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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


So is Awilix.



The SWC skins have been revealed:





For 1500 gems ($25) you get these skins plus limited ward skin, global emote, and recall skin, and a Divine Chest roll.
Can you buy any of those separately? I'm pretty down for that Chibi Hades, but really don't care about any of the others.

As of right now, no.

However it is currently listed as exclusive (Hades and Khepri skins) on the PTS so will likely be put in a chest in the future. It's possible it will be cheaper to grab now depending on how many items are in that chest though...
Played a little bit of Thoth. Saying he likes to sit in the back line and shoot off abilities from far away is an understatement.

He is really squishy, you will die really fast if the enemy get too close. It's super tempting to build Book of Thoth (he does suffer from mana problems early) on him but I'm thinking Warlocks is the better option cause of the health.

Is is quite fun, will take some time to get used to using his 3 and to get used to the range on the ult (it changing due to the 3 throws me off sometimes).

Also we missed out on buff Thoth:



I think Izanami is my favorite hunter right now. You have to build her a bit differently the other hunters because of how her autos work. Lifesteal isn't great on her and you lose a lot of damage if you miss any part of the boomerang. So I don't think you need to get lifesteal on her and fatalis work really well on her and if you get crits, Malice over Deathbringer.
Hey do you guys have recommendations of very close good matches between competetive teams so I can watch on youtube? Always like to download a few and watch them before I sleep, so obviously don't spoil the result please :p
Hey do you guys have recommendations of very close good matches between competetive teams so I can watch on youtube? Always like to download a few and watch them before I sleep, so obviously don't spoil the result please :p

There's some good ones in this thread but it is a bit old; https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/2lzdq6/best_pro_smite_matches_of_all_time_idea_taken/
Depends if you care about it not being the current meta/map etc.

From more recent times I would suggest this game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryR2e6z4dZ8
The ending to that one is really good.
I think Izanami is my favorite hunter right now. You have to build her a bit differently the other hunters because of how her autos work. Lifesteal isn't great on her and you lose a lot of damage if you miss any part of the boomerang. So I don't think you need to get lifesteal on her and fatalis work really well on her and if you get crits, Malice over Deathbringer.

I want to love Izanami but between her 2 travelling way too slow and her autos being more of a hindrance than a help I just can't get into her.

I guess she's just not for me.


I want to love Izanami but between her 2 travelling way too slow and her autos being more of a hindrance than a help I just can't get into her.

I guess she's just not for me.

Don't build her like normal hunters. She felt really lackluster using a normal hunter build. The build I use is WT>Fatalis>Rage>Qins>Titans>Situational. You have a couple of options for the last slot. Malice is super good on her and way better than Deathbringer. Bloodforge because the passive works well with her passive. Obow is quite good on her too. I should point out if you get obow, you will overcap your attack speed because of her 1 giving 80% attack speed but the passive from obow works really well on her. I stil think her 3 sucks if you use it as a getaway skill since its pretty easy to predict where you went to but if you use it aggressively, you can delete people so quickly. And I love her design.


Today was a rough day for playing Clash, so many people seemingly playing just to kill the Fire Giant... Never before have I heard so many 'Attack the Fire Giant' call outs before. :D

I really wish they would keep the Odyssey quests to stuff like do damage/get kills/earn gold/play gods in this pantheon instead of objective/mode focused goals.


Smite has great gods. The best gods.

Post election result edit: This wasn't funny when I said it, but now it is even less funny.
How does this type of matchmaking happen?


The game has trouble matching groups of 3 or more in games.
It tries to match that group with a group of the same size and similar MMR. This is hard though cause of the low number of large groups and the usual high MMR of people who play in groups.
The longer it takes to find the group a match the wider its criteria become.

I wouldn't be surprised if that 4 man group you were with had been waiting a while since low level 4 man groups are quite rare.

The average MMR between the two teams there isn't that large (keep in mind smiteguru numbers mean very little), the problem is on your team most of the MMR is on one player, you.


...it happened because of that 4-man premade.
It tries to match that group with a group of the same size and similar MMR. This is hard though cause of the low number of large groups and the usual high MMR of people who play in groups. The longer it takes to find the group a match the wider its criteria become.
Thanks for the explanations, it's a shame as I can only imagine that this is even more frustrating for my teammates (rather than me) who are relatively new to the game and have been fortunate enough to find similar level players to group up with to enjoy the game and then they end up in a lopsided match like this.
Thanks for the explanations, it's a shame as I can only imagine that this is even more frustrating for my teammates (rather than me) who are relatively new to the game and have been fortunate enough to find similar level players to group up with to enjoy the game and then they end up in a lopsided match like this.

