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Snake Pass |OT| Snake Had A Hard Life

bummed brad didn't talk about this game in the most recent bombcast. figured it was a lock to get discussed with the way he and jeff came around to it during the quick look.

Thanks for the heads up. I was about to tune in to see if Jeff went home and played it and if Brad played more. Maybe next week.


That's interesting but doesn't that kind of defeat the point? I'd much prefer an improved camera system with adjustable sensitivities.

I understand but personally I didn't actually have too much trouble with the camera - my main issue was that I'd like to be able to look upwards more than it let me but then it'd clip through the floor to point up like that.

You can use R1/L1 (one of those) to zoom the camera out a bit. It just moves too slowly for you?

Plus the collectibles are often a challenge to get themselves, not just to find. But yeah, you're not wrong, some are fun to find yourself. I told myself I wouldn't use it, but I do :p
I understand but personally I didn't actually have too much trouble with the camera - my main issue was that I'd like to be able to look upwards more than it let me but then it'd clip through the floor to point up like that.

You can use R1/L1 (one of those) to zoom the camera out a bit. It just moves too slowly for you?

Plus the collectibles are often a challenge to get themselves, not just to find. But yeah, you're not wrong, some are fun to find yourself. I told myself I wouldn't use it, but I do :p

Yeah, it's just way too slow for me. Not a deal breaker by any means, but it makes the cheeky coils/orbs a pain to scour for. The ones hanging precariously over abysses, on the other hand, I'm all about, lol.


Loving this so far. In a weird way it kind of scratches the same itch as the Skate games.

??? Explain ASAP???

I suppose it's a combination of things; the unconventional yet oddly intuitive controls, the free-form level design that allows for different and creative ways of approach, the unpredictable physics that naturally leads to a lot of trial and error, often with a satisfying payoff at the end.

Collecting a hard to reach coin feels like landing a trick you've been working on in Skate.
Yeah, we saw your message earlier and we're definitely checking it out. Thanks for the heads up!

Hi there, anything come from this? I experienced this glitch and really don't want to replay the level unless I know this bug isn't going to happen.

P.S I tried reaching out on Twitter but didn't receive a reply, and your website has no support link. Is there a better place than GAF for receiving support?


Gold Member
I had zero interest in this game until I clicked on this OT out of idle curiosity as to why people were talking about this so much.

David Wise.

Made a purchase today.


Picked this up the other day and enjoying it lots. 100 %'d up to Stage 7 so far; can only imagine how much harder it gets, lol.


When you complete the game, you get something to
help find collectibles - click in R3 and it gives you batman vision

That's dumb and bascially an admonition that the camera is bad and is the problem
The camera being super slow also fucks me up a lot with how randomly all friction will turn off and you can be coiled around a bamboo pipe with your grip trigger down and just instantly slide right off into the abyss while you're trying to adjust the camera so the movement stick lets you move your head properly again


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Hi there, anything come from this? I experienced this glitch and really don't want to replay the level unless I know this bug isn't going to happen.

P.S I tried reaching out on Twitter but didn't receive a reply, and your website has no support link. Is there a better place than GAF for receiving support?

It's something we're looking into, among other issues. Can't give an ETA on a fix just yet but we are absolutely looking into getting a fix done and out.

Still working on it. If you'd like you can hit us up on snakesupport@sumo-digital.com



Decided to buy this despite being in the middle of Zelda and Nier. Grabbed it on PS4Pro since I recently got a 4K tv.

Loving it so far - the game play is really addicting and I love the overall simplicity of the concept. It's like Rare made an arcade game.

Random thoughts:

4K has some frame issues that I can live with, though I plan to try it in 1080 tonight to see if that helps.

That coin under the bridge in the very first stage was a real bitch - I hope they don't get much harder than that!

Would love to see this in PSVR - sort of how the Playroom VR robot platformer game is set up.


Decided to buy this despite being in the middle of Zelda and Nier. Grabbed it on PS4Pro since I recently got a 4K tv.

Loving it so far - the game play is really addicting and I love the overall simplicity of the concept. It's like Rare made an arcade game.

Random thoughts:

4K has some frame issues that I can live with, though I plan to try it in 1080 tonight to see if that helps.

