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Sony Paris Games Week Conference 2015 Thread

Disappointed. Sony has been holding back with exclusives this year. Enough with the stalling and pointing towards "console exclusives". Where are YOUR exclusive games, Sony?

Gran Turismo
Driveclub Bikes
Uncharted 4 MP
Gravity Rush 2


It was a pretty solid conference for me, a nice 7/10.

Best Trailer - SW Battlefront
Best Demo - WilD
Best Announcement - Detroit BH


Had to watch it without sound because at work but seemed like a solid conference overall with some sweet surprises (Kara, Wild, GT etc.).

Really showed how diverse the PS4's line up is.


So, basically, we have these to look forward to for PSX:
-Sony Bend's horror game
-Sony Santa Monica (GoW prob)
**-Level 5**
-Sony RPG to rival Final Fantasy
-Devil May Cry 5
-PS2 classics
-PS1 classics

Guys, is PSX set to be the best conference of the year?

Ni No Kuni 2 better be shown or I'm going on a rampage.
Maybe I'm weird but I'm not seeing that much Minecraft in Boundless (it came up again on the GT stream) to me outside of yes parts of some of the environment looking blocky but plenty of others of the sample environments not looking blocky.

Regardless, I thought it looked good.
So is every Nintendo conference a 0/10 because I couldn't care less about any of the games there?

Dreams, Detroit, GTS and the PSVR stuff were all pretty important, regardless of your interest in them or mine.
They can be important for the platform but I don't care for them... so yeah, mediocre conference because besides Detroid and DC:Bikes I have no interest on the rest.

Like I said opinions. You found it great? I'm happy for you.


Average if not crap. Jim Ryan is not a good time, neither is Denny.

+Dreams - good showing.
+Wild -way to lose your talent Ubi, lol.
+Gravity Rush 2 -a little too short, but phwoar.
+Battlefront -damn good trailer.

-GT Sport - this guy is just showing each year how much he costs and the dwindling returns. A huge segment of nothing just to stroke ego.
-VR - I love VR, that was a bad showing. Crytek fakeo demo was terrible.
-No megatons, not even really anything big. Could have done this at Gamesom, but... eh?
-Pre show had the better format with people actually playing games.
-David Cage. Jesus christ get over yourself.

I have to assume a lot of the biggies have been saved for PSX.
PGS was never a big event so it's a pretty good Sony conference


Solid conference, glad to see there giving VR a big push finally. Looking forward to Uncharted 4 multi impressions along with some new info on some of the smaller games like Shadow of the Beast. I think people expected way too much from this conference, what they showed was fine.


Felium Defensor
Solid conference for me because of the games/gameplay shown. Wild gameplay was sex. Glad QD stuck with Kara as well and went full production on it.


Heh, I'm amazed by the reactions in here.

Uncharted 4 MP reveal.
GT Sport reveal.
Detroit: Become Human reveal.
Driveclub Bikes reveal.
WiLD gameplay.
Horizon: Zero Dawn gameplay.
Amazing new Star Wars Battlefront trailer.
Gravity Rush 2 trailer.
Ratchet & Clank trailer.

And more.

Y'all have too high expectations.

No Man's Sky - June 2016 stinks though...
It started out OK but turned awful during the last hour. The GT Sport (which I'm still not even what the hell exactly it is? Is it a service? A game? They kept talking about the history/partnership thing for so long my interest zoned out, someone fill me in please) went on for way too damn long. Same case with the Detroit demo went on, which I don't think wouldn't had been so bad if the entire presentation didn't come off as condescending. The general presentation I felt was puffing up its interpretation on the "android discovering the human world" story as unique much more than it actually looks to be (Ex Machima was one of the first things that quickly came to mind when they started talking about the story).

The Uncharted 4 multiplayer trailer and the demos for Dreams and Horizon: First Dawn demos were easily the highlight of the conference for me, however. Really am intrigued with how Dreams in particular will turn out now.

Tekken 7 supporting PS VR...great, but I don't really know how on earth that's going to work really.

No return of Crash, 2/10, Sony betrayed us
So, basically, we have these to look forward to for PSX:
-Sony Bend's horror game
-Sony Santa Monica (GoW prob)
-Level 5
-Sony RPG to rival Final Fantasy
-Devil May Cry 5
-PS2 classics
-PS1 classics

Guys, is PSX set to be the best conference of the year?
From third parties add to that:
FF VII Remake update
Kojima no compete clause ends in december, so...


So disgraceful that PS2 games rated for PS4 leaked in Europe a month ago and we did not get an announcement. I love PS4, but this needed to be a feature at launch. It seems Sony is trying to cater to the 360 crowd that jumped ship, not the Sony fans who were there in the past and still wants to experience the older games. For the players, but not the fans.


Only today's gamers would look at that conference and say it was anything close to bad. I'm becoming more and more disconnected from today's gamers. I find the vast majority of them to be whiny little ADHD ridden bitches.

A show with a great look at Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, Dreams, GT Sport and GT VR announced, NMS release date announced, new SFV characters shown, Tekken 7 announced, QD's new title based on their most famous character announced, fantastic WiLD showcase, etc in today's world is now " bad ". Hell even had a great look at Rigs and Robinson for VR which look really good for VR.

It's mind blowing how bad the user base has become

People have different taste than you do, it's no reason to insult them.

