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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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I don't understand how anyone can judge the gameplay on the footage we've seen so far. It's obvious that the objective so far is to showcase the graphics and that what was presented here is a transitional moment between larger segments of gameplay, the equivalent of the run along the bridge in TLOU to finally end up jumping in the water. The way the scene was set up at the end, with the camera sweeping behind the main protagonist was clearly the moment you were about to take control and then investigate the area you just entered. I have a feeling THAT section would probably pay similar to TLOU, moving through corridors carefully, or room to room, perhaps even foraging for resources.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this game except the dialogue. The action should speak for itself and a good 80% of all the lines during this transitional period could be cut. The dialogue doesn't give us any insight into the characters, nor does it add details we would otherwise have missed.

I agree with most here.

Someone above questioned me about being positive about the game. Not really. I am being positive about the promise of the game. The possibilities. Gameplay elements, those are things that can be tweaked and enhanced up to the final month of a games release. AI can be tweaked, scripts can be changed, controls can be tightened, cursors can be changed, etc. etc.

What I am focusing on, is what this game actually IS. And they have a ton going for it right now. They have a fantastic setting. They have a fantastic premise with the alternate universe where more advanced technology exists within the era of the late 1800's. They have this very interesting dynamic with the Half-Breeds. We saw the Werewolf looking dudes in the initial trailer, and then the " Signs " looking alien ( atleast his hand ) in the trailer that almost made the game out to have some horror elements.

And as you said, they are focusing on what is potentially the greatest graphics engine ever built. I look around and don't see any other game that matches this one in terms of visual fidelity and that IS something to be proud of. Especially a team that is just getting their first shot at this. First time going up against the big boys of WWS. How they put together an engine like this, on their first try, with the PS4 hardware is beyond me. Are they borrowing tools from Santa Monica? Is this potentially what God of War 4's could look like fidelity wise? Are they bringing over programmers from Naughty Dog to help out? Is this what we can expect from Uncharted?

I'm just focusing on the positives at the moment, because the gameplay, well, that is an ever changing dynamic that really won't be represented until I actually play it myself. So why dwell? Remember when that IGN dude got a hold of a controller and made Infamous Second Son look like it had the worst control system ever designed by a human? Completely unrepresentative of what the actual game was like. Well, for those who know how to move an analog stick and press a button at the same time anyway.

If you want me to be negative, if that is a requirement, I will say one thing. This game is incredibly filmic, that is the entire premise behind the game. For this to work, for the people to get sucked into the world and into the characters and into the story, the acting needs to be top notch. What I heard from the acting in the latest trailer, was not on par with the scene that was being shown. Perhaps it was just early audio editing and they need to spruce it up a bit, who knows. The acting up till now has sounded fine, but this latest scene wasn't AAA. If the actors fail, the game fails, in this type of game. If Ellie and Joel didn't put on Oscar worthy performances, the overall product of TLOU would of faltered.


It's weird how Sony and RAD keep accidentally releasing these clips and pictures and interviews and articles that apparently don't represent the major video game release they're going to be selling on stores at the end of this year.

It must be a set of wacky mix ups behind the scenes.

RAD had nothing to do with this footage. I do like your assumption that Sony knows how to release first party coverage. Besides Naughty Dog that was not the case last gen. I'd ask why you think the way you do, but really I don't need to ask. I already know!
Tell me right now, the list of weapons in the game, and their different mechanics. Tell me right now, the list of enemy types in the game, and their different behaviours.

From their trailers: It's resistance with their "dual-feature" weaponry. A potion that can heal whatever wounds they have, battling the supernatural/normal enemies in a pop-shoot manner until next QTE and set-pieces (and some moments like the Uncharted's building or train sequence). There. I'm confident this will continue the whole game through. The only feature I'm still in the dark of is the "soft-body" destruction which I need to see how it influences gameplay. And THAT is the only small aspect that would decide whether or not it would regain my interest in this game.

