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Sony VP fired after appearing in pedophile sting video

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Ebophilia, pedo defense force like to point that out for some reason.

I know what the poster is saying may be correct but also kinda wrong. The meaning of words evolves through time, today the general idea is that a pedo is someone who trys to sexually abuse a younger person in an illegal fashion. There's really no point in coming in here and being "WELL AKSHULLAY, he's not a pedo!"
All I'm saying is that technically that poster was correct. Nothing more, and don't even attempt to paint me with the "pedo defense force" brush ffs lol.

Words have defined meanings. There is a pretty decent difference between the 2 terms. A 17 year old having sex with a 16 year old is generally fine, but a 17 year old having sex with a 12 year old is absolutely not. One of those is 100% pedophilia, the other is 100% not. Can you see why it is actually pretty important to use the correct terms? Legally I could pursue and have sexual relations with a 16 year old here in Australia as a almost 40 year old man and no law has been broken, and it's definitely not pedophilia. I wouldn't because it's creepy and morally disgusting, but you get the point.

In this case though I agree, it doesn't really matter - 50 odd year old guy with a 15 year old vs a 13 year old is irrelevant. It's nasty and illegal.
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All I'm saying is that technically that poster was correct. Nothing more, and don't even attempt to paint me with the "pedo defense force" brush ffs lol.
Oh, I totally understand, based on your posts so far I wouldn't dare to accuse you of defending pedos. But at the same time, I hate when people keep bringing up "Well it's not actually pedophilia..". It's like ok, you are right, but the meaning of the word has shifted and the true meaning of the word isn't being used here but it's very clear what people mean when they say pedo.



The crime of abusing children is savagely debased. Kids don't perceive the world the way adults do, these criminals are projecting their insecurities onto blank canvases and devastating those canvases.. these people are the peak endgame of self absorbtion, lack of impulse control and greed.

I don't know how else to put it. These poor children, being used by worthless failed adults... it's one thing to be used, it's another thing to be the incomprehending tool of something that slithers on the floor of the sewerage ridden cellar of society.

I just hope that as many of these fucktards as possible get caught, punished and/or locked away for as much of their life as possible.
All of this and then cut his dick off without meds.
It took almost 48 hours for some news places to pick up the story …but a trans playtester works an extra couple of hours and has a bitch on Twitter and you have an entire internet army foaming at the mouth

this isn’t a go at the action that Sony took but highlights the double standards that some places or internet sites/social media have and how many of these places block or hide content that doesn’t fit their narrative or political alignment.

Absolutely agree with this…..look no further than that woke trash forum
Sony has done some of the shadiest stuff in the past, (like rootkit) but this isn't one of them. At this point, for me anyway... This ordeal has shown me a couple of things that suggests Sony is a rather well run company.

• As sleazy as this guy was, he likely showed little to no signs of being such at work. Especially seeing as he worked in an industry that involved games catered towards kids. It would've been a red flag if Sony was the one that actually caught him doing something like this. The fact that he likely was up to this kind of thing throughout most of his time working at Sony, yet was never caught by Sony, suggests Sony is a company that trusts it's employees, and doesn't go digging through social media posts, routinely running background checks, etc... as more and more companies are doing these days. Nobody wants to work for a company like that.

• While I'm sure that Sony's hoping that by firing him on a Sunday, that it might increase the chances of this kinda blowing over without too much of a pr mess. Someone in such a prominent position as he was, isn't an easy termination. Again, at this point. The fact that Sony was able to so quickly conduct an investigation, (during the weekend no less) as well as fire the dirtbag suggests that Sony's department for looking into these matters is competent. It also shows that Sony has an SOP that is efficient and effective, and is well learned by it's investigating department.

While it would be nice if we could just look at people and instantly know who all the weasels who prey on people so young were. Unfortunately that's not the case and as such, it's almost a certainty that almost every company with over a 1,000 employees has employed someone just like this at one time or another without ever realizing it. Unless they knew or were complicit. The companies these pedos work for deserve no more criticism than say, the person who delivered their mail everyday, or did their taxes every year.


Gold Member
Lmao era is the worst. Height of Portland riots:

Lete defund the police, we don't need them. Citizen or public militia's will be able to do their role in society!!!
Citizen/public vigilante pedo group discovers dirt and one such case implicates their favourite platform personalities.
Do not trust them! Despite the fact they have video and screenshotted evidence. Fingers in ears, we must only believe in what Father media publishes. The Ministry of Truth will tell us!!!



Gold Member
I wish incidents like this had a long term effect on how companies check their leaders for such behaviour. They only react when someone else presents them evidence on a silver platter.
All of this and then cut his dick off without meds.
I've always said that perhaps the best way to deal with people such as this. Is that at some agreed upon degree. Anyone convicted of doing such harm to children should all automatically recieve the same sentence. Of course there would be an appeals process, but after that?

If their appeal fails, they would all be sent to the same place regardless of what state they lived in or what state the crime was committed in. The facility they would be sent to would be predominantly run by a single individual referred to as "The Conductor". There could be a unit nearby to hold those waiting their turn. Upon arriving at this facility, and custody transferred to this lone individual. The convicted pedophile would be at the conductor's mercy. The only two requirements being that the conductor has 7 days from the time he took custody to execute the convict. The method he uses, and how long he takes (up to 7 days) is limited only by his imagination. All supplies, equipment, or tools must be fully funded by the government without question. It's also a requirement that The Conductor will be the highest paid employee of the federal government. A Conductor may hold his position for no more than 1 year, at which time another Conductor will take over. A conductor will recieve lifetime medical, as well as a small pension of $45k paid annually. A conductor may only serve a single term, and must go through an extremely intensive background check, as well as a mental health assessment. Any individual found to be 100% completely sane, or that is found to have a conflict of interest is automatically disqualified from consideration.

