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Sony Interactive Entertainment has included “Windows PC” in a game listing on their website.

What would be the digital distribution on PC though?
That's on them to decide, they can launch a ps store / expand the psnow app for 100% revenue
Use egs and/or steam for a similar cut they have on physical sales (without physical overhead)
Or do both

Because of the file transfers introduced by cross play. They were originally hacked on PC, then completey fucked up console bases with paragon points and items.

I'm not sure what you mean, there's no local save file afaik for D3 on PC.

Division 2 shows what happens when you build a PvE game with KB/M as primary input device both in speed of NPC's and difficulty of the raid. Though I take your general point, it would be 'less' of an issue for user experience, more difficulty scaling
I mean that's on the devs though? There's no cross-play between PC and consoles even for PVE stuff.
You mean an idea you don't like. I neevr said it was a good idea or bad idea. I said it would be an expectation if you're piggy backing on the PSN service that you pay the same as the console players. Even more so if it is being used as the distribution platform as well.
Bad idea for the backlash, MS already tried.
If anything we should wish that the pay to play online gets dropped everywhere...
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This is all well and good ( except the numbers crunching, im sure they have top shelf analysts for that stuf)

This whole "new" strategy , if and when it happens mind you, can be summarized in two points

1 they don't want to leave to MS the market in every country they currently CLEARLY lead.
meaning the whole world minus US,UK, maybe some central and south American smaller countries

2 hardware and games prices are almost stagnant, while at the same time game development resources (cost, time, personnel etc)needed to keep a certain standard of quality grows.
Looking at the past generations, PS sells an average of 110/120 millions consoles per gen, if they make this move it means that in the long run they need that audience to grow even further

This is obviously imho
No doubt they need to grow but the correct route IMO was to acquire big developers with franchises that are in high demand and can be reinvented over and over.
Bungie and Capcom would have been great but they are too tight with money to make those moves...


Holy shit think about complaining how difficult it is to click on a Nvidia icon in the right bottom corner and click update.

How do you people even manage to get out of bed in the morning.
What the hell are you running on at the mouth about? Noone said I had a problem with upgrading anything on the PC, see this is the problem with this entire argument. People think just because they can do it, everybody can and has to do it. This isn't just about you, I'm speaking about the masses and the littered forums and topics of alot of people having trouble navigating the PC is a fact.

Stop relegating everything to just "YOU" and actually see shit from the bigger picture.
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This question is the core... it makes your attention on the topic, the concern, seem less than genuine IMHO. Like someone already told me I may be off base, so I will entertain the question.

We have had tons of threads talking about some Sony PS game going to PC too, maybe on a PC PSN Store, so not sure why this thread should persuade people that still stuck with their PS5 preference honestly. This thread does not really add anything new under the surface.

Also, does this mean all first party games are day and date also available on PC? Just some of them? Only some and after an 8-12 months delay or longer?
This thread seem to present the same data as before with the same unanswered questions behind it and asks people again if this may finally affect their PS5 purchasing habits. You can see how this may seem odd at best and F.U.D. like at worst?
I have no idea what this post was supposed to convey.


Gold Member
That's on them to decide, they can launch a ps store / expand the psnow app for 100% revenue
Use egs and/or steam for a similar cut they have on physical sales (without physical overhead)
Or do both

That's what I mean though. It's a shitty deal if console are locked to the PSN storefront for RRP £59.99 games and have PC's with different storefronts. Either give console users access to mroe storefronts (preferable) or lock both cohorts of players to the same storefront.

I'm not sure what you mean, there's no local save file afaik for D3 on PC.

Apologies, you're right. It was the other way round, the savefiles were exported from console and edited affecting PC players. I guess it affects the beneficiaries in that specific circumstance but overall I meant things like scripts, aimbots, injected hooks, texture hacks etc. - just look at if Overwatch crossplay was introduced for instance in terms of bots. Then there are other affecting things like FoV etc. This is sort of a tangential discussion really if we focus on single player games though.

