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Sony VP fired after appearing in pedophile sting video

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Gold Member
So according to you Sony responsable what this guy is doing in his private time? You are way out of line this comment. This has zero nadda to do with Sony. Sony did what they had to do fired the guy on the spot.
If it has zero to do with Sony, then why fire the guy? Let him come back to work and let him hash out legal issues for the next year or two as he keeps humming along at his job. Like all similar situations where someone gets canned asap, the accused is never even arrested or convicted of anything yet. You never know, maybe it was all a hoax and he's actually innocent if Sony waits it out for a court ruling.

Of course wacky shit like this no company wants the employee around. Because they know it all comes back to affecting the company even though the other employees had nothing to do with it.
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If it has zero to do with Sony, then why fire the guy? Let him come back to work and let him hash out legal issues for the next year or two as he keeps humming along at his job. Like all similar situations where someone gets canned asap, the accused is never even arrested or convicted of anything yet. You never know, maybe it was all a hoax and he's actually innocent if Sony waits it out for a court ruling.

Of course wacky shit like this no company wants the employee around. Because they know it all comes back to affecting the company even though the other employees had nothing to do with it.
O come on, now you are just damagecontrolling you very wrong steatment. It was clearly a console warrior comment.
I'am done with you...
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Knew it would be dealt with swiftly. Sony would be stupid to let it drag out, as naturally people would start looking their way even though there was no way of them knowing. There could literally be serial killers around and you wouldn't know it.


Gold Member
O come on, now you are just damagecontrolling you very wrong steatment. It was clearly a console warrior comment.
I'am done with you...
Why fire the 64 year old vice-president of PSN hooking up with 15 year old boys? Are you for real?
Whose damage controlling? Of course this guy is guilty with the texts and video of him. Maybe you should read people's posts in these two threads about him.

As a start, read the second paragraph in the post you replied to.
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Gold Member
What will be more interesting as time goes is how many high level execs at any game company get grilled. We've seen it at Activision, now Sony. Maybe MS and Nintendo execs have some shady shit going on.

The one thing they do have in favour is the higher the chain you go the fewer people there at the top. So there's only so many VPs, CEOs and CFOs etc.. to go around in total. So the potential pool of exec level pervs is small.

We'll all have to wait and see.
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Whose damage controlling? Of course this guy is guilty with the texts and video of him. Maybe you should read people's posts in these two threads about him.

As a start, read the second paragraph in the post you replied to.
You started with: If it has nothing to do Sony, then why fire the guy?"
Wakeup calll...it has nothing do with Sony, the guy is/was working there, Sony has no control what is doing in his private time.
He did his work and for Sony theyr was no indication ore sign that he was doing that in his privat life. Leave Sony out of this... I stay with my statement, you can not try to put the blame on Sony in this chase....i have read the second part of your comment before i reacted.
You are backtracking in the second part of your comment, i have read it. So again, i'am,done.


Gold Member
You started with: If it has nothing to do Sony, then why fire the guy?"
Wakeup calll...it has nothing do with Sony, the guy is/was working there, Sony has no control what is doing in his private time.
He did his work and for Sony theyr was no indication ore sign that he was doing that in his privat life. Leave Sony out of this... I stay with my statement, you can not try to put the blame on Sony in this chase....i have read the second part of your comment before i reacted.
You are backtracking in the second part of your comment, i have read it. So again, i'am,done.
And that is my question to you. If you think his off work antics have nothing to do with Sony, then why would they fire him 24 hours later?


Gold Member
Sony fired him because he was busted trying to entice a minor into sex. What in the world are you trying to say? You are trying to make this about Sony.....somehow?
Thats exactly the reason. The guy is a perv and head office wants no part of it.

So for all the people saying he being a perv at home should have nothing to do with Sony (ie. leave him alone) is the wrong answer because his actions do affect Sony (image). Even though he was dong it after work hours.


Thats exactly the reason. The guy is a perv and head office wants no part of it.