But that's just me.


Neo Member
Now can they fire Druckmann too while they're at it? He's been trying to fuck Naughty Dog for the past 15 years

Druckmann has off-world resurrection devices, so that even if he is removed or harmed, he can easily return back to Sony HQ. He also controls a dangerous, hand picked occultist group that hunts down and kills any threats to him. In other words, Druckmann isn’t going anywhere. Your grandchildren will still be fighting him, and they will also die, just like you will.

There’s no stopping Druckmann, and pretty soon, all games will be LGBTQ.

This George Cacioppo guy is low level. He was sacrificed in order to protect the bigger reptiles.
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Probably didn't want their guy wearing their brand all over the news so they dumped him fast.

Or, cynical take:
Probably threw away the first rotten apple that fell off the tree before someone came shaking for more.
15 is a minor and still considered a kid
Irrelevant to my comment. Pedophilia is when an adult is attracted to pre-pubescent children. It does not apply in this case.

I don't condone an adult trying to engage with a minor. But I have seen 18 year old guys called a pedophile for having a 16 year old girlfriend.
I wish incidents like this had a long term effect on how companies check their leaders for such behaviour. They only react when someone else presents them evidence on a silver platter.
Would you like your employer to spy on you at your own home?

Sony as a Company has no reason to suspect anything if the guy keeps his illegal activity off the clock. And if you suggest we should spy on our employees 24/7 you have a problem.

The guy was identified as a problem, so he was fired as he should be as fast as was possible. Any argument that Sony should somehow "know" earlier, would imply that Sony should be stalking employees after work.


Gold Member
Druckmann has off-world resurrection devices, so that even if he is removed or harmed, he can easily return back to Sony HQ. He also controls a dangerous, hand picked occultist group that hunts down and kills any threats to him. In other words, Druckmann isn’t going anywhere. Your grandchildren will still be fighting him, and they will also die, just like you will.

There’s no stopping Druckmann, and pretty soon, all games will be LGBTQ.

This George Cacioppo guy is low level. He was sacrificed in order to protect the bigger reptiles.
I would like to officially welcome QAnon to Neogaf. Welcome. Keep the Q drops coming!


Good riddance and glad Sony acted fast.

Would you like your employer to spy on you at your own home?

Sony as a Company has no reason to suspect anything if the guy keeps his illegal activity off the clock. And if you suggest we should spy on our employees 24/7 you have a problem.

The guy was identified as a problem, so he was fired as he should be as fast as was possible. Any argument that Sony should somehow "know" earlier, would imply that Sony should be stalking employees after work.


True story I had a teacher who seemed like the most nice and educated man ever, always talked about education, respect ect. Around four years later I graduated so I wasnt in that school but it happens that this teacher tried to have sex with a 15 girl in a classroom, obviously he got fired after this. I was so shocked me and my friends that were in same classroom, we couldn't believe it at first but it was true!!! Fortunately nothing bad happened to the young girl and the teacher got fired fast.
CNET is not the gaming press. There is still nothing from all of those sites and Twitter personalities that did a high horse parade about the Activision bit.

No worries it's happening now. Or are we going to move the goal posts until IGN and Polygon articles are up?
Nice strawman. These guys usually have it coming. Lots of people in their surrounding know there's something up/wrong. This often goes on for years until something like posted in the OP happens.
A lot of assumptions there.

If he breaks the law while at work, then obviously there would be a problem if Sony didn't report it. But here we have a sting operation that caught the guy but when he is AT HOME. At this point there is no reason to suspect he tried to bring his illegal actions into the workplace.

Yes, some people do crime both on and off the clock, but that is not everyone. And so far all we have is evidence that he breaks the law while away from the office.


That's fast. Good on Sony
Now I believe he is a criminal... but there have been MANY cases where it only looked bad or the person was really innocent.
So I like to hold off my judgment anyway.
It is called innocent until proven guilty for a reason. Even if these allegations are proven wrong his life is ruined.
It is called innocent until proven guilty for a reason. Even if these allegations are proven wrong his life is ruined.
Sony wouldn’t have weight flatly fired him if it wasn’t true. They would have said something like “ he is on leave while we investigate “. Blah blah..
more than likely he broke down and confessed.
Yeah. I expect the company leaders have directly asked him if it is true or not. The fact that he was fired so fast suggest that he didn't defend himself in that meeting.
Sony did the right thing. Don't give a chance for this bozo to be in the spotlight. I saw the video and it wasn't satisfactory but then I saw there were the text logs attached to the description and it is fucking disgusting. Fuck that guy, too bad he wasn't caught earlier. Shitheads exist everywhere in our society, I'm more than glad when they show their dirty heads and get exposed.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I wish incidents like this had a long term effect on how companies check their leaders for such behaviour. They only react when someone else presents them evidence on a silver platter.
What do you want them to do? Catfish their own employees and make sure they don’t take the bait?

If it turns out this guy had a reputation for going after underage boys and/or had some publicly available history of this behavior then ok, Sony fucked up. Otherwise I’m really curious what you think should’ve been done to prevent this.
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