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Sony Paris Games Week Conference 2015 Thread


Conference was fine. I went into it with no expectations, and thus had little chance of disappointment. Gravity Rush 2 looks amazing, as does Horizon. Looking forward to PSX next.
It was an ok showing. Horizon looked good and Wild peaked my interest.

PSVR - support seems to be gearing up but I'll still hold off on my judgement until a game that really interest me is revealed or shown.
Conference was Okay. Wild looks interesting, still mainly hyped for Horizon, not all that thrilled about GT Sports till more info.

Could of been better, but it was cool.
It felt too safe, like they're holding off stuff for PSX. Still the conference was decent. Kara was great, not liking the name Detroit though lol.

If this is written by Cage then the name of the game will be the least of it's writing problems haha. Although I think there are other writers this time around too so who knows.


Unconfirmed Member
There was a constant stream of games. Some games which were familiar, some which weren't. Yet because they didn't announce sequels to established IPs, I'm guessing people thought it was shit. Everything, minus Dreams and one other game, looked great. So can someone explain to me why the conference was "so bad"? I'd really like to know.

It's nowhere near the top of conferences for me, but it was solid and showed video games. I just don't get it.
Worth it for Detroit and especially Wild

Kara looks a lot like actress Valorie Curry:


Omg so beautiful
That was a 6/10 conference if I ever saw one. Had to plough through a lot of shit to get to the good stuff. Pales in comparison to E3 and TGS.
Some really cool stuffed interspersed around some boredom. Detroit has me excited, Wild looked cool too. I'll definitely buy driveclub bikes. Not quite sure what to make of GT Sport just yet.
The rest was mostly a retread.


Several games I'll likely end up picking up and am definitely interested in, but no real big surprises, and the pacing was off.


Solid conference. WiLD, Horizon, RIGS, Robinson, and Uncharted multiplayer all looked great, Matterfall is potentially really exciting. Ending with Cage is kind of disappointing, but not enough to deflate the conference too much. Sure it was no E3, but better than their last few Gamescom shows.


Well I guess that was okay. Sort of samey.

Most of the games I was interested in were already announced since at least E3.

But I'm also becoming overly bored with procedurally generated empty open worlds and I'm not sold on the VR stuff.
only thing i found interesting about that conference was robinson, but gb mentioning it looked cg + the fact it is vr makes me cautious towards it.

other than that very meh conference.


ehh didn't really like this conference, felt like one of those lame Nintendo directs where Nintendo just goes through their list of games about to come out or DLC, with a few other games thrown in there. Don't like David Cage games, GT Sport doesn't sound like a regular GT game, and Dreams is definitely not the type of game I enjoy. I don't know, I felt like I was just hoping for PS1 classics. Wild looked cool though. I'd say the conference was like a 5 or 6/10 for me. VR stuff was probably the highlight for myself, gonna be neat to see what it's really like. Gravity Rush 2 is amazing as well, city is so bright and colorful now compared to the first game.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Playstation VR is not a stand alone device? You need a PS4 to make it work?

How else would it be able to run lolol
Hmm too mich repetitions from games already revealed previously and the new stuff.. Most of it is still far ahead or vague. Even for VR we still have no price / date
Quantic Dream redeemed this conference to me, nothing else interested me in terms of new announcement.

Thankfully Gravity Rush 2 was also there.


Good conference. If you didn't have your hype at unbelievable levels you got games. Some don't interest me but alot in that conference did.

VR definitely will lots of support, Wild and Detroit look awesome. Uncharted MP looked insane, that Battlefront trailer was so good and I can't wait for SFV.

Dreams look very interesting. I can't wait until they get it into the hands of creators and see what they build.
2/10. Didn't meet my inflated expectations that after all these years I still haven't learned to stop creating. Maybe PSX is where they will announce Crash, Legend of Dragoon 2, Syphon Filter and SOCOM.
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