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Sony and Marvel are having a falling out. No marvel studios involvement in future films.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The irony is that Disney was responsible for modern copyright law being the way it is. Spider-Man would have become public domain last year had Disney not pressured congress to completely change how copyright law worked. This is the same company that reaped the benefits of Cinderella, Snow White, Little Mermaid, etc. being public domain.

Under the 1909 Copyright scheme, the Mickey Mouse character had copyright protection for 56 years (with the renewal), expiring in 1984. With the impending loss of copyright on it’s mascot, Disney is said to have begun serious lobbying push for changes to the Copyright Act.

In 1976, Congress authorized a major overhaul of the copyright system assuring Disney extended protection. Instead of the maximum of 56 years with extensions, individual authors were granted protection for their life plus an additional 50 years, (which was the norm in Europe). For works authored by corporations, the 1976 legislation also granted a retroactive extension for works published before the new system took effect. The maximum term for already-published works was lengthened from 56 years to 75 years pushing Mickey protection out to 2003. Anything published in 1922 or before was in the public domain. Anything after that may still be under copyright.

With only 5 years left on Mickey Mouse’s copyright term, Congress again changed the duration with the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998. This legislation lengthens copyrights for works created on or after January 1, 1978, to “life of the author plus 70 years,” and extends copyrights for corporate works to 95 years from the year of first publication, or 120 years from the year of creation, whichever expires first. That pushed Mickey’s copyright protection out to 2023.


Rapid Response Threadmaker



Disney asked for way too much, 50-50 is a dick move.

After Into the Spiderverse, this makes sense for Sony to turn Disney down. Yeah, they fucked up with Raimi, but let's not forget that they made superhero movies a thing to begin with. All of the MCU wouldn't exist without Sony's proof of concept.

Both companies will sit back down, and I expect a 75-25 split when they're done. Disney already has things in motion and need Spidey, Sony can't do much better without Disney.
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Mikey Jr.

Disney asked for way too much, 50-50 is a dick move.

After Into the Spiderverse, this makes sense for Sony to turn Disney down. Yeah, they fucked up with Raimi, but let's not forget that they made superhero movies a thing to begin with. All of the MCU wouldn't exist without Sony's proof of concept.

Both companies will sit back down, and I expect a 75-25 split when they're done. Disney already has things in motion and need Spidey, Sony can't do much better without Disney.

I thought it was over? They are still negotiating?

And I know people laugh about the games and 2 different divisions, etc etc. but does Disney have the right to revoke the ability for Sony to make anymore Spiderman ps4 games?

Because it'd hurt Disney a bit, but Sony a lot. I wonder if they would use that as leverage.


I don't watch this comic book stuff, someone tell me why this matters

Mainly three reasons:
1. Regardless of whether you liked Raimi's stuff or not, Disney's Spiderman was the best portrayal of the character in a movie
2. Took them a couple movies (Civil War was fanservice) to fit Spiderman properly into the MCU so he could act as a core member of the team once Iron Man left
3. MCU fans are getting scared now that a lot of the big guns that made it popular are gone, and are being replaced by complete nobodies.
Marvel needs Spiderman as much as Sony does, and Sony does have an edge, thanks to Phase 4.
Sony can still make Spiderman vs Venom, make their easy billion and work from there, Marvel doesn't have anything built in their original long-term plan that can help them. There's Black Panther, and that's it.


I can appreciate that $100 (even more so if usd) is a lot to spend at the movies.
I just can't comprehend how someone can have loved all 23 films and have been interested in all 23 films when they were announced and than all of a sudden not be interested.

Sure, I can understand not caring about Shang Chi because it seems like it will just be a martial arts flick. But if you enjoy martial arts flicks and John Wick how can this not interest you? And you aren't interested in finding out more about the 10 Rings whom captured Tony Stark in Iron Man 1?

And the Eternals, you're not interested in finding out more about Thanos' race (if they follow the comic)?