Your situation is kinda understandable due to the 4 man group.

About a week ago I played an assault and for some reason only me and another guy on our team were lv30. The whole enemy team was lv30: http://smite.guru/match/hr/291061644

The Fafnir has boots there but it took him so long to get even them despite me telling me to buy items.
I do play at some weird times for US servers but still, the game can have some weird hiccups sometimes.

And as you said, those 3 low level guys had it the worst. They learned nothing from that match as we got stomped on. If anything it would just turn them off the game.


Hi Rez.

Stop putting me in games against premade teams when my team is all randoms.

Stop it.

I will wait another 5 minutes for matchmaking if I have to.

It beats wasting 10 minutes of my life on a game that's totally unwinnable and not fun.


Sorry for the double post, but check these sick builds from this match that Hi-Rez said was totally balanced and completely fair.


That hot Winged Blade start into Deathbringer Odin has 886 Smite Guru Score. I'm 2600+.


Man, I really want the Xing skin but idk how viable it is for me to hit Gold V considering I've never touched ranked.
The game stuck me in Gold 4 in Ranked Joust after having played pretty much only the qualifying matches (on PS4) and if someone like me can do it I'd say it's certainly viable (probably quite a bit tougher if you're on PC I'd suspect though)...
Thoth seems pretty cool. I'll have more of an impression when I can actually play him in a match after the instalocks die down though.

The game stuck me in Gold 4 in Ranked Joust after having played pretty much only the qualifying matches (on PS4) and if someone like me can do it I'd say it's certainly viable (probably quite a bit tougher if you're on PC I'd suspect though)...

I play on XB1. Would Duel be the best way to go about it? I'm not very fond of Joust.


I play on XB1. Would Duel be the best way to go about it? I'm not very fond of Joust.
That depends on you and what you feel more comfortable with I would say, to give you an idea I've included my ranked matches below:

Conquest I've played 19 games and won 11 = Silver 3

Joust I've played 10 games and won 6 = Gold 4

Duel I've played 11 games and won 5 = Silver 5

The above makes me think Joust is the easiest one to get a high placement in (on PS4 at least). I should note that I played most of my Ranked matches earlier on as they became available to me (think I used Neith in almost all of my Duel matches) so you can probably do much better.
Decided to Duel and got placed in Gold IV after my qualifying matches. Glad that's over with lol.

Edit: And this Chronos I beat in the last match is now raging at me for using Skadi lol.


Man, that "Destroy 6 towers as a team" Odyssey quest sucked the life out of me yesterday.

Like four Clash matches and zero towers to show for it.

Gave up on it and tried again in the afternoon.

Finally managed to complete it, but I was ready to give up on the game at that point.
Man, that "Destroy 6 towers as a team" Odyssey quest sucked the life out of me yesterday.

Like four Clash matches and zero towers to show for it.

Gave up on it and tried again in the afternoon.

Finally managed to complete it, but I was ready to give up on the game at that point.

You're lucky you didn't try to do it when it was first available. There was a bug which meant you had to last hit the tower for it to count, wouldn't work if teamamtes last hit.
Would have taken a lot longer.

Is it just me or is AMC like completely broken now?

It depends on the mode. Duel and Assault he's still a top hunter. He's pretty high in Joust. Clash and Arena he's a solid pick but there are better options.

The buffs were done (obviously) to increase his viability in Conquest. He is better but the buffs didn't really affect his main weakness, susceptibility to ganks.
If you can get him through the early/mid game on par or ahead of the enemy hunter then he's gonna tear through the enemy team.

In non Conquest modes ganks are less likely to happen (in some they don't, e.g. duel/assault) so his main weakness suddenly goes away.

He is very good in a 1v1 situation so try to avoid facing him alone. The buffs to his hives have meant that he can place it far away where you can't auto attack it and yet he can still get the benefit.

To stop him you've got to shut him down early and then get and stick on top of him, there's little he can do in that situation.


You're lucky you didn't try to do it when it was first available. There was a bug which meant you had to last hit the tower for it to count, wouldn't work if teamamtes last hit.
Would have taken a lot longer.