I don't like Gravity Rush
Ratchet was just a trailer thrown out there and not a focus.
Horizon was almost the exact same thing they showed at E3.
Dreams is very peculiar. A lot of people don't understand what it is.
Not everyone likes racing sims (myself included).
NMS has been shown off so much that it doesn't excite me in conferences anymore.
It was Dhalsim, and they opened that segment by talking about something that helped define the Playstation coming back.
Tekken doesn't interest me.
None of the VR stuff they showed interested me.
Only WiLD and Detroit got me excited.

I can totally see how someone would think this conference was terrible and it certainly doesn't make them a "whiny bitch"


Junior Member
Only today's gamers would look at that conference and say it was anything close to bad. I'm becoming more and more disconnected from today's gamers. I find the vast majority of them to be whiny little ADHD ridden bitches.

A show with a great look at Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, Dreams, GT Sport and GT VR announced, NMS release date announced, new SFV characters shown, Tekken 7 announced, QD's new title based on their most famous character announced, fantastic WiLD showcase, etc in today's world is now " bad ". Hell even had a great look at Rigs and Robinson for VR which look really good for VR.

It's mind blowing how bad the user base has become

The userbase is bad and they're whiny little bitches... because they have different gaming tastes than you?
Pacing was all-over the place (one minute we have the Japanese-style slow reveals with SF/Tekken), and then we have VR, and then we have Kaz's 'only for motorsports fans' reveal. It was definitely awkward.

But content-wise, it's pretty much on-par, if not better than previous Gamescoms :

Announcements (first-party):
- Matterfall
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Driveclub Bikes
- Detroit : Become Human

4 games. Seems about right.


Awesome show for PlayStation VR.

Gran Turismo. Huge killer app for the platform.
Tekken 7. Lifesized characters fighting in front of you. Crazy.
Battlezone looking good.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood was a nice surprise.
Over 200+ devs working on games for PSVR.

Sony just bagged the early Virtual Reality gaming market.
Heh, I'm amazed by the reactions in here.

Uncharted 4 MP reveal.
GT Sport reveal.
Detroit: Become Human reveal.
Driveclub Bikes reveal.
WiLD gameplay.
Horizon: Zero Dawn gameplay.
Amazing new Star Wars Battlefront trailer.
Gravity Rush 2 trailer.
Ratchet & Clank trailer.

And more.

Y'all have too high expectations.

No Man's Sky - June 2016 stinks though...

Seriously what were people expecting?


I thought it was a good conference with the games that they showed. Nice diversity with the line up. Personally really enjoyed seeing more of Horizon, Dreams, SFV, Tekken 7, and Gravity Rush 2. First time seeing Wild and loving it (that bear riding). VR was interesting especially Crytek's Robinson: The Journey (dinosaurs!), and I will wait to hear and see more of Detroit (exploring the human consciousness always is an exciting topic).
Conference material itself wasn't bad, but SCEE really needs to catch up to SCEA and SCEJ in terms of being able to do a conference. The poor presentation from the Gamescom conferences is still at play here. We don't need devs on stage talking for 5+ minutes about car manufacturers and having random ass convos. We can't harp EA for it, and not dock Sony for it either. It was pele levels of bad.

Basically this. They had the games to make it an upbeat, powerful conference, but they kind of just plopped them out and moved from game to game with some talk in between, there wasn't the kind of momentum that SCEA and SCEJ are now doing.
Awesome show for PlayStation VR.

Gran Turismo. Huge killer app for the platform.
Tekken 7. Lifesized characters fighting in front of you. Crazy.
Battlezone looking good.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood was a nice surprise.
Over 200+ devs working on games for PSVR.

Sony just bagged the early Virtual Reality gaming market.

no porn tho


If you expected anything other than something like the old Gamescom conferences then you done fucked up. They weren't that great, and anyone who watched remembers. SCEE doesn't do as good shows.
Awesome show for PlayStation VR.

Gran Turismo. Huge killer app for the platform.
Tekken 7. Lifesized characters fighting in front of you. Crazy.
Battlezone looking good.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood was a nice surprise.
Over 200+ devs working on games for PSVR.

Sony just bagged the early Virtual Reality gaming market.

Which really only helps the VR market as a whole. Oculus and Vive can only benefit from this.

Honestly, it's very easy to be marred by perception of poorness, simply by bad pacing and poor presentation.

It's hard to deny that a lot of today's presentation approach is very hit-or-miss, except for Wild.

It's one thing to dislike how the material was presented its another to be let down by the content. I can understand why the presentation didn't sit well with some, the pacing was bad and the crowd was the worst I've seen But the content they announced was pretty good. Could we have used more game play? Sure.
I'm about 35 minutes in the conference right now, I just want to ask, should I be expecting some Rime anytime soon or have they completely forgotten the game even exist? Also, any surprising 2015 game releases? Or is it another "everything was 2016".



It's times like this when you really notice how american dominated GAF is. Me and a couple of mates I'm chatting too about this are pretty hyped over what we saw. Shocking news, European show is based around a European audience.
I guess everyone in the audience who looked completely disengaged for 80% of the show were Anericans too then.


Conference was a little disappointing but more for the flat talky bits rather than the games. On the games

Driveclub Bikes out today is cool, would have had a lot more impact if it hadn't leaked.
Horizon looks fucking mint.
Dreams is really interesting (but not sure if it's fun).
New Housemarque game!!!
New GT game!
GR2 looks gorgeous.
QD game, which was expected but looked pretty nice.

Yeah in terms of games it was decent for me.

Worst part was the lengthy delay to No Man's Sky. Though at least it gives us another chance to laugh at VG247 (who said they heard it would be out this week). LOL.
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