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Sony E3 2015 Press Conference Dated.

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What about 3rd Party Productions? Can we expect new announcements from Gio Corsi?

I'm actually very interested to see they getting good results. I'm thankful for Ultra Street and Yakuza 5 and I hope they continue to surprise us.


And GT6 (May 2014 -> December 2014) :)
(technically Bloodborne also was supposed to be revealed at E3 in June 2014, for a mid February 2015 original date)

I'm sure there are other example too, point being that it simply isn't true that every 1st/ 2nd party AAA has got to have at least 10months to a year between the announcement and its release.

Sure GT6 is a big game, but the game was name-dropped in February when it was explicitly stated that GT6 was coming to the PS3 and not the PS4. On top of that it's no surprise to anyone GT6 is coming by virtue of it being the 6th major iteration. The game for the most part looked like GT5 graphically and wouldn't really dictate a huge reveal like say something like God of War 4 would need, since presumably it's going to look much different than GoW 3 given the hardware. If GoW 4 gets announced for holiday release this year, with only 6 months to market, I would eat my hat for real unlike Chobel.

Also I would not call LBP3 a big game. I could definitely see Sony announcing something on that level this E3 for release this holiday, but it's not really going to tilt the balance either way. As for Bloodborne, "supposed to" doesn't really count.


I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm expecting a ton of 3rd party exclusive marketing deals. More on games we already seen like Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V and No Man's Sky. Morpheus mini game collections or small games that a more like tech demos and not huge expansive AAA games. A Ratchet and Clank Gameplay reveal. Perhaps a Uncharted Trilogy Remaster. They will probably only have one big AAA reveal which is likely Guerilla Games Horizon and perhaps a niche game like Level 5 JRPG.


Since when is 6 months not enough time to announce a game before it is released? The Witcher only went gold a month ago, and Bloodborne went gold only 12 days before its release, so I don't see your point on that matter. I don't what basis you're making your assumptions on.

Well if you look at the answers people gave, I'm seeing LBP3 and little else. Here's a real fact: very few to no games of real significance get announced for the very first time 6 months out from release.

Maybe if we were talking way back in the day when marketing cycles were much shorter and smaller in scale, it would work, but not in 2015.


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Kat and Tae Ioroi should both star in Gravity Daze 2.

They should rename it DAZE worldwide for PS4.

And I just realised that's a whistling mouth that looks like a bum-chin in WATTAM.
Now that most big developers have had three years to spend on their big current-gen debut titles, 2015 easily has the potential to be the biggest E3 in years, maybe ever. Somehow even bigger than Sony's 2013 conference.

This could be the big one. Believe.
Meh, I think it's possible, but pessimistic side feels that's going to be the 2016 E3. Shu keeps reiterating how they don't want to show stuff too early, so if a game is usually considered a year out, he might be waiting until it's at a more polished state before letting the team make an E3 showpiece. It sucks, because I'm sure Sony could just wow everyone by just letting 70% of there studios show something. I dunno if that translates to increase hardware sales, but with forums and blogs gushing over GT7, UC4, GOW4, Ratchet, TLG, Gravity Rush, next-gen LBP, Horizon, etc...it has to count for something right?

Meh, if hyping everything doesn't do anything for sales but appease me though, I guess I can forgive them. Realistically not expecting that huge show, but if so much of Sony's stuff is really 2016 for the bigger projects, I fail to see why this year isn't the time to be hyping most of it. Cerny said 2016 was the year Devs were going to start mastering the architecture afterall.

Hell yeah.
Well if you look at the answers people gave, I'm seeing LBP3 and little else. Here's a real fact: very few to no games of real significance get announced for the very first time 6 months out from release.

Maybe if we were talking way back in the day when marketing cycles were much shorter and smaller in scale, it would work, but not in 2015.

Check out my edited post. Yes, big games get announced 6 months before release, and there's absolutely no reason for them not to, and definitely no reason to declare that they wont. I don't know why you seem to think it's so impossible.



I always love staying up late over here in Europe! Drinking beer, eating chips and watching the live streams is like christmas during summer!


I know that. Sony has arguably the strongest stable of 1st party studios. But it still doesn't change the fact that we aren't going to get a big game revealed for the first time 6 months or less before it releases.

Gran Turismo 6 was announced TODAY, two years ago. Came out December that year.

LittleBigPlanet 3 was announced at E3, last year. Came out last November.


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hmmm a little worried about sonys conference, thw tweet that was from last year seemed off because they didnt talk much about remasters and we already know there is a GOW remaster and a rumoured uncharted remaster and potentially something else. Im worried we may have more remasters this year and or we will see things we have already seen. For Sony to come out big DO NOT show uncharted again, leave that for psx conference with a release date. Show a new GOW in the works, something thats for damn sure. POSSIBLY a Last of Us 2 announcement. And first party games that we have no idea about other than Guerilla games new IP which HAS to be there because having it at the psx conference would be a waste. I want to believe the last guardian will be there and close the show however not leaning on it, if it doesnt show this year it is done and over with. Its time sony goes balls deep this E3 and gives it everything its got.

Obviously we also have to take in account batman will most likely be on stage along with battlefront and also call of duty possibly. Those games alone are going to eat up time. And lets not forget about the Indy segments along with media support, such as Powers and all that stuff no one cares about. Just judging witht eh things they have to show and the allotted time, i dont see it being enough potentially but sony prove me the fuck wrong. I am not going in hyped at all, I hope i leave shocked

EDIT: Also mostly likely a morpehus segment as well that would eat up 20 minutes tops
Sony's E3 press conference will work out perfectly for me. I get off work at 6pm. I can be home in 5 minutes and have my popcorn ready by the time they should be starting.


Gonna be a lot of angry fans of this is either ps4 or vitaster exclusive

I don't think so. It could be either and most of the people who enjoyed Gravity Rush would be fine with it. Perhaps disappointed if a sequel was Vita exclusive for a lack of ambition, perhaps disappointed if a sequel was PS4 exclusive because they would feel they'd need to get a PS4 now.


I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm expecting a ton of 3rd party exclusive marketing deals. More on games we already seen like Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V and No Man's Sky. Morpheus mini game collections or small games that a more like tech demos and not huge expansive AAA games. A Ratchet and Clank Gameplay reveal. Perhaps a Uncharted Trilogy Remaster. They will probably only have one big AAA reveal which is likely Guerilla Games Horizon and perhaps a niche game like Level 5 JRPG.

That doesn't sound bad at all.
All I want to see at E3 at LEAST




Kat is so beautiful, and yeah, that would be a great E3 for me as well. You guys don't think Shu will save her for TGS though? I mean, we had confirmation more than once that's what the team is working on. Just don't know if what platforms further games are headed for.

Personally, I'd like a PS4 remake of the original and for the sequel to come out on both PS4/Vita.
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