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Shooting inside Iran parliament and mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini


While i always see how much my country antagonize Iran, i hope the victim and anyone affected there will be eased of their pain.T_T As i don't really understand why there is such huge difference between Muslim there.


Those things are not mutually exclusive.

The area controlled by the Islamic State is on the verge of collapse in both Syria and Iraq, but that doesn't mean that external terrorist actions by the Islamic State will abate. In fact, there is every reason to believe that they will increase as battlefield defeat draws nearer.
I guess I can see that. Perhaps that's the problem with focusing on the military aspect of counter-insurgency and neglecting the ideological conflicts.


This attack seems very catalytic. Condolences to the families of the victims.

I wonder why iran revolutionary guard are blaming washington for the attack.


The Birthday Skeleton
I wonder why iran revolutionary guard are blaming washington for the attack.

Where did you got this from?


The powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps accused Saudi Arabia of being behind the action, a rare such incident in Iran.

"This terrorist attack happened only a week after the meeting between the U.S. president (Donald Trump) and the (Saudi) backward leaders who support terrorists. The fact that Islamic State has claimed responsibility proves that they were involved in the brutal attack," a Guards statement said.

I see how this might be misinterpreted, but it talks about Saudi backward leaders who support terrorism.


Feinstein on Iran Sanctions Vote

Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the following statement on today’s vote to impose new sanctions against Iran:

“I join with my colleagues who believe this is the wrong time to approve additional sanctions against Iran. The country has just suffered from two significant terrorist attacks after electing a moderate government with 57 percent of the vote—we need to give Iran the opportunity to recover and set a new course.”
Yeah. 12 people die and a national parliament attacked and only two pages of commentary. Sympathy around here is really ethnocentric at times.

The news also developed between midnight and 6am in the United States. While I don't expect our leadership to say a whole lot given the GOP hardline stance on Iran and their general sentiment on the deaths of Muslims abroad, I strongly object to the idea that "GAF" is some kind of hivemind incapable of empathizing with the families of the deceased or the heightened tensions the survivors now face.
I don't think even GAF is.

Let's be real, when people hear about terrorist attacks in the middle east, they just don't care and some even think they deserve it and are getting what's coming to them for 'supporting and exporting' terror to Western shores.

When the Pakistan attacks were going on, I heard they deserve it a fair few times. Even the school shooting didn't elicit much sympathy from those who I now see angry and demanding action be taken for London.

I get it though, who cares about what's happening half way across the world or who might be suffering, people only care about what's in front of them or can directly affect them.



I know, i see what you did there. And people still think Isis=Muslims.

Such a ridicolous generalization.

And it'll probably remain that way - rightwing media will likely play it down as a terrorist attack but not bring up how Muslims were the targets or it'll hurt their BS narrative.


I wonder what Iran's response will be? Sending more troops into Syria?

...do they still have troops in Syria?


Kind of laughable the US brings up terrorists when the US military blew a Iranian airliner out of the sky in the 80s.
You have to really appreciate the level of cluelessness coming from the WH in thier statement. ISIS is to blame but Iran is at fault for supporting terror (implying ISIS). Now in Syria Iran is providing material support to Assad and has committed troops to fight on the ground which Russia also supports. The WH says Russia is fighting terror so somehow Iran now lives in a quantum state of both supporting and fighting ISIS.


You have to really appreciate the level of cluelessness coming from the WH in thier statement. ISIS is to blame but Iran is at fault for supporting terror (implying ISIS). Now in Syria Iran is providing material support to Assad and has committed troops to fight on the ground which Russia also supports. The WH says Russia is fighting terror so somehow Iran now lives in a quantum state of both supporting and fighting ISIS.

I think they meant it more 'general' as in: Iran supports 'terrorist' groups like Hamas. They can't be so clueless as to think they support ISIS.

No matter what they meant, it was a fucking vile statement. Just offer your condolences and stfu.


