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Snake Pass |OT| Snake Had A Hard Life


He wasn't happy with the PS4 base as he played it on Pro first I think. Makes sense he wouldn't be happy knowing the switch made more compromises.


finished the first level of the second world

game continues to be great. some of the most satisfying movement mechanics I've played in recent years. really loving this game.


Gold Member
I suck. I cant get the hang of "grip" to climb up poles etc. I struggle for ages just to go "up" to another level/platform. And for poles that span gaps, fall every time, with or without the hummingbirds help:( Ithink im at the fourth level in first world.
Game has been an experience in frustration and cramps in hands. Just cant get the controls at all. And I'm using "easy" (I kid you not).


something id like to see in an update (unless im missing something) is an indicator if you completed a level without dying. I thought I went back and replayed each stage to do a no death run after getting all the collectibles but I missed one apparently and idk if i want to replay all of them to figure out which one it is

love the game though!! one of my favorites this year so far for sure.
I suck. I cant get the hang of "grip" to climb up poles etc. I struggle for ages just to go "up" to another level/platform. And for poles that span gaps, fall every time, with or without the hummingbirds help:( Ithink im at the fourth level in first world.
Game has been an experience in frustration and cramps in hands. Just cant get the controls at all. And I'm using "easy" (I kid you not).

You have to "wrap" yourself around the pole. Don't use the grip or the bird, just focus on slowly but surely moving forward and twisting around the pole.

Generally, you want to avoid going "straight" as much as possible. Take the extra second or two to wind your way around objects. This goes for climbing up or across poles.


Are you touching the floor to get to the purple gem? You need to have not touched it at all while getting two gems.

I was making the mistake of going to a gem then trying to 'fly' to another one until I saw Wozman23's video. Like you say, the trophy is really not clear on what it wants you to do.

That was the way I originally tried as well but when it didn't work I assumed you couldn't touch the floor at all. It might be possible to get yellow first, but I couldn't get up the tall wall next to it and jumping to that bamboo from there wasn't working as well.


Man, some of the coins are in simply diabolical locations. I'd hate to see what my death stats look like after the struggles I've gone through nabbing 'em.

How has everyone been progressing through the game? Have you been 100%'ing each stage before moving onto the next?

I've been going back and forth on playing stages to advance and going back to finish up the ones I completed (collected all three key stones). Right now, I have up until stage 9 unlocked, but I've only 100%'ed stages 1, 2 and 3. This game has been completely sucking me in though, I hadn't touched BOTW since Snake Pass came out until last night when I just wanted to unwind after a particularly difficult coin collection session.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Man, some of the coins are in simply diabolical locations. I'd hate to see what my death stats look like after the struggles I've gone through nabbing 'em.

How has everyone been progressing through the game? Have you been 100%'ing each stage before moving onto the next?

I've been going back and forth on playing stages to advance and going back to finish up the ones I completed (collected all three key stones). Right now, I have up until stage 9 unlocked, but I've only 100%'ed stages 1, 2 and 3.

That's how I play every game with collectables. Even in sprawling open-world collectathons like AssCreed, I'll do as much side stuff as possible before moving on with the main mission line.


Neo Member
When I dl'd the game at first I hated the controls pretty hard, but I stuck with them and they started to click. They're definitely not as natural as I'd like, but I'm starting to get the hang of them.

The game's really interesting and hard to put down, but it's definitely not "relaxing" like they said it was during preview events. It can get pretty exhausting with the amount of concentration it takes to solve certain platforming challenges.

Still, I can't really complain too much. I keep coming back to it despite everything. It's a hearty, fair challenge.
Man, some of the coins are in simply diabolical locations. I'd hate to see what my death stats look like after the struggles I've gone through nabbing 'em.

How has everyone been progressing through the game? Have you been 100%'ing each stage before moving onto the next?

I've been going back and forth on playing stages to advance and going back to finish up the ones I completed (collected all three key stones). Right now, I have up until stage 9 unlocked, but I've only 100%'ed stages 1, 2 and 3. This game has been completely sucking me in though, I hadn't touched BOTW since Snake Pass came out until last night when I just wanted to unwind after a particularly difficult coin collection session.

