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Sony Paris Games Week Conference 2015 Thread

That conference was better than I thought it would be judging from the beginning. Considering this is the third Sony show it was decent considering PSX is literally a months and a half away.
Detroit was cool, Driveclub Bikes looks amazing, Wild looks early but interesting, Ratchet looks like CGI come to life. VR stuff looks fun as well, but I really need to try it before I can get really excited. Good 8/10 for me. Now unto PSX. PS classics man.


Lots of great stuff sprinkled throughout this conference, but seriously the Kara game (Detroit: Become Human) gave me goosebumps the whole way through.

So much potential - here's to hoping they can give the same level of tension and intensity as Heavy Rain. Not sure how they'll pull it off with just one character, the lack of permadeath turned me off to Beyond. But this is such a compelling idea that hopefully he'll deliver. Very excited :)



Can't wait to inevitably see her in a white tank top and panties, right after the shower scene.
Bad conference that had a few highlights at the end with Dreams and Wild. I'll keep Detroit on my radar, but I'm really not a huge fan of those types of games. 4/10


So, basically, we have these to look forward to for PSX:
-Sony Bend's horror game
-Sony Santa Monica (GoW prob)
-Level 5
-Sony RPG to rival Final Fantasy
-Devil May Cry 5
-PS2 classics
-PS1 classics

Guys, is PSX set to be the best conference of the year?


The insane expectations are pretty fun. They announced a ton of games at E3, new games at TGS, new games at PGW, and they're announcing more at PSX. Is that not enough?

Not every game is going to appeal to each person, but you should get at least a handful across those 4 events.
I should have just waited for the highlights after instead of sitting there and watching the whole thing. Hardly anything new. ND looks like they're definitely trying to redefine U4's multiplayer yet again, so here's to it being awesome. Hopefully someone will post footage of the PGS gameplay.
It's not E3. I think it was fine for the type of event it was. I was expecting very little and we actually got a couple of announcements that might usually be at E3.

Dreams stole the show for me.


It was a solid 7/10. I enjoyed it more than the TGS conference. Dreams looks outstanding.

I'd of liked it even more if we got a fucking PSVR release date and price.
So, basically, we have these to look forward to for PSX:
-Sony Bend's horror game
-Sony Santa Monica (GoW prob)
-Level 5
-Sony RPG to rival Final Fantasy
-Devil May Cry 5
-PS2 classics
-PS1 classics

Guys, is PSX set to be the best conference of the year?

Don't forget Valkyria Chronicles Blue Revolution!


I thought they had a lot of good stuff to show, just a lot of them out stayed their welcome. Could have probably cut all the on stage talking for 5-10 minutes bits.


Probably the weakest Sony conference I've ever watched.
Plenty of tames returning for the nth time, some new announcements everyone was expecting, No Man's Sky delayed even longer than anyone thought, Dreams and GT segments dragging on forever....
I completely understand the audience, I had it better, they were forced to sit there for 100 minutes.
Got to see more Horizon, UC4 mp reveal, Dreams, Wild, QDs new game. Bunch of cool shit, thought I'm annoyed at no Tommorow Children release date tbh.

Oh and crash is never happening, Sony doesn't own it.


It was a fantastic conference for me. I wasn't expecting that much at all and was shocked by how much they showed. I'm really looking forward to Uncharted 4 now. Wild looks interesting. Dreams looked good. Gravity Rush 2 was great. Dhalsim changed but was expected, and Horizon still looks awesome. Lastly, I'll be playing Driveclub bikes by the end of this week. Great show all around from my point of view. Theres a lot for me to go back and watch.


It's times like this when you really notice how american dominated GAF is. Me and a couple of mates I'm chatting too about this are pretty hyped over what we saw. Shocking news, European show is based around a European audience.


I don't know what you guys expected. It's a small, new conference.

Still, 2 new announcements from 2 of their biggest studios (yeah, sort of count QD as first party), a first look at gameplay for 2 titles, and another gameplay segment from one of their main AAA production.


I got to see everything I wished for... more of Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, new games from Quantic Dream and Housemarque, and Driveclub's expansion. Robinson: The Journey was a nice surprise on top of those, and Dreams continues to look intriguing. WiLD's previous artstyle looked more appealing to me though.

