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Shooting inside Iran parliament and mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini

At least one gunman opened fire inside the Iranian parliament on Wednesday, wounding several people, state media reported.
There were mixed reports, with some local news agencies reporting there was a single shooter inside the Tehran parliamentary complex and others saying there were three men armed with rifles and a pistol.
News agencies ISNA and Fars said three people had been shot, including at least one security guard.
At the same time on Wednesday, an armed man opened fire at the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in southern Tehran and wounded a number of people, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

I don't think it's related to ISIS. They could do this 3 days ago, when mausoleum of Khomeini was too crowded with thousands of people.
I suspect hardliners for these. They're really angry with Rouhani and maybe they did these (and other things in future) for showing Rouhani's inefficiency. Something like chain murders of 1998.


Fog of War is high right now but journalists are reporting explosions at a Train station and A Suicide Bomber has blown himself up in the Msausoleum

@Tasnimnews_EN 1m
1 minute ago

#BreakingNews: A suicide bomber detonated himself at mausoleum of Imam #Khomeini in southern #Tehran
I don't think it's related to ISIS. They could do this 3 days ago, when mausoleum of Khomeini was too crowded with thousands of people.
I suspect hardliners for these. They're really angry with Rouhani and maybe they did these (and other things in future) for showing Rouhani's inefficiency. Something like chain murders of 1998.

It doesn't make too much sense that an iranian hardliner would attack his own political symbol. Khomeini is a shared reference for the reformists and the hardliner alike in Iran.


The Birthday Skeleton
Quite a coincidence for this to happen at the same time with the Qatar crisis.

Hopefully there aren't too many casualties.
Fog of War is high right now but journalists are reporting explosions at a Train station and A Suicide Bomber has blown himself up in the Msausoleum

I haven't really paid attention to past attacks in Iran but how much of an issue are suicide bombers there?
Iran Revolutionary Guards has a tight control over Iran and we're successful for years to prevent such acts.
The Khomeini grave is one of the most secure places in Iran given its importance.

I think it's internal conflict of some sorts.
Iran Revolutionary Guards has a tight control over Iran and we're successful for years to prevent such acts.
The Khomeini grave is one of the most secure places in Iran given its importance.

I think it's internal conflict of some sorts.

The Khomeini grave is secure and you do have soldier controlling bags and ID, but i wouldn't says that it's one of the most secure places in Iran. I didn't see more than fifteen soldier when i went there and the place is HUGE.

It's maybe secure for iranian standard but certainly not for western standard, so an outside attack could definitely happens. Also you have an important sunni minority in Iran. So it doesn't even need to be foreign.
The Khomeini grave is secure and you do have soldier controlling bags and ID, but i wouldn't says that it's one of the most secure places in Iran. I didn't see more than fifteen soldier when i went there and the place is HUGE.

It's maybe secure for iranian standard but certainly not for western standard, so an outside attack could definitely happens. Also you have an important sunni minority in Iran. So it doesn't even need to be foreign.
Sunnis live mostly in Southern Iran so I can understand that the security there is a bit difficult there,
While Northern Iran was mostly safe except for Earthquakes.


One of the gunmen inside parliament.


Check out this Twitter account to get some updates on the situation.


Lil Marco

This is VERY alarming since Iran rarely, if ever, gets incidents like this since as the country is almost entirely Shiite.


Gunman in a window.
For snipers to snipe.

Where are the snipers?

What is he thinking? What? ed: let he be dumb

RIP gardener Mr./ Mrs. 😔
This is VERY alarming since Iran rarely, if ever, gets incidents like this since as the country is almost entirely Shiite.

Wow that some gross generalization here ! No sunni=no bombing ?!?

Kinda of a hard thing to swallow when you think that the first "islamist" group to use suicide attack as a political mean was shiite and funded by Iran!
A shot from explosion at Khomeini's shrine. Don't know how there is a photo, but not video!


It seems another attacker had 6 grenades and killed by guards.

It doesn't make too much sense that an iranian hardliner would attack his own political symbol. Khomeini is a shared reference for the reformists and the hardliner alike in Iran.
That's logical, but I expect everything from "some" of hardliners.

One of the gunmen inside parliament.

Check out this Twitter account to get some updates on the situation.

Some sources say he's one of the parliament guards, not an attacker.

Lil Marco

Wow that some gross generalization here ! No sunni=no bombing ?!?

Iran literally almost never suffers from sectarian violence since 1979, which can be attributed to their mostly unified Islamic sect. Just stating the facts- not saying one sect is more violent than the other. Your historical example one of the first extremist groups being shiite is also valid here.


...lacks reading comprehension.
What this world has become. Well, the Sunni/Shia conflict has been there for centuries. They should just go into a desert and battle it out like in the good old days. It's not as if an attack here or there will change anything.

So who profits when geopolitical instability keeps oil countries from being powerful, keeps them occupied, fearful and distracted? Who sells weapons to them? Who has an interest in selling their own oil and gas?
Iran literally almost never suffers from sectarian violence since 1979, which can be attributed to their mostly unified Islamic sect. Just stating the facts- not saying one sect is more violent than the other. Your historical example one of the first extremist groups being shiite is also valid here.

Thanks for the clarification !
10 % of their population is sunni (it's not negligent) and a lot of regionalist movement (the recent clash with PKK is an indication of that, also the instability of Balochistan), i think it's mainly because they have a radical approach against any kind of separatism (or political activism) that they managed to maintain those group in check.

I mean, you can be executed for "bringing corruption to the earth", you imagine what that could mean in IRI novlang: anything who pose a political threat to the system.


I know nothing about the middle east: is there any real possibility this is linked to Saudi Arabia?
A shot from explosion at Khomeini's shrine. Don't know how there is a photo, but not video!

TBH, that looks like a still frame from a video rather than a photo. You'd have to be set up waiting for the explosion and quick on the shutter to catch it in a still shot, whereas getting a frame like that would just be a case of pointing a phone/camera at whatever was going on and then just pulling it out later.
I know nothing about the middle east: is there any real possibility this is linked to Saudi Arabia?

Very unlikely. The political outcome of such attack will be close to zero for Saudi Arabia. It cannot destabilize a country like Iran. There is no big opposition movement who will rise from it or anything like it.

The only people who would gain something out of it would be terrorist groups like ISIS, who could use attack to show "how far the Caliphate reach".

Of course, Iranian propaganda will says it's a saudi/mossad/cia attack.
The local news is calling it a "Terrorist Attack" so i'm not sure if they'll try and pin it on any other country (Like SA). it was either an insider (possibly extremists) or ISIS. Either way this is terrifying.
I know nothing about the middle east: is there any real possibility this is linked to Saudi Arabia?
For that Saudia Arabia needs some affiliates in Iran like Iran with Hezbollah or AL Houthis and as far as I know they don't.

The closest Miltias that Saudia Arabia might have a link were the Muslim Brotherhood but they declared them as terrorist group.
ISIL claiming responsibility.
AJ+‏Verified account @ajplus 34m34 minutes ago
Replying to @ajplus
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Iranian parliament and Khomeini shrine.
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