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Sony and Marvel are having a falling out. No marvel studios involvement in future films.


Well that’s a shame. I’ve enjoyed a young Spider-Man in the MCU and was hoping that Tom Holland would stick around for a while, even more so after the infinity saga.

Sony gonna lose out though because spidey shined in the MCU standing next to Stark, cappa and even taking a beat down from Thanos held a infinity gauntlet and being in space. This shit wouldn’t happen without Marvel.




More evidence that Sony sucks shit. This Tom Holland iteration of Spidey was way better than Amazing or maybe even the original trilogy.
More evidence that Sony sucks shit. This Tom Holland iteration of Spidey was way better than Amazing or maybe even the original trilogy.
Nope. Spider-Man 2 is still the best live action Spidey movie, and Tobey Maguire was obviously a major part of that. Also, Spider-verse was better than ANYTHING MCU, and that was an entirely Sony movie.

And again, a lot of people keep bringing up the 'loss' of Tom Holland but he's still contracted for the next movie. He's not going anywhere, and he's going to become a better character now that they don't have to deal with the Iron Spider crap that Spider-Man has NEVER needed. Being a subordinate to Stark (and his ghost) was the worst part of the last two movies. Good riddance.

I do wonder if this is true. Wouldn't be surprising.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that they paid for the hashtags (is that really a thing?), but they definitely have a legion of fans that can quickly take over the conversation on Twitter. Remember the "don't spoil Endgame" shit, even though it was incredibly obvious what was going to happen? I've never seen that for any other movie.
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Nope. Spider-Man 2 is still the best live action Spidey movie. Also, Spider-verse was better than ANYTHING MCU, and that was an entirely Sony movie.
And again, a lot of people keep bringing up the 'loss' of Tom Holland but he's still contracted for the next movie. He's not going anywhere, and he's going to become a better character now that they don't have to deal with the Iron Spider crap that Spider-Man has NEVER needed. Being a subordinate to Stark (and his ghost) was the worst part of the last two movies. Good riddance.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that they paid for the hashtags (is that really a thing?), but they definitely have a legion of brainless fans that can quickly take over the conversation on Twitter. Remember the "don't spoil Endgame" shit, even though it was incredibly obvious what was going to happen? I've never seen that for any other movie.

Yeah totally agree here. Being in the MCU has its privileges, but let’s be honest, how the hella he going to show up in any of the phase 4 movies anyway?

It’s sucks if they can’t even mention anything related to MCU but now they also won’t be tied down by it either. Just hope they keep the stories strong.


I strongly dislike Disney so I'm ok with this news, I had no faith that Disney would do anything differently with Spidey and I hate all of their garbage. Maybe Sony can make a movie I'll enjoy.
Sony should make Spiderman 4 aka best Peter Parker.

Anyways, this afects future Insomniac games or it doesn't have anything to do with ?


Disney/Marvel: They were pushing Peter as the future leader of the Avengers and he is literally Tony's legacy.

Sony: The most profitable Spider-Man movies they made are fully set in the MCU, the last one ended with a big as fuck cliffhanger and Spidey is 100% dependant on Stark Technology and Gadgets. They can't suddently make a movie cutting every kind of link with Stark or the Avengers.

-actually, Far From Home made it clear Peter needed to find his own path, NOT Tony's, Happy clarified as much. And I don't see how it is was pushing him as leader, clearly Endgame set up Sam to lead the team, and for other alternatives IIRC in the comics T'Challa and Carol have led the team but never Peter. Plus, Peter is like what, 17 now? It'd look ridiculous even when he reaches adulthood for him to be leading the others based on age difference and especially since Sam and Carol are former military and T'Challa is a KING, kinda dumb for Peter to call the shots when faced against such seasoned experience. Regardless, Endgame is clearly the more impactful film for the MCU as a whole so I'm pretty confident we'll see Sam suit up as Cap and lead the new Avengers team in Phase 5 as long as the actor's willing to return

I could see Peter leading a separate Avengers team consisting of other teens though like Kate Bishop and Kamala Khan. If that's what you meant all along, my bad.