If you loved Doctor Strange and Ragnarok, it's the same creative team, how can you not want to see the follow ups if you loved the previous films?

I have loved the MCU so far, but I have not watched all 23 movies. Some I have skipped altogether because I don't know anything about the characters and don't care, and at least one (Dr. Strange) I watched for free (TV or Netflix) but never made it to the end without falling asleep. So the answers to your questions are I have no idea what Shang Chi is (also, not into martial arts films and never saw John Wick). I also don't know or care about 10 Rings, Eternals, or Thanos' race.

Basically, imagine someone who as a kid read SOME comics for the main avengers / most popular marvel characters, but never read them religiously and never once bothered with the lesser knowns, and that's me. Now as an adult I still get nostalgic for Wolverine, Spiderman, Hulk, Iron Man, etc., but have virtually no clue about or interest in these more lesser known characters who are becoming the focus now. Based on how well they pulled off the first 3 phases I expect some good films, but like so many other good films that release each year I will be passing from paying big money to see them during my limited weekend free time.

But hell, maybe cooler heads prevail and we get a proper SpiderMan followup. Still a weekend premiere event for me.


And how about the Spiderman game on Playstation? Insomniac still have the right for it?

Game deals should be a separate matter. Of course, Disney can be a petty bitch so if they want to squash Spider-Man like they did with X-Men and FF they certainly could.



lol lot of baby blue virgin eyes being opened for the first time today. all it took was something as serious as Spider-Man.

fwiw these brands are so valuable to these companies because all that matters is the suit. as long as someone can put on the Spider-Man costume, they can just recast it. people will overlook recasting with ease. just look at how they treated the original War Machine. if they just write it in the plot then sycophants have no choice but to accept a new actor as the status quo. the person itself is replaceable.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I think a new Spider-Man will be made regardless, he's on Dr. Pepper, video games etc., vastly underrated super hero.


3. MCU fans are getting scared now that a lot of the big guns that made it popular are gone, and are being replaced by complete nobodies.
Marvel needs Spiderman as much as Sony does, and Sony does have an edge, thanks to Phase 4.

These are not true. MCU fans are still excited about phase 4. It's the haters that think the MCU will fall apart now that Steve and Tony are gone.

Also, Marvel don't need Spidey, they built the MCU without him. They would have still made a billion on Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Infinity War and Endgame even without Spidey. They also didn't get much money from the billion that Far From Hone made.
So in terms of film revenue, they'd still be in pretty much the same place even without Spidey.
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Okay, okay, lemme clam down a bit, because Sony has had some problems getting Spider-Man at a high quality bar after Spider-Man 3, but as far as I'm concerned, Spider-Man 1 and 2 are still the only good movies (hated Homecoming, didn't bother watching Far from home), and Spectacular Spider-Man is still the best adaptation of the character in any medium. If they can just translate SSM to live action, I would sooo be there. Plus I'd like to see a Spider-Man universe (which can 1000% work) come to fruition.

Curious what the future will be now. Yeah, a number of folks are mad. I'm not a Marvel fan though. I only care about Spider-Man, and I have a huge interest in Sony getting their act together and making a great series of movies out of this franchise. Spider-Man has some of the best super villans, (you can't have a great super hero without great super villians) so hopefully Sony can put our hero up against some compelling foes.

Wow, this is huge news. I can't believe it happened. Yeah, I'm a quieter voice around the internet who WANTED Sony to take Spider-Man back, as I did not like his MCU films and appearances at all. I don't know if Sony will continue with that version of the character or reboot him yet again and have him mix with the likes of Tom Hardy's Venom and the other slate of films being planned including Black Cat, Silver Sable, Carnage, Morbius, etc.

