fully. I talked to everyone in the bar, I even found the alternate entrance to that guy's room, but there was a dude blocking the way. The bar tender told me to go to the underground pass, so I went there, talked to all the manikins, including the junk dealer, then tried to go to the next area but it was blocked, and the dude blocking gave me no indication of what I had to do to make him move. After I blindly found that the junk dealer would help, I now have to go back to the bar where presumably I have to get into that room behind the bar.

Tip: When you go to the fusion list, take a look to your right. There is a chart there. Learn to love it.

You mean the chart that says which guys can fuse with which? I don't see that helping much

Um, no. Questions and answers demon's will ask are based on their mythology and sometimes they will ask you clever things you actually have to think about. For example, there are some SNAKE arcana demons that will ask you if you think your life is worth more then theirs. You might worry about offending the demon, but then again, why would it risk it's life for you if you don't believe your life is worth far more? Your alliance also plays a role in demon recruiting so you also have to worry about that.

And I'm supposed to know/care about their mythology how/why? This one demon asked me if I thought it looked like a monster, it looked like one but I said it didn't, because I figured it was a stupid trick question, and I was right! The demon complimented me on my honesty..

You really have to try harder. It almost sounds like you are playing the game on a superficial level. You've spent all this time pointing out things that aren't flaws, but game design choices. If you had paid attention you would have seen that you can buy creatures that can help you customize demons the way you want, there are skills demons posses that help you acquire items more easily and that clues are scattered all around that give you vital tips on surviving.

So a bad design choice isn't a flaw? I said I wasn't being fair because a lot of the problems are RPG standards that I'm just getting tired of. It's also hard to get motivated to play deeper when no matter what I do, sometimes I'll get wiped out because luck wasn't on my side.

I saw that you can buy elemental dudes, I bought one, but when I went to fuse it, all the results were too high level for me. I guess that's my fault for having demons that are already high level.....


pj325is said:
Yeah, except most demons use 1 or 2 attacks, you don't know what they'll have several levels later. And it's cool that when you recruit a demon they magically forget some of the spells they had.

You can have full control over your demons skill set through Mitama fusion (see below), but it's much wiser to constantly switch demons and use them on a case by case basis. You will not have a set party until the end of the game and 99% of demons until then will be fusion folders.

pj325is said:
You must not know what I'm talking about, because I did explore fully.

My mistake. In any case, is it just the fact that it's backtracking that is killing you?

pj325is said:
You mean the chart that says which guys can fuse with which? I don't see that helping much

There are a lot of factors to consider in fusion. Moon phase for one and the rank, race and alignment of demons. The chart lets you know which demons can be fused and when using Elementals it will tell you if demons will rank up or down. Later, you will be able to see special fusion in the chart.

Helpful tip: Skills that will be inherited are a mixture of the parent skills. Each demon has a starting level, the higher both demons are from that level when they are fused the more skills the new demon will inherit.

pj325is said:
And I'm supposed to know/care about their mythology how/why? This one demon asked me if I thought it looked like a monster, it looked like one but I said it didn't, because I figured it was a stupid trick question, and I was right! The demon complimented me on my honesty..

Demons from the same arcana are often very similar. You can figure these things out by talking to them and having prior knowledge on their respective mythos will also help you. There are also specialize demon recruiting skills. Seduce on a female demon should help you recruit many humanoid male demons for example.

pj325is said:
It's also hard to get motivated to play deeper when no matter what I do, sometimes I'll get wiped out because luck wasn't on my side.

There is logic and reason to everything in the game. The game is extremely balanced and that sometimes simply does not work out in your favor. Enemies can exploit all your weakness int he same way you do to them. The main thing to do is always be prepared, every battle is do or die. Never wait for a check point to patch up and always have items that can get your out of jam. You can also talk your way out of many situations.

pj325is said:
I saw that you can buy elemental dudes, I bought one, but when I went to fuse it, all the results were too high level for me. I guess that's my fault for having demons that are already high level.....

Elementals are for ranking up demons. Mitama (which you can gain by fusing two of the same race) give stat boost and transfer skills. By making elementals and Mitama you can transfer just about any skill around.

pj325is said:
So a bad design choice isn't a flaw? I said I wasn't being fair because a lot of the problems are RPG standards that I'm just getting tired of.

