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So I just went on my girlfriends ipad....

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So zero tolerance for a first offense is the answer? There's a reason people have a tough time talking about topics like this and it's because they've been socially railroaded into it. Sometimes trouble has to happen before people are willing to be real with themselves and their partners.

I'm not advocating staying in a toxic relationship, but christ, have a tough and meaningful conversation before you throw everything away.
This is not the thread for this. OP is/was not in a poly relationship. Shut it down.


Stop shoving "open relationships" down people's throats OpenGAF! The OP wasn't in one so your personal preference is not relevant! She cheated on him or was about to.

Uh, from what he said, no she didn't and no she wasn't.

People, chill. The people who are telling how their relationships are, are trying to provide another perspective. (Mostly) No one here is telling OP that he should be OK with this. They're trying to help him to understand what possibly could have happened. Understanding why something has happened can help him in the future, regardless of fault (this time it's her).

OP should NOT be OK with this if this wasn't a thing previous. OP should discuss it with her, like two grown human beings. OP has already said this is his deal breaker. We all see that. We're all here just trying to help OP in our own ways - so chill out with the "GTFO" mentality and let him decide what he needs to take in and what he needs to toss out.
Could you at least post snippets of the conversation? What words were specifically used? Did she mention you at all either openly or thinly veiled? How did they describe what they wanted to do to each other specifically? Anything imply that they had already done it? Some more context would probably offer more insight, OP.

Either way I'm sorry this happened to you, and yeah, judging by what you've posted so far, it's time to split.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Change all of your passwords OP, and keep your valuables safe. Nit saying she would do anything once she knows it's over, but you never know.

Good call checking out about your lease and all of that, too.


If you end things OP, you're a stronger man than I.

Something similar happened to me last year: a flirtatious text popped up as I was gaming on my girlfriend's iPad, so anger and curiosity got the better of me and I read the entire conversation. It was pretty upsetting, but as far as I know no pictures were exchanged.

Anyway, my situation is quite complicated as the guy was some old boyfriend or something from a few years back who has been, in my opinion, harassing my girlfriend pretty much since we started seeing each other over two years ago. (He's a massive creep and a complete douche to be honest.)

I won't go into the details because I can't be bothered to type it all out, but suffice to say if anything happens again I won't be so hesitant to leave. She seemed genuinely sorry and it happened when things were a bit 'weird' between us. Maybe I should have left then and there, but I still think we have a good thing.


I bet his post resonates in a bad way with a lot of people. While his attempted point is true, the problem, as pointed out by Hoo-Doo is that it was hidden, which then bubbles down to betrayal.

This is as old as sin. It's OK to want sex from people other than your partner. It's not OK to make your partner believe you are one way, and then in truth be something completely different. She probably liked the perks, the security and the affirmation of the relatiinship, but also wanted to get sexual with other guys. That's fine, except when that's hidden from what's supposed to be one of the closest confidants in your life.

Agree on everything. Dreaming and fantasizing is fine and well, but like you said, going behind someone's back is not.

Op, stay strong brother.
Uh, from what he said, no she didn't and no she wasn't.

People, chill. The people who are telling how their relationships are, are trying to provide another perspective. (Mostly) No one here is telling OP that he should be OK with this. They're trying to help him to understand what possibly could have happened. Understanding why something has happened can help him in the future, regardless of fault (this time it's her).

OP should NOT be OK with this if this wasn't a thing previous. OP should discuss it with her, like two grown human beings. OP has already said this is his deal breaker. We all see that. We're all here just trying to help OP in our own ways - so chill out with the "GTFO" mentality and let him decide what he needs to take in and what he needs to toss out.
She was getting dick picks from another man. That's cheating.
Ok? Let's all rage against our biology for the rest of our lives and ruin otherwise decent relationships because we're unable to handle a little bit of emotional uncertainty and difficult communication

These threads man. Being in an open relationship doesn't inherently make you enlightened, mature, or righteous.

