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Stardew Valley |OT| Resting Under a Harvest Moon [Up: now on PS4]


Just got this, about to get started but... is the consensus here that the game generally plays better with KB/M or with a controller?

I play with an Xbox One controller simply for comfort but occasionally I switch to KB/M for placement of items and inventory management. Getting around and doing normal tasks is fine with controller for me but I will admit that KB/M is probably ideal.

Mikey Jr.

Yeah, I'm probably going to wait a week and then come back to this game and start a brand new save. Learned a lot about this game in 1 month, (I only just entered summer) plus it seems like the Dev is updating this game a ton.

Also, 1 question. What advantage is there to being able to enter people's rooms?


Awww man, the unlocks. Just unlocked the seed maker, pity winter is coming soon.

I think I've got my winter strategy down. I'm stockpiling all of my grapes and amaranth for alcohols. Picked up a buttload of blackberries too to make some of that blackberry jelly.

Also, 1 question. What advantage is there to being able to enter people's rooms?

Quests, don't have to wait around for them to leave or go hunting for them.


Yeah, I'm probably going to wait a week and then come back to this game and start a brand new save. Learned a lot about this game in 1 month, (I only just entered summer) plus it seems like the Dev is updating this game a ton.

Also, 1 question. What advantage is there to being able to enter people's rooms?

There's at least one quest that requires you be able to enter an NPC's room. Specifically,
's. It also means you can enter the room to give gifts or turn in quests rather than be stuck waiting for another opportunity.


Isn't winter kinda perfect for fishing? It should be. Then again every season is perfect for fishing.
Can we fish in winter in the Stardew Valley?
Isn't winter kinda perfect for fishing? It should be. Then again every season is perfect for fishing.
Can we fish in winter in the Stardew Valley?

I think there may even be some ice fishing event, I'm pretty sure I saw people gathered around ice fishing in the trailer.
Yeah, hearing abount the events being broken and the nerf of the scarecrow (why?), im not using this patch.

Staying in my version, with the mods for now. Never had any major bugs, and even if the stair is appearing below you in dungeons sometimes bothered me, is a price I need to pay for a better game.

EDIT. UGH Fucking steam, it forces you donwloading the patch. As I never tried to not installing an update I never had a probelm with the forcing, now I prefer the GoG version.

Changed the exe again to the 4sec and diagonal movmement mod, but the scarecrows are still nerfed it seems. Probably something about the configs in the game and not the exes itself. Hopefully someone can patch them, I dont want to have 50 scarecrows at taking space in my farm. Hoping my differnt movement do not brake events.

Just got this, about to get started but... is the consensus here that the game generally plays better with KB/M or with a controller?

Fishing is a lot worse with mouse and keyboard. With the controller you have rumble, and with button presses is much easier to catch the more difficult fish.


scarecrow was pretty crazy to begin tbh. 20 tile radius is absolutely insane. You'd need what, 10-15 to cover your entire farm? probably less? Insane given the scale of it.

20 tile diameter/10 radius would have been nice, 8 radius isn't bad. 5 would have been too far.


Yeah, hearing abount the events being broken and the nerf of the scarecrow (why?), im not using this patch.

Staying in my version, with the mods for now. Never had any major bugs, and even if the stair is appearing below you in dungeons sometimes bothered me, is a price I need to pay for a better game.

EDIT. UGH Fucking steam, it forces you donwloading the patch. As I never tried to not installing an update I never had a probelm with the forcing, now I prefer the GoG version.

Fishing is a lot worse with mouse and keyboard. With the controller you have rumble, and with button presses is much easier to catch the more difficult fish.

Events shouldn't be broken currently. They were broken by the speed buff, which was promptly deactivated until that kink gets worked out. As for the scarecrow, it doesn't bug me like I thought it would. The 8 tile radius isn't that bad. 20 was kind of ridiculous.

OMG Someone already modded the bachelor portraits!!!!
Overhauled Marriage Candidates (1.02) by Rupert484. Replaces the bachelors and bachelorettes' portraits and sprites with versions from earlier development.