As long as it's delivering what was intended, why would it be considering a flaw?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
10 second loadings in nocturne....? errrrrrr.....

between battles it's probably 2 seconds at most, between areas 2-3 seconds, menu loads up instantly, the only long load times is when you are A) saving (well duh) and B) using the amala network.

Nocturne is one of the fastest rpgs I've ever played (and considering it has random battles), the battle animations are fast, battles load very quick also. I dont understand the loadings complains with in this game.

25% of the game being wasted time is err... probably a really bad exaggeration.
SMT Nocturne is the best RPG for the PS2, great battle system, the fusion system while not as complex as the previous games is still great and it's fast.


Error said:
10 second loadings in nocturne....? errrrrrr.....

between battles it's probably 2 seconds at most, between areas 2-3 seconds, menu loads up instantly, the only long load times is when you are A) saving (well duh) and B) using the amala network.

Nocturne is one of the fastest rpgs I've ever played (and considering it has random battles), the battle animations are fast, battles load very quick also. I dont understand the loadings complains with in this game.

25% of the game being wasted time is err... probably a really bad exaggeration.

I didn't mean 10 second load times, I meant load times and other gameplay interruptions every 10 seconds. I don't think 25% is an exaggeration at all.

Avalon said:

I'll keep playing, but I don't see myself liking this as much as DDS


pj325is said:
I'll keep playing, but I don't see myself liking this as much as DDS

i think there will be a tendency to enjoy the first of the ps2 smt games you play the most as they're quite derivative of each other in many ways. i was getting tired of nocturne by the end, and i'm enjoying devil summoner less partly due to the rehashed stuff.

also: different strokes, etc...


Reilly said:
How can you like DDS more than Nocturne? Nocturne is better in every aspect.

Because it's more accessible, story and characters are easier to appreciate, there is always a clear goal and you never really have to worry about screwing up a character build.

There are plenty of reasons why (though I don't agree with any of them).


Reilly said:
How can you like DDS more than Nocturne? Nocturne is better in every aspect.

Like birdchili said, it's probably because I played DDS first. All the demons and uniqueness of the universe were new to me then


pj325is said:
Like birdchili said, it's probably because I played DDS first. All the demons and uniqueness of the universe were new to me then

The context of everything is changed in Nocturne... doesn't that matter more then 3D models?



I was in the middle of a game not too long ago. I got sidetracked and and just barely picked it up again today. Problem is, I forgot where I'm suppose to go.
Chiaka and Isamu have just summoned their Gods
. So I suppose this is the part were
Hikawa does the same
. Where exactly am I suppose to go, the Nyx at the bar in Ginza mentions the location
Tokyo Diet Building
, not sure where that is though. :(


Avalon said:

I was in the middle of a game not too long ago. I got sidetracked and and just barely picked it up again today. Problem is, I forgot where I'm suppose to go.
Chiaka and Isamu have just summoned their Gods
. So I suppose this is the part were
Hikawa does the same
. Where exactly am I suppose to go, the Nyx at the bar in Ginza mentions the location
Tokyo Diet Building
, not sure where that is though. :(

Leave Ginza and go East and take the highway that crosses over the bridge and around to the second entrence to the base. This is NOT the highway that you fight
Hell Biker
. Walk north past the second entrence and there is a subway/train entrence at the top. Go in there. Bring the item that illuminates dark areas. I might be wrong, but it has the guy who digs a tunnel in there too.
oh my oh my....

so after 40+ hours over the span of a week or so, I've finally finished Digital Devil Saga 2

I did have to use a FAQ on 3 different occasions for bosses, but most of it was just hard work....though unlocking mantras once you get higher hunt skills, begins to become an addiction...

At first, I didn't quite understand the entire story, but then I just checked out wikipedia's page just to refresh the events in my mind....
I have to say how delighted I am with the overall story and its message....

The series is still very much for the hardcore, but I'm glad I put forth the effort and saw it through to the end....in many ways Megaten is like Ninja Gaiden ya know!