Deash just wants to fire up the high tensions between SA and Iran

and the IRGC is eating it up like a delicious soup

you gave a tweet about the Qatar scenario and the funding of Al - Qeada and not the Tehran attacks
I merely gave a comment from the saudi fm hours before the attack.
Now campare it to what the white house said. Reads like the same.
Oh and the sudi heir said they bring want to bring the fight to iranian soil. Whatever the fight is
And you gonna have to back the claim of financing al qaede up. That's the first time I've heard this


Kind of laughable the US brings up terrorists when the US military blew a Iranian airliner out of the sky in the 80s.
That message from Trump is cold, thoughtless, and all around reprehensible, but I don't see the connection between a terrible mistake and the recent terrorist attacks.
Wait....is he trying to intimate that Iran sponsors ISIS?

That's just dickish anyways.


Edit: that statement demonstrates double standard to be frank but to be expected.

Western get attacked because they hate our way of life.

Everyone else gets attacked because you helped to contribute towards it.


I'll never get the US' irrational hate boner for Iran. Some Iranians take an embassy hostage, we must hate them for 40 years. Some Saudi Arabians take down the Twin Towers, attack the Pentagon and the White House, here's one trillion in advanced weaponry.


I'll never get the US' irrational hate boner for Iran. Some Iranians take an embassy hostage, we must hate them for 40 years. Some Saudi Arabians take down the Twin Towers, attack the Pentagon and the White House, here's one trillion in advanced weaponry.

Iran is publicly interfering in six Arab countries destabilizing the region. Its run by a religious regime with a Constitution to "export the islamic revolution"

Let's just not pretend they are innocent because you hate SA for some reason.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Iran is publicly interfering in six Arab countries destabilizing the region. Its run by a religious regime with a Constitution to "export the islamic revolution"

Let's just not pretend they are innocent because you hate SA for some reason.

lol "for some reason". Lots of reasons to hate SA. They're pretty much exclusively responsible for the majority of the Sunni terrorism that's been plaguing the world for the last few decades. I'd say Saudi is responsible for destabilizing more countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan, for example) than Iran is, which makes the US's love boner for SA and hate for Iran hypocritical.


Iran is publicly interfering in six Arab countries destabilizing the region. Its run by a religious regime with a Constitution to "export the islamic revolution"

Let's just not pretend they are innocent because you hate SA for some reason.
Saudi Arabia conversely is not meddling in the Middle East at all. Saintly behavior as they bomb Yemen, fund terrorists and put the squeeze on the gulf states. And they're a heck of a lot better in exporting their Wahhabi revolution across the globe to detrimental effect than any Ayatollah managed.

Can't blame the Iranians for finding these ISIS attacks entirely too convenient either.


lol "for some reason". Lots of reasons to hate SA. They're pretty much exclusively responsible for the majority of the Sunni terrorism that's been plaguing the world for the last few decades. I'd say Saudi is responsible for destabilizing more countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan, for example) than Iran is, which makes the US's love boner for SA and hate for Iran hypocritical.

Pakistan + Afghanistan are both affected by Al-Qaeda or Taliban. Only time SA supported those terrorist groups was during chechen war, after that they stopped supporting them, hell they were affected by numerous attacks inside KSA to remove the "infedel government"

Iran in the other hand is aiding Assad, supplying Hezbollah, and Houthis and causing chaos in Iraq. They are doing it to this day.

SA and Iran are really similar in a lot of things the only difference is the religious regime "malaly" is ruling Iran.

While KSA is still ruled by "Royal family", the situation will be a lot worse if "Royal family" was removed and the crazy religious sect "Sunni"of SA took control.
Pakistan + Afghanistan are both affected by Al-Qaeda or Taliban. Only time SA supported those terrorist groups was during chechen war, after that they stopped supporting them, hell they were affected by numerous attacks inside KSA to remove the "infedel government"

Iran in the other hand is aiding Assad, supplying Hezbollah, and Houthis and causing chaos in Iraq. They are doing it to this day.

SA and Iran are really similar in a lot of things the only difference is the religious regime "malaly" is ruling Iran.

While KSA is still ruled by "Royal family", the situation will be a lot worse if "Royal family" was removed and the crazy religious sect "Sunni"of SA took control.

I think that KSA system consist in foreign policy is under the authority of the Royal Family and internal policy is for the clergy. It's the original deal made between Al-Saoud and the wahhabi reformists.