I do believe if Sony can successfully create high quality stand alone Spider-Man films, or successfully have these films eventually merge into a single universe, public sentiment can, if slowly, change. Now the task is on them to make it happen. And I will be supporting them on that endeavor.
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Okay, okay, lemme clam down a bit, because Sony has had some problems getting Spider-Man at a high quality bar after Spider-Man 3, but as far as I'm concerned, Spider-Man 1 and 2 are still the only good movies (hated Homecoming, didn't bother watching Far from home), and Spectacular Spider-Man is still the best adaptation of the character in any medium. If they can just translate SSM to live action, I would sooo be there. Plus I'd like to see a Spider-Man universe (which can 1000% work) come to fruition.

Curious what the future will be now. Yeah, a number of folks are mad. I'm not a Marvel fan though. I only care about Spider-Man, and I have a huge interest in Sony getting their act together and making a great series of movies out of this franchise. Spider-Man has some of the best super villans, (you can't have a great super hero without great super villians) so hopefully Sony can put our hero up against some compelling foes.

Wow, this is huge news. I can't believe it happened. Yeah, I'm a quieter voice around the internet who WANTED Sony to take Spider-Man back, as I did not like his MCU films and appearances at all. I don't know if Sony will continue with that version of the character or reboot him yet again and have him mix with the likes of Tom Hardy's Venom and the other slate of films being planned including Black Cat, Silver Sable, Carnage, Morbius, etc.

I do believe if Sony can successfully create high quality stand alone Spider-Man films, or successfully have these films eventually merge into a single universe, public sentiment can, if slowly, change. Now the task is on them to make it happen. And I will be supporting them on that endeavor.

I'm cautiously optimistic to see what Sony do next as well but Venom was such a shit movie that I still have huge reservations.

I enjoyed Homecoming and Far From Home and while I don't think they are quite up to the standard for Raimi's first two Spider-Man films both Homecoming and Far From Home look like masterpieces compared to Venom.

Disney's take on Spider-Man was far from perfect but what was really cool to see was that they appeared to be laying the groundwork for some really epic movies later on (Sinister Six). I'm guessing Sony can't re-use the Vulture, Shocker, Scorpion and Mysterio in later films now? If so that's a real shame.

I also agree that Spider-Man, like Batman, is a strong enough character with a strong enough rogues gallery to have their own stand alone cinematic universe. Hopefully Sony can actually use the groundwork that's been laid so far though...


About Stan Lee's relationship with his daughter..... for those trying to discredit what she said!

(Play the video at the end)

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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Didn't see your update post, makes complete sense but. They need to work with Disney & Marvel. Not tell a much more powerful company to fuck off when its clear Disney wants Spiderman back.
They did work with Disney & Marvel.
Disney got greedy and found out not every company will bow to them
1. Regardless of whether you liked Raimi's stuff or not, Disney's Spiderman was the best portrayal of the character in a movie
This is simply not true.
Remove MCU from the picture and everyone would have a different tune.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This is honestly good news if you are an xmen fan. It means that Wolverine's introduction will get pushed up and maybe we can finally get good mutant movies.

Thinking something like this (some could be shows of coarse)

Black Panther 2: Namor and the atlanteans are Villains for part of this but then side with Wakanda against a different foe.

Weapon X: Self explanatory

Avengers Movie: (with wolverine)

X men: (non blue beast, angel, cyclops, jean grey, ice man, and wolverine)this would be a movie about Mr. Sinister, could be used to introduce the savage lands and other mutants)

Captain Britain: origin story (includes Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), and Pete Wisdom)

Deadpool 3: Cable and Deadpool are sucked into the MCU through some means (possibly Stryfe?). Hilarity ensues when he realizes he has seen movies about this new universe he is in. He finds the MCU version of Wade Wilson with a daughter and wife. Villain kills MCU wade and kidnaps wife and kid. Fucked up Mercenary Wade murders his way to victory. Cable leaves to hop through this new universe's timeline. Wade decides to keep on mercing and giving money anonymously to his dead MCU counterpart's wife and kid (which are his wife and kid in a way).

Namor: Self explanatory.

