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Snake Pass |OT| Snake Had A Hard Life


Just finished it with almost all the collectibles. Quick question about the ending:
Is the ending a teaser for some sort of DLC? He asks for help but nothing opens up.

I loved it. The control scheme is so fun. I do think the camera doesn't support some of the harder moments and it had some frustrating moments, but it's a really cool game.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
In contact with someone at Sumo about the audio issue, so that's nice. On PS4, I've deleted and am re-downloading the game to see if that makes a difference.

Just to make sure I'm not crazy though, this is what my game sounds like:


And this is what I'm assuming it SHOULD sound like:


There is a marked difference, isn't there? I'm not going crazy am I, the former definitely sounds much more compressed than you'd expect?


100%ed the game. Man that last level was a pain in the ass.

Was thinking about going for a Platinum Run but I Don't think I want to do that. I want to move on to something else.


I feel so stupid playing this game. I can't wrap my head around these controls. I can't even get the first coin from the first level because I just can't handle these controls. Since I can't even do that in the first level I'm sure I can't handle anything from later in the game so I just deleted the game from my switch.


I actually think my #1 complaint with this game is having to manually slither around like a snake. It's fine for the first few levels, but after a while it's really cumbersome and slow even when moving side to side. I'd actually have preferred for them to just automatically have Noodle slither side to side rather than having to manually do it. It's just kind of a pain to get around in this game sometimes.

Otherwise, I love the game. The actual mechanics of wrapping around poles and everything work great.
I actually think my #1 complaint with this game is having to manually slither around like a snake. It's fine for the first few levels, but after a while it's really cumbersome and slow even when moving side to side. I'd actually have preferred for them to just automatically have Noodle slither side to side rather than having to manually do it. It's just kind of a pain to get around in this game sometimes.

Otherwise, I love the game. The actual mechanics of wrapping around poles and everything work great.

I think the slithering is fine but it requires too wide a turn to get much use out of and the snakes lowest speed without it is too low at times. Doing it automatically would make it feel like a lot of control is taken away.


I feel so stupid playing this game. I can't wrap my head around these controls. I can't even get the first coin from the first level because I just can't handle these controls. Since I can't even do that in the first level I'm sure I can't handle anything from later in the game so I just deleted the game from my switch.
Once I started being more careful but deliberate with my movements when climbing, I found I started to have more success. Always being cognizant of which way Noodle's head is facing is key for those precarious climbs. Getting a feel for wrapping Noodle tightly around what you're traversing helps a ton, and don't be afraid to feather the grip button on steeper/more challenging climbs.
In contact with someone at Sumo about the audio issue, so that's nice. On PS4, I've deleted and am re-downloading the game to see if that makes a difference.

Just to make sure I'm not crazy though, this is what my game sounds like:


And this is what I'm assuming it SHOULD sound like:


There is a marked difference, isn't there? I'm not going crazy am I, the former definitely sounds much more compressed than you'd expect?
I think I had this same issue. All of the music for me sounded incredibly compressed.


the dont touch the water achievement is no joke. its so easy to avoid for 95% of the level and then I wind up making some easy mistake right before reaching the yellow keystone

No data yet on How Long to Beat so I figured I'd ask here. For those of you who finished it (100% or not), how long did it take approximately? Still not sure whether to get in on this or hold off and put that $20 to MK8 Deluxe.

my playthrough was somewhere between 10-12 for 100% on collectibles.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I feel so stupid playing this game. I can't wrap my head around these controls. I can't even get the first coin from the first level because I just can't handle these controls. Since I can't even do that in the first level I'm sure I can't handle anything from later in the game so I just deleted the game from my switch.
That's a shame. The coins and wisps aren't required to make progress - you'll learn to climb in level 2 and 3 and be able to come back to level 1 and clean up like it was nothing.


i can see trophies for disturbing idols and collecting fire wisps - can anyone shed light on this. so far im on level 8 and only seen water wisps. but how do you disturb an idol?