Offering advice on a monogamous relationship from this perspective is gross, especially since any healthy poly situation would be built on mutual trust, honesty, and respect.

You don't live with, invest life milestones, or get married to "decent". You fuck decent and keep it moving. There are plenty of women out there who won't cheat on you emotionally or physically, there's no downside to having self respect and standards.


You are framing this like she admitted to it and begged for forgiveness. She is actively sneaking around. Not only would I not want to be in a romantic relationship like that I wouldn't even remain friends with someone who did that to their partner. Life is too short to put up with shifty people bringing you down.
It's a violation of trust, plain and simple. Even taking the sex part out of the equation you can no longer trust her. You can't have a lasting relationship without trust. That's the end of it.

It would take forever to gain the trust back, so is it worth giving it another shot to see if she can rebuild trust? That's up to you, OP

NH Apache

I'm sorry OP, that sucks. Best of luck to you. Perhaps that GAF meetup will be useful if only for contacts for a future place or similar. It's always tough getting out of a relationship especially when there are shared friends/social circle.


I'd pack my shit now if I were you. Just to be ready after you talk about it. Don't believe her if she says "it was a pop up ad" or something. That shit only works on clueless parents when you get caught looking at porn in the 90's.

Ok? Let's all rage against our biology for the rest of our lives and ruin otherwise decent relationships because we're unable to handle a little bit of emotional uncertainty and difficult communication

This is the guy sending her the dick pics.

Uh no, no it's not.

Depends on who you ask, but it would certainly qualify as emotionally cheating.
Also, no one is talking about the possibility of you two talking about this and working it out.

Although discovering they've been together for 4 years definitely changes my perspective, this doesn't seem like something the OP is ready to do. It seems the clean break is the light at the end of the tunnel. But I have to be honest, these situations are what conditions people for what real relationships are all about, in those cases where each party can come clean and honest. It's up to the OP to decide if this is a possible route. Absolutely no shame in cutting this off and moving on.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Mate that sounds properly wank, if I were you I'd start packing up a weekend bag to take to your rents house, rehearse what you're going to say and prepare for a swift exit if you need it.

Also hide the precious PS4 and its games

What county?
Honestly, GAF meet on Saturday, chill with some cocktails and some GAF bros. It'll get your mind off shit.
Fucks sake Mike I saw him first I need friends more than u, you have a fiance now
Just one question OCD: are you an american?
I am asking because being faithful sexually seems a very important thing for you, a clear red line. In Europe and mostly in France, people are a bit more detached about it.

When your SO sleeps with somebody else, it sucks, of course, but c'est la vie.
In France, when you hit 40, it's more or less accepted that you will take up a lover or mistress at some point. A lot of people, including at least, two former presidents, openly had countless lovers while still being with their wives and no one gave a shit.
If you have a good thing going with someone, why ruin it just because he or she had sex with someone she does not plan on staying with?
Just a bit a cultural perspective.

As fas as your business is concerned, the situation definitely requires a serious conversation you should also keep your cool and keep things in perspective.
So far, she has not done anything, just fantasized about it.

r u avin a giggle m9

Uh no, no it's not.

If OP says it's cheating, it's cheating


I'd definitely call it at that point if it were me. If you feel like she needs a chance to explain herself then talk to her about it.

Don't bring the guy into it. He's a single guy hitting on someone, he's not responsible to you.

Edit: whoops didn't realize we are 7 pages in and there have been further developments. My answer was a monogamously framed one
No, at least the poly people don't try to guilt trip you.
Uh, from what he said, no she didn't and no she wasn't.
Seriously though, how is sexting and/or not refuting a dick pic not cheating? It's not like she was watching porn; she was actively in a conversation with another dude and when she got the picture she continued in the conversation, as per OP's story.


Without knowing any more detail than what you provided, I cannot help but think you trusting her again will never fully be an option. Even if you talk things out and get over this particular scenario, it will remain in the back of your mind moving forward and ultimately just be that skeleton in the closet that prevents you from ever being fully happy again.