Uncanny Xmen: (Psylocke, Storm, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Banshee, Rogue. Gambit is also there but not on the team. ) Takes place on Muir island. The shadow king is controlling the OG X-Men and Xavier sends the b-team to help save them. Rogue meets gambit, shit goes down, and the shadow king is beaten.

X-23: Origin story of Laura Kinney (Rated R)

Deadpool and the XForce: ( Boom Boom, Deadpool, Warpath, Domino, x-23) Rated R - Story about weapon plus and weapon x program. Cable comes back in the end.

X men 2 : Movie about the hellfire club, Selene is the main villain along with Sebastian Shaw. Emma frost introduced and turns on the hellfire club in the end. (Storm and Jubilee join this team)

Avengers Movie: (With Namor and Wolverine)

Uncanny X men 2: Movie that introduces the brotherhood of evil mutants. Rogue leaves and joins them by the end.

Ultimate X men: This is sort of an x-men assembled movie. It is all of the X-men, plus a few avengers, vs Magneto, rogue, and the rest of the brotherhood of evil mutants. Rogue is labeled a terrorist and taken into custody by the avengers creating the first divide between the x-men and the avengers. Magnetos attack is the start of humans hating mutants.

X-men 3: Emma frost joins this team. First hints of the phoenix. Scott and Jean are having issues. Emma steps in and complicates everything. Scott finds out that Xavier sent a team to Muir island before the uncanny group. That team all died and xavier covered it up. Scott tells Xavier to take a hike and assumes control of the school himself. Jean leaves.

Uncanny X-Men 3: Rogue is being experimented on. X-men break her out and end up on the wrong side of Trask industries and the government's new Tony Stark inspired sentinel program. Further relations between the avengers, and the X men break down.

Jean Grey: Sort of a retelling of the Jean Grey comic series where Jean is looking for help to combat the Phoenix but gets pulled into another plot.

Avengers Vs. X-men 1: Retelling of the comic story with Jean Grey taking the role of Hope Summers. Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, and Namor all get a piece of the phoenix force. All hell breaks loose. Namor destroys Wakanda.

Avengers Vs X-Men 2: Cyclops kills Xavier and an enormous fight ensues. Ends with Jean taking the entire Phoenix Force and getting obliterated by it like young Jean did in the comics. This type of death would allow her to come back later by recreating herself like both Psylocke and Jean did in the comics. Cyclops and Emma escape capture and start their own x men school with magneto. Colossus disappears.

Honestly you could go on with xmen stuff alone for decades if its done correctly.
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Rumor say Disney & Sony have come to an agreement:

I believed this up to the point about Venom. Sorry but venom is such a piece of shit, it doesn't fit in the MCU universe at all. Venom is on the same level as Spider-Man 3 and X-Men: The Last Stand, probably worse than those 2 movies to be honest.

I honestly hope Wolverine is not part of the MCU. He has had 6 films about him already.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
I believed this up to the point about Venom. Sorry but venom is such a piece of shit, it doesn't fit in the MCU universe at all. Venom is on the same level as Spider-Man 3 and X-Men: The Last Stand, probably worse than those 2 movies to be honest.

I honestly hope Wolverine is not part of the MCU. He has had 6 films about him already.

Wolverine is one of the most popular Marvel characters ever. He will be part of the MCU and likely the first mutant with his own movie. Namor would likely be the second given his importance. I wouldn't be surprised to see wolverine teased in Black Widow's movie, even if its just his name, James Howlett, being dropped in passing.

Venom is also a big part of Marvel Comics. How do the symbiotes not fit in the MCU? The movie sucked because Sony is terrible at making movies.


Wolverine is one of the most popular Marvel characters ever. He will be part of the MCU and likely the first mutant with his own movie. Namor would likely be the second given his importance. I wouldn't be surprised to see wolverine teased in Black Widow's movie, even if its just his name, James Howlett, being dropped in passing.

Venom is also a big part of Marvel Comics. How do the symbiotes not fit in the MCU? The movie sucked because Sony is terrible at making movies.