Peter is kind of a genius himself, he can easily get by just fine without Stark's gadgets, he did so for decades in the comics. Again, Happy's talk with him in Far From Home seemed to indicate that (thankfully) Peter will forge his own hero path not defined by Tony's legacy

-actually, Spider-man 3 outgrossed Homecoming by $10 million. And Venom only made $24 million less than Homecoming. Not that I don't want Holland's Peter to remain in the MCU, but just pointing that out


he could have been written out of Endgame had they known in advance.

but all this does is show us who has the real power. not even Marvel god could stop this. it doesn't really matter what they set up in their movies, it can all be swept away due to a sudden business deal. it's entirely ephemeral.


Gold Member
Sony should make Spiderman 4 aka best Peter Parker.

Anyways, this afects future Insomniac games or it doesn't have anything to do with ?

They work directly with Marvel with the game, not Disney (which handles film adaptations of MCU).

It is also an alternate universe, much like 'Into the Spider-Verse' is.


Gold Member
I can understand Sony's position. If I were them, I would tell Disney to fuck off as well. Instead of trying to push their profits by "micro-optimizing" like this, maybe they should make decent movies instead of half-baked live action versions of their animation movies and maybe ensuring that their future Star Wars stuff has a coherent vision with a clear direction they want to go towards.
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The thing that worries me, from my understanding, Holland still has a contract that he needs to fulfill, he isn't finished yet. If this all falls apart, how the hell are Sony going to continue on with his character without mentioning a single thing that has happened in the MCU?


Reposting from different thread as this one is longer.

If this does not change I think I am done with the MCU. The collective movies have made it the best franchise in entertainment during my adult life. But if Spider Man is not getting a followup to the cliff hanger (within the MCU) then I am out, at least for now. There's just nothing left for me personally. Cap is 90, Iron Man is dead, Hulk is a supporting character, Black Widow is dead (prequels aren't moving the needle for me), and Thor is now Natalie Portman. Rest of announced movies generally stink with respect to drumming up excitement for me, and even if they bring X-Men in quickly it just doesn't excite me. I cannot even fathom recasting Wolverine and Prof X. I mean of course I can, but I just don't see myself getting excited for recasting two perfect actors for the roles while the best part of the currently existing MCU (Spidey) story line is washed away, and the focus moves to characters who I never even read about in comics as a kid.


Reposting from different thread as this one is longer.

If this does not change I think I am done with the MCU. The collective movies have made it the best franchise in entertainment during my adult life. But if Spider Man is not getting a followup to the cliff hanger (within the MCU) then I am out, at least for now. There's just nothing left for me personally. Cap is 90, Iron Man is dead, Hulk is a supporting character, Black Widow is dead (prequels aren't moving the needle for me), and Thor is now Natalie Portman. Rest of announced movies generally stink with respect to drumming up excitement for me, and even if they bring X-Men in quickly it just doesn't excite me. I cannot even fathom recasting Wolverine and Prof X. I mean of course I can, but I just don't see myself getting excited for recasting two perfect actors for the roles while the best part of the currently existing MCU (Spidey) story line is washed away, and the focus moves to characters who I never even read about in comics as a kid.

Cmon, they have made 23 films over the last 10 years which have all been good. You honestly think they'll drop the ball for their next 5-10 films?
It's pretty insane how people complain about no new IP's and then when we get new IP's and fresh ideas (cinema wise) and people are all like "nah fuck that".


Cmon, they have made 23 films over the last 10 years which have all been good. You honestly think they'll drop the ball for their next 5-10 films?
It's pretty insane how people complain about no new IP's and then when we get new IP's and fresh ideas (cinema wise) and people are all like "nah fuck that".
I didn't say (or intend) all their future movies will be garbage. I just said that I won't be interested in continuing with the series if Spiderman is out, and gave ample reasons why I won't be personally interested. I have loved the MCU so far, but that was because they did a great job with the characters I have always loved. If one of their future movies blows me away when I watch it for free on HBO, Netflix, etc., then maybe I will change my mind. But nothing in the pipeline has me excited enough to keep spending 100 every movie (kids and refreshments ad up at movies). A Spiderman followup would be a premiere weekend event for me, but that is now out in the context of the MCU and there's just nothing left in the pipeline (or expected) that gets me excited.

