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South Park: The Fractured but Whole |OT| Asses of Fire Emblem

Are the extra fart powers supposed to make the enemy skip their turn as well as give you an ability? Because it does.

Because outside of one fight where I needed the faster cooldown, the first ability is useless.
In combat, every fart ability is made useless by the newer one. What you want to do is do every sidequest and explore everything because the optional fart power you can get from certain items you find/get is straight up cheat mode.


OMG the music is almost TOO good!

Sometimes I couldn't help but be reminded of the Nolan Batman film scores.

In combat, every fart ability is made useless by the newer one. What you want to do is do every sidequest and explore everything because the optional fart power you can get from certain items you find/get is straight up cheat mode.

I'm at least three-fourths of the way through the game and only have two. The second one might actually be useful for a physical class, but for a blaster/elemental/psychic, it's very bad compared to the first one that skips an enemy's turn. My character can actually stop two enemies from getting a turn in the first round. If that wasn't enough, the Elementalist's ultimate causes all enemies to lose a turn.


Are Stick of Truth and this one different enough that I wouldn't feel burnt out playing them back to back or should I put some breathing room between them? If I should put some time between them, which should I play first?
Are Stick of Truth and this one different enough that I wouldn't feel burnt out playing them back to back or should I put some breathing room between them? If I should put some time between them, which should I play first?

They are pretty similar. I'd recommend spacing the playthroughs out a bit.

And definitely play Stick of Truth first.


Are Stick of Truth and this one different enough that I wouldn't feel burnt out playing them back to back or should I put some breathing room between them? If I should put some time between them, which should I play first?

They're similar, and mainly just the combat and LARPING (fantasy vs super heroes). Although this game has better combat (which isn't saying much), the first game handled the humor better IMO. This game is plenty humorous, but it relies way too much on scat jokes that aren't really funny, especially after the 30th one.
You kidding me? I bought a retail XB1 copy day 1 and assumed it would come with a 360 stick of truth code.

Anywhere cheaper than the official store to get a key?
Sometimes I couldn't help but be reminded of the Nolan Batman film scores.

I'm at least three-fourths of the way through the game and only have two. The second one might actually be useful for a physical class, but for a blaster/elemental/psychic, it's very bad compared to the first one that skips an enemy's turn. My character can actually stop two enemies from getting a turn in the first round. If that wasn't enough, the Elementalist's ultimate causes all enemies to lose a turn.
For most encounters the second power is still fine because you can pause and also deal damage.

You only ever really need to use your fart powers once per 95% of battles. Only a few do you need to use it twice or three times, and those are usually end game bosses or the toughest optional fight.


Yeah i don't know what's going on with the difficulty in this game. It was already too easy on the hardest mode and now i have the power to even cancel an opponent's attack with the
time travel fart thing
. In addition, Towelie treats me like an idiot making puzzle solving (which is already easy as it is) completely trivial.

I had a similar problem with the first game but this seems worse.


For most encounters the second power is still fine because you can pause and also deal damage.

You only ever really need to use your fart powers once per 95% of battles. Only a few do you need to use it twice or three times, and those are usually end game bosses or the toughest optional fight.

I wasn't suggesting you could really get multiple uses out of them per battle. On most of the boss fights, I think the most I can get out of them is two uses, maybe three once or twice through the entire game. I was just saying that the free attack (second one) doesn't really outclass the first.

I don't know if it really would make a difference if the character was a physical class, or if the punches do the same no matter what your character's main attributes are, but I've always found being able to stop a huge attack/completely force a boss to skip a turn much more useful than doing up to a maximum of 250 damage.

Just got the third, so I've yet to see how good it is compared to the first.

edit: Well, OK then. Third power always it is.


I took around the same play time according to Uplay, I liked the length as it didn't overstay its welcome. I never did create the Necrotic Idol, though, and didn't finish the optional boss fight after failing at the last second.. I also made the mistake of not making the optional burrito (chocolate one)/time fart power until very late into the game, it's a pretty neat power
you make a doppelganger of yourself with same exact power lineup

The length was fine but it felt really weird because it felt like the finale including the final boss already happened. The couple of back to back fights felt a bit tacked on.

I only found out about the chocolate burrito because Erics mom gave me the chocolate after doing a quest for her and wanted to do every quest before continuing before doing the main quest.

I gave up on the Yaoi posters though, I just picked them up as I played and had no idea which one I missed, there were so many of them as well.


I had a crash when fighting
Butter's mech.
I used the time fart glitch and it kinda froze. Everything was still animating but stuck in the fart gas. Had to reload. On PS4.

