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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)



Unconfirmed Member
Hmm ... Then why didn't they do that with the audience score for TLJ?

Yep, it's very convenient that this conspiracy suddenly crops up now when they would have been infinitely better served to secure a high score for the middle chapter.

The best bit about all of this, and I mean generally not specifically with any poster here- has been watching the defenders of TLJ become the very fans they swore to destroy.

The reviews must be fixed...

It didn't fit my head canon so it sucks....

Truly marvelous.


Depending on what narrative a person wants to push, they'll decide whether the critics and/or users score are important or not. Changes from movie to movie.

Like what you like and fuck what others think, I always say.

But we live in a world where groups of people get together to mass upvote or mass downvote things on the internet as if anyone is supposed to give a shit what the percentage readout says.
It was an enjoyable movie. My main complaints are the running around and bullshit story, lol. It was fun though.

Edit: By bullshit story I mean the sith making multi trillion dolllar planet destroyers every movie, and the power reaver bullshit, both times.
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It was an enjoyable movie. My main complaints are the running around and bullshit story, lol. It was fun though.

Edit: By bullshit story I mean the sith making multi trillion dolllar planet destroyers every movie, and the power reaver bullshit, both times.

I'll throw out a simple theory, no idea if it's been mentioned anywhere else.

But basically Palpatine's most trusted soldiers and high ranking officers were taken to the Unknown region and spent the 30+ years building their armada and recruiting in secret. It's the originating place of the Sith and so they'd have many sympathisers there.

Meanwhile, Palpatine also uses Snoke as a puppet and uses the remaining Empire forces to create the First Order and hid in the Outer Rim. They were basically stealing babies to grow their army.

So he was building his forces in 2 different areas, biding his time.

And as I have defended these ST films before, the Galactic Empire still had a massive army that encompassed thousands of planets after episode 6. Blowing up the Death Star 2 and "killing" Palpatine is in all honesty too easy of a defeat for their size. In both the old EU and the current cannon the Empire and Palpatine lived on and in both instances war proceeded for another 30+ years or so.
Watched it again tonight (2nd time) and I still really enjoyed it. C-3PO is the MVP. So many funny lines, I didn't even catch them all the first time.

I really think it would have been better served being two movies. Basically when they escape the Star Destroyer would be the end of one movie, with the big family revelation coming at the end a la Luke/Vader in ESB. They would have escaped and then taken some time to find the exact location of the Emperors storehouse on the death star/etc. Second movie would be all the rest, but with added time to flesh things out, like how Lando and Chewie got so many people to show up/etc.

As it is, it's still very enjoyable, it's just at a breakneck pace. I still really liked seeing Han again. I had no clue he'd be in it the first time I saw it, still made me smile. The two and a half hours flew by.

The people I was with enjoyed it. Not movie of the year or anything but no one was complaining about anything either. When we walked out of TLJ we all just sat around in the parking lot discussing all the things we didn't like.
Hey I forget where I saw it but there was this great image of showing characters from return of the Jedi and saying what happened to them but in super depressing explanations like “Han solo, a failure of a father and husband lost his ship and then was killed by his son” “Luke locked himself in exile after a misunderstanding when he tried to kill his nephew” etc

does anyone have this? It was gold!


Hmm ... Then why didn't they do that with the audience score for TLJ?

Yep, it's very convenient that this conspiracy suddenly crops up now when they would have been infinitely better served to secure a high score for the middle chapter.

The best bit about all of this, and I mean generally not specifically with any poster here- has been watching the defenders of TLJ become the very fans they swore to destroy.

The reviews must be fixed...

It didn't fit my head canon so it sucks....

Truly marvelous.

EDIT: They started rigging the user score after the sexist review bombing for Captain Marvel and after they avoided racist review bombing for Black Panther.
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I just saw this image and it's totally me.

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Damn. That's brutal. I wonder if was TLJ killing interest in the trilogy or the lackluster reviews that contributed the most to this poor performance.

It's because the two movies before are dog shit and the actors are bad.

I watched this trash today and frankly i wanted to bail out of the cinema half way because it simple isn't star wars even remotely. It's a bastardization of it. I aint no huge star wars fan but after seeing mandalorian this star wars movie is everything that i don't want star wars to be.

Also they should have killed off that princess in the second movie, its just creepy as shit now to see her stand there.
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I hated TLJ... but in retrospect it had some interesting and cool scenes...

