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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


I just feel like there's a whole market i'm not tapping, ya know? I mean i've spent so much money on this game, and all I play are like 2 or 3 gamemodes, not ranked or conquest or anything like that. Idk, maybe i'm overtthinking it. What mode do you usually play? haha

Your not missing anything though. Your doing more than enough by supporting the game through buying the god pack and gems and playing the game everyday. If you want to get into conquest, I would suggest trying to watch Incon's stream. He's a professional player in smite and he streams basically everyday. He mostly plays support but sometimes he plays adc or jungle or mid. Just watching him and asking questions in chat will help you learn about starts, builds, rotations, warding, objectives, etc.


I would find a tutorial before I'd watch Incon's stream. I don't have anything against Incon, but that stream is a little uhh... overbearing for me.


I personally don't like Conquest because I don't agree with HiRez's balancing philosophy, but I do consider it the "real" mode. If you don't like it, then it's not for you and that's fine cuz all the other modes are fine. You shouldn't force yourself into it, but you should also give it a decent shot.

You can check out this guide. Seems up to date. I skimmed through it and it seems comprehensive enough.


I would personally recommend you try out all lanes/roles with a manner of different gods (gods probably second, getting use to laning first). Since Conquest is much more team oriented, knowing what your team is doing and why they're doing it (or in most cases knowing what they should be doing but they're not cuz they don't know what to do) is important. It also, and this is very important, gives you insight into what everyone on the enemy team is probably doing regardless if they're showing on the map or not.

I was never really into watching Smite much, but I know for solo lane that Dmbrandon is very good about explaining all his actions while he plays and probably has coaching videos up for all the other roles. He is also very good at getting mad at his team for both their mistakes and also his mistakes which is something that you should learn how to do. Xeno is pretty decent at it here but you should really watch someone flame others in the heat of the moment.
So you need gems to buy for example that awesome Agni skin? First I thought you can buy them with Odyssey points, but I was stupid and it only means that it's unlocked to buy. I don't want to spend more monet on this game than I already have, there is no free way of getting gems on Xbox version?
So you need gems to buy for example that awesome Agni skin? First I thought you can buy them with Odyssey points, but I was stupid and it only means that it's unlocked to buy. I don't want to spend more monet on this game than I already have, there is no free way of getting gems on Xbox version?

There is your login rewards of course but there is also 200gems up for grabs this weekend.
You'll need 3 fwotd from this Friday to Tuesday to get all 200.

Keep in mind you have until January to buy Odyssey skins so it is probably enough time to get enough via login rewards.


Nothing's really wrong with it, I just imagine a certain type of person when I see a diamond Loki.

Like there's nothing wrong with Call of Duty, Doritos, or Mountain Dew either.
What's wrong with this?
Genuinely curious

There is a stigma around players who play Loki a lot. His is more geared towards a PVE style which doesn't mesh super well in a PVP game.

Also he can be a bit hard to handle at lower levels before you get to grips with countering him (which is also part of the reason people hate him).
Once people know what they're doing he shouldn't be much of a problem.


There is a stigma around players who play Loki a lot. His is more geared towards a PVE style which doesn't mesh super well in a PVP game.

Also he can be a bit hard to handle at lower levels before you get to grips with countering him (which is also part of the reason people hate him).
Once people know what they're doing he shouldn't be much of a problem.

You callin me a noob? D:
You callin me a noob? D:

My comment wasn't aimed at anyone.
I'm a support main so Loki isn't gonna kill me unless I'm already low health. If I'm at low health chances are I'm already dead anyway since either the rest of my team is dead or I'm sacrificing myself.
Also if I'm playing against a Loki I always keep one eye on him. Soon as he shows his face I cc and the team blows him up. Most Loki's get super cautious after I do that 2 or 3 times.

As a squishy I realise he can 100-0 you and there is little you can do apart from some nicely timed beads or aegis. But in that case I just keep poking him as much as possible. No Loki wants to ult into a team when he's at half health, chances are he wont make it out and then it's a 1 for 1 trade which isn't too bad.

I don't really build it (except occasionally on Ares) but mystical mail can allow you to know where he is when in stealth. It's not a great item but it could help if the Loki isn't super obvious when in stealth.


What's wrong with this?
Genuinely curious

Like the other two have said, there is nothing inherently wrong with it.
Loki is just a God who is easy to hate.

In my case, mostly because he is nothing like the Loki of myth.. Instead being reduced to a variant of the common "Rogue" archetype found in MMOs.
No real trickery involved.


Loki and Ao Kuang players are bitches :3

I know how to play againts them, too bad my teammates don't.

