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Shin Megami Tensei appreciation thread


you can't put a price on sparks
there are way less cg sequences in devil summoner after the first part of the game, as far as i remember.

voice acting was definitely a lacking part of Devil Summoner imo


MedievalManIII said:
hay guys, I started to play the SNES games again.

In SMT1, I'm in some abnormally large shopping mall where I'm supposed to go downstairs for some resistance movement or something but I'm totally lost in the mall so I stopped playing there.

In SMT2, I'm in the frozen part of town, trying to stop the freeze or something like that, but some basilisk keeps attacking me with that dastardly poison gas and running away. Eventually, we engage in combat but it totally destroys my party.

anyone have some tips?

SMT1: Your suppose to go into some bar in that giant mall. You will answer a few question then after that you can proceed to the underground (don't ask me how to get there, it's been so long).

SMT2: You have to kill it. Should be too hard to figure out. Just recreat/fuse demons who can combat poison an petrification.


I just finished Nocturne yesterday night. So awesome. I can't wait until I get Persona (yea, I know its just a spin-off, even if the American release has SMT in the title...)


duckroll said:
So today after dinner I dropped by a closing down sale in one of the shopping outlets in a mall. My friend wanted a wallet.... and I found Devil Summoner PS2 for like 12 bucks, brand new. :D

Played the tutorial up until I could save. The game's presentation and art direction is really good. Unfortunately the choice to use tons of cutscenes and FMV clashes with the decision to also not have voice. It just feels... odd. Battles are kinda interesting, but I'm not sure how much depth they will have in the long run. It's nice to finally own the game though!

Battles are the same from start to finish. Absolutely no variation.

There aren't a lot of FMVs either.

zoku88 said:
I just finished Nocturne yesterday night. So awesome. I can't wait until I get Persona (yea, I know its just a spin-off, even if the American release has SMT in the title...)

This is an NA appreciation thread, so they all fall under the same umbrella term.
I have a lot of store credit at EB/GameStop. Maybe I should pick up one of these. I think I'd be most interested in the one with Dante in it. That's Nocturne right?


ToyMachine228 said:
I have a lot of store credit at EB/GameStop. Maybe I should pick up one of these. I think I'd be most interested in the one with Dante in it. That's Nocturne right?

Yes, but good luck finding it at an EB/GS.
The one thing I REALLY don't get about pj325is' stance on Nocturne...

pj325is said:
I'm really not feeling it. I think it's partially due to me getting tired of old RPG design. Between the load screens, transistions to and from random battles and other assorted inconveniences, I'd say at least 25% of the game is wasted time. And that's being generous and not considering the same 2 or 3 enemy layouts per area as "wasted time"

...is that aside from the differences in how your party is setup and how you learn skills the core gameplay in the Digital Devil Saga and Nocturne is essentially the same. Transitions, the load times/screens, how random battles occur, etc. You hate one game for this but like others that have essentially the exact same "flaws". Okay.

pj325is said:
The randomness also pisses me off. I got into a random battle where SEVEN enemies appeared and SUDDENLY ATTACKED!. Their first turn knocked out all but one of my dudes, so I try to run, but I get the ! over one of their heads that means "we're not done with you, bitch." This was just after I had saved, so I reloaded, went to the same place, got in a battle at almost the same spot, and this time it was just two weak enemies I killed with no trouble. What did I do the first time that made me deserve death? What did I do the second time that made me deserve to live? Nothing, I played exactly the same, one time I died, one time I didn't. Totally unfair

Shin Megami Tensei games are difficult and Nocturne is no exception. The game keeps players on their toes, you can't fall asleep while playing this game like you can other rpgs, a standard random encounter can and will wipe you out. It's true of Nocturne, it's true for Digital Devil Saga and Digital Devil Saga 2 as well. Again, I do not understand your stance here.

I'm not going to comb through all of your posts with the back and forth between yourself and Avalon but...just...wow at some of your statements regarding Nocturne. I know you said you weren't being fair to the game but you're pretty much faulting SMT: Nocturne for your own ignorance when it comes to things like demon fusion and recruitment. That's how I see it anyways. If you put in a little time, a little thought into it all you could see how deep, and thus awesome, these aspects are and perhaps understand why people like the game as much as they do.
ToyMachine228 said:
I have a lot of store credit at EB/GameStop. Maybe I should pick up one of these. I think I'd be most interested in the one with Dante in it. That's Nocturne right?

You're better off trying your luck with online retailers, amazon and/or eBay than you are with EBPawnstop. You might find DDS2 and Devil Summoner, DDS1 if you're lucky, but Nocturne? Now, seems highly unlikely.
Avalon said:
I've seen Nocturne at Gamestop before... No case, no manual for like $45.

I think I'd rather be gouged by some douche on Amazon for the full shebang than buy just the disc from EBPawnstop.

Also I'd just like to say that I'm with Avalon in saying that Devil Summoner is without a doubt the worst SMT released in NA this generation. I'm not saying it's terrible, but the combat bored me to tears.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I found a nice copy of Nocturne at EB, with the soundtrack and everything. Also found the DDS1 + Box there in great condition. It can happen.


jaundicejuice said:
Also I'd just like to say that I'm with Avalon in saying that Devil Summoner is without a doubt the worst SMT released in NA this generation. I'm not saying it's terrible, but the combat bored me to tears.