Life is just too short at the end of the day to not be as happy as possible.

If I am wrong, and it is something you can completely overcome and completely forgive, talk it out and listen to her reasons.

If you know you will truly never get over it, just move on now. Or else you may potentially spend additional years always doubting. Always wondering. And that is just not good for anyone involved.

Regardless of what happens, it truly sucks you are going through this.


Oh and change your Netflix account.

I witnessed my ex girlfriend littering my list with mediocre romcoms for months on end. No more Grey's Anatomy for you!


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Is there enough time to get the dick printed onto a shirt? If I had something like this pulled on me I'd do something like that. That way she can't skirt around the issue and needs to look at it the entire time we have our final talk.

OP should start making out with her and then he unzips his pants to reveal the dick-pic taped over his own. "Look familiar?" And then he walks out.


That sucks OP. Being cheated on is one of the biggest fears I have when I enter a relationship, so it definitely would be a deal breaker for me if it were to happen. I gotta admit though, and it might sound hypocritical, but I was involved with two different girls who cheated on their boyfriends, they'd tell me all sort of things about their relationships and badmouth their partners when they were with me, it felt kind of awful in retrospect, and is probably the biggest reason I fear being cheated on as much, as I know exactly what it is like on the other side. I don't hook up with girls in relationships anymore as I don't want karma to come and blow up my door.
Here's hoping you get through this OP, and if it comes down to confronting her face to face, be the bigger person and don't raise your voice or go apeshit.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If you are beating the cheeks tonight, make it the best she ever had, multiple orgasms, etc. then after you finish, say "see if your other dick gives you that."


Been with my fiance for 5 years. If she had a one night stand or a short fling. It would hurt but I'd get through it. Who knows if I mess up sometime and know where my heart really is and want to stay with my fiance.

If it was an emotional long relationship then yeah it would suck and I would end it. A quick fling or one night stand. Not a deal breaker unless it happens more than once or twice.

As you get older it's easier to understand this a bit. My friends feel the same. It's not worth ending your marriage over a side chick or side dick. IMO of course.


OP... At the risk of channeling Grandpa Simpson.... Today is my anniversary - married 26 years (crissakes I feel old). I don't know you or your GF or anything else beyond what's in this thread. But just some advice from an OldMarriedGAF:

You feel like trust is broken, and you're right about that. But you need to have an adult conversation with your GF to try and understand why this happened. There's a reason and you need to know it. It doesn't mean you can salvage a relationship, but it means you'll know a little bit more about yourself and how your relationships work.

You also need to consider the possibility (and only the possibility) that your relationship can be repaired and it will be hard on you. That's also 'being an adult'. Trust is important to you, obviously. But I think it's useful to being open to the possibility that life is not so binary and trust can be repaired with more understanding and less pride.



Good luck with your decision OP. I'd been in that type of scenario before. Just break it off as soon as you can and forget about her. Not worth dreading over someone who has took your trust for granted.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Uh no, no it's not.

Bullshit, flirty text convos combined with dick picks is the immediate step before her physically cheating.

Given you have "Meat" in your username, maybe it's more normalized from your perspective, but for most couples private pictures of another man's sausage are at least a no-no and worth a serious conversation.


Sorry OP, that's a shitty feeling. You seem like you're on your way out. I'd probably be in the same boat.

I'd suggest that you get all your ducks in a row (passwords changed, names off accounts, move any small valuables somewhere safe, etc) before saying or doing anything. I'd say your best course of action is to drop the hammer swiftly and bail out fast.
The poly people on this site are worse than vegans lmao

As a non-poly, the monogamist view of relationships is a colossal point of view that is pushed down our throats since ever. That some people in this thread find such discomfort in radical different ways of seeing sexuality, is a great showcase how conservative many people are. You can disagree with the advice, but there's no need to shamefully mock it.
OP... At the risk of channeling Grandpa Simpson.... Today is my anniversary - married 26 years (crissakes I feel old). I don't know you or your GF or anything else beyond what's in this thread. But just some advice from an OldMarriedGAF:

You feel like trust is broken, and you're right about that. But you need to have an adult conversation with your GF to try and understand why this happened. There's a reason and you need to know it. It doesn't mean you can salvage a relationship, but it means you'll know a little bit more about yourself and how your relationships work.