Symbiottes can easily work in the MCU, I mean we're getting vampires introduced with Blade. It just takes that Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige magic. Tom Hardy's Venom will not work within the MCU though, it's a tonal issue. I know MCU movies have different tones, even throughout a single film. But the MCU has perfected mixing dramatic tension with light hearted humour. The copy cats like Amazing Spider-Man 2, Venom and Justice League just can't cut it.

As for mutants, I wish that Namor is the first introduction for them just like the comics, I think the film rights are tied up with Universal though as for mentioning James Hawlett, it would be a tad weird to mention that upfront since it took a long time to hear that name in the comics. As far as Iremember any way.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Rumor say Disney & Sony have come to an agreement:

Yeah I don't believe that, 30% is still too much
Even a film like TASM2 would bank Sony more money if Disney had 30% Sony would be losing out.
10% or 20% max is the most sane choice and everything there is a plus for Disney and Sony just gets TV rights which they sold to Disney in 2009.
This is just fanboy dribble.
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About Stan Lee's relationship with his daughter..... for those trying to discredit what she said!

(Play the video at the end)

the most amazing thing about all this has been seeing the many ways in which people, and even members of the press, are willing to throw a woman under the bus publicly and believe every bad story about her, all because of their pwecious spidew man.
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Yeah I don't believe that, 30% is still too much
Even a film like TASM2 would bank Sony more money if Disney had 30% Sony would be losing out.
10% or 20% max is the most sane choice and everything there is a plus for Disney and Sony just gets TV rights which they sold to Disney in 2009.
This is just fanboy dribble.

Are you insane?! How much is Sony being requested to spend in marketing Spiderman movies? None. It's Disney that's doing all the marketing. So Sony is saving literally hundreds of millions of dollars in that alone.


I get where Sony is coming from, they don't wanna be at Disney's balls all the time. And Disney is massive so them wanting more probably annoyed Sony as hell. Sony simply wanted to continue the deal they already had and I don't blame them.

Venom also made a killing so I get why they think fuck it we go at it alone again. However MCU has shown it has longevity, can Sony make Venom 2 a success, Spiderman 6 a success etc. Just look at Dark Phoenix and Fantastic Four. Yeah Sony may be able to make a killing on their own for the next 2 to 3 movies but can they make it last.


Unconfirmed Member
Well........some of us care about Spiderman and the other characters. If you don't, leave the thread.

Are you a mod, to control who comments in this thread, or others?
Was i making an irrelevant reply to your (VERY IMPORTANT COMMENT IN ALL CAPS)?
I'm sorry!

Disney are greedy assholes, but it's ok cos some of you care about Spiderman.
I care too, but i don't own the rights. Sony do.
Disney can suck it.


Are you a mod, to control who comments in this thread, or others?
Was i making an irrelevant reply to your (VERY IMPORTANT COMMENT IN ALL CAPS)?
I'm sorry!

Disney are greedy assholes, but it's ok cos some of you care about Spiderman.
I care too, but i don't own the rights. Sony do.
Disney can suck it.

Greedy? It's a negotiation. Sony are the ones that walked away from the table. Disney getting 5% is stupid low and ridiculous. They should be at least 25%.

What about Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse?

I should have mentioned "Live-Action" in my previous post.


so infinity was a meta narrative about marvel (iron man) saving spiderman (sony)'s soul

please subscrube to my grooples
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Greedy? It's a negotiation. Sony are the ones that walked away from the table. Disney getting 5% is stupid low and ridiculous. They should be at least 25%.
Sony offered them 25% and they came back with 50%
They was being greedy
Some people actually think Marvel actually makes/writes the Spider Man films and budgets them.
They don't.
They don't even hire the cast
Kevin Fiege is just a consultant the rest of the film crew is Sony Pictures.
Sony gets Zero from his appearances in MCU.
And Marvel gets 5% from the solo films and they was offered 25%
I'd say considering they don't own the character that's a pretty good deal.
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Sony offered them 25% and they came back with 50%
They was being greedy
Some people actually think Marvel actually makes/writes the Spider Man films and budgets them.
They don't.
They don't even hire the cast
Kevin Fiege is just a consultant the rest of the film crew is Sony Pictures.
Sony gets Zero from his appearances in MCU.
And Marvel gets 5% from the solo films and they was offered 25%
I'd say considering they don't own the character that's a pretty good deal.

