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Star Wars: Battlefront is going to be giving out new maps for free

It's fine for you guys to play the game and enjoy it. I owned more than 1000 star wars toys and memorabilia.. But you shouldn't maulk is for not buying into the small base game and high DLC package.

For those of you that own the game are you telling me you really don't want a better game when you throw down your 60. A long and deep single player, more maps and more in MP and some kind of good versus bad for you and a friend in a campaign. So much that could have been done and things that can be sold that I'd enjoy to pay extra for.

Just cause we don't give into these DLC practices doesn't mean you guys gotta be a little mean about it.

I'm a big star wars fan, and I even want the Vader ps4 but I'm not in a location where I can buy these things and keep them. I want the os2 games and for the corporation to think beyond profit. I think I'm a fair consumer with Sony. Probably owned over 2000 Sony system games. Just wish pricing was better for digital overall actually.
I don't believe that a campaign is necessary in DICE games, in fact I think it hurts the core of their games, the multiplayer to waste time and resources on a campaign.


I don't believe that a campaign is necessary in DICE games, in fact I think it hurts the core of their games, the multiplayer to waste time and resources on a campaign.
Yep I've said this too but whatever ignore bf3 and bf4 so we can get people talking shiny about the campaign.
It's fine for you guys to play the game and enjoy it. I owned more than 1000 star wars toys and memorabilia.. But you shouldn't maulk is for not buying into the small base game and high DLC package.

For those of you that own the game are you telling me you really don't want a better game when you throw down your 60. A long and deep single player, more maps and more in MP and some kind of good versus bad for you and a friend in a campaign. So much that could have been done and things that can be sold that I'd enjoy to pay extra for.

Just cause we don't give into these DLC practices doesn't mean you guys gotta be a little mean about it.

I'm a big star wars fan, and I even want the Vader ps4 but I'm not in a location where I can buy these things and keep them. I want the os2 games and for the corporation to think beyond profit. I think I'm a fair consumer with Sony. Probably owned over 2000 Sony system games. Just wish pricing was better for digital overall actually.
Dude, what are you on about?

def sim

I'm happy to hear it. I'd like to play more of what they have to offer before making a decision on their season pass.
Every single one of these maps is unique. They may share some assets but also have unique assets and competently different lay outs.

I think you are all correct--I apologize. I found a lot of the same assets/structures in a lot of the smaller maps, but it's clear now that they have different or additional layouts. That's my mistake.

Exactly. And they are beautiful. It's not as if the game shipped with over half of the maps being created in Forge.

Man, Battlefront fans really take issue with Halo 5 :p

This was planned months before

How can this statement even be confirmed? We have no idea. If it was planned months before, why wouldn't it be announced prior to wide release?
PR and marketing cycle. They probably announced it now because of the backlash, but it was likely always on the cards. They probably would have been surprise releases sprinkled over the next year.
Exactly. And they are beautiful. It's not as if the game shipped with over half of the maps being created in Forge.
Which game did that? Because every game I could possibly think of that you might be suggesting...this is not the case, and they all shipped with more, varied maps than BF.
PR and marketing cycle. They probably announced it now because of the backlash, but it was likely always on the cards. They probably would have been surprise releases sprinkled over the next year.

How would announcing free content be anything but good PR and marketing? Why "announce it" (that is, make a single statement at the bottom of a press release) exactly a week after the game's release?

This is why I'm hesitant to get excited without more details.
How would announcing free content be anything but good PR and marketing? Why "announce it" (that is, make a single statement at the bottom of a press release) exactly a week after the game's release?

This is why I'm hesitant to get excited without more details.
Because there is a cycle to press. You have the immediate pre-launch previews, the launch reviews, the immediate post-launch media frenzie, and then next week is the launch of Jakku which requires it's own press cycle. Then the DLC.

If this was to be announced, they probably would have done it between Jakku and the first paid DLC. Building maps in Frostbite takes a few months, if the Community Map Project in BF4 is anything to go by. If they wanted content to release free before March it's probably already been in development, at least in planning and concept.
Man, Battlefront fans really take issue with Halo 5 :p

I don't even know what Halo 5 maps look like, how many there are or anything. I was referring to Reach, mainly.

