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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Thread: He’s holding a thermal detonator!


Yeah it's not a very practical means of transportation.

Also I'm not entirely sure why cabling the legs together knocks it over when the guys driving it could just.. stop moving? Like until someone cuts the cable?

AT-ATs and the means to destroy them rely on the rule of cool to function. Big towering war machines slowly plodding towards a base with armor so impregnable that they have to be knocked over by skillfully wrapping a cable around their legs is way cooler than boring land tanks or the base getting destroyed by an orbital strike.


I played the AT-AT and AT-ST for the first time. Both are pretty boring. Especially the AT-AT feels slow as hell.

ATST is the prize find on that map if you're imperial, especially if the rebels are currently spawning in the base. Just stand around in front of the garage and watch the doors. Keep blasting. Often you can rack up like 15+ kills with one ATST.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
This is going to be my night tonight.

As soon as I am out of work my wife and I are going to play some co-op mission then time to play as much MP as I can before this thing ends and I have to go to work tomorrow.


AT-ATs and the means to destroy them rely on the rule of cool to function. Big towering war machines slowly plodding towards a base with armor so impregnable that they have to be knocked over by skillfully wrapping a cable around their legs is way cooler than boring land tanks or the base getting destroyed by an orbital strike.

Also I feel like the cable wrap is really both impractical and dangerous.

The thing is ludicrously topheavy and has a monster torque multiplicative broadside for its height. The rebels could just fire hooks attached to winches from the ground at it and topple the thing on it's side with far less effort and exposure to risk.


Purple Drazi
Star Trek would try to take some of these anti-AT-AT points into account, and as much as I love Star Trek, that's part of its "problem."
The rebels could have set up GIANT tripwires across the battlefield and it could have been pretty effective.

SW is a universe bereft of practicality and common sense. The first movie of the series has an old man a MAGMA HOT ENERGY SWORD to a newb, who is (essentially) blind-folded and told to block lasers being shot at him from a droid.

On a space ship.

In space.
Yeah visible laser light. Laser light that you can watch move through the air because it's so slow. These aren't actual Lasers, they're more like slow, cool-looking bullets.I'm and pretty sure they are plasma pellets, rather than Lasers.

The distance/power ratio needs adjusting.

Yea, this took me a bit to get used to. I'm sure the speed of the "projectile" is modeled after how it was in the films, but for long distance shots it *feels* a bit slow. Not sure how it would compare to bullet speed in BF or COD.

Also, do we know the number of types of weapons in the final game? I think I prefer the blaster pistol (DH-17) and Blaster Rifle (E-11) so far, but didn't really "love" any of the 4 guns in the beta. To me, they all feel very similar except for the DLT-19 (Heavy blaster rifle). I would've liked if there was something more akin to the DMR in Halo.


The rebels could have set up GIANT tripwires across the battlefield and it could have been pretty effective.

SW is a universe bereft of practicality and common sense. The first movie of the series has an old man a MAGMA HOT ENERGY SWORD to a newb, who is (essentially) blind-folded and told to block lasers being shot at him from a droid.

On a space ship.

In space.

You know what's great about fiction? You don't have to follow the rules....


I guess what I'm getting at here is that the AT-AT is a horrifically engineered machine of war with an endless number of exploitable flaws, and the tools I'm given to deal with it are equally impractical and ill-engineered. Also the guys driving it are suicidal.

Bothers me, I spose.


I may be on the minority here but I think this game is a mess. There's no type of maps flow..enemies are everywhere and I'm constantly getting shot in my back. Kill times are too short, also it's 2015 and we still don't have matchmaking for co op? Are you serious?

It's fun, but not $60 worth of fun. Probably going to buy used just so EA/DICE doesn't get my money due to the cut corners.


I may be on the minority here but I think this game is a mess. There's no type of maps flow..enemies are everywhere and I'm constantly getting shot in my back. Kill times are too short, also it's 2015 and we still don't have matchmaking for co op? Are you serious?

It's fun, but not $60 worth of fun. Probably going to buy used just so EA/DICE doesn't get my money due to the cut corners.

There's map flow, you just can't see it apparently. Try using cover and flanking routes instead of running about in the open.

Not sure about matchmaking for co-op, maybe it's not in the beta like a lot of things.


It's definitely easier to win as Imperials on Hoth. Although not important my K/D ratio as an Imperial is decent. As a Rebel I get slaughtered trying to constantly get bases etc
You know what's great about fiction? You don't have to follow the rules....