And comparing this to a general feeling that new IP's are better than countless rehashes is silly man, at least IMO. The MCU is character driven fan service. At no point have I watched an MCU film because I was looking for something new. Every movie I paid a fortune to watch was specifically for that good old feel good nostalgia.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Who gives a shit? Marvel has the X men and the fantastic four now. Just say Peter retired after getting outed and move on with better comic ips.


Unpopular opinion

But id like The Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2 much better than Homecoming and Far From Home

Any chance Andrew Garfield return For TAS3 ?

None as he had a huge falling out with the head of Sony. Shame too as he is far and away the best live action Spider-man.


Lol, Disney doesn't want the money, they want all of the money. They go from making a deal for 5% to demanding 50%, I don't blame Sony at all.


Doesnt Disney still make all the money from the merchandise? Giving them a 50% cut would basically mean that they would be making more money than Sony on a property Sony owns. I cant imagine many shareholders being cool with that.


I didn't say (or intend) all their future movies will be garbage. I just said that I won't be interested in continuing with the series if Spiderman is out, and gave ample reasons why I won't be personally interested. I have loved the MCU so far, but that was because they did a great job with the characters I have always loved. If one of their future movies blows me away when I watch it for free on HBO, Netflix, etc., then maybe I will change my mind. But nothing in the pipeline has me excited enough to keep spending 100 every movie (kids and refreshments ad up at movies). A Spiderman followup would be a premiere weekend event for me, but that is now out in the context of the MCU and there's just nothing left in the pipeline (or expected) that gets me excited.

And comparing this to a general feeling that new IP's are better than countless rehashes is silly man, at least IMO. The MCU is character driven fan service. At no point have I watched an MCU film because I was looking for something new. Every movie I paid a fortune to watch was specifically for that good old feel good nostalgia.

I can appreciate that $100 (even more so if usd) is a lot to spend at the movies.
I just can't comprehend how someone can have loved all 23 films and have been interested in all 23 films when they were announced and than all of a sudden not be interested.

Sure, I can understand not caring about Shang Chi because it seems like it will just be a martial arts flick. But if you enjoy martial arts flicks and John Wick how can this not interest you? And you aren't interested in finding out more about the 10 Rings whom captured Tony Stark in Iron Man 1?

And the Eternals, you're not interested in finding out more about Thanos' race (if they follow the comic)?

If you loved Doctor Strange and Ragnarok, it's the same creative team, how can you not want to see the follow ups if you loved the previous films?



The thing that worries me, from my understanding, Holland still has a contract that he needs to fulfill, he isn't finished yet. If this all falls apart, how the hell are Sony going to continue on with his character without mentioning a single thing that has happened in the MCU?
They could use the end credits cliff hangerscene from FFH to explain that away. People now know Peter Parker is Spiderman so there could be a sort of in hiding/witness protection thing going on. This could mean he doesn't see anyone from the MCU again.


They could use the end credits cliff hangerscene from FFH to explain that away. People now know Peter Parker is Spiderman so there could be a sort of in hiding/witness protection thing going on. This could mean he doesn't see anyone from the MCU again.

It's not just about seeing other characters in the MCU but since you mentioned that, will they be able to use MJ and Ned because they were created with the MCU? If they are completely missing that would be very weird.
I know you mention him being in hiding, but even still, it's hard to imagine that Ned and MJ wouldn't try helping him, his best friends.
For me it's all about his character growth and dismissing and not mentioning anything that has happened to him so far.

Iced Arcade

Almost starting to think this is made up and nothing but marketing hype before retail release
Doesnt Disney still make all the money from the merchandise? Giving them a 50% cut would basically mean that they would be making more money than Sony on a property Sony owns. I cant imagine many shareholders being cool with that.
Sony doesn't own spider-man, they own the movie rights.
Also probably just shot themselves in the foot with being licensed the video game from marvel.

Sony just bought out the devs for that game. So what does it mean for the sequel with Marvel no longer involved with Spiderman? Will we get a sequel? Is the Marvel video game universe different in terms of rights?

Iced Arcade

Sony just bought out the devs for that game. So what does it mean for the sequel with Marvel no longer involved with Spiderman? Will we get a sequel? Is the Marvel video game universe different in terms of rights?
Yeah marvel owns everything spider-man besides film. But who knows, they could have licensed sony the game ip for a couple titles.

Hopefully it works out, insomniac made an amazing spider-man (pun not intended)
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