That coin under the bridge in the very first stage was a real bitch - I hope they don't get much harder than that!

Would love to see this in PSVR - sort of how the Playroom VR robot platformer game is set up.

Boy, are you going to be in for some surprises!
C'mon son. :p

That coin under the bridge in the very first stage was a real bitch - I hope they don't get much harder than that!

I've done all the coins up to about level 10 or 11 now and I still think that one under the bridge is one of the hardest just because it's when you're the least familiar with the controls.
After that I haven't found any of them too challenging. Figuring out where they are is the more difficult part.


I've done all the coins up to about level 10 or 11 now and I still think that one under the bridge is one of the hardest just because it's when you're the least familiar with the controls.
After that I haven't found any of them too challenging. Figuring out where they are is the more difficult part.

Personally I found the placement of the wisps in the later levels harder to reach, coins for the most part were just hidden. The most difficult part about the level 1 coin is getting a decent camera angle.


This is going to sound crazy but is there any way to activate "tank" controls to this game? As in, when I push right the snake's head turns to the right no matter where the camera is positioned? I'm a RE fan and the dumbed down default controls are REALLY messing me up. I checked the options but I don't see anything that helps my cause :(
I'm really loving this game right now. After Zelda I've tried a bunch of games (The Last Guardian, Nier Automata, Trails of Cold Steel 2, and some more) but none of them were really doing it for me. For some reason Snake Pass seems to be exactly the game I needed right now. I love the aesthetic, the puzzle solving, and the music.

Sometimes I guess you just need some bright, happy fun between huge games.
Been playing a lot the last couple days, on level 10 now. I kinda suck at video games but man some of those coins hanging out on the open void are hard. Died like 20 times trying to get a few. Im getting a hang of the controls now but its really easy for me to accidentally go left instead of right or up instead of down or forget to press the grip/bird and them boom I'm falling to my room again.

I usually know exactly what to do from the start but executing that with my fingers is still pretty hard 5 hours in


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Hey guys, the PlayStation 4 patch is now live and should be filtering its way to you as I type.

A bunch of minor fixes; the double death on spikes is fixed being a notable one.

We still have more tweaks and fixes on all platforms coming. Myself or Donkey Show will be sure to let you know once we have something to share!



Finished the game today with 100% on Switch with about 12-14 hours playtime.

Awesome game. Looking forward to time trial, DLC and/or a sequel. :)


I'm falling off this game hard on level 4. For the life of me I cannot climb up these structures I keep slipping off. Feels like the difficulty ramped up too quickly. I was enjoying upto this point


Anyone else playing on Switch and having the problem on level 11 where the lever does not release the boulder?


I tweeted the designer about it, I believe they are looking into it. I hope.
I had this happen on the switch. But I just said fuck it and climbed up to where the ball is and managed to push it off the track and just guide into the hole while it was on the ground. I was impressed with myself.


I'm falling off this game hard on level 4. For the life of me I cannot climb up these structures I keep slipping off. Feels like the difficulty ramped up too quickly. I was enjoying upto this point
Take your time. Dont hold the right trigger, just tap it like you are shooting a high recoil gun in call of duty or something. That's the best advice I can give you. You dont need grip ever in this game, but it can also help.
I had the Switch version freeze on me in level 11 halfway through. After I died, I respawned at a checkpoint and none of the buttons responded. The music was still playing and the grass still swaying, but I had to press the home button and exit out to the dash. I was so mad, I had 11 blue thingies and 3 coins lol.
Anyone else playing on Switch and having the problem on level 11 where the lever does not release the boulder?


I tweeted the designer about it, I believe they are looking into it. I hope.
I'd have to check, but are you sure the see-saw platform is all the way over? Doesn't look tilted enough.


Hey guys, the PlayStation 4 patch is now live and should be filtering its way to you as I type.

A bunch of minor fixes; the double death on spikes is fixed being a notable one.

We still have more tweaks and fixes on all platforms coming. Myself or Donkey Show will be sure to let you know once we have something to share!


Keep up the good work :D


I'd have to check, but are you sure the see-saw platform is all the way over? Doesn't look tilted enough.