- I thought Sony paid the budget for the film, but Disney paid for the marketing.
- I thought Marvel did oversee and write the films.
- And doesn't Sony get 95% of the money from the solo movies?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
- I thought Sony paid the budget for the film, but Disney paid for the marketing.
- I thought Marvel did oversee and write the films.
- And doesn't Sony get 95% of the money from the solo movies?
I don't believe they did simply because
The marketing seems pretty much standard Sony affair on the current films
And part of the new deal said it would include marketing by Disney.
If they was already doing so why would that be part of the new deal?
Sony makes 95% Profit from the solo movies, and Disney gets 5%
Sony gets 0% from Spider Man appearing in Marvel films while Disney gets 100%
Kevin Feige was a consultant only
Probably to guide them with the happenings in the MCU.
Jon Watts co-wrote and directed the Spider Man films
He has also just been signed on by Sony shortly after the breakup with the MCU for the third film.
yet again nothing to do with Disney or Marvel.
As I said there seems to be a misconceptions with Marvel’s involvement with Spider Man
Sony still had creative control.
The only thing Marvel did with Spidy was have a guest appearance in Civil War and killing him off in Infinity War so Iron Man would have a motivation story.
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I don't believe they did simply because
The marketing seems pretty much standard Sony affair on the current films
And part of the new deal said it would include marketing by Disney.
If they was already doing so why would that be part of the new deal?
Sony makes 95% Profit from the solo movies, and Disney gets 5%
Sony gets 0% from Spider Man appearing in Marvel films while Disney gets 100%
Kevin Feige was a consultant only
Probably to guide them with the happenings in the MCU.
Jon Watts co-wrote and directed the Spider Man films
He has also just been signed on by Sony shortly after the breakup with the MCU for the third film.
yet again nothing to do with Disney or Marvel.
As I said there seems to be a misconceptions with Marvel’s involvement with Spider Man
Sony still had creative control.
The only thing Marvel did with Spidy was have a guest appearance in Civil War and killing him off in Infinity War so Iron Man would have a motivation story.

I'm not sure this is correct to be honest. Maybe I do think Disney is doing more than they are, but it's clear the solo Spiderman movies do not feel like Sony movies at all! They don't "look" like Sony movies. They look, feel, and have the momentum of the Marvel movies.

What I didn't think about was that Sony gets 0% of the movies that Spiderman appears in like Civil War. Now "THAT'S" interesting.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm not sure this is correct to be honest. Maybe I do think Disney is doing more than they are, but it's clear the solo Spiderman movies do not feel like Sony movies at all! They don't "look" like Sony movies. They look, feel, and have the momentum of the Marvel movies.

What I didn't think about was that Sony gets 0% of the movies that Spiderman appears in like Civil War. Now "THAT'S" interesting.
I don't believe they have the Marvel momentum either.
And I don't know what Sony Movie look and feel means.
It's as if people don't know Kevin Feige was involved in TASM series.
And Iron Man was made by Paramount so.....
If it's what the other Spider Man films had then yes it is sorely missing it.
This guy gets it

And yes it's kinda interesting.
They did have a good deal when you put it in perspective.

I think Tom will be a fantastic Spidy once he gets a story worthy of Spider Man.
Sadly both Sony and Marvel has done a poor job.
Let's see what happens now he is free of Tony Stark
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I don't believe they have the Marvel momentum either.
And I don't know what Sony Movie look and feel means.
Iron Man was made by Paramount so.....
If it's what the other Spider Man films had then yes it is sorely missing it.
This guy gets it

And yes it's kinda interesting.
They did have a good deal when you put it in perspective.