Nose Master

There are so many bugs in this game. I've soft locked it like four times in five hours. Most interesting one was a Raisins girl smacking me and initiating combat while I was in the cutscene for fast traveling. Battle loaded, but no one could move. A+


There are so many bugs in this game. I've soft locked it like four times in five hours. Most interesting one was a Raisins girl smacking me and initiating combat while I was in the cutscene for fast traveling. Battle loaded, but no one could move. A+
LOL. Same thing happened to me, but with a different outcome. Suddenly my character moved twice as fast outside of battles. It was pretty sweet.


Yeah i don't know what's going on with the difficulty in this game. It was already too easy on the hardest mode and now i have the power to even cancel an opponent's attack with the
time travel fart thing
. In addition, Towelie treats me like an idiot making puzzle solving (which is already easy as it is) completely trivial.

I had a similar problem with the first game but this seems worse.

That's disappointing, the first game was super easy on the hardest mode and that was the #1 thing I hoped they'd fix.

Even worse that I was disappointed that Towelie wasnt in the first game and his role in this one is to make an easy game easier.


Anyone got any tips on where to get crafting component
Edgar's Glue
? There's no FAQs on GameFAQs yet, so asking here instead. Apparently there might be a vendor that sells it?
I wasn't suggesting you could really get multiple uses out of them per battle. On most of the boss fights, I think the most I can get out of them is two uses, maybe three once or twice through the entire game. I was just saying that the free attack (second one) doesn't really outclass the first.

I don't know if it really would make a difference if the character was a physical class, or if the punches do the same no matter what your character's main attributes are, but I've always found being able to stop a huge attack/completely force a boss to skip a turn much more useful than doing up to a maximum of 250 damage.

Just got the third, so I've yet to see how good it is compared to the first.

edit: Well, OK then. Third power always it is.

once you get third power and you're in the 700s-800s of power you can beat
morgan freeman
easily. Just takes a while. Third power essentially breaks the combat, but that's why you need to do so much to get it I guess.


Is the "Orgy of Power" trophy missable? I think I've missed Tweek's ultimate power and now he has a shared one with Craig.


Neo Member
Anyone got any tips on where to get crafting component
Edgar's Glue
? There's no FAQs on GameFAQs yet, so asking here instead. Apparently there might be a vendor that sells it?

Most vendors sell it that I’ve come across.


Can anyone tell me if the Stick of Truth Code that comes with the XB1 gold steelbook edition is for the remastered or the regular Xbox 360 version?

Sorry I can’t find a straight answer. I know the preorder was for the 360 version, but I don’t know about the one that comes with the physical release.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Finished it the other day. Need to find the other photos.

The episode was pretty funny though.

This week is a halloween episode seems to be with the dads.


Can anyone tell me if the Stick of Truth Code that comes with the XB1 gold steelbook edition is for the remastered or the regular Xbox 360 version?

Sorry I can’t find a straight answer. I know the preorder was for the 360 version, but I don’t know about the one that comes with the physical release.

I'm pretty sure it's the "remastered" version.

I don't think the pre-order was for the original version either.


I was kinda surprised that the game just abruptly ended. I thought it was going to go on for a while after you beat the Elder God monster.


Gold Member
Beat the game tonight.

Not as good as SoT but still really fun.

Will probably post detailed opinion tomorrow when I'm not feeling lazy.
For anyone that's completed it - I've just got to the part where my characters
parents have been kidnapped by MC
, how much of the game is left roughly?
Youre close to the end

Wow really? Weird it kind of felt like it was coming to an end a litttle earlier but now it's taken a new story path it seems a bit odd to end it there. Guessing it ends with less of a bang that SoT.

Is it possible to clear up remaining side missions ect after completion or should I do that before finishing the campaign?


Hit a game breaking bug during one of the later missions. No way to progress :(. The whole part where you
have to go to the gun store and then to the playground on a mission without fast travel. They tell you to take a selfie with the woman on the playground, I did but no dice, it's bugged.
Wow really? Weird it kind of felt like it was coming to an end a litttle earlier but now it's taken a new story path it seems a bit odd to end it there. Guessing it ends with less of a bang that SoT.

Is it possible to clear up remaining side missions ect after completion or should I do that before finishing the campaign?

you can still do all side quests after the main story


Wow really? Weird it kind of felt like it was coming to an end a litttle earlier but now it's taken a new story path it seems a bit odd to end it there. Guessing it ends with less of a bang that SoT.

Is it possible to clear up remaining side missions ect after completion or should I do that before finishing the campaign?

Gotta wait for dat sweet DLC for a continuation. Probably.


Is there a trick to beating Morgan Freeman? It seems like he is going to wipe half your team every time he gets a turn.


I want the content to be endless but I'm pretty sure I'm reaching the end.

That's sad, I thought the game would be much longer.
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