They tried something different. I didn't think the combat was any more boring than the turn-based combat found in the previous games.

I think the rendered backgrounds made the game seem boring to some.

I rank DS above DDS2.


BocoDragon said:
I found a nice copy of Nocturne at EB, with the soundtrack and everything. Also found the DDS1 + Box there in great condition. It can happen.
Wow, when did you do this? If it was it was sometime recent, it must've been a miracle.
I'm not faulting them for trying something different, I just don't like DS as much as their more traditional efforts. That said I probably would buy a Devil Summoner 2 if the combat was a little more deep than Raidou Kuzunoha Vs The Soulless Army.
BocoDragon said:
I found a nice copy of Nocturne at EB, with the soundtrack and everything. Also found the DDS1 + Box there in great condition. It can happen.

So what you're telling me is that I should jop on to the ferry, go to Victoria and scour all of the gaming shops for rare finds?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
zoku88 said:
Wow, when did you do this? If it was it was sometime recent, it must've been a miracle.
Found them both about the same time six months ago. People were saying similar things about its rarity back then, so I doubt it's changed much.... (though PS2 sections are looking pretty stripped in general since the holidays)

I also found Marvel vs. Capcom 2 PS2 about the same time :lol Rarity is overrated.


Reilly said:
They tried something different. I didn't think the combat was any more boring than the turn-based combat found in the previous games.

I think the rendered backgrounds made the game seem boring to some.

I rank DS above DDS2.

Disagree. At the very least the press-turn system remained challenging throughout. DS turned into a repetitive hack fast about 5 minutes into the game.

The thing that bothers me the most about Devil Summoner is that so many of the changes were completely pointless. They were trying to make a hybrid RPG/adventure game and the older DS format was already perfect for that.


jaundicejuice said:
I'm not faulting them for trying something different, I just don't like DS as much as their more traditional efforts. That said I probably would buy a Devil Summoner 2 if the combat was a little more deep than Raidou Kuzunoha Vs The Soulless Army.

Well, i'm guessing the budget for DS was really small. I'd prefer lush, 3-d environments with deep, DMC-like combat over what was in DS, but it probably just wasn't possible.

I'm a huge fan of SMT and I don't want to sound like I'm giving DS a free pass because it certainly has it's flaws, but we should consider ourselves lucky to even get an english release.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
jaundicejuice said:
So what you're telling me is that I should jop on to the ferry, go to Victoria and scour all of the gaming shops for rare finds?

Not an especially good selection here. I guess I just have good luck. :) I think every rare game gets traded in once and awhile, and the beauty of EB is that they will actually charge a very low price for it if you do find it.

But like I said above, the local EBs have been pretty shit since the holidays, when a couple of clearance bins raped their selection (and quite a few game boxes too......).


just thought i'd pop my head in here and say that DDS is one of the best RPGs i've ever played. i just bought the box set and i'm hooked.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So, recently, I found copies of shin megami tensei for super famicom, and a few other super famicom goodies. Gotta love used game stores. :D

finished Raidou Kuzonoha Vs. The Soulless Army early this morning!

...was clocked at 23hours overall

I have to say that I did enjoy quite alot actually!

- Story was good times but nothing spectacular..still satisfying though
- Battle system turned out to be the most fun I had with a real-time battle system since Tales of Symphonia....seriously, I was NEVER bored with it
- title was never unbashedly difficult like its other brethren, which was an extremely welcome change of pace...though there were some challenging spurts
- the "budget" aspects of it were evident...but I think that was the point, as this was this title seemed such an experiment of sorts...though one I loved for the most part
- lack of VA never really hurt it THAT much....I think the real shame is that the dialog was good times and the setting/time period also would have lent to great opportunities in the VA department...maybe next time *hopes*
- I ADORED the art direction in this one....Kaneko hit it outta the park!
- I actually didn't get into the fusion system until half-way through the game, when my starting demons were really starting to fall behind. Didn't take long for me to grasp it and when I did, I really loved it!
- Music was fantastic!... favorite piece being the "1st dark world" theme that plays, when your persuing the student.....the shame is that there really isn't alot of it...and so from time to time montony would set in

So in the end, I thought Devil Summoner was great! I enjoyed myself immensly and would easily give this a strong 8 outta 10!

next up!.....finally Nocturne! :D
Okay so I'm like 50 hours into Nocturne, made it to the
. Is there some place in the game where I'll be able to make a shitload of cash rather quickly ? Because I'm playing this in Hard Mode and those Magatama cost an arm and a leg. Also I'd like to experiment some more with fusions and still be able to get my old demons back (that Fiend
is a freaking beast, Meditation+Prayer FTW).