So for all the people saying he being a perv at home should have nothing to do with Sony (ie. leave him alone) is the wrong answer because his actions do affect Sony (image). Even though he was dong it after work hours.
People dont see this point. They think his actions doesnt affect Sony image at all.
I was NOT ever defending a pedophile. Stop that. It's disgusting how you're trying to drag me into this.

I'm calmly explaining my point, you're talking nonsense and everytime I try to defend my point you're accusing me of defending this guy. It's ridiculous.

Just learn to read and stop talking shit about me.
Here's a simple rule: if you're over 18 and they're under 18, don't fuck 'em.

There, see? Simple, to the point, and holds true almost 100% of the time.

This is the one thing you don't want to overcomplicate with semantics, my guy.

Agreed George is into Ephebophilia from the looks of things which is mid to late adolescence. still creepy and noncy imo.

I'm not defending Georgy boys actions by the way just stating facts.

You guys are arguing semantics here, it's absolutely not worth it. No one cares if it's "technically" ephebophilia, because this is a very emotional topic based on real people engaging in real-world activity, not some controlled scientific experiment, thesis paper, or legal document.

To the vast majority of the world, this guy is a pedophile as he's still preying on someone under the normally accepted (at least in the West) legal age of 18. Anyone under that age is very likely still in the care of their parents or legal guardian, and I STRONGLY doubt they would be okay with some grown-ass adult wanting to copulate with their child who isn't even old enough to vote (or in some cases, hasn't even entered puberty).

You can try arguing the semantics of this as much as you want but it's going to come with a lot of side-eyes considering on an emotional and societal level (as in, outside the realm of theory or legal definition), the absolute majority will see anyone who's an adult, trying to have sex with someone under 18, as a pedophile. And considering the typical perversity of people vying after those not of adult age, they have every right to be viewed that way.
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Gold Member
Thats exactly the reason. The guy is a perv and head office wants no part of it.

So for all the people saying he being a perv at home should have nothing to do with Sony (ie. leave him alone) is the wrong answer because his actions do affect Sony (image). Even though he was dong it after work hours.

Your phrasing in all this is what is problematic. Sony has nothing to do with what this guy did and further, when Sony found out what he did, they wanted nothing to do with him either. That's not just about "image". That's about not employing a known pedophile (or whatever one calls it) as much for moral and ethical reasons as anything else.

No idea why you keep phrasing this as "If it has zero to do with Sony, then why fire the guy?" That's just a strange thing to say.


Gold Member
People dont see this point. They think his actions doesnt affect Sony image at all.
Ya, head office sure doesn't think his weekend shenanigans dont affect the company.

Oh wait, they fired the guy on a Sunday. lol

Well, that's one unique thing about this debacle. Not everyday you hear about someone getting pink slipped during NFL Sunday.
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Gold Member
Here's a simple rule: if you're over 18 and they're under 18, don't fuck 'em.

There, see? Simple, to the point, and holds true almost 100% of the time.

This is the one thing you don't want to overcomplicate with semantics, my guy.

You guys are arguing semantics here, it's absolutely not worth it. No one cares if it's "technically" ephebophilia, because this is a very emotional topic based on real people engaging in real-world activity, not some controlled scientific experiment, thesis paper, or legal document.

To the vast majority of the world, this guy is a pedophile as he's still preying on someone under the normally accepted (at least in the West) legal age of 18. Anyone under that age is very likely still in the care of their parents or legal guardian, and I STRONGLY doubt they would be okay with some grown-ass adult wanting to copulate with their child who isn't even old enough to vote (or in some cases, hasn't even entered puberty).

You can try arguing the semantics of this as much as you want but it's going to come with a lot of side-eyes considering on an emotional and societal level (as in, outside the realm of theory or legal definition), the absolute majority will see anyone who's an adult, trying to have sex with someone under 18, as a pedophile. And considering the typical perversity of people vying after those not of adult age, they have every right to be viewed that way.
I have no problem with anyone labeling George a peadophile and ultimately he swims in the same cesspool as those that prey on prepubescent children! I was just simply stating a factual term for his kind.