Im working so i cant test it right now, but will do once I finish.

Events shouldn't be broken currently. They were broken by the speed buff, which was promptly deactivated until that kink gets worked out. As for the scarecrow, it doesn't bug me like I thought it would. The 8 tile radius isn't that bad. 20 was kind of ridiculous.

But does this change the game to be more fun? More chellenging?
No, just more boring and makes you have more scarecrows in your farm that will look bad design wise if you like to desing a farm that is visually appealing.

The game is already hard as it is at the beggining money wise/time contraints. You are just padding game time by doing this, something I dont understand when this game is already long as fuck.
But does this change the game to be more fun? More chellenging?
No, just more boring and makes you have more scarecrows in your farm that will look bad design wise if you like to desing a farm that is visually appealing.

The game is already hard as it is at the beggining money wise/time contraints. You are just padding game time by doing this, something I dont understand when this game is already long as fuck.

It definitely needed a nerf, imo. 20 tiles is ridiculous. 8 might be a tad too small. Looking at that screen it seems to cover almost the whole screen. Perhaps upping it to 10-12 would be good.

The game really isn't difficult at all. It just seems that some of you are expecting to be able to do everything asap. As someone who's spent countless hours on HM games in the past, I have plenty of money from crops alone. Got the coop, first backpack upgrade and upgraded two tools within the first 28 days. I have gotten less than 10 fish and I've barely touched the mine. There are plenty of options for money in this game. Like you said, the game is long. There is no need to rush.
Making it at least 9 would at least make it where you could have 3 sprinkler systems side to side and be covered by the scarecrow. Make it 9 or 12 and I'll call that that a victory.


Well, that scarecrow nerf makes my not reading the tooltip mistake not so bad, haha. For some reason I just assumed the radius was like 6-7 and was placing them like that anyways. Big facepalm moment when I finally read the tooltip.
Well, that scarecrow nerf makes my not reading the tooltip mistake not so bad, haha. For some reason I just assumed the radius was like 6-7 and was placing them like that anyways. Big facepalm moment when I finally read the tooltip.

Yeah, I did the same. I just put it in-between two smaller crops I had and didn't think of it.
It definitely needed a nerf, imo. 20 tiles is ridiculous. 8 might be a tad too small. Looking at that screen it seems to cover almost the whole screen. Perhaps upping it to 10-12 would be good.

The game really isn't difficult at all. It just seems that some of you are expecting to be able to do everything asap. As someone who's spent countless hours on HM games in the past, I have plenty of money from crops alone. Got the coop, first backpack upgrade and upgraded two tools within the first 28 days. I have gotten less than 10 fish and I've barely touched the mine. There are plenty of options for money in this game. Like you said, the game is long. There is no need to rush.

Nothing further from the truth. Im having a really good time as it is, and think, that apart from the 4 seconds during the day, the rest of the game is pretty well balanced. Ive played 20 hours in 2 days, and still in the first mid summer with enough money to do only the basics, and still having much fun. I dont see the scarecrow nerf as something that needed a balance because for me it only affected the game design wise (is pretty fast to get 50 wood plus the grass to build one). The only thing that changes is having to build now more scarecrows to mix max, that at the end of the day doesnt really impact the economy of the whole game, but does impact designing the farm in a creative way (mix maxing is the worst in creative-economy games), which I would prefer to have more liberty with when I go to my second year and start looking more at the beauty of building.

Aaron D.

Can anyone compare the 1.03 walking-speed fix to the user mod that was released a few days ago?

I'm trying to decide if I should pull the mod in favor of the dev patch for this issue.
Ok so i just started... Day 4 and...i'm already super annoyed at that tiny backpack LOL.

2000 for a new one whaaaat ;) Hopefully those turnips will be ready soon and net me a ton of cash since i tried fishing but the minigame is SUPER HARD even with a controller, or am i just not getting it? You're supposed to keep the green bar in the fish icon by tapping X/letting it slide a little correct? Will better rods make this easier later on or...?
BTW you can hold the button to make the bar rise, for a while i was clicking so fast i would get really tired.