I mean that's on the devs though? There's no cross-play between PC and consoles even for PVE stuff.

No there isn't. That's sort of my point. It will be optimised for one 'experience'. With Division 2, you have a very specific game developed with PC gamers in mind, which has been made available to console players. Even without cross play, they haven't bothered to make an optimised version for console (it plays well enough but it's evidently made with kb/m in mind). Modern Warfare is the same but it does give you options. In persistent worlds with cross play it's more likely we get some sort of hybrid middle ground.

Bad idea for the backlash, MS already tried. If anything we should wish that the pay to play online gets dropped everywhere...

Yeah, again that would be the dream but honestly, MS and Sony are not going to do that. And if you have a massive userbase paying for access to the platform, then other people shouldn't get to use that platform for free because the ahrdware entry has been abstracted.


I tried looking for the official SIE link, but i cant find it.
Then it seems to be just referring to godfall.
WTF this click bait site needs to be banned. jackofwtf. :messenger_fire:

I don't think Microsoft have any reason to laugh.
What if Sony only put's games on Epic's store?


Here‘s what I said in another thread about the topic:

The fact that recent rumors/news from Sony elicited this kind of reaction shows that there will absolutely be some impact.

It would certainly be good news if Sony were to release its catalogue on PC, since it means that their games can reach more people. But we shouldn‘t forget that economic activities and exchanges are always trade-offs. Sony‘s games reaching a larger market is a good thing to be sure, but wouldn‘t it be even ‚better‘ if Sony just released all their games for free? Or if Sony launched a 20TF PS5 for 99$? I think we all agree that that would be nice in the short term, but that it would probably lead to Sony‘s bankruptcy in the long term. The reason we pay for games and hardware is because there wouldn‘t be any games if we didn‘t. It‘s a trade-off for us consumers, just as it is a trade-off for Sony not to be able to release a 3TF PS5 for 999$, since they probably wouldn‘t sell any consoles at all in that case. Economic exchanges have to be acceptable trade-offs for both parties, otherwise no one would buy or sell anything.

I know that this sounds kind of obvious, but it’s something we should keep in mind when predicting what companies will or won’t do in the future. The question that should be asked is: Was Sony‘s past policy of not releasing their games on PC, and thus limiting their market reach, an acceptable trade-off for them? I think most would agree that it was, because while they didn‘t sell their games on PC, having an exclusive catalogue of games for their platform offered an incentive for consumers to buy their consoles. And having a large installed base of proprietary hardware gives console manufacturers access to a nice, juicy revenue stream from third party licensing fees and (more recently) subscriptions. If Sony now decides to release their games on PC, then they must have decided that this trade-off is no longer worth it – despite the fact that their gaming division right now is more profitable than at any other point of its history. So what changed?

When I first read that Sony games might appear on PC, my first thought was that it had to do with PSNow. I thought they would expand the catalogue of games they have on that service, and allow subscribers to download games to PC (or other compatible hardware). This would make sense, since consumers would still remain in the Sony ‚ecosystem‘, even if they don‘t have a Playstation console. But the rumor is that they intend to release their games on services like Steam as well, which is what really surprised me. If they actually intend to release even their newer games on Steam or other online stores, then I wonder what made them take such a drastic step. PC gaming these days is more accessible than ever, we shouldn‘t make the mistake of comparing it to the dark ages of the pre-2005 era. And consoles aren‘t as easy and ‚plug and play‘ as they were in the past either. Nowadays it‘s not uncommon to have to wait half a day until your game (and its updates) are downloaded, even if you bought the physical release. The accessibility gulf between consoles and PC isn’t nearly as wide as it was ten or fifteen years ago. I could easily see Sony losing 10-15% of their potential future installed base to the PC market. That might not sound like much, but it would mean 10-15% less licensing fees and potential PS+ subscriptions. We‘re talking about billions of dollars over the course of a generation here.