Your turn.


From their trailers: It's resistance with their "dual-feature" weaponry. A potion that can heal whatever wounds they have, battling the supernatural/normal enemies in a pop-shoot manner until next QTE and set-pieces (and some moments like the Uncharted's building or train sequence). There. I'm confident this will continue the whole game through.

Christ :lol


It's weird how Sony and RAD keep accidentally releasing these clips and pictures and interviews and articles that apparently don't represent the major video game release they're going to be selling on stores at the end of this year.

It must be a set of wacky mix ups behind the scenes.

I know, some people act like a random Sony employee left his capture card on for 3 minutes and decided to upload it on a whim.

This was a planned marketing move. This is how they want you to see the game. Why try to blame the viewer if what theyre presenting to us is crap.


Well, it was very impressive visually, however I think that Warframe delivers better TPS action than what they've shown. They're really not doing themselves any favours with these poor-form snippets. Tiny corridors, low frame rates, generic cookie cutter sequences, too short to get any kind of vibe; if they're attempting to generate discussion, hype or interest, they couldn't have picked worse footage to show.

The Order, of course, has a lot more to see than what we've been shown, and the final product stands every chance of being a fantastic game. Having said that, I'd be lying if I said I felt there was anything to be excited about right now. Apart from the visuals, The Order hasn't shown anything to make me want to play the game, or even wait for more information. They've had a reveal, two additional teasers, and a Game Informer spread, and I'm more interested in the Resogun DLC than this.

Quick question. Guy drinks magic potion to heal his minor neck wound, while a fellow soldier is on the ground in pain from a fairly serious wound. Is this a "Pheonix Down" plot whole, or is the old guy just a dick?
From their trailers: It's resistance with their "dual-feature" weaponry. A potion that can heal whatever wounds they have, battling the supernatural/normal enemies in a pop-shoot manner until next QTE and set-pieces (and some moments like the Uncharted's building or train sequence). There. I'm confident this will continue the whole game through. The only feature I'm still in the dark of is the "soft-body" destruction which I need to see how it influences gameplay. And THAT is the only small aspect that would decide whether or not it would regain my interest in this game.

Your turn.
We haven't even seen how the fights with the supernatural will go down. For all we know, the dynamics will be different when compared to shooting humans.


From their trailers: It's resistance with their "dual-feature" weaponry. A potion that can heal whatever wounds they have, battling the supernatural/normal enemies in a pop-shoot manner until next QTE and set-pieces. There. I'm confident this will continue the whole game through. The only feature I'm still in the dark of is the "soft-body" destruction which I need to see how it influences gameplay. And THAT is the only small aspect that would decide whether or not it would regain my interest in this game.

Your turn.

You still haven't given me the full list. Weapons and enemy variety are the very strengths that Resistance and basically all TPS's use to differentiate their gameplay. "Confidence" is cheap.


I know, some people act like a random Sony employee left his capture card on for 3 minutes and decided to upload it on a whim.

This was a planned marketing move. This is how they want you to see the game. Why try to blame the viewer if what theyre presenting to us is crap.

Assuming that people are competent is incompetent.
I dont know how people can judge a game from one minute of gameplay, crazy stuff, Ill judge when I see much more, I will say the graphics are superb and you can see just how powerful this machine is this early in its life.


Graphics look amazing, but if anyone says that looks fun is lying to themselves.

So if someone thinks a game looks fun that you don't we're lying to ourselves?

The atmosphere and setting are what is getting me excited. I can look past generic gameplay if the story, setting and atmosphere are strong.


Graphics look amazing, but if anyone says that looks fun is lying to themselves.

it looks as fun as any other shooting segment in a decent TPS.

it is just to bad thats all they showed, or that the rest of the game is like it to (highly unlikely, at worse I expect IT to have some largeer environments and many more weapons, enemies,a good story and more onrails/QTE moments, I think it would be unwise to expect more at this point)

It is what it is.