JJ Abrams is really overrated anyway, I don't know how he became the new king of pop culture. (remember the lens flares in Star Trek?)
The only "good" thing he did in his career was Lost, and he had Lindelof with him.
The king in whose eyes?
He’s technically competent but lacking in taste and creativity. I can’t think of a movie of his I liked all the way through. TFA has good parts but is still filled with stupid shit like that rolling monster and the new Death Star.
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Ulysses 31

Gold Member
The king in whose eyes?
He’s technically competent but lacking in taste and creativity. I can’t think of a movie of his I liked all the way through. TFA has good parts but is still filled with stupid shit like that rolling monster and the new Death Star.
It starts off rather bizarre with Kylo killing people who might potentially know where the map is, leaving the planet with Poe when he knows the map is back on the planet. Why Luke has a map when he doesn't want to be found.
It starts off rather bizarre with Kylo killing people who might potentially know where the map is, leaving the planet with Poe when he knows the map is back on the planet. Why Luke has a map when he doesn't want to be found.

Luke didn't have one, she got that out of the burning wreck of Kylo Ren's ship.


They had 2 options for Episode IX, in my opinion:
  1. Continue with everything The Last Jedi set up and its consequences, leading to a terrible but consistent trilogy.
  2. Ignore Episode VIII and prove to the world that you just wasted an entire film for pure shock value and end up with a terrible AND an inconsistent trilogy.
I think the first option was the lesser of two evils. They were fucked either way but option N° 1 at least justifies the existence of The Last Jedi, my hatred for it notwithstanding.
He thing is tlj set up NOTHING

He thing is tlj set up NOTHING

It set up the idea of them inspiring others to join, it set up the connection Kylo and Rey have and it put Poe and Finn in the spots they're currently in, with fulfilled arcs and renewed purpose. It also set up the idea of Rey being the final legacy of the Jedi. In addition few would believe Hux to be a spy without the conflict between him and Kylo which continued in TLJ.
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Perpetually Offended
Of course it could. Throw the hot black chick in there too and Poe's ex. Just please keep Rose far away.

I don't think there was anything wrong with Rose. Just the writing of her character in TLJ was off-putting. There were a lot of racist and misogynist comments on her IG and Twitter which caused her to leave social media. She was a better fit in RoS because she's more like Wedge (a true believer) than Luke or Han.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I don't think there was anything wrong with Rose. Just the writing of her character in TLJ was off-putting. There were a lot of racist and misogynist comments on her IG and Twitter which caused her to leave social media. She was a better fit in RoS because she's more like Wedge (a true believer) than Luke or Han.

Well I will admit her looks are part of my dislike for her. Not even the actress who actually looks cute but the character herself they made look really lame. When I see a film I wanna see good lookin people lol I admit its shallow but come on its Star Wars.


Well I will admit her looks are part of my dislike for her. Not even the actress who actually looks cute but the character herself they made look really lame. When I see a film I wanna see good lookin people lol I admit its shallow but come on its Star Wars.
Yeah, I mean here she is on Jimmy Kimmel:


And then compare that to Rian wanting to re-create the nerdy Asian girl from his high school math team that he was still too much of a loser to ask out.

Has Chewie's miraculous survival been discussed yet, I looked in the thread, but couldn't see anything? There was one spaceship there. Chewie walked on it. All Character's eyes were on it. It explodes. But 5 minutes later surprise surprise Chewie was on another ship...!? What's worse is that we are shown as viewers to believe Chewie died, confirming that indeed all character's eyes witnessed that explosion. That was super lame. What was the fucking point then?

Worst part of the film for me. Otherwise, ah, it was good. I'm kind of a blind fanboy, but I don't cry over it all. They're still just movies.
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A few points and thoughts.

Glad they Jar Jar'd Rose in this one. Talk about a demotion she was essentially a background character.

A little bit of a lost reunion there with Not Penny's boat hobbit and the pilot who dies as part of the resistance. All the pilot got FAT.

Total weak sauce big inspiring speech. Rolled my eyes at the cringe. We have heard the same shit since Independance Day. this was on the level of Harrison Ford Bladerunner voice overs.

So was Palps going to do a trading places/childs play style soul transfer like he would become Rey and control her? Would he have been the first transgender in Star Wars? Or was it more like she would just become evil but still be Rey?

I am now curious about the early leaks and all the other various cuts. The last half of the movie you can tell was hacked together. There was supposed to be a whole story line of Palps transfering his soul into a younger persons body and they cut that guy out of the movie completly. Which would explain this weak take over Rey and make her emperor plot line. Also I think the original leaks had a big portion of the movie Kylo searching for the wayfinder and that was cut out and turned into 5 minutes at the begining of the movie.

Palpatine had no idea that he could suck the force out of people and restore himself, it was pretty funny seeing him be like oh shit I can come back to life fuck this stupid Rey plan.


