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[Spoilers] Resident Evil 7 Demo: "There's More, Right?" Edition

How angry is everyone going to be if there's nothing?

Because I think that's why Capcom isn't saying anything. I don't think they expected people to get this crazy about it, and are worried about blowback if they up and reveal they were just teasing.

I don't think it's actually possible to get out of the house. If the events of the demo happen before the game, it doesn't make sense for there to be any survivors. "Get out of the house" is merely a goal given at the beginning of the demo to give players some sort of objective.

If there really is some super convoluted puzzle to "win" this demo, I will be shocked. It'd be awesome if all of this hard work pays off for the true believers, but I really don't think there's anything that deep going on here.

Definitely wouldn't be angry, this has been fun as fuck and a wild ride
I think that's entirely possible. I've been over and over the house inside and out, though. I feel like the bolt cutters being in the VHS is the next breakthrough, but I couldn't find it for the life of me. I just don't feel like pixel hunting at this point, though if anyone is willing to try, be my guest!

Considering we have two items that have no purpose as of yet, the axe and the finger, there has to be a legit solution to this demo. I don't see Capcom putting in items without them serving a purpose.
Considering we have two items that have no purpose as of yet, the axe and the finger, there has to be a legit solution to this demo. I don't see Capcom putting in items without them serving a purpose.

That's what they want you to think!

Also how long did it take for people to solve PT?
This numbers theory is ridiculous. You guys are trying to see numbers that aren't there in things. This is a sign that it's not the solution and you guys are making yourself believe there's soemthing more to try.

I do agree, but it something to go on, at least for now. Still a thread you've got to pull, you know?


Think I'm maybe getting somewhere, I'm just doing things in the wrong order :/

I have the following so far;

1 - Dash Them Note, Bolt Cutters, Tape
2 - Stew Pot, Microwave
3 - Lockpick, Dash You Note
4 - Fuse, Key
5 - Finger, Axe, Attic Button
6 - Fridge, use the Key
7 - Piano

This triggered the mannequin being thrown at me in the hallway after I went to the door, but nothing else, and I answered the phone and got the "Choice" call, then got punched.


Considering we have two items that have no purpose as of yet, the axe and the finger, there has to be a legit solution to this demo. I don't see Capcom putting in items without them serving a purpose.

Yeah. Especially since they said the demo is separate from the game and not in the game at all. Wouldn't make since to add stuff that is unnecessary to complete the game.
I know, i just feel like we explored all this stuff day 1 of the demo, its why we're grasping at straws. You know always bothered me the most? The Simplygon logo on the side of the microwave, with the companies name spelled out. Seems like a strange demo to give a shout to a developer in game when its one we're scouring for clues.
I'm too tired to look into this tonight, but this got me thinking. That yellow logo stands out as being out of place, and the strips of yellow tape on the chained-up cabinet also feels oddly out of place. I'm wondering if there are other striking uses of color elsewhere in the demo, particularly yellow, that might be of significance. Just something else to ponder, haha.


That's what they want you to think!

Also how long did it take for people to solve PT?

bass pls
PT was solved on the spot basically by sheer luck (a few hours), a week for general idea, a bit longer for full understanding, and never for "we dunno why X or Y is exactly here, or why this sometimes works, but whatever", because results got consistent enough as is.
I'm convinced that the solution is going to be released through an update in the demo. Capcom does it with Street Fighter V, where it can update the game without downloading anything through PSN, like a hotfix. Since no one can look at the data files no one knows what's in there.


The thing that makes me think there's more to the demo than meets the eye, is the trailer.

Aside from the CG snippets, which could have been produced for the trailer, there are a few shots of gameplay that aren't in the demo. There's someone peering into the house from outside the boarded up window and then of course the shot of someone being dragged and carried (outside?)

I'm convinced those are taken straight from gameplay in the demo because the entire rest of the trailer was.


I'm convinced there's a logic to the order of things being picked up/used, as stated earlier in the thread.

Here's my theory, without having the game in front of me (about to go to bed, this board has kept me up all night. Lol).

1) finger. Because it looks like the number 1, duh.
2) bolt cutters. Because it's the only logical move for the protagonist. And for some reason, it's icon whilst in your inventory has two squares.
3)VHS. Three yellow stickers on the cabinet doors...
4)fireplace, fuse. Otherwise you'd get locked out.
5)watch tape, get axe. Finish through.
6) key
The door not being there has crept up on a few different users, but i'm confident its a glitch. As the door isn't swung open, its just vanished.
Well, since we now know that the door and the planks are separate assets, hopefully someone can get it to glitch such that the boards are gone but the door is still there. If there's a will, there's a way, right?


