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Starfield | What aspect of Starfield excites you the most?


Gold Member
The game clearly is doing a lot from piracy, base building and taming alien creatures. I think what excites me the most is the ability to modify your spaceship. I’m not normally that into modding my rides in other games, but there’s something so cool about how this game seems to handle it. I think I will end up spending a lot of time making my ship(s).

I’ve put in nearly 500 hours into No Man’s Sky across different platforms, and one aspect that I wish was there was ship modding. Sure, you can change out under the hood stuff, but the ships visual profile never changes. You could always get more ships (later in the game), but I like the idea that we see the changes.

What about you future space adventurers, what excites you about Starfield?


Exploration and shooting shit. If it all pans out this type of first person shooter, adventure game is right up my alley.
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The promise of freedom. I already know that I want to play as a diplomat, will limit myself to pistols, and will try to make my ship use only missiles. I know that most people will want another way to play. But the fact that I can imagine my character already is the difference with most other games. If it is Skyrim in space, I know that I will have a lot of fun in it for a long time. I just may have to buy a good PC for it first...


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!

Seriously though, it's the promise of NMS realized with actual things to do.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Exploring the planets.

Does anybody know how big the planets will be in map size?

I want each planet to be actual planet size. I want it to take over a year in real time to walk around any given planet.


Gold Member
Collecting shit.

I’m a loot goblin and I’m gonna build a museum of my loot just like in FO4.

After that, it’s the roleplaying aspects. Stats, dialogue, factions, companions, lore and relationships.


Exploring like every other Bethesda Game, Gonna do a Meele build myself to punch some aliens.
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Character build potential.

I plan to invest in stealth and jetpacks. Gonna do full Dishonoured playthrough.

If it won't be possible, then will go for jetpacks and rain rockets and granades from above.


Gold Member
Just being a big open world action rpg is enough to get my interest.

But to be more precise:

I liked the different biomes
The creatures look great
The space mage bit was cool
The combat seems improved

Hopefully the game is gonna be less like f4 and more like their older games or new vegas in terms of freedom.


Just it being a Bethesda rpg but in space. I like think i know what im getting into but Bethesda themselves are also treading new ground and any surprises along the way are welcome.


Exporing the vacuum of space...
Engage in epic battles
...as an alliance of Naked chicks with dildoes for weapons.


probably wanna see how many times i can break the game by doing simple tasks.

but seriously, i wanna play around with ship building and building settlements and adding a crew to them. Modding is also something i look forward to.

That's pretty much it since the story seems pretty meh so far from the little they showed.
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