Dreams in Digital
I agree with most here.

Someone above questioned me about being positive about the game. Not really. I am being positive about the promise of the game. The possibilities. Gameplay elements, those are things that can be tweaked and enhanced up to the final month of a games release. AI can be tweaked, scripts can be changed, controls can be tightened, cursors can be changed, etc. etc.

What I am focusing on, is what this game actually IS. And they have a ton going for it right now. They have a fantastic setting. They have a fantastic premise with the alternate universe where more advanced technology exists within the era of the late 1800's. They have this very interesting dynamic with the Half-Breeds. We saw the Werewolf looking dudes in the initial trailer, and then the " Signs " looking alien ( atleast his hand ) in the trailer that almost made the game out to have some horror elements.

And as you said, they are focusing on what is potentially the greatest graphics engine ever built. I look around and don't see any other game that matches this one in terms of visual fidelity and that IS something to be proud of. Especially a team that is just getting their first shot at this. First time going up against the big boys of WWS. How they put together an engine like this, on their first try, with the PS4 hardware is beyond me. Are they borrowing tools from Santa Monica? Is this potentially what God of War 4's could look like fidelity wise? Are they bringing over programmers from Naughty Dog to help out? Is this what we can expect from Uncharted?

I'm just focusing on the positives at the moment, because the gameplay, well, that is an ever changing dynamic that really won't be represented until I actually play it myself. So why dwell? Remember when that IGN dude got a hold of a controller and made Infamous Second Son look like it had the worst control system ever designed by a human? Completely unrepresentative of what the actual game was like. Well, for those who know how to move an analog stick and press a button at the same time anyway.

If you want me to be negative, if that is a requirement, I will say one thing. This game is incredibly filmic, that is the entire premise behind the game. For this to work, for the people to get sucked into the world and into the characters and into the story, the acting needs to be top notch. What I heard from the acting in the latest trailer, was not on par with the scene that was being shown. Perhaps it was just early audio editing and they need to spruce it up a bit, who knows. The acting up till now has sounded fine, but this latest scene wasn't AAA. If the actors fail, the game fails, in this type of game. If Ellie and Joel didn't put on Oscar worthy performances, the overall product of TLOU would of faltered.

We're completely on the same page here, especially that last paragraph. Ever since details started coming in about how this world has been built up over many years and how fleshed out or deep it is, I've been sold an idea, a perception of what to expect ... and I expect it. Sucker Punch let me down in the exact same way unfortunately.

You don't hire actors who are clearly taking their roles seriously (except the French guy), use the latest tech to capture their every subtle expression or movement, and fit them up with lines you'd expect in a B-movie. Cage needs to take note too.

Naughty Dog did something remarkable and something I've been longing for for many years. This is the future of gaming as far as I'm concerned. It might sound counter intuitive but I believe (and I think ND do to) that character comes before story and story comes before gameplay. The character informs the story and dictates what is possible and what is contextually logical. The Story is then written to accommodate these characters and the gameplay brings it all together in a believable and realistic way. We BELIEVE this is what the character would do and because of that we BELIEVE the gameplay. We are emotionally connected.

I really hope they hire a script writer and a director with focus and a willingness to murder their darlings.

That scene, as good as it was graphically, threw that concept under a bus.


The context is a thread full of overblown comments of every stripe, most of them serious. In light of that, how was your meaning obvious? The fact that it was ridiculous means nothing if you've bothered to read the damn thread.

Clearly it was hyperbole pointing out how on rails what was meant to be a gameplay demonstration ended up feeling.
So what's the word on potential delay? Any clarification on it? Did Shinobi talk about it anymore?

I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.
If anyone else says generic I'm going to lose my goddamn mind.


I think the correct therm would be "standard", the game looks awesome but it is designed to be played like just another TPS. I don´t care about the crazy weapons, 4 characters, the setting, etc, they are all confined under that "generic" design.