You also need to consider the possibility (and only the possibility) that your relationship can be repaired and it will be hard on you. That's also 'being an adult'. Trust is important to you, obviously. But I think it's useful to being open to the possibility that life is not so binary and trust can be repaired with more understanding and less pride.

Best post in a thread full of really lousy posts.


I think you will feel better about yourself in the longer run if you take the higher road.
Find out your legal obligations to the apartment and prep for the split.
You would be better off in my experience to leave and take all your shit.


Any chance you can share your story man? Hearing from people that have gotten through it helps a lot.

Heh. It's been years and honestly I spent a long time trying to forget so some of the details are a bit fuzzy. But this thread has me feeling sympathetic so here we go.

Upon waking up one day I went to check my email only to find my GFs gmail account open. She was still asleep and had been up super late so the inbox was still open. The first thing I saw was "I miss you too" from some dude she grew up with. That would never have rang alarm bells and I would have closed the tab; however, I recognized the name as a dude who she described as an asshole who always made her feel like shit for not dating him. "That's strange" I said to myself as I clicked the email. That email was a reply to her email which said something like...

"I miss you and I wish I was sleeping next to you tonight."

Sudden nausea and sadness consumed me. I woke her up, she cried and explained that she missed home and nothing would ever happen because he is so far away. A lengthy conversation ensued about my future suspicions every time she visited home, asking her why she lied about the nature of her relationship with him and why she always characterized him as an asshole. She reassured me that she loved me and she will make sure I know this won't happen again.

Things took time to get better but a few months later they were good again. My trust in her was damaged, but it was healing. Then one night she said a friend of hers knew a guy who was moving here and he wanted to go out. Her friend was working that night so asked my GF to take him out for a drink or two. My GF said to call her when I got off work and I could join them. I call she doesn't answer. I go to bed.

I look at my phone in the morning. No missed calls. I call again, no answer. She finally calls back around 7pm and tells me what a good time they had and they drank and danced until the bars closed. I'm thinking, that's a little fucked up but just said "I would have liked to join you, why didn't you call?"

"Idk we were just having a really good time."

She broke up with me that night. After 4 years.

I was really good to her, showed her affection, helped her through school, helped her through some really hard financial and family issues.

I was shocked, depressed and handled the breakup super poorly. That was on me, though.

Sorry for the novel.


If it had changed, why the fuck would the OP be this hurt?


You're right. It may have changed unbeknownst to him- a potential excuse in the making, claiming harmless fun.

Regardless, the relationship has run its course as this 4 year journey comes to a crashing halt. There has been some great advice given here so far and all I can hope for is that OP takes the high road to minimize any regrets he may have down the line.


not characteristic of ants at all
As a non-poly, the monogamist view of relationships is a colossal point of view that is pushed down our throats since ever. That some people in this thread find such discomfort in radical different ways of seeing sexuality, is a great showcase how conservative many people are. You can disagree with the advice, but there's no need to shamefully mock it.

All relationships - poly and monogamous - are built on trust and open communication. In no relationship should trust be breached. The OP had his trust broken.

It's not an argument of whether or not monogamy is doable, it's a discussion on breaking your partners trust.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Been with my fiance for 5 years. If she had a one night stand or a short fling. It would hurt but I'd get through it. Who knows if I mess up sometime and know where my heart really is and want to stay with my fiance.

If it was an emotional long relationship then yeah it would suck and I would end it. A quick fling or one night stand. Not a deal breaker unless it happens more than once or twice.

As you get older it's easier to understand this a bit. My friends feel the same. It's not worth ending your marriage over a side chick or side dick. IMO of course.
You're more secure than I am. I wouldn't be able to forgive it, fair play though mate.
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