The mixture of magic and technology in this world feels very weird...
Anyone else checks the tv daily?

Ok so i just started... Day 4 and...i'm already super annoyed at that tiny backpack LOL.

2000 for a new one whaaaat ;) Hopefully those turnips will be ready soon and net me a ton of cash since i tried fishing but the minigame is SUPER HARD even with a controller, or am i just not getting it? You're supposed to keep the green bar in the fish icon by tapping X/letting it slide a little correct? Will better rods make this easier later on or...?

Eventually you'll get how fishing works, and it's worth because they sell well.


Enjoying the shit out of this game, but the character art is absolute garbage, I can't stand it one bit.

The environments are great and the enemies are fine, just never been fond of the Terreria character styles or the portraits. Saw the character art progression from past iterations, it just doesn't do it for me in the slightest. Most of them look way too sameface either way.

Also getting a weird bug where I won't be able to open doors unless I leave the room.
Anyone else checks the tv daily?

Eventually you'll get how fishing works, and it's worth because they sell well.

Well, let's just say i am doing ok now on the easy ones which mostly stick near the bottom at all times ;) whenever they start rising like crazy and going back down though i am totally lost :(

Also: Does rustling up the trees actually do anything EVER? Feels like i must have rustled like 25 trees by now and ...nothing hmmm...

Also: The interface is still a bit buggy but maybe that will be ironed out. I had some trouble placing that chest i just crafted, i mean the game simply wouldn't let me PLACE it down using A on the controller, and when i tried using the mouse it would show me 2 chests, one mouse controlled, one controller ugh.


Well, let's just say i am doing ok now on the easy ones which mostly stick near the bottom at all times ;) whenever they start rising like crazy and going back down though i am totally lost :(

Also: Does rustling up the trees actually do anything EVER? Feels like i must have rustled like 25 trees by now and ...nothing hmmm...

Also: The interface is still a bit buggy but maybe that will be ironed out. I had some trouble placing that chest i just crafted, i mean the game simply wouldn't let me PLACE it down using A on the controller, and when i tried using the mouse it would show me 2 chests, one mouse controlled, one controller ugh.

Some of them have berries on them that drop, you should be able to tell which ones those are by how the tree looks. I ran around one day in Spring and stocked up on ~60 of the Salmonberries by doing this, they give +25 energy so they are pretty useful for doing a long mine run.

edit: is there an "ending" to the game, or some sort of event X years in where you want your farm to be up to speed by? I kind of screwed around a lot in Spring learning stuff and now I'm trying to decide if I want to restart.


Glad to see the event crashes were caused by the speed tweaks and it's being worked on. Hoping it's patched by the time I get home from work...
Well, let's just say i am doing ok now on the easy ones which mostly stick near the bottom at all times ;) whenever they start rising like crazy and going back down though i am totally lost :(

Also: Does rustling up the trees actually do anything EVER? Feels like i must have rustled like 25 trees by now and ...nothing hmmm...

Some trees can drop their "seeds" and bushes will have berries on certain seasons

Some of them have berries on them that drop, you should be able to tell which ones those are by how the tree looks. I ran around one day in Spring and stocked up on ~60 of the Salmonberries by doing this, they give +25 energy so they are pretty useful for doing a long mine run.

edit: is there an "ending" to the game, or some sort of event X years in where you want your farm to be up to speed by? I kind of screwed around a lot in Spring learning stuff and now I'm trying to decide if I want to restart.

From what we know there is an ending after 2 years, though you can still play after it.
Im kind of hoping that hay gets tweaked:

-Chickens should be eating berries, seeds, and certain other berried fruits (it would make foraging pretty worthwhile)

-Wheat should be a food option for cows.

-Grass should grow slightly faster I think. I dont know if I'm placing it wrongly, and I dont mind if it just takes a long time to grow (it'd make the planning aspect enjoyable), but I am not seeing any grass growth, and wondering if it's bugged or if I'm not doing it correctly.