Which game did that? Because every game I could possibly think of that you might be suggesting...this is not the case, and they all shipped with more, varied maps than BF.

Halo Reach's maps were generic, boring and generic. And boring. Halo Reach's multiplayer killed Halo multiplayer for me. Halo 4 killed the campaign for me, but that's another rant for another thread.

I'm just venting because I just got fed up with coming into Battlefront threads and having over half of the posts whining about the game from people who will never buy it. I enjoy the game and want to exchange in conversations about things I'm excited for. Not have every Debbie Downer flood every BF thread with insults and false claims. I have no interest in Halo 5 (with my reasons above), but you don't see me going into every Halo 5 thread spewing bile. I don't get why people that hate BF have to do that to us and ruin every thread. This one is about positive news... how can that attract such vitriol?


This is good news, but it is kind of odd that they're just now announcing this. Seems like something that they would be talking about pre-release if it was in the plans all along. Never the less, I'm fucking loving the game to the point to where I'll probably splurge for the season's pass, so this is cool.


I would pay full price for a really good and long campaign with it's very own well designed levels based on this engine and gameplay.
If this was to be announced, they probably would have done it between Jakku and the first paid DLC. Building maps in Frostbite takes a few months, if the Community Map Project in BF4 is anything to go by. If they wanted content to release free before March it's probably already been in development, at least in planning and concept.

I mean, I guess? Don't you think it's a little strange that they've given us details on Season Pass content (16 maps, 4 heroes, etc.) and haven't offered any of that information up for free content? If this was a part of the plan all along, that roadmap should be at least as fleshed out as the Season Pass.
I don't believe that a campaign is necessary in DICE games, in fact I think it hurts the core of their games, the multiplayer to waste time and resources on a campaign.
Well that extra time and resources definitely didn't go into the multiplayer what with the terrible spawns, thoughtless map designs for certain modes, and tacked on modes.


Did anyone have an issue with how Splatoon handled its content? This seems somewhat similar. Trickle out content and keep interest going.

Splatoon didn't release as a full price title, at least that was the way in the U.K.


I mean, I guess? Don't you think it's a little strange that they've given us details on Season Pass content (16 maps, 4 heroes, etc.) and haven't offered any of that information up for free content? If this was a part of the plan all along, that roadmap should be at least as fleshed out as the Season Pass.
Well considering that the season pass was on sale before the main game, they needed to lay out the road map for that as soon as they could. Jakku was a big cross-promotional effort with Episode 7.

I really don't think that Patrick went over to DICE yesterday and told the level designers to begin working on free maps in addition to the paid DLC immediately because of the ridiculous backlash. If anything, maybe they moved up their timetable for the free content.


Incredibly Naive
The game is so repeptetive after just a few hours so hopefully they drop new stuff often or people will jump ship.


Props for this, the game certainly needs more content.

However, it took, what, two years for BF4 to receive free maps? Will that end up being the case here?


I'm just venting because I just got fed up with coming into Battlefront threads and having over half of the posts whining about the game from people who will never buy it. I enjoy the game and want to exchange in conversations about things I'm excited for. Not have every Debbie Downer flood every BF thread with insults and false claims. I have no interest in Halo 5 (with my reasons above), but you don't see me going into every Halo 5 thread spewing bile. I don't get why people that hate BF have to do that to us and ruin every thread. This one is about positive news... how can that attract such vitriol?

I'm with you, I think part of the problem is your average gamer just doesn't understand the cost and man power with a AAA console game. That cost keeps rising and gamers always expect to get more. I don't know how to solve that problem. To me Battlefront is like a front runner for content for a multi platform 3rd party game. Yes you can probable find more in AAA first party games but some of those games don't make money, they run in the red to move consoles. Also Battlefront is the first iteration in a franchise, maybe its the name and people expect the same content you get from like part 3 in a series.