If we keep this in mind, then it seems that Sony thinks that they won‘t be able to grow the PS5 installed base beyond that of the PS4, or that it might even shrink. But I don‘t see why they would come to such a conclusion. This generation (PS4, XBone, Switch) already has almost 200 million consoles sold accumulatively. The PS4 will probably sell another 20 million at least before it’s taken off the shelves, the XBone maybe another 10 million, and I think it’s safe to say that the Switch will at least sell as much as the 3DS and PSP (~80 mio), which means this generation will end up with around 270 million units sold, maybe more. That is more or less the same number as last gen (PS3, 360, Wii), despite the fact that most of the casual audience that made the Wii and Kinect such phenomenons seems to have mostly left consoles behind.

It’s the handheld market that has collapsed (mostly due to the rise of smartphones), with the Switch being the only survivor. But while PC gaming is much more accessible today than it was in the past, I don’t think it would have marginalized consoles during the coming generation the same way smartphones and tablets marginalized handhelds last gen. This gen Sony’s studios started producing huge franchises that sell well over 10 million units. If Sony just expanded their studios and continued their current strategy into next gen, then I see no reason why the PS5 couldn’t have reached even higher numbers than the PS4, considering Sony’s much stronger starting position compared to the previous generation transition. But if Sony now starts putting its games on PC like MS, and decreases the incentive to own their consoles, then the console market actually could be marginalized (at least to some extent), but it would be brought about by the decision of the console manufacturers themselves, not by natural market forces.

Overall, I’m just not sure how to feel about a potential future where everything and everyone is ‘third party’. Looking at the existing third party publishers and their business models doesn’t fill me with hope.
ever play a game where you boot it up and the buttons are all swapped? including analog axis? then you try and force the correct setup through a third party program? then it doesn't work anyways, so you just don't play that game anymore? ever do that?
No. No I haven't, because it's 2020 and XInput has been providing flawless XBOX controller support for 15 years now.
You know dog on well that windows isn't automatically set up to do that
Actually it is...as you'd discover if you spent 2 seconds Googling Windows 10 auto-installs updates in the background and will even go so far as to repeatedly nag you to restart it, or (if you put it off long enough) restart your machine for you...usually right when you're doing something important...much to the chagrin of PC gamers everywhere. Most of us turn that shit off and update it manually in our own time.


TBF, it's probably ten times more on PC.
It is, fortunately there are so many games a consumer who wants to avoid that sort of business model can. The people who complain about F2P/GaaS are people who want every game to be made just for them. The sooner they realize that isn't how life works the better off they'll be. If they can handle it.


Actually it is...as you'd discover if you spent 2 seconds Googling Windows 10 auto-installs updates in the background and will even go so far as to repeatedly nag you to restart it, or (if you put it off long enough) restart your machine for you...usually right when you're doing something important...much to the chagrin of PC gamers everywhere. Most of us turn that shit off and update it manually in our own time.
👀 So we are going to just rewrite the definition of automatically huh?, anyway it's whatever. I find that PC centric individuals will find a reason to justify anything.
👀 So we are going to just rewrite the definition of automatically huh?, anyway it's whatever. I find that PC centric individuals will find a reason to justify anything.
I don't need to rewrite the definition. Windows 10 is set up out of the box to install updates in the background without asking you and will, eventually, restart itself even if you tell it not to. That means that, without human intervention of any kind, a PC with Windows 10 will update itself over time. You act like you have to go to great lengths to make it do this, when actually you have to go to great lengths to stop it doing this.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Borrowing from one of Microsoft's moves if SONY fans are for this I'll delete my GAF account,

