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Sonic Lost World |OT| Too X-treme for the Galaxy


i want to keep comparing this to secret rings, but secret rings was a game that had one idea and tried so hard to do it right, and failed for a number of reasons ('mission' design, mainly, but also the weird rpg stuff). lost world introduces a lot of ideas that could work, but they're never expanded upon. even the cool twisty turny level design that you'd think this game would be based on is kept somewhat safely in the background. it feels like three different games crammed into one. i think at this point, i was enjoying secret rings more (i'm a weirdo who likes that game though).


Yeah, I'm not talking sequel. I'm saying keep the mechanics and refine them.

I also really want to see a Sonic game completely in 3D again. I'm very tired of 2D segments. If they want 2D, make another 2D game and focus on making it play right.

Yeah, ever since even Sonic Adventure, Sega has been teasing us with a handful of great 3D Sonic stages, and then filing the rest of the game with other junk. pretty much every Sonic game since then. I really want to see Sega take a stab at doing a legit, fully 3D Sonic, but that would take some serious effort from them, with a longer dev time and budget, which is something I don't think Sega is willing to do.


i want to keep comparing this to secret rings, but secret rings was a game that had one idea and tried so hard to do it right, and failed for a number of reasons ('mission' design, mainly, but also the weird rpg stuff). lost world introduces a lot of ideas that could work, but they're never expanded upon. even the cool twisty turny level design that you'd think this game would be based on is kept somewhat safely in the background. it feels like three different games crammed into one. i think at this point, i was enjoying secret rings more (i'm a weirdo who likes that game though).

You know, I've heard that Secret Rings has some redeeming qualities, and I've been meaning to play it. It's around $20 bucks so it's worth a try.
i want to keep comparing this to secret rings, but secret rings was a game that had one idea and tried so hard to do it right, and failed for a number of reasons ('mission' design, mainly, but also the weird rpg stuff). lost world introduces a lot of ideas that could work, but they're never expanded upon. even the cool twisty turny level design that you'd think this game would be based on is kept somewhat safely in the background. it feels like three different games crammed into one. i think at this point, i was enjoying secret rings more (i'm a weirdo who likes that game though).

I strangely also like Secret Rings. Had a good time with it.


You know, I've heard that Secret Rings has some redeeming qualities, and I've been meaning to play it. It's around $20 bucks so it's worth a try.

i'd say it's a far more experimental game than lost world, but there's a little more focus on what it wanted to be. in 2007, there wasn't really a sonic game where all you did was run forward uncontrollably. the name of the game is mostly dodging things coming towards you like some sort of arcade title, and the controls are all done by holding the wii remote sideways and steering sonic.

the game has 7 actual levels, and then several missions where you have to collect an x amount rings or pearls, where you have to avoid dying, where you have to avoid getting hit, and sometimes the missions change the level design significantly (the 'don't die' and 'don't get hit' missions in particular feel like different zones in an act). probably the most notorious thing they did was add a sort of level up system. your score at the end of each level will go into an experience pool which you can use to purchase upgrades to sonic to make him faster, to improve his acceleration or stopping, to have him jump higher, etc. for the first few hours you have dumb uncontrollable sonic, and some crummy missions, but once you customize the sonic you want and start playing through the better missions, the good parts can really shine. at least, they did for me.

and then they followed it up with black knight. cough.


Interesting. I feel completely differently about it. The Snowball works, it's just tricky. You have to aim the ball before you unleash the spin, otherwise you will fly. It just takes some careful understanding, like a platformer. It is a challenging level though. But I feel like it's pretty fair.

To each his own. I didn't like the snowball level in Mario Galaxy. I honestly feel like a lot of people's complaints for Lost World can be applied to other platformers. It's just that people expect Sonic games to always be about running. This game has legit platforming, you just have to be cautious sometimes. Also, falling off the ledge means death in a platformer. It's been the lifeblood of platforming since the very beginning. I do notice that some of the designs aren't consistent, like sometimes if you are doing the bee hive level, running into the wall is an automatic death. Strange. However, you just take note of it and try to work around it.

