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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Thread: He’s holding a thermal detonator!

Walker Assault is sooo much fun, despite it's many flaws.
Like others have said the map is not terribly unbalanced, it just needs Rebels that know what they are doing.

Regardless, DICE needs to do some tweaking, playing on the Rebel side can be very frustrating.

Fuck the ice base. The Rebels get stuck there every game. Once the Y-Wings come in it's a pain to get out and damage the walkers.
The last part of the map is also annoying, you spawn and instantly get killed by an AT-AT. The terrain there is mostly flat and boring, I wish there was more cover and diversity.


Walker Assault going to be playable on other maps, right? I assume all (or least most) maps will be available in all modes
Game is fun but very unbalanced specially if you are playing on the rebel team. Where is the heavy weaponry for the rebels on Assault? Most of the time I have played the Imperial team wins. They need to balance things out.

Also they need to have lots of co-op missions that are longer than the one in beta. Its too easy, short and need bigger maps with more objectives. I hope there is a lot more in the final game to compensate for not having a SP campaign.
Walker Assault going to be playable on other maps, right? I assume all (or least most) maps will be available in all modes

I am kinda hoping the maps adapt to the different modes. For instance, Hoth seems to have a lot of closed doors in the rebel base. It would be cool if during a team death match style game it opens them up into a more closed quarters area.

Also on a side note, I read somewhere that there will be 12 maps at launch with 5 planets (Hoth, Endor, Tattowine, Jakku, Solust), I really hope that the 5 planets are ones shown so far. I would be really disappointed if we don't get maps in places like the death star and Bespin etc.

Cat Party

I don't agree that walker assault is unbalanced. With a reasonable number of bombers and competent pilots, it's a turkey shoot. The ground forces have to be aggressive though in getting those uplinks going. And the pilots can't ignore the AT-STs.


I don't agree that walker assault is unbalanced. With a reasonable number of bombers and competent pilots, it's a turkey shoot. The ground forces have to be aggressive though in getting those uplinks going. And the pilots can't ignore the AT-STs.

First uplink is crucial. Seems that's when the Rebels have the most time to accrue Y-wings and most time to setup camp.
I am kinda hoping the maps adapt to the different modes. For instance, Hoth seems to have a lot of closed doors in the rebel base. It would be cool if during a team death match style game it opens them up into a more closed quarters area.

Also on a side note, I read somewhere that there will be 12 maps at launch with 5 planets (Hoth, Endor, Tattowine, Jakku, Solust), I really hope that the 5 planets are ones shown so far. I would be really disappointed if we don't get maps in places like the death star and Bespin etc.

From the May 4th reveal about Battlefront....
Of the 12 multiplayer maps in Star Wars Battlefront (there are even more locations when you include the Star Wars Battlefront Missions), some feel immediately familiar — such as the lush forests of Endor or the tundra of Hoth. Some of the maps support our epic modes like Walker Assault, while others are tailored to more intimate, close quarters combat.

They'll probably reuse some of the maps for the different modes, but it sounds like we're getting less than 12 maps in any one mode. How much less remains to be seen.

And of course we'll be able to go to other locations in the future....as long as you purchase Battlefront Premium ;)


More literally, from all of the multiplayer content known, there is still roughly 81% not in the beta. That's only taking into account modes and maps. We don't know the exact number of final weapons and starcards, not to mention customizations, to do the math to find the percentages there.

I was thinking about that fact, but also as a long time Battefield player a lot of the player base ends up ignoring the majority of game modes in favor of the more traditional ones. DICE has a bad record of making different game modes that stick.


I'm enjoying the beta, but I'm still on the fence as far as content is concerned for the price tag. I guess if all else fails...