I've gotten all the collectibles on every level I've played so far. I've completed a couple levels where I missed one item and didn't know where to look but I'd keep replaying till I got it.

Surprised that some people are seemingly giving up playing the game after a few levels. It's not the easiest game to get the hang of, obviously, but I don't see what is making it seemingly insurmountable for some people unless they just tend to give up easily in games. Play the first few levels a couple times and make sure to go after all the collectibles and you should get the hang of things soon enough.


Gold Member
You have to "wrap" yourself around the pole. Don't use the grip or the bird, just focus on slowly but surely moving forward and twisting around the pole.

Generally, you want to avoid going "straight" as much as possible. Take the extra second or two to wind your way around objects. This goes for climbing up or across poles.

I try to wrap around but whenever I try to rotate the stick on the controller his head just seems to wander aimlessly and usualy thats away from the pole Im trying to wrap around. Especially when trying to go up.
But thanks anyway.


I got to play the first level last nite and practiced trying to climb a pole for like half an hour. I was enjoying myself but it was hard. I got back to it tonite and it was much easier to play as if sleeping on it helped the control sink in. I was doing pretty good tonite and getting some of he death defying coins. I just played about an hour and my right hand is going to about fall off. The modulation of the r trigger and right face button just took its toll. I think with practice I'll be able to play and stay much more relaxed in the hand and wrist.

This game reminds me of Grow Home a bit.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Eating things might be fun, I doubt attacking things would be since moving boulders in this requires you smacking things with your head repeatedly, wrapping around it and trying to spin it in a direction is really hard.

I think they didn't have him eating insects in the world or something because it would upset kids to play as a non-totally cute snake. Can't blame them.

The character is awesome. Makes me feel like a snake. He already looks iconic in a way, really great design of a familiar background character in a lot of games.

I agree with the eating stuff being a good idea, if only because this reminds me of Noby Noby Boy a whole bunch and eating things in that game was hilarious.

Maybe since he's a vegetarian, have him eat vegetables or something? It'd be a good collectable mechanic: each veggie you eat stays visible in his body as a lump, and so it gets more tricky to manoeuvre him the more you eat.

Regarding Noodle's design, it has grown on me a bit but I would have appreciated a more snake-y face. Snakes are cute!



I try to wrap around but whenever I try to rotate the stick on the controller his head just seems to wander aimlessly and usualy thats away from the pole Im trying to wrap around. Especially when trying to go up.
But thanks anyway.

Personally what I didn't realize for a long time is that the "grip" function gives you much more traction when trying to wrap around vertical poles than it does going across horizontal ones. Climbing up structures was really hard for me to figure out but once I learned that particular trick and how it keeps his body much closer to the pole than you'd get otherwise, spiraling along has become a lot easier.

I'm definitely on the bandwagon now of wishing that the devs had been more generous with their checkpoint placements. I basically abandoned hoping to 100% the most recent level I did not for a really hard challenge, but because failing that particular coin challenge meant having to make the (what felt like) two full minute climb just to get back up to the challenge, which a bad approach could prompt failure on within ten seconds. At that point, you're spending way longer clearing hurdles you've already cleared rather than actually attempting the ones you haven't, and that wears out its welcome before long. I'm fine with the patient approach in the moment but there are times where it feels like the game doesn't exactly respect the player's time.


I agree with the eating stuff being a good idea, if only because this reminds me of Noby Noby Boy a whole bunch and eating things in that game was hilarious.

Maybe since he's a vegetarian, have him eat vegetables or something? It'd be a good collectable mechanic: each veggie you eat stays visible in his body as a lump, and so it gets more tricky to manoeuvre him the more you eat.

Regarding Noodle's design, it has grown on me a bit but I would have appreciated a more snake-y face. Snakes are cute!


I think you're reaching quite a bit there :)

Eating vegetables and that affecting movement sounds pretty neat.