Was getting caught part of your plan?


I'm late to this thread and I know this isn't part of the discussion but I still find those brand new looking headphones on the upstairs table really weird. Felt like they had to be a hint.


The thing that makes me think there's more to the demo than meets the eye, is the trailer.

Aside from the CG snippets, which could have been produced for the trailer, there are a few shots of gameplay that aren't in the demo. There's someone peering into the house from outside the boarded up window and then of course the shot of someone being dragged and carried (outside?)

I'm convinced those are taken straight from gameplay in the demo because the entire rest of the trailer was.

Pretty sure this isn't in the demo either

Every time I come to this thread and see so many new pages, I falsely get my hopes up that someone discovered something.

I wonder what will happen to this thread once it is cracked.
I'm late to this thread and I know this isn't part of the discussion but I still find those brand new looking headphones on the upstairs table really weird. Felt like they had to be a hint.
Yeah, and that's the thing. There are a lot of things that seem like they are or should be important, but can't be interacted with. It's entirely possible that we're only, say, 50% of the way to the ultimate solution but it's this next step that we're all hung up on. We have two items (seemingly) without a use, and likely other areas of the house that are still gated off.
God the fuse box in a different location drives me mad haha, and there is clearly no power during the VHS segment. My train of though awhile ago was that we needed to be in the attic and somehow trigger the fuse box to move, cutting off power potentially raising the stairs then using the dummy finger on the chest we see above said stairs. One gaffer even said they had the stairs lower but they didn't press the button, but it was never confirmed.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Considering how evil the placement was on the lockpick, I'm going to almost guarantee there is an item we've all been walking past that's the key. It's most likely in the VHS tape.

Evil? How about easy to find. It doesn't take long to actually scour the entire house of every nook and cranny... it's not that big. If there is an item missing, we'd have found it.

There's no missing item that's already there without some kind of trigger.

This triggered the mannequin being thrown at me in the hallway after I went to the door, but nothing else, and I answered the phone and got the "Choice" call, then got punched.

The mannequin always happens when you watch the whole video.. the family guy goes down hall.. fucks up kitchen.. then tosses mannequin.. not abnormal.


The numbers theory seems super farfetched because is so easy to mistake any random pattern with a known form, is jut the way or brain works, we see faces everywhere on everything, if you are looking for numbers you'll start to see them everywhere too.

But if it is, then cool, it just seems no like something you would do if you are the one making the riddle.


Yeah, there's not much to that number theory since I don't really even vaguely see most of these supposed numbers on any of the items. Meh, it was worth a shot.


Can you push the mannequin down into the basement?

I was also scouring the outside of the house in the VHS tape but couldn't find anything, though I could have turned up my brightness.


Obliterating everything that's not your friend
Okay guys it's bedtime for me. I tried everything I could think of.

After picking up the phone, I went downstairs to the living area and was constantly hitting the leather sofas with my axe. Eventually whenever I hit there was a powdery effect, no matter what I hit. Probably a bug but thought I'd let you know. Then I got welcomed to the fam.

Goodnight :)
I think there is probably nothing else. But, there is a lot of weird stuff having played through it a few times that makes me wonder.

I've only put maybe 1.5 hours into this thing, which is way less than most people, and I think I've combed every accessible inch of the house for potential items.

Outside of the items without an obvious purpose, one of the thing that makes me question if there is more is the fireplace handle activation. When you attempt to pull the handle to open the door before having the seen the video, you kind of have to sit there crouched for a couple seconds before the X appears. That makes me wonder if there are some conditions that have to be met for another item activation somewhere.

I'm not going to play it 100 more times trying to get every ghost siting, etc. but it has me really curious and wanting to know if there is a solution. I think it works great as a teaser.


Yeah I'm stretched thin now on the number theory. I feel like we've reached delirium at this point about it.

I'm about to tap out on this. I feel like the last phone call about knowing when to say "Goodbye" is the end of the loop. There's just...there's just nothing left.

edit: Despite the ambient banging noise coming from in the far wing of the house at the start of the VHS tape. The crew is literally on the opposite side of the house and can't be making the noise. But it's probably just to simulate shudders banging shut that aren't animated or something.
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