Uncharted 4 16 million
Spider-Man 13 million
Last of Us Remastered 10 million
God of War 10 million

exclusives still work

You could argue exclusives are the most important thing to consoles, look at Stadia.
It is, fortunately there are so many games a consumer who wants to avoid that sort of business model can. The people who complain about F2P/GaaS are people who want every game to be made just for them. The sooner they realize that isn't how life works the better off they'll be. If they can handle it.
The variety isn't a PC only thing, though. You're most likely going to find a bad game just browsing on PC than you will on console, and that was the whole point to begin with.
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This move obviously will slow down PS5 sales. Lots of my friends went consoles on PS3 era and didnt look back. Due great exclusives . You can say FIFA People wont buy PC etc all you want but all those fifa games sell to 20 million etc , Playstation gamers are really diverse and buy console for different games. Some buy for LBP some buy for uncharted etc. Obviously other games combines .

But saying exclusives doesnt matter is laughable at best.

It wont make PS5 dead or bomb anything but it wont sell as PS4.I can see easily 20-30 Million people move towards PC if this shit happens for real.
60M for PS5 LTD could be a reality with all competitors if cloud gaming takes off then ho boy its gonna be even less
and you can bet all those FIFA/COD/GTA guys will be first to migrate over cloud


Borrowing from one of Microsoft's moves if SONY fans are for this I'll delete my GAF account,

Uncharted 4 16 million
Spider-Man 13 million
Last of Us Remastered 10 million
God of War 10 million

exclusives still work

You could argue exclusives are the most important thing to consoles, look at Stadia.

They do work, but after a few years those game are considered old and there will come a point where the sales crawl to a hold. When an exclusive has done it's job,especially the standalone ones, releasing it on the PC starts making sense, since it could add like an additional 3-5 million to the number?

It makes sense to try at least with one game to see how it works out.


Another thing to take into account, I don't have a PS4 atm. I only seen videos of PS4 exclusives, never experienced one. IF you haven't experienced something it's easier just to dismiss it. If horizon dawn comes out on the PC and I get to experience it I might be convinced to buy a PS4 and try out the other exclusives. So ya extra PC sales and possibly enticing people to get a PS4 who were on the fench by experience.


The variety isn't a PC only thing, though. You're most likely going to find a bad game just browsing on PC than you will on console, and that was the whole point to begin with.
Yeah I know, I wish somebody would invent the Internet so I could research games before I buy them.


Gold Member
This move obviously will slow down PS5 sales. Lots of my friends went consoles on PS3 era and didnt look back. Due great exclusives . You can say FIFA People wont buy PC etc all you want but all those fifa games sell to 20 million etc , Playstation gamers are really diverse and buy console for different games. Some buy for LBP some buy for uncharted etc. Obviously other games combines .

But saying exclusives doesnt matter is laughable at best.

It wont make PS5 dead or bomb anything but it wont sell as PS4.I can see easily 20-30 Million people move towards PC if this shit happens for real.
60M for PS5 LTD could be a reality with all competitors if cloud gaming takes off then ho boy its gonna be even less
and you can bet all those FIFA/COD/GTA guys will be first to migrate over cloud
There's 100 million PS4s out there.

You really think about 25% (20-30 million) will drop PS and go PC just because some of their first part games go PC?
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I expect your power point and relevant market information on my desk by the morning.
Simple if someone buys one or two pc games sony will get some money but if you force someone to buy your console and purchase games in their system ad well as subscriptions etc they make more money ling term which us why I dislike they are doing this because its a stupid short term strategy with no benefit to them


Gold Member
Simple if someone buys one or two pc games sony will get some money but if you force someone to buy your console and purchase games in their system ad well as subscriptions etc they make more money ling term which us why I dislike they are doing this because its a stupid short term strategy with no benefit to them
Fair point if it's a one to one switch.

However, there's lots more PC users, and only some people will flip flop platforms.