Also, I enjoyed the pinball. I never game over'd that part, so I didn't find it frustrating. Although, I don't understand how I won, I think it was that I got to a certain score and it continued. That part was definitely a mystery.

Sonic Adventure 1 had some pinball. I wasn't the biggest fan of it, but what can you do. It was better this time around, imo.
Here is the thing, honestly the snowball level is playable. My issue is you are a fucking snowball. That doesn't even sound fun on paper. I love pinball in Sonic it usually makes sense. The problem losing a ball means death. Which leads to game over. So all my progress from the other half of the level is for nothing because of a mini game. I am one of the few that enjoys Sonic Spinball but, dying there in the mini pisses me off so bad and feels so unfair.


Here is the thing, honestly the snowball level is playable. My issue is you are a fucking snowball. That doesn't even sound fun on paper. I love pinball in Sonic it usually makes sense. The problem losing a ball means death. Which leads to game over. So all my progress from the other half of the level is for nothing because of a mini game. I am one of the few that enjoys Sonic Spinball but, dying there in the mini pisses me off so bad and feels so unfair.

Fair enough. I suppose for those that aren't enjoying it, the fact that the game uses losing lives as a means of punishment is a big frustration. If you have trouble it's understandable that it's frustrating. I still think it's fair game as far as a platforming game is concerned where you lose lives if you don't meet the requirements. The pinball might be one of those places that it doesn't let you skip after dying a few times. I never had trouble with it though.

Agree to disagree I guess.


Fair enough. I suppose for those that aren't enjoying it, the fact that the game uses losing lives as a means of punishment is a big frustration. If you have trouble it's understandable that it's frustrating. I still think it's fair game as far as a platforming game is concerned where you lose lives if you don't meet the requirements. The pinball might be one of those places that it doesn't let you skip after dying a few times. I never had trouble with it though.

Agree to disagree I guess.
Out of curiosity, playing as the snowball was really fun for you? I mean I know its there and its one stage. I am just blown away that this exists. Of all things in a video game I know but, this really just doesn't make sense to me.
This game isn't difficult or annoying at all when just running through the levels normally.

Once you try to get every Red Ring, however, it gets infuriating at times.


for me the biggest problem with the game is that each level is fucking lengthy. instead of giving us one short level with a well-realized idea, it's a long one with halfbaked design a lot of the time. and there's no rhyme or reason between switching to 2d and 3d a lot of the time- something sonic colors did well, and something sonic generations explained away pretty good.

I find this to be even more true in the 3DS version where half the time the 3D levels feel like they're just cramming in random rooms that have nothing to do with each other except for when you clear one you move onto the next. Its worse in the backhalf of the game where the 3d levels become a gauntlet of frustratingly designed rooms with no coherent level design theme

They keep cramming in more mandatory motion control stuff in the backhalf of the 3DS game too. I put it down after Sky Road act 3 asked me to use tilt to control some rockets Sonic rode on. Dont understand why DIMPS wouldnt provide the option to turn it off since its a handheld title

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think I'm starting to agree more with AniHawk's impressions here.

Though I have to say that I'm not entirely sure what the entire premise, design-wise, the game is supposed to be. It really lacks this sense of consistency, proper pacing, and its own sense of remarkable identity. The whole game itself as a whole package has left me scratching my head. At this point, I do feel like Windy Hill was the most cohesive world.

For the record, the snowball level wasn't difficult for me. I found it to be kinda fun. The pinball one was hard for me. Actually, I don't find the Wii U version itself that difficult outside of some weird "fall through the floor, why are you not registering that I'm jumping on a rail" / Sky Road in its entirety sorta stuff so far. I haven't game over'd as much as I expected to given impressions from in here.


Real talk - even though I was actually supportive of Sonic being slowed down for this game, I've made it a point repeatedly in the past that he could really afford to be just a tad faster than he is here.

But after learning how to properly utilize the spin-dash I don't even have this complaint any more. Transitioning from full-on rush mode while parkouring between monuments and walls is an absolute dream. I completely love how flawless Sonic can transition between these movements, and at his absolute fastest he can easily reach Unleashed running speeds even though it feels like a way of boosting.