Who knows the guy could be into all kinds of sinister shit! I'm not a parent but I do have two nephews and a neice and it greatly worries me when they use Multimedia platforms potentially not knowing who they're having conversations with on the otherside of there phones, tablets or computer.
Whatever happened to people just being human beings without all of the sick, twisted shit? Power and greed seem to get the best of us...
People like that exist and are the majority. However the media only talks about the fuck-ups.

It's very rare to get genuine good Samaritan stories (not used in some way benefiting a corporation's or political party's brand image) in the news, but almost too easy to get stories of the opposite in places you wouldn't even expect. It's just one of several methods of mass population control & manipulation.

I have no problem with anyone labeling George a peadophile and ultimately he swims in the same cesspool as those that prey on prepubescent children! I was just simply stating a factual term for his kind.

Who knows the guy could be into all kinds of sinister shit! I'm not a parent but I do have two nephews and a neice and it greatly worries me when they use Multimedia platforms potentially not knowing who they're having conversations with on the otherside of there phones, tablets or computer.

Same; no kids but quite a few nieces & nephews. Some of them are big into Roblox and I know there have been problems in the past with preds using that to hunt after kids and lure them in, stuff like that. Dunno if there's been a wider effort to get rid of those people from the community.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Fired with swiftness, they must have had more on him than a video of a guy yelling at his house. Good riddance. I'm sure getting fired won't stop him from being a creep, alas.


Gold Member
This topic is a fucking train wreck tbh.

People blaming Sony, people saying he's not a nonce he's a ebophile or whatever (he's a nonce). People comparing it to Activision and lol dongs trying to console war it.
No kidding, I gave up going in too deep cause it's pretty absurd.

There's no beating around the bush here. The guy was disgusting scum, and disgusting scum got removed, as he should have. That's all there is to it. Props to Sony for moving as fast as they did.

Hope he gets worse.
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I have already explained above that if you're accusing someone of a crime, you really should give a shit about terms. It's not just calling someone dumb or idiot over internet, it's a serious accusation.

Obviously you must see where these people are coming from? We just use the term peado as a blanket statement for people trying to nonce up people who aren't of age.

That doesn't make you wrong, though. You're actually correct, but it's pointless trying to use logic in a discussion when people are riled up. The posters here are disgusting for dog piling you the way they are doing and using your comments to paint you out in a bad light.

The thing I find most amusing is you corrected posters on the term. Anyone thinking using the correct term is wrong are fucking dumb.

If you said hebephilia isn't as bad as peadophilia I'd understand people's anger, but I think we would agree they are equally as fucked up. So if they are equally fucked up what's wrong with using the correct term?

The posters saying language changes over time have to be logically consistent. If that's the case and we can just change words, then we must agree the word "gender" is open to change as is "man" and "woman".

I understand your point, mate. He's still a peado in my eyes though. Haha. I also agree with other posters that this isn't really a necessary time to correct someone on the term, but you aren't wrong or bad for doing so
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It always surprises me than some guy can become a top executive in global company and sincerely think a 15 year old girl would be interested in engaging in a sexual relationship with a 50 year old piece fatso.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
So did he actually get fired? I don't see any real evidence of that unless I missed it. Is there a public statement or are they trying to brush this under the carpet?

Edit: Nevermind, I see they responded to outlets individually
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
And that is my question to you. If you think his off work antics have nothing to do with Sony, then why would they fire him 24 hours later?
Would be banger on some PR:
".... and here is Randy. Randy is our long time employee, hard working man and....also a pedophile. Alright let's move on to another one of our senior stuff."


It always surprises me than some guy can become a top executive in global company and sincerely think a 15 year old girl would be interested in engaging in a sexual relationship with a 50 year old piece fatso.

It was a boy actually, and dude is obviously fucking delusional.

Shows you can be smart enough to get a position like this but still be a fucking idiot.

This is why you don't worship anyone in high positions. You can assume people are good, and I guess that's a fair default to have, but having a certain level of intelligence doesn't necessarily make you smart in all manners of life.

You'd think this guy is smarter than most of us, but look at the completely idiotic and delusional stuff he was into behind the scenes.


If you said hebephilia isn't as bad as peadophilia I'd understand people's anger, but I think we would agree they are equally as fucked up. So if they are equally fucked up what's wrong with using the correct term?
You dont simply change the word pedophile. You can come up with any term, but that won't change it.