At the last world now, looks pretty nice too. Still got a lot to do with collectibles, achievements and time trials though. I'm all over this game. Some of the achievements sound good too.

Just remapped the triangle button to square so it's much easier to call the bird without letting go of X to keep my head up...since I tend to use him when I'm falling off and the only thing holding me up is my head!

Kind of strange it's not square by default tbh.


I try to wrap around but whenever I try to rotate the stick on the controller his head just seems to wander aimlessly and usualy thats away from the pole Im trying to wrap around. Especially when trying to go up.
But thanks anyway.

That's probably the hardest part. I was getting better at that tonite. I have to really focus on keeping his nose pinned the surface of whatever you are trying to wrap. That and I learned to look ahead just a bit so I see intersections of poles in the path ahead. After those two, I found it next most important to keep moving. Keeping the trigger mashed is too fast to steer but if I tap it feather it, I get a steady slow forward movement. And the rhythm of the tapping helps, I think.

Again, above all; keep his nose rubbing into the pole. Don't let it reach out or go slack.


Personally what I didn't realize for a long time is that the "grip" function gives you much more traction when trying to wrap around vertical poles than it does going across horizontal ones. Climbing up structures was really hard for me to figure out but once I learned that particular trick and how it keeps his body much closer to the pole than you'd get otherwise, spiraling along has become a lot easier.

I'm definitely on the bandwagon now of wishing that the devs had been more generous with their checkpoint placements. I basically abandoned hoping to 100% the most recent level I did not for a really hard challenge, but because failing that particular coin challenge meant having to make the (what felt like) two full minute climb just to get back up to the challenge, which a bad approach could prompt failure on within ten seconds. At that point, you're spending way longer clearing hurdles you've already cleared rather than actually attempting the ones you haven't, and that wears out its welcome before long. I'm fine with the patient approach in the moment but there are times where it feels like the game doesn't exactly respect the player's time.

There's a particular climb as early as level ... 6 that is massive and then you mess up on a pole and fall on spikes and have to do it all over.

Grip is definitely reducing the effect of gravity on certain body sections and seems to do nothing, and get you instantly to slide off and die, or completely lock you into place depending on how coiled around a horizontal pole you are


Where is the last gold coin in level 6? Searched the whole level and couldn't find it.

i wish the coins were actually positionalized or numbered, i'm on the hunt for one last coin now also, but in lv 5 the last coin i needed was hidden behind a rock in the middle of a totally safe area


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
i wish the coins were actually positionalized or numbered, i'm on the hunt for one last coin now also, but in lv 5 the last coin i needed was hidden behind a rock in the middle of a totally safe area

The gate not always being at the end of a level would make that difficult. In some cases it's in the centre.


The gate not always being at the end of a level would make that difficult. In some cases it's in the centre.

They could still be differentiated in some manner, like wing-coins for precarious drops, mystery coins if the coin is on one of those "background" islands, eye coins for coins hidden behind small obstacles / out of sight / hints along those lines so you're not always using the really slow bad camera control to look over every single ledge.

Also i'm sure those coins have an index as "coin 1/2/3/4/5" somewhere in the code, even if it doesn't make sense to the player just expose those numbers.

100%ed levels 1-6, taking it slow,
if you're looking for a coin on 6
there's a ledge you can drop down to before you have to pull any levers or go over the big spike pit, it was hidden in an underwater corner for me, might be one you missed


Gold Member
At that point, you're spending way longer clearing hurdles you've already cleared rather than actually attempting the ones you haven't, and that wears out its welcome before long. I

Couldnt agree with this more!
I really want to enjoy this game but there are too many hurdles at this point.


Gold Member
That's probably the hardest part. I was getting better at that tonite. I have to really focus on keeping his nose pinned the surface of whatever you are trying to wrap. That and I learned to look ahead just a bit so I see intersections of poles in the path ahead. After those two, I found it next most important to keep moving. Keeping the trigger mashed is too fast to steer but if I tap it feather it, I get a steady slow forward movement. And the rhythm of the tapping helps, I think.