I agree. Just pointing out how ridiculous it is to argue over these things when stuff like THAT is considered totally cool. It's like arguing how the crossguard on Kylo's saber is impractical.
The rebels could have set up GIANT tripwires across the battlefield and it could have been pretty effective.

SW is a universe bereft of practicality and common sense. The first movie of the series has an old man a MAGMA HOT ENERGY SWORD to a newb, who is (essentially) blind-folded and told to block lasers being shot at him from a droid.

On a space ship.

In space.

Star Wars wasn't a documentary?!?!?!?!?!?!
Star Wars wasn't a documentary?!?!?!?!?!?!



Don't get me wrong, Imperials still have an easy win if Rebels don't know what they're doing. But given that the beta only lasted a few days, and people are now learning how to use the tow cables, that could make the Rebels win by tripping the AT-ATs a little too easy, no?

Maybe the other maps won't allow this tripping thing, in which case, that's one less reason to worry about.

Oh, I know! I press L1+R1 and then hold L2 to "scope in" and then when I press R2 nothing happens. :( Or am I doing something different/wrong? Is that scoping thing initated by L1+R1? Maybe I'm not pressing L2?!

Orbital strikes are glitchy and others (myself included) have had problems with them as well. Work fine sometimes, others not so much.

well a destroyed at st fell over on me and killed me thats a thing

I got squished by an AT-AT as a rebel.
Played it for the first time yesterday and had a blast. Oddly, I don't mind dieing in that game. Being killed by an AT AT or darth vader while you're running away, to be able to have experience, was fun. Shooting the blasters feels good too and the sound of all the gun fire is an incredible madness. In good battlefield fashion, my first spawn as an Imperial, I walked 10 feet, looked up then got kamikazi-ed by an X-Wing. My only issue is not being able to change mouse sensitivity separately between ground and air vehicles or at least I couldn't find it. Assuming there isn't one, flying without cockpit view is way too hard for me. I look forward to the release.


Wish they would add aim assist for controller on pc. Really like it but I'm forced to play it on my PS4 to actually be able to shot someone.


I know it's a small thing, but I hope DICE changes it so that the middle/top card in the post game screen is the objective award rather than most kills.

They should encourage that.

I don't agree with the balance talk on Hoth. It isn't supposed to be balanced or fair for the Rebels. It is supposed to be a losing situation that with some great teamwork you may come out of with a win but rarely. That's what makes rebel wins so great.



I agree. Just pointing out how ridiculous it is to argue over these things when stuff like THAT is considered totally cool. It's like arguing how the crossguard on Kylo's saber is impractical.

I think people just like to think they're right and any differing opinion must be fought with fervor and vitriol.

I still think its cool as fuck to be in the trenches with storm troopers gaining ground and AT-ATs shooting at you from the distance. They've done a wonderful job capturing the atmosphere from The Empire Strikes Back
So seems like the way to win as rebels:

-FOCUS ON THE RIGHT AT-AT--the one of the left is out of the picture for 2/3 of the round. While you may think it makes sense to take out the more vulnerable one, the right AT-AT is the one that can actually attack your team from the start, so focus on that one
-Obvious: keep the uplink stations up and active as long as possible to add Y Wing bombardments. I do admire how k/d really has little to do with the overall score or contribution. There's no ticket bleed, so that's not even a factor anymore, and you can respawn instantly. Throw as much bodies as possible at arming/defending uplink stations.
-Don't even bother with small arms fire UNLESS you have Ion rounds active: they do too little damage, instantly give away your position, and you're one less person defending the stations. Since you only have one "hand" of cards (basically, a loadout), if your partner has an alternate loadout for managing vehicles, you can easily switch between them at loadout
-Use turrets (especially the dish array ones) if you don't have Ion rounds and want to contribute to taking down AT-ATs. Ion grenades also do damage, if you're close enough
-Save your orbital strike for the bombardment: resist the temptation for kills and save these for the AT-ATs. If you're not doing this, you're a dick to your team.
-Lastly, there's always the speeder. If you think you have a good chance at using the speeder, I'm even tempted to say you should fly, low-key like, near the edges of the map until it's time to attack. I've found you won't really be attacked, as most air support sticks around the objectives. Stay alive until you can lasso the AT-AT.