Being an Ao Kuang player myself, it is rather surprising how few actually know that Purification can protect against his ultimate.

Also apparently "Ao Kuang Player" is an insult.
Being an Ao Kuang player myself, it is rather surprising how few actually know that Purification can protect against his ultimate.

It's always a great feeling timing a Geb shield just right so it counters and Ao ult. I find it doesn't happen often as I usually try to counter his burst with the shield so its down when he ults...


Had that happen to me a few times.
I always feel like clapping, because that is genuinely all about the timing.

I often try to do something similar with Nox's dome and bind when I go up against other Ao Kuangs.. Feels so good to deny them.

Perhaps even more so since I know how frustrating it is.


Feel free to add me, ThirtyFour07 in-game.

it may be better to play solo for a bit though if you're low level, you don't really want to get dragged into higher level games.

just saw this sorry. playing solo low level is infuriating because I came from console first so I know how to play, but now im just carrying all my teammates or getting quitters/feeders/etc

adding you now
The people that play this game man, I swear.

Playing Clash, we're up in kills, gold, destroyed both their towers while we still have both of ours. I'm dominating the enemy team as Rat, completely out leveled them and pretty much just having my way. Our underleveled Tyr leaves the game and my team immediately surrenders.

I don't get it at all. If we were losing then yeah, fine, but we were way ahead. This game is going to give me a damn aneurysm some day.


The people that play this game man, I swear.

Playing Clash, we're up in kills, gold, destroyed both their towers while we still have both of ours. I'm dominating the enemy team as Rat, completely out leveled them and pretty much just having my way. Our underleveled Tyr leaves the game and my team immediately surrenders.

I don't get it at all. If we were losing then yeah, fine, but we were way ahead. This game is going to give me a damn aneurysm some day.

That Tyr also most likely disconnected rather than leave. I mean, why the fuck should you bail out of a game when your team is on the upper wind? If I played badly (but not feeding) but my team carry the rest, I wouldn't refuse a win lol

Your team immediately surrendering doesn't lick a bit of sense


My comment wasn't aimed at anyone.
I'm a support main so Loki isn't gonna kill me unless I'm already low health. If I'm at low health chances are I'm already dead anyway since either the rest of my team is dead or I'm sacrificing myself.
Also if I'm playing against a Loki I always keep one eye on him. Soon as he shows his face I cc and the team blows him up. Most Loki's get super cautious after I do that 2 or 3 times.

As a squishy I realise he can 100-0 you and there is little you can do apart from some nicely timed beads or aegis. But in that case I just keep poking him as much as possible. No Loki wants to ult into a team when he's at half health, chances are he wont make it out and then it's a 1 for 1 trade which isn't too bad.

I don't really build it (except occasionally on Ares) but mystical mail can allow you to know where he is when in stealth. It's not a great item but it could help if the Loki isn't super obvious when in stealth.
I was just joking. :p

Loki's fine. I know how to deal with him. I just find the playstyle to be really lame (no offense) and to be honest having to always keep tabs on him is annoying and makes games not as fun for me.

The other thing is that it's fine for an individual to know how to deal with Loki, but when your teammates don't he can very easily get fed and then be a problem for everyone.

Im sick and tired of some punks using that s h i t !!!!!

Cheating in this game very rarely happens.

What exactly did you see? Sometimes certain combinations of gods and items can make it seems like they're cheating if you don't realise what the enemy is doing.

If you believe you have proof then sending in a support ticket with said proof will allow Hi-Rez to see it and take action if necessary.


Neo Member
per instance deny ability or Im tana I hit my ult no relic used still alive or just a regular ability no dmg taken at all cooldowns reduced. I will make cuple of videos with examples and upload them to proove what is happening.


Neo Member
per instance deny ability or Im tana I hit my ult no relic used still alive or just a regular ability no dmg taken at all cooldowns reduced. I will make cuple of videos with examples and upload them to proove what is happening.

I'm trying to process what you said, but I can't seem to figure it out.

As ThirtyFour said, cheating/hacking is super rare in this game. You might just be misunderstanding a game mechanic or something.


Season Ticket completed!

I got it back in May, so it took me just under 6 months to complete.

Just went through my emails... I've spent around $100 on this game... the Founder's Pack and gems.

Worth every cent, in my opinion.
Big roster changes for ALG, Venenu, Cope and Incon have been kicked off the team. Weaken and MLC have people ready to come in but won't announce them yet.

Supposedly they had to kick Incon because the adc and solo lane replacements didn't want to play with Incon which raises questions that we will probably never get an answer to.

Video about it from Weaken here: https://dd.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/5aejfo/alg_roster_changesteam_changes_transparency_weak3n/

Season Ticket completed!

