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Skullgirls DLC Crowdsourcing - Completed, $829,829 raised, 4+1 characters funded


Sketchbook Picasso
You know, I'd love to have a character that plays like Tatsunoko VS Capom's Doronjo...
Would that be more Regina, or Roxie? A traps / Built-in assist character would just be so fun to play around with in this game, and I'd love to see what Servbot-like Characters could be created to assist with such things happening...

I need to remove two, but:
Andy, Samson, Eliza, Black Dahlia, Stanley, Umbrella.

Yeah, I have a hard time narroing down a list, too. I'd kinda like Andy, but with Stanley's love of sports I figure he could cop some of the Boxing moves he'd offer... Eliza's Egyptian Heritage + Lounge Singer combo is possibly one of my favorite ideas, and her blood (sand?) mechanic sounds interesting.

While I saw it as well, but I'm not voting for him since there doesn't seem to be anything more to it than the outfit.


The other is just because. The eyes looked cool.

Nicely done:) With those eyes, it makes me imagine that palette being fleshed ot to look something like Blackheart's crazy comic-shadow effect... that'd actually be quite cool.

As far as Issac's inspirations, I wanna know where his Neinhalt Sieger inspiration comes from in his Gameplay description... Sieger is one of my favorite "forgotten" characters in fighters, and if he has something like his Arm Cannon Blast, Chain Slide/Uppercut/Backbreaker, or just his knightly personality, I'd be much more interested...

if that was the case I might be interested in voting for her.

Her body is so Blank, she should offer some rather interesting Palettes. What she has now... yeah, not all that inticing. ThoughI admit the fact that she has a lanky-yet-still-adult body is a nice change of pace.

I'd rather see Aeon as a Goddess-tier character though. The idea of a Shut-in Otaku Goddess makes so little sense, that I think she could really be a memorable character. Alternative timeline character attacks and forcing actions to replay in mini-paradoxes on the battlefield also sounds crazy fun to see put into action.

Mista Koo

Dahlia time:


Tried making a Cammy but it didn't look good so I went with Rose. The one on in the left is a bit Kill Bill inspired.

Yeah, I have a hard time narroing down a list, too. I'd kinda like Andy, but with Stanley's love of sports I figure he could cop some of the Boxing moves he'd offer... Eliza's Egyptian Heritage + Lounge Singer combo is possibly one of my favorite ideas, and her blood (sand?) mechanic sounds interesting.

I'd rather see Aeon as a Goddess-tier character though. The idea of a Shut-in Otaku Goddess makes so little sense, that I think she could really be a memorable character. Alternative timeline character attacks and forcing actions to replay in mini-paradoxes on the battlefield also sounds crazy fun to see put into action.
Stanley is way more fleshed out than Andy. But Andy is more jokey and would probably be more playable for me (Dudley + Steve).
As for Eliza her design is good and her mechanic could lead to crazy animations.

I still have no idea how Aeon would play.
Ok, now that I'm finally home I really should think about my votes.



Acceptable Alternatives
-Ms Victoria

This will be harder than I thought...

If I know anything about the Brazillian psyche, one of the best possible thing would be to add a reference to this show that just about everyone there watched as a kid, Chavo del Ocho ("Chaves"), maybe a background cameo resembling Don Ramon.

...No, that's ours. Let Brazil get its own thing.
I have to say that, though I'm late to making this comment, I'm quite pleased at how people chimed in to say they support Umbrella. Gives me more hope.

#TeamAnnie&Umbrella we can do this!


So many good characters to choose from...

I'll probably go with:

I like quite a few of the other characters but eh


In all seriousness, I'm waiting for confirmation from a party less, erm, "scheming" against the matter. Alex Ahad is the head of the Skullgirls universe, not Mike Z. Additionally, a recent Salty Cupcakes had Alex saying the fan in question was being cooperative. Even if she doesn't make it for the vote on Monday, until I hear a proxy from Alex's word on it, there's no major reason for me to take Mike's word instead if past exchanges on Juju are anything to go by.


Sketchbook Picasso
Well, Fanart Part 2!


Don't ask me what I keep making them point... I'm not sure myself! I do like the idea of Roxie being commanding and in control, however; Show some maturity and womanly personality, something all too rare in fighters...

Oh, and I used some screentones on this one... Hopefully they don't fall apart when quoted?