Apparently, you can only lasso one AT-AT. If both AT-ATs are up at the end, it's basically game over unless you can blow at least one up. I think it was a jackfrags video but he talks about how to win as rebels, and he notes that even though the gaffer here successfully tripped up two, his team still lost--he thinks that's by design.

I think people just like to think they're right and any differing opinion must be fought with fervor and vitriol.

I still think its cool as fuck to be in the trenches with storm troopers gaining ground and AT-ATs shooting at you from the distance. They've done a wonderful job capturing the atmosphere from The Empire Strikes Back

Absolutely! I have tons of criticisms of the game, but had kind of a moment of awe when I looked at the battlefield and saw two AT-ATs lumbering forward, firing on our trenches as we scrambled to take them out. It's a pretty monumental spectacle, all things considered.


I guess what you're trying to say is that the skill curve is.. well, almost non existant. It's how I felt. It's a very accessable game that unfortunately doesn't offer much to master.

Skill curve is definitely not non existent. Massive array of different strategies and tactics available, and the weapons handle quite differently too. Headshots are also far more effective than body shots, and the recoil on weapons is decent. I don't really enjoy bullet sponge headshot results in games, and like the balance they got here. Seems slightly more realistic.


Apparently, you can only lasso one AT-AT. If both AT-ATs are up at the end, it's basically game over unless you can blow at least one up. I think it was a jackfrags video but he talks about how to win as rebels, and he notes that even though the gaffer here successfully tripped up two, his team still lost--he thinks that's by design.

I think Jackfrags may be wrong. I've seen matches be won by lasso'ing. But beta, so who knows.


Does anyone know the number of layouts for each game type? Walker Assault, Drop Zone etc, how many variations of the maps are there?


Are there huge differences between XO/PS4 and maxed out on PC?

I tried the beta on my PC on ultra even though I spent most of my time playing it on PS4. The PS4 version is quite noticably worse looking, but both run at 60 fps so they're both fine IMO.


Feels good when you're on Rebel Side and got an orbital strike saved for 1 AT-AT on phase 3. Happened to me twice in a row now.


I lost a game because we got the last AT-AT down to 2% and my orbital strike wouldn't fire.

I painted the AT-AT with the blue circle indicator, and trigger pulls just resulted in beeping noises and no orbital strike.

First time that's happened to me. Any idea why?


I tried the beta on my PC on ultra even though I spent most of my time playing it on PS4. The PS4 version is quite noticably worse looking, but both run at 60 fps so they're both fine IMO.

Yeah the only reason is consider it on PS4 is because I have a feeling the community on console is going to have considerably longer legs. While graphically it's a real looker on PC, I can't help feel this is a console first title. I'm okay with that but I enjoy the game quite a bit and would like to be able to play it with a healthy community for sometime. Decisions decisions.
I lost a game because we got the last AT-AT down to 2% and my orbital strike wouldn't fire.

I painted the AT-AT with the blue circle indicator, and trigger pulls just resulted in beeping noises and no orbital strike.

First time that's happened to me. Any idea why?

Did you look directly at the AT AT or at the floor below it?
I really like Drop Zone. I could play it for hours.


I've got some gameplay going up tonight of a 4v8 near perfect win.

I've also noticed that I've never joined a match in progress. At most it's 10 seconds into the round. I really like that.

I loved drop zone as well, had some really close games and even some 3-3 draws. Like you I had some wins even when it was 5v8, it's not impossible to win even when you are men down.


Yeah the only reason is consider it on PS4 is because I have a feeling the community on console is going to have considerably longer legs. While graphically it's a real looker on PC, I can't help feel this is a console first title. I'm okay with that but I enjoy the game quite a bit and would like to be able to play it with a healthy community for sometime. Decisions decisions.

You're probably wrong but sure..
For anyone who might feel discouraged, you will get better if you keep playing.

I was pure shit and went like 0-20 my first few games but now that's flipped around :)

Can't wait to play on Endor!


For anyone who might feel discouraged, you will get better if you keep playing.

I was pure shit and went like 0-20 my first few games but now that's flipped around :)

Can't wait to play on Endor!

Damn, I was just coming to post about how terrible I was but this is what I needed to read I guess. Thanks!


My Beta Impressions:
enjoyed the non vehicle mode the best, the co-op thing was ok, and i did not care for walker assault.

they also need to fix the party system.

Not sure if $60 is worth it. Will wait for reviews.
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