I only hope Detroit: Become Human won't be open world.


Disappointed Rime didnt show up. Wild looks great though.

I thought for sure Rime would be there... weird.

Yep, Sony blew their load too early at E3. Hope they're just holding back for PSX.

GT sport, Tekken 7, Wild and Detroit say you are wrong though (as well as UC4 MP and new Horizons demo)...

What were you expecting, honestly?

Dreams look also phenomenal, but for the non creative type they need to clarify what amount of gaming content will be in at launch (as they plan to, at least).
It's times like this when you really notice how american dominated GAF is. Me and a couple of mates I'm chatting too about this are pretty hyped over what we saw. Shocking news, European show is based around a European audience.

Lol what a generalization

I'm European and I almost fell asleep


I was satisfied with the conference. The only disappointing thing to me was that I was hoping to see Bend's game be revealed here but I knew not to expect anything of TLG/FFVII/S3 level.


So, basically, we have these to look forward to for PSX:
-Sony Bend's horror game
-Sony Santa Monica (GoW prob)
-Level 5
-Sony RPG to rival Final Fantasy
-Devil May Cry 5
-PS2 classics
-PS1 classics

Guys, is PSX set to be the best conference of the year?

Don't forget the rumored PSN name change announcement!



Uncharted : multiplayer gameplay bits
Dreams gameplay
Drive club bikes
GT sport
PSVR (for those interested)

I think pretty decent given the oncoming psx event and E3 & TGS gone by
Only today's gamers would look at that conference and say it was anything close to bad. I'm becoming more and more disconnected from today's gamers. I find the vast majority of them to be whiny little ADHD ridden bitches.

A show with a great look at Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, Dreams, GT Sport and GT VR announced, NMS release date announced, new SFV characters shown, Tekken 7 announced, QD's new title based on their most famous character announced, fantastic WiLD showcase, etc in today's world is now " bad ". Hell even had a great look at Rigs and Robinson for VR which look really good for VR.

It's mind blowing how bad the user base has become
Dreams was definitely the highlight of the conference for me. So much whimsical imagination. Seems the game aspect is a lot like a 3D platformer (minus jumping...at least from what was shown) shell but with trappings closer to a PC adventure game, and I do like PnC adventure games quite a bit. So if there are real puzzles to solve, it could be a very fun game to play in addition to creating content for.

GT Sport's an interesting title change and I'm wanting to see what they do with that. The new Quantic game seems interesting too; a little pretentious in that trailer and opening pitch but it's different from the shoot-shoot dudebro killbang COD-style stuff infesting the market. And the Horizon demo got me taking that game more seriously.

Worthwhile conference in my book. They just (yet again) messed up on doing any real service for some of the PS1 IP just begging to come back. Oh well, the fan community will eventually get to it before them w/ stuff like Dreams out there.

Only today's gamers would look at that conference and say it was anything close to bad. I'm becoming more and more disconnected from today's gamers. I find the vast majority of them to be whiny little ADHD ridden bitches.

A show with a great look at Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, Dreams, GT Sport and GT VR announced, NMS release date announced, new SFV characters shown, Tekken 7 announced, QD's new title based on their most famous character announced, fantastic WiLD showcase, etc in today's world is now " bad ". Hell even had a great look at Rigs and Robinson for VR which look really good for VR.

It's mind blowing how bad the user base has become
Agreed. There weren't any truly bad games shown off there, tho the fanboy in me wish they would've had some (unrealistic at this point) surprise like Tomba 3 or UmJammer 2 show up. Even if I only mentioned a handful of games as my personal favorites, many of the others, like SFV (speaking of, Dhalsim looks awesome in it. Legit-looking-fun-to-play-as character now, complete opposite of the bore that was his SFIV version and, well, every other version xD) are up there for me and make a 2016 PS4 more or less guaranteed for my setup.

Although, I wish there were some in-game footage of GT Sport/VR shown off. Just a teeny tease would've been nice. But there's still PSX to look forward to there of course ;)


Poor pacing aside, there were a lot of great-looking games shown here. Loved Wild and Detroit in particular. Street Fighter V looks great as always


Man, the expectations of some of y'all were waaaayy too high. This wasn't meant to top E3. smh. Paris got some nice little surprises too. I'd say it was pretty solid and overall I liked what I saw.
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