I got it back in May, so it took me just under 6 months to complete.

Just went through my emails... I've spent around $100 on this game... the Founder's Pack and gems.

Worth every cent, in my opinion.

You make it sound like you've completed the game, don't think you can complete a pvp game :p
The people that play this game man, I swear.

Playing Clash, we're up in kills, gold, destroyed both their towers while we still have both of ours. I'm dominating the enemy team as Rat, completely out leveled them and pretty much just having my way. Our underleveled Tyr leaves the game and my team immediately surrenders.

I don't get it at all. If we were losing then yeah, fine, but we were way ahead. This game is going to give me a damn aneurysm some day.

I know this too well.

See also the Tyr in your situation, but rather than quitting, he initiates surrenders, they fail, then he sits at base. No idea that his team is dragging his sorry ass to victory.


Neo Member
Big roster changes for ALG, Venenu, Cope and Incon have been kicked off the team. Weaken and MLC have people ready to come in but won't announce them yet.

Supposedly they had to kick Incon because the adc and solo lane replacements didn't want to play with Incon which raises questions that we will probably never get an answer to.

Video about it from Weaken here: https://dd.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/5aejfo/alg_roster_changesteam_changes_transparency_weak3n/

After taking suggestions from you guys, Incon seems like one of the best players on SMITE right now. Wonder why they decided they didn't wanna play with him anymore..


After taking suggestions from you guys, Incon seems like one of the best players on SMITE right now. Wonder why they decided they didn't wanna play with him anymore..
I'm not really an expert or anything, but the one thing I noticed about Incon on Guan Yu is that when his team is losing and they don't seem to have an answer, he has a tendency to get on the horse and initiate at really bad times, then die. I haven't paid as much attention to him on other gods, but his initiation with Guan can be pretty wacky. Might be a fundamental thing where he cracks a bit when his team is getting stonewalled. Not sure.


After taking suggestions from you guys, Incon seems like one of the best players on SMITE right now. Wonder why they decided they didn't wanna play with him anymore..

Well according to Weaken when they decided to get rid of their solo laner and adc, the people they reached out to replace them say they didn't want to play with Incon. There's a sentiment that Incon focuses too much on his stream which leaves little time for practicing and scrims so I'm guessing that's part of the reason. And if we're being honest, he didn't play well at lan. He got picked off a lot and would dive in by himself when he didn't have backup and die. Obviously, these are things he can fix because its just positioning and situational awareness but they only have like a week to move forward so I think they thought it was best to get a new support since they only have a few days to get people on the team. Sucks for Incon since I think he founded ALG along with Lassis and Mattypocket but it is what it is. I think another thing that sucks about it people are going to assume whoever the new adc and solo are didn't want to play with Incon and they might get a bunch of hate because Incon is a very popular player in smite which also sucks for whoever comes in. And Weaken kind of backstabbed him when he got kicked from Envy last year.
Me and my friends find a curious pleasure in seeing our opponents build very specific, slightly unusual builds, that my far more knowledgable friends say is a pro strat used by player X or Y.

We just roll with the normal stuff as per the current meta (even building crit hunters!!! and the like) and it seems to work.

I just find it curious, in a way. It's explicable, absolutely, as pros are very good, so copying their builds makes a kind of sense. But at the same time, pro games are not pub games. Pub games are nowhere near that level, and so building quirky builds is surely, potentially, as much of a hindrance as a help?


I think copying builds is OK as a vehicle to learn what items do and how they work for you. It should be used as a tool to eventually be able to come to with your own builds that you think are appropriate for a certain situation.

It's cool to experiment if you see someone build something kind of wacky and want to try it, but I don't think you should make it a crutch.
Absolutely. Copying as learning is crucial. We just take a particular kind of pleasure in killing someone who's obviously copied the latest quirky build of some Pro Jungler :D
I just find it curious, in a way. It's explicable, absolutely, as pros are very good, so copying their builds makes a kind of sense. But at the same time, pro games are not pub games. Pub games are nowhere near that level, and so building quirky builds is surely, potentially, as much of a hindrance as a help?

You're not wrong there.

Often a pro build is team comp dependent or even built knowing that their teammate will be there to help.
In casuals or even ranked these may never happen so your pro build is suddenly rubbish.


You make it sound like you've completed the game, don't think you can complete a pvp game :p

I know, but it was a goal that I enjoyed working towards completing.

This week, for example, we get the new Odyssey quests, so I'll be doing those every day.

Still having lots of fun with Agni. I was gonna buy the Swagni skin since it's on sale, but I'm happy with the Gemini skin right now, so I just bought the voice pack.
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