So I have three out of four of my vote decisions finalized. This is what it looks like so far. I also like Ravid's "are you voting for gameplay, appearance, or story reasons" question so I'm gonna delve into my reasoning a little.

1. Minette (Appearance/Gameplay/Story)
A triple whammy. First off, she's the most adorable thing in the game. Second off, Roll was the closest thing I had to a main in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and I really love the "fighting by not fighting" and the tips mechanic ideas. I saw someone in this thread say something like "she seems like Frank West from UMvC3 but good" and I want to play that character. Finally, her in-game fluff so far has been enjoyable to me. I already like Ms. Fortune, which endears me even more to her inept sidekick.

2. Isaac (Appearance/Gameplay)
When I saw MikeZ's mechanics test video for the character, I was intrigued because implementing time travel as a fighting game mechanic sounds awesome and could be a lot of fun. But I wasn't sold yet, and in fact a bit put off by the attempt to sway people into voting for a neat bit of code regardless of the actual design, which we hadn't seen yet. But then we did see it and it's one of the coolest fighting game character designs I've ever seen. So now I'm kind of fine with it.

3. Umbrella (Story/Appearance/Gameplay)
When playing through Skullgirls' story mode for the first time, my favorite dynamic throughout was the one between Parasoul and Umbrella. Umbrella's fun, precocious personality gave a much-needed light touch to Parasoul's dark, sober tale, and Parasoul caring for her sister along with
the sacrifice she made at the end
gave her some really cool depth and made her one of the title's better developed characters. On top of that I really, really wanted to find out what Umbrella was up to
whenever she ran off
so I want her to get her own Story Mode and scratch that personal itch. She's also got a great design that can pull off cute and manic with equal amounts of success, and I like having short character options in my fighters. Roll, Shuma-Gorath, and Wario's fart all being listed as influences as one character make me want to genuinely play her on top of all that. Heck now I'm torn about whether or not to prioritize her over Isaac, now that I've typed it all out.

Oh also this.

4. Hubrecht (Appearance/Gameplay) or Eliza (Gameplay) or Beowulf (Story/Gameplay)
I like all three of these characters and I'm not sure which one I'll pick yet. Hubrecht is super adorable and I love both "pacifist battler" type characters and grapplers, Eliza's blood mechanic is just too cool to not want to see, and I loved reading Beowulf's story summary and all the stuff about how he'd bring pro wrestling into Skullgirls' style of gameplay. I just don't know. At least I have a couple more days to figure it out.

Black Dahlia, Feng, Annie, Brain Drain, and Roxie are all runner-ups. Heck there's about half the roster that I wouldn't mind getting the playable slot. I also like Venus and Aeon but don't think that the first game in the series is the "right" time to make them playable.


...No, that's ours. Let Brazil get its own thing.

Oh I know, but it's impressive how often that show gets referenced in some brazillian corners of the net. There's a lot of love for Seu Madruga (Don Ramon) out there.

I wish I could draw well enough tojistify having a scanner, I keep having this silly mental image of Beowulf jumping off a chair which is itself set precariously on top of a wrestling ring turnbuckle - while he's holding a folded chair on each hand, in a "look at me I'm an airplane!" way that could also look like the early frames of Hulk's jumping hard punch in Capcom's Marvel games.


I still think Minette has one of the most interesting mechanics. Serving people/confidence sound really neat. Plus it writes its own hype.


Molly sounds really cool, so I may vote for her over Stanley.

We better get a fucking Skullgirls 2 after all of this - it would be a shame not to get to make most of those characters.
ASW model (re-use most sprites, but have system/aesthetic changes) would work perfectly here.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah, I like Beowulf, not gonna lie.

Oh and Feng, because rushdown is where I eat.


I don't think I can wait for all these characters.

Voting for Molly, Isaac, Black Dhalia, and Aeon though. I haven't read about the playstyles yet, so this is mostly just based on aesthetics.


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.
That actually sounds like a really smart idea.
Good news

I kinda started getting pissed off with BB. Especially Extend...

Yeah that Extend was pushing it.

Let's see if they learn how to keep their games alive in both regions this time.

Well P4A showed they definitely can't with 3 at least >.>

I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

I'm ok with this approach, and honestly wouldn't mind paying for the DLC personally.
I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

that actually sounds great, 4 at launch and 4 for free would keep the game from dying because of the constant updates/support


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.
I think this approach would be awesome, honestly.
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