I think Tom will be a fantastic Spidy once he gets a story worthy of Spider Man.
Sadly both Sony and Marvel has done a poor job.
Let's see what happens now he is free of Tony Stark

That video about Spidey is fine and has very valid points. Yes the film is much more light hearted than the Raimi films and yes the suit is annoying with it's advanced tech. I agree that Raimi Spidey 2 is still an incredible top tier film. I'm still fine with how Homecoming ended up though, I'm happy that it's different and doesn't include the majority of elements from the previous 5 films. It feels fresh in terms of Spidey. He is a kid in high school and he shouldn't have all these huge pressures in his life yet, let him enjoy his life for now. Once he gets to college life, yeah sure, then start introducing more problems for him to deal with as his responsibilities grow.

Homecoming and Far From Home are both incredible Spidey films and in a way it's a bit unfair comparing them to Spidey 2. Those first two Spidey films with Raimi were very special, as far as I know, Raimi got to make what he wanted to make and that is why they turned out how they did. They pioneered the comic book movie, in a way. Even though they pioneered comic book films, pretty much every other comic book movie was a "miserable failure" between 2002 and 2008 in comparison to the Rami films. Sony, Fox, Universal and Lionsgate just couldn't get a handle on the genre.
Knowing that so many comic book films failed, you could say in a way that Spidey 1 and 2 were lightning in a bottle.

Just so you know, the Iron Man film was made by Marvel Studios and only distributed by Paramount.


That video about Spidey is fine and has very valid points. Yes the film is much more light hearted than the Raimi films and yes the suit is annoying with it's advanced tech. I agree that Raimi Spidey 2 is still an incredible top tier film. I'm still fine with how Homecoming ended up though, I'm happy that it's different and doesn't include the majority of elements from the previous 5 films. It feels fresh in terms of Spidey. He is a kid in high school and he shouldn't have all these huge pressures in his life yet, let him enjoy his life for now. Once he gets to college life, yeah sure, then start introducing more problems for him to deal with as his responsibilities grow.

Homecoming and Far From Home are both incredible Spidey films and in a way it's a bit unfair comparing them to Spidey 2. Those first two Spidey films with Raimi were very special, as far as I know, Raimi got to make what he wanted to make and that is why they turned out how they did. They pioneered the comic book movie, in a way. Even though they pioneered comic book films, pretty much every other comic book movie was a "miserable failure" between 2002 and 2008 in comparison to the Rami films. Sony, Fox, Universal and Lionsgate just couldn't get a handle on the genre.
Knowing that so many comic book films failed, you could say in a way that Spidey 1 and 2 were lightning in a bottle.

Just so you know, the Iron Man film was made by Marvel Studios and only distributed by Paramount.

Me and you 1000% agree. I can't understand people that say Homecoming and Far From Home are bad "Spiderman" movies. I too also love that Peter Parker is in high school. It introduces different issues with Peter, than the Sam Raimi movies and that's okay. And compared to the other Marvel movies full of adults, it's like a breath of fresh air.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Me and you 1000% agree. I can't understand people that say Homecoming and Far From Home are bad "Spiderman" movies. I too also love that Peter Parker is in high school. It introduces different issues with Peter, than the Sam Raimi movies and that's okay. And compared to the other Marvel movies full of adults, it's like a breath of fresh air.
The high school setting is cool, it's great they are spending more time there instead of moving on.
Although TASM never really move from high school either.
And I think it had more realistic representation of high school.
Homecoming has the High school musical template.
I don't know maybe it is a realistic representation of high school in 2019.
I just know I related more to the previous Peters then I do the new
And perhaps thats more my problem.
But like the video says, it a different Peter.
PS I rewatched TASM last night
And I just have to say it has the best Stan Lee cameo scene
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