Its a fun but the beta has shown me that the fun will more than likely be fleeting which is unfortunate. It feels like some sort of weird hybrid game not really battlefront and not battlefield. Hope the additional modes add some replay value but with no single player campaign and repetitive gameplay this went from a must buy to wait and see for me.
One thing that bothers me--and its a minor thing, but Luke really should be wearing his hoth suit and rocking his ESB blue lightsaber on the hoth map:


It seems like a minor thing, but as a fan seeing him run around Hoth in his ROTJ get up seems silly. They've got too much man power and money not to get details like that correct.


Gold Member
Wow. A guy got an AT-ST four games in a game. And after over 20h on the beta, I have still not got the missile strike once.
might of done it for contrast reasons although there would be no mistaking seeing a blue glowing stick coming at you

The lightsaber isn't on all the time though, so it's very like due to contrast reasons. A Hoth Luke could very easily blend into the environment or in a group of regular grunts.


I hope they don't nerf the range of weapons. I love that no matter where you spawn you are in the action and it makes it so snipers can't just hide out cause everyone is a sniper! Nothing worse then when games force you to be a sniper class cause snipers are killing you over and over as you try to get close enough to shoot them.


Wow. A guy got an AT-ST four games in a game. And after over 20h on the beta, I have still not got the missile strike once.

I shit you not over the weekend I got 6 AT-AT power ups in one match. I'd get done and another one would be sitting right there so I'd snag it. Have to admit I had a blast raining down orbital strikes and using the heavy guns.


Is there a way to party up with multiple people to get into a game? It seemed to me as if I could only have 1 partner. A few of my friends are picking this up. Just wanna make sure we can all jump into a match together.
So has anyone else noticed the bug if you try and toe-cable trip the AT-AT at the final base near the mountainside, you crash into a wall/small mountain mound and blow up, 100% of the time.

The wall is too high/too close to the AT-AT.

Sure as hell hope they fix that in final version.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
So has anyone else noticed the bug if you try and toe-cable trip the AT-AT at the final base near the mountainside, you crash into a wall/small mountain mound and blow up, 100% of the time.

The wall is too high/too close to the AT-AT.

Sure as hell hope they fix that in final version.

It isn't 100% of the time, but it may as well be.
Is there a way to party up with multiple people to get into a game? It seemed to me as if I could only have 1 partner. A few of my friends are picking this up. Just wanna make sure we can all jump into a match together.

The partner system and party system are separate.

You can have a party together (I forget the limit, it might be 6? 8?) but each person can only have 1 partner.

I personally feel it's a stupid system...just use a squad system a la Battlefield. If you have an uneven number of people in a party, someone is going to be left out and not have a partner spawn.


Man you get absolutely screwed over for a game as the Rebels sometimes. I joined the game not longer after start with spawn points being covered from behind by Stormtroopers, AT-STs, and people in turrets. We didn't get any Y-Wings. When we did manage to get some Y-Wings at the next part everyone started spawning inside the base with the exists covered again by AT-STs and turrets, what a frustrating experience that was.

The spawn points really need some work, Dice have had years and years to work out how to not get spawn points to suck, but they are all over the place in this. The base for instance needs more exits so everyone isn't shuffled out the same 2 doors of death at that point in the match, more exits mean they are less likely to be camped by the opposing team.

Starship spawns also seriously suck, they can easily be camped by the other side. Made worse near the end of the game when the Rebels are only getting Snowspeeders and have to deal with Tie Interceptors gunning them down as they come out. And if you do get one out in a last ditch effort to take out an AT-AT you can end up crashing into a rock face because they decided to make cabling a QTE unlike what feels like any previous games that let you do it.

I really enjoy the game, I don't doubt getting it day 1, but there's lots of silly and stupid decisions at times that are things Dice should have learnt from their previous games.


The partner system and party system are separate.

You can have a party together (I forget the limit, it might be 6? 8?) but each person can only have 1 partner.

I personally feel it's a stupid system...just use a squad system a la Battlefield. If you have an uneven number of people in a party, someone is going to be left out and not have a partner spawn.