Oh, and it'd be nice if you could butcher your animals. Yeah you can straight up sell them, but making meats would be nice. Are there no meat options?

By the way, can you have pigs? And do animals get sick? It's been fairly easy raising them, outside of the hay problem


Sometimes I can't interact with my storage box or mail box. I can't revert soil to its original state(normal ground).

That's exactly why I wanted to wait for a couple of additional patches.
Sometimes I can't interact with my storage box or mail box. I can't revert soil to its original state(normal ground).

That's exactly why I wanted to wait for a couple of additional patches.
Soil will eventually revert to its normal look.

My issue is that if you mistakingly plant a seed somewhere you can't remove it.
OMG Someone already modded the bachelor portraits!!!!


Im working so i cant test it right now, but will do once I finish.

But does this change the game to be more fun? More chellenging?
No, just more boring and makes you have more scarecrows in your farm that will look bad design wise if you like to desing a farm that is visually appealing.

The game is already hard as it is at the beggining money wise/time contraints. You are just padding game time by doing this, something I dont understand when this game is already long as fuck.

Can you show me the portraits? And will this ruin achievements/screw up my game when future patches hit?


Can you show me the portraits? And will this ruin achievements/screw up my game when future patches hit?


You can pick and choose which ones you want to change, so I only changed Harvey and Elliott as I prefer all of the other ones, and it's worked great. Achievements also work as I just had one pop up about 30 minutes ago.


You can pick and choose which ones you want to change, so I only changed Harvey and Elliott as I prefer all of the other ones, and it's worked great. Achievements also work as I just had one pop up about 30 minutes ago.

They got the best Maru!

Sorry Leah, best of luck with your art career!
How do you get saps? I want them to craft a torch i think... Don't i need to upgrade my axe first to cut trees? I need dat cash for the backpack though ugh.


How do you get saps? I want them to craft a torch i think... Don't i need to upgrade my axe first to cut trees? I need dat cash for the backpack though ugh.

You can chop down the trees on your farm and some others on the entire map with your standard axe and you get sap out of it.


Wow that scarecow nerf was bad, it makes it so you have to create really bad layouts if you want to protect your crops, the hell was he thinking?


There are so many little details about this game that impress me that I like.

... Such as if you try to check a garbage can while someone is near you they will react to it, lol


I lost all my crops again... this time with Autumn coming. I was sure I'll be in time to harvest them, apparently I can't count. Why does summer has 28 days only anyway?
I'm pretty tempted just ignore farming at this point.

Wow that scarecow nerf was bad, it makes it so you have to create really bad layouts if you want to protect your crops, the hell was he thinking?

at this point I'm more shocked by sprinklers, they are not what I expected and I can't move them when I place them too, sigh, and only 4 spaces? That really sucks! Much more than scarecrow nerf


Wow that scarecow nerf was bad, it makes it so you have to create really bad layouts if you want to protect your crops, the hell was he thinking?

It was needed, the old radius was ridiculous. What I'm not a fan about is how the edges form a crude circle, so you can't align the scarecrows perfectly or you'll end up with unprotected tiles. And having the area-of-effect outlay visible like in that pic as has been suggested already would be a great thing to have.

Maybe those rare scarecrows could have an increased radius - more expensive, but less of an eyesore since less would be enough.


at this point I'm more shocked by sprinklers, they are not what I expected and I can't move them when I place them too, sigh, and only 4 spaces? That really sucks! Much more than scarecrow nerf

There are two more tiers of sprinklers you unlock as you level farming. Quality Sprinklers are all 8 surreounding tiles, Iridium Sprinklers aret 24 tiles. Not sure why you can't move your spinklers, though I never tried using the lowest quality ones. Tried hitting 'em with a pickaxe?


There are two more tiers of sprinklers you unlock as you level farming. Quality Sprinklers are all 8 surreounding tiles, Iridium Sprinklers aret 24 tiles. Not sure why you can't move your spinklers, though I never tried using the lowest quality ones. Tried hitting 'em with a pickaxe?

no, I haven't, I'll try that thanks, it didn't occur to me.
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