Seriously, revving up that Spin Dash and then maintaining max momentum after a jump just feels so fucking good. A talented player could probably maintain this throughout an entire stage, and the best part is unlike the boost you maintain full control of Sonic while speeding. Speeding across Desert Ruins Zone 1 has never felt better, which was already a fantastic stage.

This game is so much more fun to me now knowing how essential this move is. People saying this game is too slow have no idea what it is capable of.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Real talk - even though I was actually supportive of Sonic being slowed down for this game, I've made it a point repeatedly in the past that he could really afford to be just a tad faster than he is here.

But after learning how to properly utilize the spin-dash I don't even have this complaint any more. Transitioning from full-on rush mode while parkouring between monuments and walls is an absolute dream. I completely love how flawless Sonic can transition between these movements, and at his absolute fastest he can easily reach Unleashed running speeds even though it feels like a way of boosting.

Seriously, revving up that Spin Dash and then maintaining max momentum after a jump just feels so fucking good. A talented player could probably maintain this throughout an entire stage, and the best part is unlike the boost you maintain full control of Sonic while speeding. Speeding across Desert Ruins Zone 1 has never felt better, which was already a fantastic stage.

This game is so much more fun to me now knowing how essential this move is. People saying this game is too slow have no idea what it is capable of.

My only complaint as far as speed goes is that Super Sonic doesn't have enough of a speed bump. Not even close actually. Super Sonic should be the go to instant super speed gratification mode.


My only complaint as far as speed goes is that Super Sonic doesn't have enough of a speed bump. Not even close actually. Super Sonic should be the go to instant super speed gratification mode.

I haven't gotten Super Sonic yet so I can't really comment, but it's a shame to hear that he's kind of gimped in this game too. They can never get him right in a 3D space these days it seems.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I haven't gotten Super Sonic yet so I can't really comment, but it's a shame to hear that he's kind of gimped in this game too. They can never get him right in a 3D space these days it seems.

The sad thing is that they did get a major thing right with SS this time. SS has the boost instead of spindash. It's a great distinction but it doesn't actually feel much faster than the spindash. If the boost was faster SS could have been amazing. It's also cool because teh boost can do certain thing the spindash can't and isn't slowed down by things like ice and mud.


Here is the thing, honestly the snowball level is playable. My issue is you are a fucking snowball. That doesn't even sound fun on paper. I love pinball in Sonic it usually makes sense. The problem losing a ball means death. Which leads to game over. So all my progress from the other half of the level is for nothing because of a mini game. I am one of the few that enjoys Sonic Spinball but, dying there in the mini pisses me off so bad and feels so unfair.
Agreed on the pinball one. I mean, sure, Pinball was in Sonic Adventure 1. However the difference was, if you lost a ball, you went into the sewers. Not to mention it was optional to beat it, in the sewers, you could easily get enough rings to fill the vault up to get the chaos emerald. This on the other hand, you lost a life from it, and lives aren't as easily to come by thanks to them removing the 100 rings into a life.

Snowball level I enjoyed really. Played like Super Monkey Ball.
Enjoying both the 3DS and Wii U versions so far but seriously how the FUCK do I kill that annoying purple sand worm asshole in the 3DS version? I'm stuck on the act in the Desert world where you have to kill like 4 of them to move on and I can't do it. I'm about to snap my 3DS in half.


Out of curiosity, playing as the snowball was really fun for you? I mean I know its there and its one stage. I am just blown away that this exists. Of all things in a video game I know but, this really just doesn't make sense to me.

It was fun in a challenging, addicted-to-win sort of way. You have to be precise, and I would get stuck at a certain point and kept trying it over and over until I figured out the best path forward. Honestly I think it's a cool idea because sonic spinning in snow means he becomes a snowball. I guess it doesn't make sense in the sense of..why is Sonic a snowball? But, this is not the game to be thinking that way. At least imo. It controls well, it's just tricky. You have to go in knowing that if you try to spin dash in the tight areas you are SOL. But I found some neat tricks, like if you are getting caught with the little bad guys that blow wind at you, if you spin dash and aim it at them you will kill them and survive.