Good to know. Thanks
One thing that bothers me--and its a minor thing, but Luke really should be wearing his hoth suit and rocking his ESB blue lightsaber on the hoth map:


It seems like a minor thing, but as a fan seeing him run around Hoth in his ROTJ get up seems silly. They've got too much man power and money not to get details like that correct.
They said characters will have different outfits so I'm betting Luke has his Hoth outfit. The beta just had him in his Jedi outfit.


One thing that bothers me--and its a minor thing, but Luke really should be wearing his hoth suit and rocking his ESB blue lightsaber on the hoth map:


It seems like a minor thing, but as a fan seeing him run around Hoth in his ROTJ get up seems silly. They've got too much man power and money not to get details like that correct.

I agree with you actually...its just very off putting that Luke is wearing his black garments and green lightsaber.


Gold Member
I shit you not over the weekend I got 6 AT-AT power ups in one match. I'd get done and another one would be sitting right there so I'd snag it. Have to admit I had a blast raining down orbital strikes and using the heavy guns.

Ha! So is orbital strike an AT-AT weapon? I always thought it was a pickup!

i average about 4-5 at sts and several tie fighters every match just gotta learn the token lay out they always spawn in the same place

Ah, that explains it. I think random drops would be better. Maybe. Then again, the rush to the first AT-ST badge reminds me of Halo 3 beginning of the match rush to the sword or bazooka, which is not a bad thing necessarily.
I agree with you actually...its just very off putting that Luke is wearing his black garments and green lightsaber.

I think it could actually be to make him more visible instead of blending in with the normal rebels and the snow. Vader sticks out like a sore thumb.


One thing that bothers me--and its a minor thing, but Luke really should be wearing his hoth suit and rocking his ESB blue lightsaber on the hoth map:


It seems like a minor thing, but as a fan seeing him run around Hoth in his ROTJ get up seems silly. They've got too much man power and money not to get details like that correct.

It is off, but it's likely they will have different outfits for different points in the films, Luke will probably have a Hoth outfit when the games comes out. More annoying I find is the voice they gave him, what the hell is that about, same for Darth. Considering EA are the official makers of Star Wars games you think they would be able to either bring the actors in to say some lines or just take some out of the films. Luke doesn't sound similar to Luke at all when he enters the game.


Used a thermal imploder and a couple ion grenades to fuck up some AT-STs during a round today, this game feels great once you get a hang of all the tools.
nice to hear there will be alternate costumes

there's something hilarious about seeing your entire team firing off at an ATAT with blasters
btw lol


One thing that bothers me--and its a minor thing, but Luke really should be wearing his hoth suit and rocking his ESB blue lightsaber on the hoth map:


It seems like a minor thing, but as a fan seeing him run around Hoth in his ROTJ get up seems silly. They've got too much man power and money not to get details like that correct.

They might have chosen to go with the black outfit to make him stand out more from the regular troops

Which is ok since Darth Vader also stands out significantly


Really enjoying flying the x wing now, at first I was unsure about flying but I literally love it now, I spend most of my time doing it lol.

I managed to last an entire game in the x-wing, not bad for my third time flying lol, I start getting really cocky around the 7 min mark lol.


This game truly looks amazing and I love the 60fps on consoles.

They NEED to make a fantastic Star Wars action adventure game, think Uncharted with FPS elements with aerial/space combat levels... With this engine. Fuck me. This game will have to do for now but we need a game like that that looks and sounds like this!

Edit: I cannot wait to play the Endor assault map and hear the sound of the speeders flying past, or indeed driving one myself. I must say I love this game by the way, the Beta sold me. Spending hours playing in the best Universe there is in cinematic history??? What's not to love!?
I can't believe there is no tutorial when entering any vehicle for the first time. It's so frustrating trying to learn a thing while also being given no information and fighting for your life.

That said, any tips on being a good pilot?

How exactly does the shield work with the X-Wing?

How can I maximize my ability to shoot ground troops after taking care of opposing air units?

Are the spawn points for vehicles consistent?
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