I fell bad that I never finished SMT. I can't believe the difficulty got the better of me, that and I sucked at it.
AgentOtaku said:
- Battle system turned out to be the most fun I had with a real-time battle system since Tales of Symphonia....seriously, I was NEVER bored with it

Are you kidding me? Ugh, the same 3hit combo bored me to death. I thought you would get "more techniques" or something later but alas, there was none to be learned. I returned it before buying it. 6 out of 10 at best. I also didn't like how Rasputin
sort of became an ally after being such an awesome villain.
Holy Order Sol said:
Okay so I'm like 50 hours into Nocturne, made it to the
Obelisk (/spoiler]. Is there some place in the game where I'll be able to make a shitload of cash rather quickly ? Because I'm playing this in Hard Mode and those Magatama cost an arm and a leg. Also I'd like to experiment some more with fusions and still be able to get my old demons back (that Fiend
is a freaking beast, Meditation+Prayer FTW).
Wait, you're able to create fiends that early? I thought you had to finish the 2nd Kapla for that?

Edit: I meant fiends, sorry.


Holy Order Sol said:
Okay so I'm like 50 hours into Nocturne, made it to the
Obelisk (/spoiler]. Is there some place in the game where I'll be able to make a shitload of cash rather quickly ? Because I'm playing this in Hard Mode and those Magatama cost an arm and a leg. Also I'd like to experiment some more with fusions and still be able to get my old demons back (that Fiend
is a freaking beast, Meditation+Prayer FTW).
I've heard people can make a killing on the Warp hole mini-game... I'm not good at it so I can't comment. Have you tried bullying demons for gems and items?


I try to play DSS1 for a few hours at a time, but the monster design is so insanely boring I put the controller down and go to sleep.
I figured that I'd ask this since I'm in the thread...but if you complete DDS2 on hard mode and get a new game+(and continue in hard mode), do you keep all your mantras or does it start all over?
diablopanqueque said:
Are you kidding me? Ugh, the same 3hit combo bored me to death. I thought you would get "more techniques" or something later but alas, there was none to be learned. I returned it before buying it. 6 out of 10 at best. I also didn't like how Rasputin
sort of became an ally after being such an awesome villain.

yeah, I didn't say that it was the most technically deep of combat systems...but it WAS simple and fun....sorry you didn't feel the same way...

diablopanqueque said:
I figured that I'd ask this since I'm in the thread...but if you complete DDS2 on hard mode and get a new game+(and continue in hard mode), do you keep all your mantras or does it start all over?

yes you do


I was listening to both the Nocturne and the DDS1 soundtrack awhile ago(imported them onto my PS3)

have not had the chance to listen to the music in Soulless Army or DDS2 but i personally i think the music in DDS1 is better than Nocturne.

Thats 1 thing that i really like about the SMT games. Besides the demonic occult theme, is the awesome soundtracks these games have.

I'd say Karma is my fav track on DDS1 and The track that plays when you fight Dante is my fav in Nocturne. Guess i just like the cool guitar riffs.


how's the BC for these titles??? do they upscale well on the PS3?? I might dip into this franchise whenever I get a PS3 (a few price drops from now)
chemicals said:
how's the BC for these titles??? do they upscale well on the PS3?? I might dip into this franchise whenever I get a PS3 (a few price drops from now)

Good luck with that, the longer you wait the more you'll likely pay for some of these games.
AgentOtaku said:
yes you do

nevermind haha. I just beat the final boss and started over....and you don't keep your mantras. Damn that sucks. I guess I'll play through it again then since I want the secret character when I fight Satan.

(I played DDS2 before DDS1)
diablopanqueque said:
nevermind haha. I just beat the final boss and started over....and you don't keep your mantras. Damn that sucks. I guess I'll play through it again then since I want the secret character when I fight Satan.

(I played DDS2 before DDS1)

Wait, what?


WickedLaharl said:
i started playing nocturne today, and um, compared to the rpgs i've recently played this shit kinda hard. nowhere is safe!

The game creates some incredibly anxiety and tension... love it so much.
jaundicejuice said:
I know about that boss battle, it's this secret character you mentioned.

Oh haha. Yeah if you play through DDS1 and make certain choices then play DDS2 and make other (logical) decisions when given a choice, you'll get to replace a character in your party with a familiar face from the first game but only for the final dungeon only.

jaundicejuice said:
Oh, that, yeah.

I ended up with Roland :/

so did I...

but didn't care since my primary group has always been Argilla, Serph, and Gale...

....so really had my patience tested when DDS2 started to force you to use certain characters that you'd been neglecting the entire game (>__<)


I really f'ed up badly my first play through.
I had Sera learn pretty much all the same skills as Serph.
Avalon said:
I really f'ed up badly my first play through.
I had Sera learn pretty much all the same skills as Serph.

Haha me too. I learned from my mistakes on my second play through to cutdown on grinding later...


I didnt finish Nocturne but im considering Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 so how do they differ from Nocturne. More grinding, more storytelling etc ? And give some spoiler free tips if there are some nasty gamekillers in these titles.

The overall style and tight difficulty are my main carrots for purchasing these...


Dusted off Nocturne and have no idea where I need to go. I'm at a location called Assembly of Nihilo and it won't let me in. I'm not far into the game, think I just left a place called Giza(?).

Quite hard to come back to this after months away.
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