I dunno. Just thought it was a pretty decently designed level.


I think I'm starting to agree more with AniHawk's impressions here.

Though I have to say that I'm not entirely sure what the entire premise, design-wise, the game is supposed to be. It really lacks this sense of consistency, proper pacing, and its own sense of remarkable identity. The whole game itself as a whole package has left me scratching my head. At this point, I do feel like Windy Hill was the most cohesive world.

For the record, the snowball level wasn't difficult for me. I found it to be kinda fun. The pinball one was hard for me. Actually, I don't find the Wii U version itself that difficult outside of some weird "fall through the floor, why are you not registering that I'm jumping on a rail" / Sky Road in its entirety sorta stuff so far. I haven't game over'd as much as I expected to given impressions from in here.

Same for me on difficulty, well, until the Snow zones which were a bit higher in difficulty. Also the Silent Forest is pretty challenging until you figure out the best spots to move forward (mainly the one with the spotlight).

I agree in a sense that the game is not so cohesive but I'm not sure if that really matters at least to my enjoyment of the game. Now that I've gotten a bit farther, I do say that the number of side-scrolling levels and other stuff starts to outweigh the best 3D tube levels, which is a little bit disappointing, but at least they are still pretty well designed. In a sense it has a positive effect because once you get to a new 3D stage, it feels like a breath of fresh air. But the design in that sense in nothing new because Sonic has been like that since Sonic Adventure 1. There always has to be some filler gimmicks. At least here they are more consistent than playing a lot of side characters for large chunks of time that have nothing going for them other than increasing the playtime.

I'm curious what the endgame is like because there seems to be more worlds beyond where I'm at. This does feel like a pretty long game.


Enjoying both the 3DS and Wii U versions so far but seriously how the FUCK do I kill that annoying purple sand worm asshole in the 3DS version? I'm stuck on the act in the Desert world where you have to kill like 4 of them to move on and I can't do it. I'm about to snap my 3DS in half.

You have you stun them with the wind kick attack and then home attack on their yellow part, sadly they take more than one hit to die, which is annoying.

Sonic is really weak in Lost World.
I think I'm starting to agree more with AniHawk's impressions here.

Though I have to say that I'm not entirely sure what the entire premise, design-wise, the game is supposed to be. It really lacks this sense of consistency, proper pacing, and its own sense of remarkable identity. The whole game itself as a whole package has left me scratching my head. At this point, I do feel like Windy Hill was the most cohesive world.

For the record, the snowball level wasn't difficult for me. I found it to be kinda fun. The pinball one was hard for me. Actually, I don't find the Wii U version itself that difficult outside of some weird "fall through the floor, why are you not registering that I'm jumping on a rail" / Sky Road in its entirety sorta stuff so far. I haven't game over'd as much as I expected to given impressions from in here.

Change the title to "Mario does what Sonican't"


Just got my copy today and I like it so far. It might not be as good as Generations or Colors but it's growing on me. At first, I thought it was average but after a second attempt at playing I like it more. The mechanics aren't quite as tight and I hate how Sonic doesn't automatically run. Overall though it's not too bad.

I just have no idea what Wisping things away means or does. It says I can meet people but I'm clueless to this feature.
I was at Gamestop just a few minutes ago and a guy from Nintendo was updating their kiosks. They added a bunch of new demos, including Sonic Lost Worlds. It may be worth noting for those of you wanting to try the game out before buying it.
What does the number of stars mean on an item you have (1-4)? All mine are 1 star. Also wtf at the wisping away stuff, no idea how that works. Also, what are the requirements for the circus stages? Mine say 2 red stars... well I have 2 red stars in that world and it is still locked. This game doesn't tell you SHIT.
So far I'm at the sky area...it's not bad but there are problems. Plus there are a few glitches I've noticed, I love the parkour though. Also there are some really awesome levels.



I'm only receiving items. I can't seem to Wisp Away any utside of the very first one I ever Wisped Away. I don't get it.

You properly got miiverse sharing off in the option, turn it on and you should be able to send items.