And then compare that to Rian wanting to re-create the nerdy Asian girl from his high school math team that he was still too much of a loser to ask out.


Are we really at the point where we're complaining about the hair styles of Star Wars characters when this franchise launched with Leia's cinnabon hair?
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I just saw some dude on Collider say that Babu Frik is a racist stereotype.

did I miss something? I don’t get it

he’s a little mechanic dude, what’s the issue?
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Are we really at the point where we're complaining about the hair styles of Star Wars characters when this franchise launched with Leia's cinnabon hair?
I mean, I didn't care for that hair either, but that characterization has been a sex symbol for decades.

The only guys wanting to fuck Rose are these guys. And don't get me wrong here. I don't care who does or doesn't wanna fuck the women in the movies. The character was pointless and took away from Poe and Finn and we all know why she was added.


I mean, I didn't care for that hair either, but that characterization has been a sex symbol for decades.

The only guys wanting to fuck Rose are these guys. And don't get me wrong here. I don't care who does or doesn't wanna fuck the women in the movies. The character was pointless and took away from Poe and Finn and we all know why she was added.

That's a hell of a tangent.


Saw it late last night; went in expecting to be totally disappointed...but I actually really liked it.

This felt so much more like Star Wars to me than whatever TLJ was. Yea it was crazy, yes some things happened just for hyped-up action scenes...but that's fucking Star Wars. Even the THEME was used correctly in this.

TLJ can just be long forgotten as the black sheep of the saga for me. A movie that tried to turn Star Wars into something that it isn't, and never was.
Why didn't yoda and others show up zap the emperor like he zapped the tree in TLJ?

The island Luke was on has a strong connection to the force, it's the only place we've ever seen force ghosts interact with the world around them, but that could be due to the island's power. Similarly the home world of the Sith is probably too strong with the Dark side of the Force to allow their Force ghosts to appear at all, though the voices of all the Jedi spurn Rey forward.


The island Luke was on has a strong connection to the force, it's the only place we've ever seen force ghosts interact with the world around them, but that could be due to the island's power. Similarly the home world of the Sith is probably too strong with the Dark side of the Force to allow their Force ghosts to appear at all, though the voices of all the Jedi spurn Rey forward.
I don't think this is entirely true. Yea it's the first time we've seen a force ghost literally catch something, but that might simply be because they've never really had the opportunity or reason to before. If you go back and watch RotJ, when Ben shows up, he clearly traverses the terrain like he can interact with it. Hell, he even sits down on a log at one point.

But yea, the heavy sith presence could've prevented them from appearing as force ghosts, even though I wish they would have. It was such a wasted opportunity to not have a small army of jedi force ghosts charging sith wraiths, or whatever they were.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
The island Luke was on has a strong connection to the force, it's the only place we've ever seen force ghosts interact with the world around them, but that could be due to the island's power. Similarly the home world of the Sith is probably too strong with the Dark side of the Force to allow their Force ghosts to appear at all, though the voices of all the Jedi spurn Rey forward.

Im gonna go with this too. Its the only explanation that makes any goddamn sense lol
I don't think this is entirely true. Yea it's the first time we've seen a force ghost literally catch something, but that might simply be because they've never really had the opportunity or reason to before. If you go back and watch RotJ, when Ben shows up, he clearly traverses the terrain like he can interact with it. Hell, he even sits down on a log at one point.

But yea, the heavy sith presence could've prevented them from appearing as force ghosts, even though I wish they would have. It was such a wasted opportunity to not have a small army of jedi force ghosts charging sith wraiths, or whatever they were.

That image sounds pretty cheesy to me, tbh


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I don't think there was anything wrong with Rose. Just the writing of her character in TLJ was off-putting. There were a lot of racist and misogynist comments on her IG and Twitter which caused her to leave social media. She was a better fit in RoS because she's more like Wedge (a true believer) than Luke or Han.
I don't think she's that bad either and I feel sorry for what the actress went through.

Holdo was an abomination though. No fault of the actress of course but thanks to RJ and KK for shit like that.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I just saw some dude on Collider say that Babu Frik is a racist stereotype.

did I miss something? I don’t get it

he’s a little mechanic dude, what’s the issue?
Really we're going here again?

Every alien so far in Star Wars has been a "racist stereotype" to thess people whether it's Watto or the Nimodians (or whatever the Trade Federation guys were called).

If there is one BIG complaint I have about the new SW movies it's how much of a backseat aliens got.

We get no new prominent aliens unless you count Maz. The OT and PT gave us all these new weird aliens. One of the things I love about Star Wars are the bizarre and diverse aliens.

I guess Disney is more concerned with human diversity than alien diversity.

Really disappointed in how they're handling extraterrestrials in film.

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