While waiting for patch, the bug is indeed solvable by pushing the boulder off and out of the map. When a new boulder respawns, it works fine. Maybe the original boulder is holding the peg up?

Edit: Now I'm stuck on level 12. Can't find the last coin and bead (or whatnot). I can't move on before I've found them.
Hey guys, the PlayStation 4 patch is now live and should be filtering its way to you as I type.

A bunch of minor fixes; the double death on spikes is fixed being a notable one.

We still have more tweaks and fixes on all platforms coming. Myself or Donkey Show will be sure to let you know once we have something to share!


Thanks! Any more performance tweaks planned for the Switch Version?
I just bought this on PC and I'm having some frame pacing issues which gives really annoying stuttering. Everything is on very high with a steady 60fps, but the steam fps counter also goes to 59 or 61 fps every other second. Anyone else experiencing this? Running on a GTX1080 with graphics at very high, 1200p resolution.
Finally finished this last night and spent this morning wrapping up the collectables (fortunately from world 3 onwards I'd been able to 100% each level as I went).
Revisiting the old stages really showed just how much better i'd gotten at the game in such a short time.

The feeling of progress entirely down to understanding and control mastery was so satisfying, rapidly coiling up and around obstacles that once gave me trouble was more victorious than some entire games.
Yeah, I'm a fan of this game, in a loaded first quarter of hard hitting big names this game hasn't got lost in the shuffle for me at all, it's just the right length, offers enough escalation in its thoroughly explored main mechanics which is also so damn unique and a great spin on collectable 3D platformer movement (it's pretty impressive how high speed snaking off ledges and Noodles ability to climb most surfaces including those that appear like simple scenery can allow creative path making).

The OST may only be like 6 full tracks but each one hits the mark as expected of Wise, quality title even with some frustrating segments. Deserved stronger reviews but unorthodox control schemes will probably always hinder to a degree.


I have one more level to go and I've collected everything on each level up to this point. I felt like the game was starting to get a bit stale around the third world since the level design doesn't do enough to evolve past it's intricate gameplay, but the sky world feels like an ample challenge that definitely test your mastery of the controls and physics.

It's funny how the bridge coin in the first level was one of the hardest challenges when I first started and took like 15 deaths to finally get. But now, even the hardest coins in the later levels still take me only 2 to 3 deaths to get. There's even one in the 14th level that look really hard, yet I did it in one go! The best thing about Snake Pass is definitely how rewarding it is to master the gameplay.
I haven't suffered a single bug, XOne version here.
I'm interested in knowing what platform are you playing Snake Pass on. It seems that Switch has more players but who knows...

*None of my Xbox friends have the game :(


I haven't suffered a single bug, XOne version here.
I'm interested in knowing what platform are you playing Snake Pass on. It seems that Switch has more players but who knows...

*None of my Xbox friends have the game :(
Could very well be. Its at #1 in almost every eshop chart.


Anyone else playing on Switch and having the problem on level 11 where the lever does not release the boulder?


I tweeted the designer about it, I believe they are looking into it. I hope.

Is this from handheld mode? I'd love it if someone could upload an image captured on switch when undocked, just so I can get a feel for the resolution.


I can't really play this game on TV mode for the Switch, it seems I feel more comfortable playing it in Handheld mode.

It's just too bad the resolution is so low that everything looks heavily pixelated.


Anyone else playing on Switch and having the problem on level 11 where the lever does not release the boulder?


I tweeted the designer about it, I believe they are looking into it. I hope.

I had this, though on the PS4. There is a way around it.... you can actually go up to the boulder and push it off the ramp its on and onto the floor, at which point it's possible to manoeuvre to the trigger. A pain, but better than redoing the level!
The "No Diving" and "Floor is Molten Rock" trophies are a nightmare to get. Anyone have any juicy tips?
There's some good video guides for it, the best one I can give you is that in the last section for the no diving one you can go on the left side and slide up to the poles rather than activate the switch, skipping a lot of the hassle.

After you've completed it maybe you can give me some tips on how to get the trophy to actually unlock, because that's the main roadblock I've run into. Completed that and all levels without dying last night and got nothing, pretty big letdown.
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