That's like saying why does Apple sell their phones, Macs and tablets at Walmart, Best Buy and Costco, when they cut them off and (assume to) maximize sales and profits by funneling every consumer to their website or an Apple store.
Simple if someone buys one or two pc games sony will get some money but if you force someone to buy your console and purchase games in their system ad well as subscriptions etc they make more money ling term which us why I dislike they are doing this because its a stupid short term strategy with no benefit to them
Hate to break it to you...most PC gamers own a handful of games on PS4 at most (I literally have 3) and they're sure as shit not paying for PS+ when they can just play anything that isn't a singleplayer PS4 exclusive on PC...


Gold Member
Hate to break it to you...most PC gamers own a handful of games on PS4 at most (I literally have 3) and they're sure as shit not paying for PS+ when they can just play anything that isn't a singleplayer PS4 exclusive on PC...
Hold on there a second...... according to some strategists, having Sony games on PC is a trojan horse of genius.

After you get a taste of playing God of War, you'll ditch your PC, buy a PS system, PS+, a second controller, and only use your PC for surfing the net and updating your resume. Buh bye Steam. Hello PS Store.
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Gold Member
I don't remember my personal laptop needing big updates, but my work laptop needed one one time....... took over an hour. It seems every few months we get a big security update from IT.

And one of those shitty progress screens too where you can't even tell how much % has gone by....... some shit about updating please dont turn off your PC.

Then near the end, then the % bar pops up and it went from 0% to 100% in only 10 minutes. Sat there for probably 50 minutes looking at my cell phone thinking maybe it froze, as it also updated when I wanted to shut down and go home.
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Airbus Jr

There's 100 million PS4s out there.

You really think about 25% (20-30 million) will drop PS and go PC just because some of their first part games go PC?

Eventually it has to start somewhere...

Just like Xbox One...

At first it was selling on epic proportion....

But as soon as more and more people realize xbox one game are heading to PC you can see the impact on how it slows down xbox one sales trajectory...

If its true that Sony plan to port all their first party game to PC then count me out as PS5 costumers..
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Hold on there a second...... according to some strategists, having Sony games on PC is a trojan horse of genius.

After you get a taste of playing God of War, you'll ditch your PC, buy a PS system, PS+, a second controller, and only use your PC for surfing the net and updating your resume. Buh bye Steam. Hello PS Store.
Yeah...never gonna happen. It takes something truly special to get me to want to play anything on console. If they stop bringing first party titles to PC again I'll just go back to not playing 99% of them. Sony stands to make a lot of money from people like me with a move like this. Sure, they won't get the money from the hardware anymore (but I didn't actually buy it anyway, it was preowned and I was given it) but they might actually get me to buy more than 1 first party title.


Gold Member
Yeah...never gonna happen. It takes something truly special to get me to want to play anything on console. If they stop bringing first party titles to PC again I'll just go back to not playing 99% of them. Sony stands to make a lot of money from people like me with a move like this. Sure, they won't get the money from the hardware anymore (but I didn't actually buy it anyway, it was preowned and I was given it) but they might actually get me to buy more than 1 first party title.

As many of us agree, expanding to PC is a good move. A lot more potential sales growth vs. the tiny number who will abandon ship and go the PC route.

But there's the other side of the coin who think expanding to PCs will kill the brand and console ecosystem, as console gamers all float over to PC.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Hate to break it to you...most PC gamers own a handful of games on PS4 at most (I literally have 3) and they're sure as shit not paying for PS+ when they can just play anything that isn't a singleplayer PS4 exclusive on PC...
You have stats on that or just a claim? Again if you make someone buy a console the odds of them buying more games for it is higher than putting a game or two on pc, they may not pay ps plus but there is incentive yearly to buy and play games on it esp if they not on pc
So how do PC sales of games compare to console?
Like how many sales did Gears 5, Halo 5 and Forza 7 get on PC compared to Xbox?

Airbus Jr

So how do PC sales of games compare to console?
Like how many sales did Gears 5, Halo 5 and Forza 7 get on PC compared to Xbox?

Its difficult to track since most PC sales comes from digital

most PC gamer buy their game from online stores like Steam, EGS etc
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