I am pretty sure that the driving ban for women or the cinema ban came from the clergy and not the royal family.

Iran is more extreme though since the clergy rule internal and external affair alike, of course the elected government have some kind of impact but it's seems to be similar as some kind of parliament under a absolute monarchy. The Guide take the government in consideration as a general indicator of the will of the people but still have the final word on everything.


Saudi Arabia conversely is not meddling in the Middle East at all. Saintly behavior as they bomb Yemen, fund terrorists and put the squeeze on the gulf states. And they're a heck of a lot better in exporting their Wahhabi revolution across the globe to detrimental effect than any Ayatollah managed.

Can't blame the Iranians for finding these ISIS attacks entirely too convenient either.

About Yemen, in 2009, Houthi launched an all out attack to invade SA, Saudi Arabia defended their border then closed it.

Fast forward to 2015, Houthi regime with Revelotionary army of Iran planned a coup to remove Hadi ( current Yemen elected president) , Hadi flew to SA and asked for their help against the regime. Thats why operation SA interfered in Yemen.

But lots here love to ignore a lot of facts that's happening in ME.

ME conflicts are historical and very complex.

Man it has been a while since I engaged in politics, back to playing Tekken 7...


I think that KSA system consist in foreign policy is under the authority of the Royal Family and internal policy is for the clergy. It's the original deal made between Al-Saoud and the wahhabi reformists.

I am pretty sure that the driving ban for women or the cinema ban came from the clergy and not the royal family.

Iran is more extreme though since the clergy rule internal and external affair alike.

I guarantee those bans will lifted sooner than everyone thinks, a lot is changing internally in KSA.

They just established "moderation center" to help fight extreme idiologies, they removed all authorities of "religious police"
About Yemen, in 2009, Houthi launched an all out attack to invade SA, Saudi Arabia defended their border then closed it.

Fast forward to 2015, Houthi regime with Revelotionary army of Iran planned a coup to remove Hadi ( current Yemen elected president) , Hadi flew to SA and asked for their help against the regime. Thats why operation SA interfered in Yemen.

But lots here love to ignore a lot of facts that's happening in ME.

ME conflicts are historical and very complex.

Man it has been a while since I engaged in politics, back to playing Tekken 7...

People just watch who are the protagonist of any conflict and define the nature of the conflict accordingly.
Saudi Arabia ? Bad. So the other side is right.

It's very hard to say that Saudi Arabia are on the wrong side of the conflict in Yemen.
I guarantee those bans will lifted sooner than everyone thinks, a lot is changing internally in KSA.

How the clergy would reacts though ? I know the clergy is royally appointed but i doubt they will change all fatwas overnight. Well they kinda did that during the iraqi invasion of Kuwait...

More worrying would be the reaction of the hardliners, but i really don't know their weight in the general population. In Iran, it's certainly a political force.


How the clergy would reacts though ? I know the clergy is royally appointed but i doubt they will change all fatwas overnight. Well they kinda did that during the iraqi invasion of Kuwait...

More worrying would be the reaction of the hardliners, but i really don't know their weight in the general population. In Iran, it's certainly a political force.

Believe me, once the order come from the king himself, no clerk will bat an eye (in public of course)

It just hapoened with lifting the ban on women travel...no one dared to oppose the King order.

Also culturally, SA is changing, government has been sending thousands of people to study abroad and come back with knowledge and moderate views of the world. Culture is changing slowly for the better.


The Birthday Skeleton
Iran is publicly interfering in six Arab countries destabilizing the region.

This is very rich these days when Saudi Arabia just started another Gulf region crisis by ganging up GCC on Qatar. This even ignoring the fact that Saudi Arabia is as involved as Iran in the Syria situation, just on another side.
Believe me, once the order come from the king himself, no clerk will bat an eye (in public of course)

It just hapoened with lifting the ban on women travel...no one dared to oppose the King order.

Also culturally, SA is changing, government has been sending thousands of people to study abroad and come back with knowledge and moderate views of the world. Culture is changing slowly for the better.

Let's hope so ! Last step needed is to remove this crazy sect from the religious authority and it will be fine again. I hope i will be able to make my hajj in a non-wahhabi arabia...
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