Remembering the Gears of War reveal the only think i could think of it was how awesome seem to be played, i wanted to played it by just looking at it. This game i want to see it, not sure if play it because i already play thousands like it.
I agree with most here.

Someone above questioned me about being positive about the game. Not really. I am being positive about the promise of the game. The possibilities. Gameplay elements, those are things that can be tweaked and enhanced up to the final month of a games release. AI can be tweaked, scripts can be changed, controls can be tightened, cursors can be changed, etc. etc.

What I am focusing on, is what this game actually IS. And they have a ton going for it right now. They have a fantastic setting. They have a fantastic premise with the alternate universe where more advanced technology exists within the era of the late 1800's. They have this very interesting dynamic with the Half-Breeds. We saw the Werewolf looking dudes in the initial trailer, and then the " Signs " looking alien ( atleast his hand ) in the trailer that almost made the game out to have some horror elements.

And as you said, they are focusing on what is potentially the greatest graphics engine ever built. I look around and don't see any other game that matches this one in terms of visual fidelity and that IS something to be proud of. Especially a team that is just getting their first shot at this. First time going up against the big boys of WWS. How they put together an engine like this, on their first try, with the PS4 hardware is beyond me. Are they borrowing tools from Santa Monica? Is this potentially what God of War 4's could look like fidelity wise? Are they bringing over programmers from Naughty Dog to help out? Is this what we can expect from Uncharted?

I'm just focusing on the positives at the moment, because the gameplay, well, that is an ever changing dynamic that really won't be represented until I actually play it myself. So why dwell? Remember when that IGN dude got a hold of a controller and made Infamous Second Son look like it had the worst control system ever designed by a human? Completely unrepresentative of what the actual game was like. Well, for those who know how to move an analog stick and press a button at the same time anyway.

If you want me to be negative, if that is a requirement, I will say one thing. This game is incredibly filmic, that is the entire premise behind the game. For this to work, for the people to get sucked into the world and into the characters and into the story, the acting needs to be top notch. What I heard from the acting in the latest trailer, was not on par with the scene that was being shown. Perhaps it was just early audio editing and they need to spruce it up a bit, who knows. The acting up till now has sounded fine, but this latest scene wasn't AAA. If the actors fail, the game fails, in this type of game. If Ellie and Joel didn't put on Oscar worthy performances, the overall product of TLOU would of faltered.



The graphics are very impressive but the gameplay itself doesn't really do anything for me. It just seems like another 3rd person shooter. I just feel like i'm over saturated with this stuff and want other things like RPGs from Sony. I hate how this is what has become of AAA games , they just do the genres that are safe and don't take risks anymore.


I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.

Thanks for posting this. I really don't want to see this delayed.

Edit: not seeing the conversation context?
We're completely on the same page here, especially that last paragraph. Ever since details started coming in about how this world has been built up over many years and how fleshed out or deep it is, I've been sold an idea, a perception of what to expect ... and I expect it. Sucker Punch let me down in the exact same way unfortunately.

You don't hire actors who are clearly taking their roles seriously (except the French guy), use the latest tech to capture their every subtle expression or movement, and fit them up with lines you'd expect in a B-movie. Cage needs to take note too.

Naughty Dog did something remarkable and something I've been longing for for many years. This is the future of gaming as far as I'm concerned. It might sound counter intuitive but I believe (and I think ND do to) that character comes before story and story comes before gameplay. The character informs the story and dictates what is possible and what is contextually logical. The Story is then written to accommodate these characters and the gameplay brings it all together in a believable and realistic way. We BELIEVE this is what the character would do and because of that we BELIEVE the gameplay. We are emotionally connected.

I really hope they hire a script writer and a director with focus and a willingness to murder their darlings.

That scene, as good as it was, threw that concept under a bus.