Neo Member
i can see trophies for disturbing idols and collecting fire wisps - can anyone shed light on this. so far im on level 8 and only seen water wisps. but how do you disturb an idol?
Have you tried touching any of the statues around the map? You'll hear a sound the first time you touch one. :)


Haha was about to post this. Just to let y'all know, this is a new one comparing the rest of the other platforms (XBox One, PC) with a bit more insight as to what's running under the hood of Snake Pass from our tech team.

Sounding like a broken record here, but I reinstalled and did a new play through without deaths but didn't get the trophy. Does Sumo know about the issue?
Sounding like a broken record here, but I reinstalled and did a new play through without deaths but didn't get the trophy. Does Sumo know about the issue?
Yeah we do. Definitely appreciate you letting us know. We're currently looking at what the issue might be and trying to sort it as soon as we can.


Just about to get this on Switch. Is the rumble noise fixed? I'm getting it for portability and if it's as loud as some of the reports say it is then I'm not sure if I should.
I really wish this had more subtle HD rumble that give you the feeling of how much you're gripped onto, or the type of surface you're sliding across.

Right now it's just really basic, uninteresting rumble.
How long is this game, I heard there's 15 levels but are they meaty? If its 7-8 hours im in but if its only a few hours long I dont know if i wanna pay $20

Edit: oh just saw the posts above me, 10 hours? Thats a great value. I'm in for PS4!


I finished levels 7, 8, and 9 last night and I'm enjoying it, but I don't think I'll ever be good at it. I'm constantly holding A (head lift) when I don't need to without realizing it, and I'm still not really getting how to use the grip mechanic effectively. I'm pretty much just going for the three keys in each level and not the extra collectibles.


That feel when you've got every collectible in a level except for one coin and have no idea where it is. Level 2 if you're wondering. Tips would be appreciated.

Loving the game so far by the way. May only be level 2 but I really appreciate a game that tries to do something new with the fundementals (i.e. movement) and very closely nails it first try. Switch version isn't as bad as I was expecting, but I definitely can see what I'm losing by buying it instead of the PC version I could almost definitely run. The devs need to get on that framepacing.

EDIT: Found the coin... not sure how I'm ever going to get it though. Also played a bit in portable mode. Sub-native is a shame but it still looks pretty damn great.


I wouldn't sweat over the coins on the first playthrough. Instead, just go back and collect them after you've learnt and mastered the more advanced controls.

Yeah, after quite a bit of frustration trying to get all the coins in Level 1 that's what I'm gonna do.
Really enjoying this game so far. I am up to level 5. Doing full clears on each stage before moving on. I like the challenges of the coins. It is so satisfying when you are the very edge of constantly falling off, get a coin and carefully retreat back to safe ground. I also love when you go for fuck it moment and just slither full speed, head up and manage to make it across a huge obstacle.
Game is great. I enjoy knocking out a level or two before Zelda sessions and I'm really starting to get a hold of the snake physics. This game is super tactile. I've given up on 100 percenting stages for the moment, though. I'll get all the collectibles that require actual platforming, but the camera is too sluggish to go looking for the stuff hidden in nooks and crannies. Hope they patch it.


bummed brad didn't talk about this game in the most recent bombcast. figured it was a lock to get discussed with the way he and jeff came around to it during the quick look.


bummed brad didn't talk about this game in the most recent bombcast. figured it was a lock to get discussed with the way he and jeff came around to it during the quick look.


Game is great. I enjoy knocking out a level or two before Zelda sessions and I'm really starting to get a hold of the snake physics. This game is super tactile. I've given up on 100 percenting stages for the moment, though. I'll get all the collectibles that require actual platforming, but the camera is too sluggish to go looking for the stuff hidden in nooks and crannies. Hope they patch it.

When you complete the game, you get something to
help find collectibles - click in R3 and it gives you batman vision
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