Again, above all; keep his nose rubbing into the pole. Don't let it reach out or go slack.

Thanks for the hints.
I got myself a Switch with Zelda and was planning on having this as my second game, since it looks like quite a bit of fun and I enjoyed what I saw at the booth at GDC.

However... the game is not available in Japan and right now I don't feel like making a different account for this stuff since you never know the silly shit Nintendo might pull off. Dino, do you know if this is coming to Japan? :(
Don't worry, we're working on it. ^^


I just played the 60fps PS4 Pro version for the first time and it feels amazing to play. I have the Switch version too which is great for the portability factor but I really believe that a smooth 60+fps tops everything.
Don't worry, we're working on it. ^^
What's the best way to report bugs?

On the video options screen if you increase and then decrease, or vice versa, when you change direction it jumps/misses two units on the scale.

i wish the coins were actually positionalized or numbered, i'm on the hunt for one last coin now also, but in lv 5 the last coin i needed was hidden behind a rock in the middle of a totally safe area
I've also made an argument for this.
Love the game an I'm in the 2nd world. Not 100% comfortable traversing bottomless poles but it's coming along.

But I really think this game could have an incentive for collecting the stuff... Coins are just harder to see orbs, they could as well be the same collectible. Would have been cool if you could unlock stuff with it like snake skins.


My backlog is tremendous, and I really shouldn't be buying any more games, but damn this looks so comfy. I can't resist.

OT title made me laugh hard, kudos

This is the perfect pick up and play when you want game, so tbh I don't even consider it being part of a back log.


I have absolutely no idea where it's hiding. I've gone through the level at least four times.

Edit: Found the bugger. When returning to the start of the level after picking up the yellow thingamajig, you pass through a short stone "hallway" and it's tucked away above the final corner. It's impossible to see without raising your head as the camera is otherwise too close.

You saved me, I completed twice the level, and I missed same wisp. I was looking for, even, in the mountains far from the path.


I agree with the eating stuff being a good idea, if only because this reminds me of Noby Noby Boy a whole bunch and eating things in that game was hilarious.

Maybe since he's a vegetarian, have him eat vegetables or something? It'd be a good collectable mechanic: each veggie you eat stays visible in his body as a lump, and so it gets more tricky to manoeuvre him the more you eat.

Regarding Noodle's design, it has grown on me a bit but I would have appreciated a more snake-y face. Snakes are cute!


I agree a bit. Noodle is a bit dopey looking in the wrong way. Reminds me of the snake from The Jungle Book. He could be a bit more Python-y.

I'm also hoping for a "Danger Noodle" joke somewhere.


As someone who hasn't been following this game , a few questions ..

Looking at some gameplay, the game looks very slow paced. Does the game have any faster or urgent moments? Seems kind of boring?

Also , why did they go with a deadly Coral snake design? They could have used King snake color patterns with the same effect .
As someone who hasn't been following this game , a few questions ..

Looking at some gameplay, the game looks very slow paced. Does the game have any faster or urgent moments? Seems kind of boring?
It's as fast as you make it by controlling.

I favour looking around figuring things out and then trying to execute my plan swiftly.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
You saved me, I completed twice the level, and I missed same wisp. I was looking for, even, in the mountains far from the path.

Haha, yeah, I explored quite literally every inch of the level in my seemingly futile (and long) quest to find it. Glad I could help!


Maybe the coins and wisps could make a faint sound when nearby? Like a toned down version of the gatestone sparkle sound.

As someone who hasn't been following this game , a few questions ..

Looking at some gameplay, the game looks very slow paced. Does the game have any faster or urgent moments? Seems kind of boring?

Also , why did they go with a deadly Coral snake design? They could have used King snake color patterns with the same effect .

The game has Time Trials if you want to see some urgency. (They're still working on time trials for the Switch)

There are also obstacles that require a lot more speed and finesse in the later levels.

As for the snake's pattern... Noodle is a vegetarian if that helps. =P
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