I did it within that first week, but the issue that I had was that I could only get credit for one tower per match, didn't matter if I last hit them all, could only get credit for one.
So a friend and I decided on playing six bouts of Assault and managed to get at least one enemy tower down in each.


Is it just me or is AMC like completely broken now?

AMC has always been pretty good in every mode except Conquest. He's seems almost broken in every mode now expect Conquest since he got his buffs. I played him in Arena just to try him out and 3 hives covered most of the Arena map. Went 16-3 with 45k damage. It honestly didn't even seem fair. But the game is designed around conquest so I guess it makes sense in that way but man he's like the Ah Pach of Hunters now in every other mode. Just incredibly annoying and frustrating to play against.

Edit: You will get a lot of hate if you play Skadi in duel. She is pretty op in duel because you can't really 1v1 her and she can backdoor with Kaldr.


Gem sale is live on PC and XBox. Should be live on PSN later today (already live in EU).

33% discount on all gem packs and the God Bundle.

Need to purchase six more Odyssey skins to have enough for the T5 Anubis. I need to pick from these:

* Isis
* Sylvanus
* Amaterasu
* Erlang Shen
* Scylla
* Terra
* Ah Puch
* Camazotz
* Thor
* Tyr
* Susano

I tend to play Hunters, Mages, and Guardians, so I'm leaning towards those, but I also want the best skins (that's why Arachne and Ao Kuang are not on the list).
Gem sale is live on PC and XBox. Should be live on PSN later today (already live in EU).

33% discount on all gem packs and the God Bundle.

Need to purchase six more Odyssey skins to have enough for the T5 Anubis. I need to pick from these:

* Isis
* Sylvanus
* Amaterasu
* Erlang Shen
* Scylla
* Terra
* Ah Puch
* Camazotz
* Thor
* Tyr
* Susano

I tend to play Hunters, Mages, and Guardians, so I'm leaning towards those, but I also want the best skins (that's why Arachne and Ao Kuang are not on the list).

From those Susano, Tyr, Thor, Terra and Slyvanus are the best imo.

Haven't seen the Ah Puch and Cama ones yet though ofc but I've got high hopes for the Ah Puch one. You can see the 3d model of the Cama skin here although it's not final and the colour scheme is unlikely to be on the final version: http://smiteboard.com/models/?8e3606cb8e27462893720f235f611534

Don't forget that stuff like the upcoming Chaac AP will also get you a level and is a lot cheaper so will save you gems. I'm personally hoping that is good as the Lore Lady AP is a bit lacking from what I've heard.


From those Susano, Tyr, Thor, Terra and Slyvanus are the best imo.

Haven't seen the Ah Puch and Cama ones yet though ofc but I've got high hopes for the Ah Puch one. You can see the 3d model of the Cama skin here although it's not final and the colour scheme is unlikely to be on the final version: http://smiteboard.com/models/?8e3606cb8e27462893720f235f611534

Don't forget that stuff like the upcoming Chaac AP will also get you a level and is a lot cheaper so will save you gems. I'm personally hoping that is good as the Lore Lady AP is a bit lacking from what I've heard.

Yeah, I'm already taking into consideration the cheap purchases like the animated avatar and Chaac AP.

I did see the data-mined Camazotz model and it made me cringe, but I'll wait till next week to make up my mind.

I like the Susano skin, but that's one god that I suck at playing. Same goes with Tyr and Thor. I'm not that great with melee gods unless they're tanky like guardians.


Out of all the purchasable Odyssey skins I've seen only the Isis and Agni skins are the ones which look somewhat appealing to me...

I bought the Agni one right away cause it looked just so damn cool.

Isis will be one of the skins I'll be picking up, along with Sylvanus.


I'm at that point where I don't really like any of the Odyssey skins that I haven't bought yet, enough to purchase them until everything is available.
Instead, I've been buying up all the "cheap" items for Odyssey points.. And now I'm waiting for the final batch, if only because I know I'll like the Camazotz skin, and Chaac VP. Afterwards, I'll probably just buy all of the cheaper skins until I have enough to get T5 Goobis.


I went all out on gems for Black Friday.

Bought the 8000 and 1500 packs... used the 20% discount coupon and it came out to under $70.

Bought the SWC Digital Loot Pack and I'll save the rest for next year's season ticket and for events.

Got the Ares SWC 2015 skin from the Divine Chest.
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