The only BF game I can think of that didn't get free maps added to it at one point or another is BF3. And they had already announced before launch at least one free post-launch map to tie in with the new movie. So this announcement shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

(6 pages of arguing later...)


The only BF game I can think of that didn't get free maps added to it at one point or another is BF3. And they had already announced before launch at least one free post-launch map to tie in with the new movie. So this announcement shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

(6 pages of arguing later...)

This isnt also about only Jakku. We knew that one was coming. The info released is about extra maps after Jakku. Wich wasnt known before.


I wish they'd add in bot support for all the multiplayer modes and add in Galactic Conquest. It would be so awesome if they did that!
What makes you think you're entitled to anything? Gawd such whining over this game. I don't understand it.

I'm not, i'm not even a consumer at all apparently. next time, let's let them make a one map game and those who want it can buy it.

I don't know why some posters get bent out of shape when someone isn't happy with a product that they do have interest in. Are you happy with everything, if you keep it to yourself or if you are happy with everything that is ok too.

I think you guys are getting use to being shafted so your saying we shouldn't complain about it, that's silly and you aren't helping make games better by taking it and telling others they should take it.

I don't want to buy the game as is and that is what I am doing, I am expressing what would make me buy the game (more content, or a lower price) (much lower DLC price) and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Does EA care about me, well they should. Each customer creates a base, they may not care about me, you or Joe. But I think they should.


I wish they'd add in bot support for all the multiplayer modes and add in Galactic Conquest. It would be so awesome if they did that!

As of right Galactic Conquest would be a bit depressing. Only 5 planets and no space battles. By the endgame though, hell yeah hopefully!


I don't believe that a campaign is necessary in DICE games, in fact I think it hurts the core of their games, the multiplayer to waste time and resources on a campaign.

I'm totally fine with the lack of campaign, but there doesn't really seem to be a trade off for anything content-wise. If they had another couple of planets that would have been perfect in my opinion.

I'm not, i'm not even a consumer at all apparently. next time, let's let them make a one map game and those who want it can buy it.

I don't know why some posters get bent out of shape when someone isn't happy with a product that they do have interest in. Are you happy with everything, if you keep it to yourself or if you are happy with everything that is ok too.

I think you guys are getting use to being shafted so your saying we shouldn't complain about it, that's silly and you aren't helping make games better by taking it and telling others they should take it.

I don't want to buy the game as is and that is what I am doing, I am expressing what would make me buy the game (more content, or a lower price) (much lower DLC price) and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Does EA care about me, well they should. Each customer creates a base, they may not care about me, you or Joe. But I think they should.

I don't see why they should have to offer the PS2 games, each of $10 value, for free with the game though. Free DLC? Yeah, I think that's a good thing to do, and they are doing that. But don't expect free games out of this.


Hmm, the game really must have not sold as well as they were hoping if they already getting out in front and saying their will be free maps.

They are probably just getting out in front of the internet hyperbole that might affect Black Friday and post movie release sales of the game.

I don't have the game, never played it, i'm kind of interested in it but the internet has been ragging on this game pretty hard for being light on content. I just see this announcement as trying to alleviate some of those fears. As for the whole season's pass hubbub. Clairol has fucking Star Wars makeup for god sake. Anyone who didn't think they would milk people with map packs and seasons passes for this IP were living in cloud city.
Love the game, but it does feel very small. Reminds me of Titanfall, another game I loved but it felt too small a package and limited. Lot of ppl feel the games value is not there sadly and it scares them off.
After Splatoon & Halo 5, paying for map packs just seems backwards. Even greedy Capcom is doing it right with Street Fighter V.

The odd map here and there isn't winning me over EA.

Microtransactions will be replacing map packs from the looks of things.

I am ok with that.

Rainbow Six is doing the same thing as well.

Give me free maps and I may just buy some silly costume pack every so often.


My god stop with the campaign nonsense there was never going to be a campaign in the game, it's a multiplayer title only, that's how it was announced.