Gives all the fucks
What does the number of stars mean on an item you have (1-4)? All mine are 1 star. Also wtf at the wisping away stuff, no idea how that works. Also, what are the requirements for the circus stages? Mine say 2 red stars... well I have 2 red stars in that world and it is still locked. This game doesn't tell you SHIT.
I checked the digital manual & it said that the stars under an item is the "Item Level", which the higher it is, the greater the effect is (i.e 2-star Ring Item will give you more rings compared to an 1-star)

As for the circus, I THINK that's how many Red Rings you have left until it's unlocked. You unlock one for each 5 Red Rings you collect.
I checked the digital manual & it said that the stars under an item is the "Item Level", which the higher it is, the greater the effect is (i.e 2-star Ring Item will give you more rings compared to an 1-star)

As for the circus, I THINK that's how many Red Rings you have left until it's unlocked. You unlock one for each 5 Red Rings you collect.

Thank you! I kind of want to make it my goal to collect all the red stars.


Gives all the fucks
Wow so.....NO stage to earn Emeralds? I don't know if I should be glad or disappointed....

& now that I think about it, the Omachao pre-order bonus is USELESS unless I have the 3DS version, which I don't. Damn it, Sega, the pre-order bonuses for this game are seriously lame, especially considering how cool the Sonic Colors hat was & the Generations one was decent.


Thank you! I kind of want to make it my goal to collect all the red stars.

Good luck, some are really annoying to get like Zone 1 and 4 of the final area.

Wow so.....NO stage to earn Emeralds? I don't know if I should be glad or disappointed....

I would rather have the special stage as getting the Red rings are very annoying to do.

now that I think about it, the Omachao pre-order bonus is USELESS unless I have the 3DS version, which I don't. Damn it, Sega, the pre-order bonuses for this game are seriously

What the Sonic Omachao pre-order bonus? You don't need a 3DS for that, just a second controller for the Wii U.


& now that I think about it, the Omachao pre-order bonus is USELESS unless I have the 3DS version, which I don't. Damn it, Sega, the pre-order bonuses for this game are seriously lame, especially considering how cool the Sonic Colors hat was & the Generations one was decent.
Got my 25 extra lives already waiting for my game (to arrive tomorrow!!). :p

Getting both the Wii U and 3DS version. Hoping to make some time between each..and the other games that also arrived this week....and working. :/


Gives all the fucks
What the Sonic Omachao pre-order bonus? You don't need a 3DS for that, just a second controller for the Wii U.
So it's still only for co-op.....That still seems kind of lame. I'm more of the single player type, & that includes Sonic.

Okay, despite being reskins & lasting real short, the Nightmare Stage was actually rather cool for all the Nights stuff they packed in.
i'd say it's a far more experimental game than lost world, but there's a little more focus on what it wanted to be. in 2007, there wasn't really a sonic game where all you did was run forward uncontrollably. the name of the game is mostly dodging things coming towards you like some sort of arcade title, and the controls are all done by holding the wii remote sideways and steering sonic.

the game has 7 actual levels, and then several missions where you have to collect an x amount rings or pearls, where you have to avoid dying, where you have to avoid getting hit, and sometimes the missions change the level design significantly (the 'don't die' and 'don't get hit' missions in particular feel like different zones in an act). probably the most notorious thing they did was add a sort of level up system. your score at the end of each level will go into an experience pool which you can use to purchase upgrades to sonic to make him faster, to improve his acceleration or stopping, to have him jump higher, etc. for the first few hours you have dumb uncontrollable sonic, and some crummy missions, but once you customize the sonic you want and start playing through the better missions, the good parts can really shine. at least, they did for me.

and then they followed it up with black knight. cough.
I felt like Secret Rings suffered from SA2 syndrome where the first few levels were pretty strong, but the level design deteriorated throughout the game, Dinosaur Jungle was my favorite. Although Night Palace was alright.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Nope. It always fills my briefcase with new items and if i try to send out old items, it says. "Nope" Every time.
If you've wisped away once that day, you won't be able to do it again until the next day. Thus you'd have to discard from your inventory or discard the item that you're getting.
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