Yeah, that scene was supposed to be pretty tense when the soldier went down and you were tasked to grab him, but then got ambushed from high ground. The tension though was not conveyed by the acting, which kind of killed the emotional impact of the moment. It is trivial, because it was such a short sequence and we have no baring on what is going on, what part of the story this is in, who the guy on the ground is that was shot, etc. But, in the end the acting drew me out of the intensity of what was taking place in the sequence.

This kind of game, is all about the acting. But thankfully, acting is just someone going into a room, acting, then you editing in the voices. So they can go in and rework it 600x if they have to. We'll see. Hopefully RAD was given the budget to hire in some fine talent to take us into this world and sit with us as we partake in this adventure.

Speaking of, do we know who these actors are yet?


I'd be in the dick
I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.

Can you link me to the specific conversation? I just want to see what the original comment is.


I guess it's the immediacy of the format. Isn't the whole of the Sony conference going to be streamed in twitch/ustream?

The conferences are always streamed online, across many sites - so being on Twitch or Ustream would be a natural extension, surprised it wasn't done already?


lol @ the plasma burn in comment few pages ago.

Such entitlement.

- - -

Anyways, awful video output with stuttering on the first clip.
I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.[/QUOTE]
Good, I don't want a delay.


Incredible looking. I'm looking forward to seeing more at E3.
The setting has so much potential.

A good slow paced tactical multiplayer ala TLOU would be the cherry on the cake


Dreams in Digital
Yeah, that scene was supposed to be pretty tense when the soldier went down and you were tasked to grab him, but then got ambushed from high ground. The tension though was not conveyed by the acting, which kind of killed the emotional impact of the moment. It is trivial, because it was such a short sequence and we have no baring on what is going on, what part of the story this is in, who the guy on the ground is that was shot, etc. But, in the end the acting drew me out of the intensity of what was taking place in the sequence.

This kind of game, is all about the acting. But thankfully, acting is just someone going into a room, acting, then you editing in the voices. So they can go in and rework it 600x if they have to. We'll see. Hopefully RAD was given the budget to hire in some fine talent to take us into this world and sit with us as we partake in this adventure.

Speaking of, do we know who these actors are yet?

I'm not so sure. The only reason TLOU had convincing acting is because the actors were actually bouncing off each other. We had genuine chemistry between Ellie and Joel and it showed in the mo-cap. Replacing lines won't work well and unless they're prepared to recapture whole scenes, it will never be as it could be. Sure, it could 'sound' better, but the connection between the characters won't change dramatically.

If the tweet above is correct, then we're likely to see this game this year and I can't see it improving that much ... although, isn't there talk that this is about 5 months old? Maybe there IS hope. I'll still buy it and I'll still try to enjoy it but if those lines infect the whole damned experience I'll be annoyed as hell. I can't tolerate them in films and I can't tolerate them in games either.

I don't know who the actors are I'm afraid.


I hope these rebels holed up in derelict buildings battles is part of a like a 20 minute tutorial, max. Give us zombies, werewolves, at least 8 other enemy types and bigger arenas to fight in and it's all good.


I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.

So does that mean this game isn't be delayed? Wooo! If true….



I think the correct therm would be "standard", the game looks awesome but it is designed to be played like just another TPS. I don´t care about the crazy weapons, 4 characters, the setting, etc, they are all confined under that "generic" design.

Remembering the Gears of War reveal the only think i could think of it was how awesome seem to be played, i wanted to played it by just looking at it. This game i want to see it, not sure if play it because i already play thousands like it.

Yeah I think the problem is when people say generic they are talking about the gameplay not the graphics/atmosphere. Unless somebody can show me all the victorian steam punk TPS's I'm missing out there.
You still haven't given me the full list. Weapons and enemy variety are the very strengths that Resistance and basically all TPS's use to differentiate their gameplay. "Confidence" is cheap.

By "differentiate" you mean shooters with different "skins". Vanquish is a game that had your typical dude-bro weapons but because the way the gameplay is set up makes it that much different compared to other shooters. So my "confidence" is based from what snippets I've seen and I can make direct comparisons.

I'm not seeing that here.
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