...it can be very hard and very trying, but once you adapt and try something else (along with a little luck on some of those bosses...sheesh), you gain that much more satifisfaction and fullfillment

............**** it will be forever before we see Megaten on PS3 eh?

ah well...at least I got Nocturne to keep my busy until then :D



Surprised you actually finished it after reading your last thread.... Nocturne is a completely different beast though and if you consider DDS hardcore... man, your in for some fun.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Nocturne is totally different from DDS both in terms of story and gameplay. Nocturne is more gameplay heavy and light on story but I felt the story in Nocturne is superior to DDS simply because you have choices on how to proceed, there is more freedom totally unlike DDS completely linear story.

also demon recruiting is badass, I thought DDS was at some points harder than Nocturne. I do admit, however, that some dungeons in Nocturne are pretty ****ing hardcore (like the bonus dungeon). go for the true demon ending man it's badass and the most rewarding of all the endings in the game.
Avalon said:

Surprised you actually finished it after reading your last thread.... Nocturne is a completely different beast though and if you consider DDS hardcore... man, your in for some fun.

yeah, I was in a rut when I was kicking it off....but I found my way and the conventions of the gameplay that I still did appreciate.....
.....Asara Megenada is a ****ing cocksucker though!!!


loves Arcade Sticks
While not a TRUE SMT title..... I'd like to say:

Persona 3 is coming out later this month... I've played through the English version and I can honestly say that it is my gaming highlight of 2007 so far... I enjoyed the game and overall presentation VERY MUCH(from story, to voice acting, to dungeon/battle mechanics), I never felt the game dragged and I felt that it was paced very well.

I'm working on my review right now, but I just wanted to say... GET THIS GAME!
MarkMan said:
While not a TRUE SMT title..... I'd like to say:

Persona 3 is coming out later this month... I've played through the English version and I can honestly say that it is my gaming highlight of 2007 so far... I enjoyed the game and overall presentation VERY MUCH(from story, to voice acting, to dungeon/battle mechanics), I never felt the game dragged and I felt that it was paced very well.

I'm working on my review right now, but I just wanted to say... GET THIS GAME!
already preordered from months ago :D


Error said:
also demon recruiting is badass, I thought DDS was at some points harder than Nocturne. I do admit, however, that some dungeons in Nocturne are pretty ****ing hardcore (like the bonus dungeon). go for the true demon ending man it's badass and the most rewarding of all the endings in the game.

I don't know about that. DDS did have more battles that involved figuring out patterns and such. Nocturne has this wicked raw difficulty and enemies were far more unpredictable.

Don't go for any particular ending just because... just play the game and just accept whatever happens. That's the way games like Nocturne are meant to be played.


SatelliteOfLove said:
His name is Meganada, and he rides around on a tricked-out bassmaster speedboat on a sea of gamers' tears. :lol

All right, I'll admit that he is probably the hardest normal boss in any SMT game this generation. But as a whole (in terms of dungeon crawling, item and party managing, endurance, side-quest and normal battles), Nocturne is just much more challenging.


MarkMan said:
While not a TRUE SMT title..... I'd like to say:

Persona 3 is coming out later this month... I've played through the English version and I can honestly say that it is my gaming highlight of 2007 so far... I enjoyed the game and overall presentation VERY MUCH(from story, to voice acting, to dungeon/battle mechanics), I never felt the game dragged and I felt that it was paced very well.

I'm working on my review right now, but I just wanted to say... GET THIS GAME!
Tell me it doesn't look like garbage on an HDTV and i will! :D


diablopanqueque said:
I had more difficulty on figuring out how to beat Chernobyl and his shadow clones personally...

Heh, that was dead easy.

I put up no attack spells on any of my characters and managed to destroy that fight quite quickly :)
hay guys, I started to play the SNES games again.

In SMT1, I'm in some abnormally large shopping mall where I'm supposed to go downstairs for some resistance movement or something but I'm totally lost in the mall so I stopped playing there.

In SMT2, I'm in the frozen part of town, trying to stop the freeze or something like that, but some basilisk keeps attacking me with that dastardly poison gas and running away. Eventually, we engage in combat but it totally destroys my party.

anyone have some tips?


So today after dinner I dropped by a closing down sale in one of the shopping outlets in a mall. My friend wanted a wallet.... and I found Devil Summoner PS2 for like 12 bucks, brand new. :D

Played the tutorial up until I could save. The game's presentation and art direction is really good. Unfortunately the choice to use tons of cutscenes and FMV clashes with the decision to also not have voice. It just feels... odd. Battles are kinda interesting, but I'm not sure how much depth they will have in the long run. It's nice to finally own the game though!
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