Anyone who calls it something else, is looking to discredit the meaning of the word. I dont care if its hypo-whatever shit. Pedophile is pedophile. And people should call them that way.

This isn't simply one dressing up as the other opposite sex, and asks to be called according to that. This is a campaign to make these pedophiles look as normal people.
Fuck it, ill say it. It‘s an improvement.

Sony probably terminated him without mentioning the case. Otherwise the dude can prolly sue Sony if the prosecution dont have enough evidence, or is innocent.

StreetsofBeige is still working overtime to connect this to Sony as a company, PUT IN THAT WORK.
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Gold Member
Fuck it, ill say it. It‘s an improvement.

Sony probably terminated him without mentioning the case. Otherwise the dude can prolly sue Sony if the prosecution dont have enough evidence, or is innocent.

StreetsofBeige is still working overtime to connect this to Sony as a company, PUT IN THAT WORK.
Are you actually serious with this shit?
You guys should maybe understand the message.

I'm not supportive of the perv at all. But some others are try to hint that what he does in his off time is his business. To me, that's not true. Sony has the right to get rid of him because of what he did (guy was wearing a PS5 tshirt too!) as it looks bad on the company.

So there is a connection even though he did this on his own time. And that connection (employee-employer relationship) is what Sony doesnt want part of from a perv. So they ditched him asap. I never said the connection is Sony head office is supportive.
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You guys should maybe understand the message.

I'm not supportive of the perv at all. But some others are try to hint that what he does in his off time is his business. To me, that's not true. Sony has the right to get rid of him because of what he did (guy was wearing a PS5 tshirt too!) as it looks bad on the company.

So there is a connection even though he did this on his own time. And that connection (employee-employer relationship) is what Sony doesnt want part of from a perv. So they ditched him asap.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought you were suggesting that Sony already knew about his behavior at home and didn't do anything about it until it became public. That's something people like MrFunSocks MrFunSocks was suggesting and I thought you were doing the same.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.


You guys should maybe understand the message.

I'm not supportive of the perv at all. But some others are try to hint that what he does in his off time is his business. To me, that's not true. Sony has the right to get rid of him because of what he did (guy was wearing a PS5 tshirt too!) as it looks bad on the company.

So there is a connection even though he did this on his own time. And that connection (employee-employer relationship) is what Sony doesnt want part of from a perv. So they ditched him asap. I never said the connection is Sony head office is supportive.
I don't think anyone is arguing about that, of course a company is right to fire you for anything you do in your private life that could reflect badly on them.

What you did however, is imply Sony is at fault here, which isn't the case. This is not something that was happening at work, Sony had no way of knowing unless they stalked him out of work, which obviously neither of us would want our companies doing.

The difference between Activision and this is that the problems at Activision were happening within the company and the upper management knew about them and did nothing. In this case, a guy was being a pedo in his private life, out of work. You can't blame Sony here.


Gold Member
Thanks for the clarification. I thought you were suggesting that Sony already knew about his behavior at home and didn't do anything about it until it became public. That's something people like MrFunSocks MrFunSocks was suggesting and I thought you were doing the same.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.
No worries.

I thought I was being clear, but maybe I wrote my messages wrong.
What you did however, is imply Sony is at fault here, which isn't the case. This is not something that was happening at work, Sony had no way of knowing unless they stalked him out of work, which obviously neither of us would want our companies doing.

Not pointing out anyone here but I've seen several suggest that. While I'm willing to listen I really need to see some proof before anyone claims that Sony did that.

For the most part people are just saying that to console war and make Sony seem like they support paedophiles. Im really going to have to see some proof of that before even considering this.


Not pointing out anyone here but I've seen several suggest that. While I'm willing to listen I really need to see some proof before anyone claims that Sony did that.

For the most part people are just saying that to console war and make Sony seem like they support paedophiles. Im really going to have to see some proof of that before even considering this.
The Irony with their point, is that Bill was with Epstein. The guy who made Xbox. So they directly accusing their system to, in the process.
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