If DICE made a campaign it would be shit, we know this, it would be Titanfall levels of campaign, basically play game modes against bots with little to no narrative.

The 'lack of content' is laughable
Have you played other FPS not named Black Ops 3 recently
There is a big one out now that is only focused on one portion of the MP community and is extremely shallow as far as weapons go and maps

The only campaign this game needs is an organized campaign to squash all the people that want to see this title fail because their unrealistic expectations
I'm totally fine with the lack of campaign, but there doesn't really seem to be a trade off for anything content-wise. If they had another couple of planets that would have been perfect in my opinion.

I don't see why they should have to offer the PS2 games, each of $10 value, for free with the game though. Free DLC? Yeah, I think that's a good thing to do, and they are doing that. But don't expect free games out of this.

I just wish they would have offered them with the game

They offered them with the vader console which game with BF as well. The price wasn't adjusted that much and they were free.

They don't even offer the PS2 games in season pass version.

Just in my mind, if they are giving them with the vader bundle and with the BF game why can't they offer them in a BF plus SW PS2 game bundle? These games are old, can probably be bought for 3 dollars on ebay. I don't see nothing wrong with it? Why is it so bad for you guys?

Sony throws in 3 uncharted games in a purchase of ps4 now you guys suddenly feel its wrong to include star wars games with the new star wars game?

I can't even buy them, this is the biggest problem. You CAN buy them with the vader bundle but other than that you are shit out of luck. Just seems unfair for PS4 owners askig them to by the vader bundle if they want the games or you simply can't.

it's fine if the games aren't ready aren't out there or whatever, but to know they are out there an this is the only way to get them is really the big kicker. Not even included in their 120 dollars version, I mean that is bad imo

i was looking into getting the PS2 star wars games, I figuered hell, they would atleast let you pay a little more with the purchase of BF to have them. So I actually asked about it and was told nope they aren't avialable to purchase other than the Vader PS4.

I was looking forward to trying them out to see how they played and to sink some time into them, I was willing to even buy BF with the games to do this eve if I felt BF wasn't worth 60, I was willing to drop 70 on it and the PS2 games. IN my mind, it seems fairly reasonable. To EA, obviously not.


This was planned months before

There has been backlash over season pass pricing for a really long time not to mention months of people being concerned about a lack of content only to be confirmed at release so...



My god stop with the campaign nonsense there was never going to be a campaign in the game, it's a multiplayer title only, that's how it was announced.

If DICE made a campaign it would be shit, we know this, it would be Titanfall levels of campaign, basically play game modes against bots with little to no narrative.

The 'lack of content' is laughable
Have you played other FPS not named Black Ops 3 recently
There is a big one out now that is only focused on one portion of the MP community and is extremely shallow as far as weapons go and maps

The only campaign this game needs is an organized campaign to squash all the people that want to see this title fail because their unrealistic expectations

So basically the Battflefront 2 campaign huehue?
Also why doesn't Splatoon (which is absolutely amazing) get this much hate? Aren't they basically on the same boat in terms of content?
So basically the Battflefront 2 campaign huehue?
Also why doesn't Splatoon (which is absolutely amazing) get this much hate? Aren't they basically on the same boat in terms of content?
Should, nintendo games almost never go down in price and I have disliked that for 15 years.

People accepted it as normal and it became more normal and people have accepted it.

This will happen with season passes and other issues if those of us just stay quite per some of the people in this thread saying we should.

I don't want to be ripped off to become as a normal common thing. simply.


Season pass is still for maps, right?

Battlefield and CoD games need to learn how to move away from selling map packs... maps need to be free now... sell us something else.
i hope so, because selling a season pass for 50euro at once at the beginning when the game launched was the biggest fuck up i have ever came across.


selling a "full" game for 120 bucks is simply insane.

you already have awesome numbers from the launch, where is the problem to give out a few things out for free?

monster hunter 4 did quite a nice job.

It's not unusual. And it's never been the standard. Let's not forget: thanks to inflation basically never hitting console games, they're actually the cheapest they've ever been. It could be worse...

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