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Starfield | What aspect of Starfield excites you the most?


Looking forward to playing the role of space explorer or criminal or whatever other direction my story takes. Just looking forward to the setting since I've never been that big of a fan of the medieval settings Bethesda generally goes with.

Space nerds everywhere will be lined for this one. :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Gold Member
It's not false, these planets you see in space have no "content" in the first place.
I don't get it. Are you saying there's not going to be any hand crafted content (f.ex. moon bases, artifacts etc) on any moon or planet in Starfield's universe seen from another moon or planet? Because that conclusion is not logical. There are no big technical challenges in this either, which makes the conclusion even more puzzling.

These will be generated the moment you set a landing target

it's completely different from Star Citizen were you can have full control over your ship from quatum travel, manually landing on everything you see.
Not completely different, but partially true considering planet space transitions.

we also don't know if it's even possible what hey asked (walk a year around a planet).
You don't know. But for some reason you concluded it isn't possible. Technically, procedural generation is "easy", there's no logic in not making the whole planet procedurally discoverable, because there are basically no downsides, basically no processing nor storage challenges that comes with it.

I'm not sure that's even possible in Starfield since you can't use your ship on planets, do not have rovers
Ships I can understand since this is the Creation engine, but no rovers have not been confirmed.

and they might not generate that amount of areas around you.
"Might not generate that amount of areas around you".. What does that even mean.

Disclaimer; I can sometimes seem a bit harsh in my posts, but I mean you no offense. I agree that there are holes that hopefully will be filled by BGS at some point, but I just disagree with your conclusions right now.

I also have Star Citizen installed on my PC btw, been an original backer since the start (you could say since Wing Commander). What CIG are doing with their 64 bit universe is unparalleled in the industry, it's a shame that most people don't understand how amazing the technology in SC is.
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Gold Member
Space exploration and sandwiches.

National Sandwich Day GIF


RSI Employee of the Year
I don't get it. Are you saying there's not going to be any hand crafted content (f.ex. moon bases, artifacts etc) on any moon or planet in Starfield's universe seen from another moon or planet? Because that conclusion is not logical. There are no big technical challenges in this either, which makes the conclusion even more puzzling.


Not completely different, but partially true considering planet space transitions.

You don't know. But for some reason you concluded it isn't possible. Technically, procedural generation is "easy", there's no logic in not making the whole planet procedurally discoverable, because there are basically no downsides, basically no processing nor storage challenges that comes with it.

Ships I can understand since this is the Creation engine, but no rovers have not been confirmed.

"Might not generate that amount of areas around you".. What does that even mean.

Disclaimer; I can sometimes seem a bit harsh in my posts, but I mean you no offense. I agree that there are holes that hopefully will be filled by BGS at some point, but I just disagree with your conclusions right now.

I also have Star Citizen installed on my PC btw, been an original backer since the start (you could say since Wing Commander). What CIG are doing with their 64 bit universe is unparalleled in the industry, it's a shame that most people don't understand how amazing the technology in SC is.

I don't get it. Are you saying there's not going to be any hand crafted content (f.ex. moon bases, artifacts etc) on any moon or planet in Starfield's universe seen from another moon or planet? Because that conclusion is not logical. There are no big technical challenges in this either, which makes the conclusion even more puzzling.

You already answered your own "question". Because everything is a cutscene in Starfield. The cutscene is the moment space or the area you land is getting generated. The handcrafted places will then placed by procedural tech. It's not like Star Citizen were you can see Hurston from space zoom into the planets atmosphere and see someone flying in the far distance or some big explotion. The planet bodies in Starfield have no real information beforehand.

Like i said, Bethesda still needs to explain some of it, but it won't be like CIG's 64 bit planet tech. And to be clear that's fine but if people expect the same thing then they will be disappointed.

I think you've already seen this but makes some things maybe clear:

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Just being a big open world action rpg is enough to get my interest.

But to be more precise:

I liked the different biomes
The creatures look great
The space mage bit was cool
The combat seems improved

Hopefully the game is gonna be less like f4 and more like their older games or new vegas in terms of freedom.
yeah , i really hope they improve the dialog options , make them more complex and useful


I'm genuinely excited to see what level of disaster it's going to be on the Series S. If it was working Phil would be shouting it from the rooftops and there'd be a whole bunch of vids with XBOX SERIES S FOOTAGE stamped all over them. When a company like Bethesda which has a decades long history of lying and deceiving it's customers decides to come out and warn people about the 30fps limit on consoles, you can take it to the bank there's a Cyberpunk level of disaster incoming.
Uh huh. And is there any precedent of him doing exactly that, or is this something you came up with on your own?


One of the green rats
I’m going to wait for the inevitable Asgard mod so I can pretend it’s elder scrolls in space


Space exploration and sandwiches.

National Sandwich Day GIF

About the odd sandwich collection the dev talked about…
I wonder if it’s possible to have a shelf in the house and place a sign infront of things. I’d love to have a Predator-like skull throphy collection, alien skulls, one from each planet, and write the name of the actual planet infront of each skull.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Some great shots there. They put some effort into making the materials look different across the locations.

No one realistically expects 1000 hand crafted planets but here's hoping that the procedural generation tech at least is smart enough to try and not layer the same kind of textures/materials all over and varies it.


All the walking and talking to NPC’s…

“I dont want a 3rd person walking sim/cinematic game with great combat and voice acting”. I want to walk around and talk with badly voiced NPC, and play a gamebook with bad combat….


No one realistically expects 1000 hand crafted planets but here's hoping that the procedural generation tech at least is smart enough to try and not layer the same kind of textures/materials all over and varies it.

Biggest thing for me is that I hope there is good variety to the eyes between planets, moons. I expect some planets/moons to be very similar looking across their surface (point A on planet X looks a lot like point B and C also on planet X) as that is how a lot of space rocks really are. What they've shown looks great so far.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It's a surreal thing to revisit this amazing "Making of Oblivion" documentary on the eve of Starfield's release.



What am I looking forward to?...

The Gaf Review Thread!

Gonna be tasty either way. Personally I am hoping for a 90+, I need a great WRPG to get my teeth into.
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First it's a true Role Playing Game with great production values, which is something we don't get too often. Second, I'm an amateur astronomer with 3 telescopes. My first was basically an expensive toy, my second is a big boy with a 10" aperture and comes up to my shoulders, and my third was a midsize Frankenstein that I built from thrifting others junk for easy transporting. Space is kind of my fascination, so any game that promises to allow me to explore it, is my jam.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The game isn't even out yet and the community is already in full effect, along with the lore bible someone made a while back on Reddit, here's a nearly 2 hour breakdown of the games play mechanics.

From the sounds of it BGS took everything people loved about Sim Settlements, and the various Live Another Life mods, and just wrote them into the game from the start. I'm getting a feeling that certain background choices will straight-up alter the location you start at.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Oh my god, AK's in space lol.

If this leaked image is accurate, looks like Starfield will also have AK 47s (and be able to fast travel directly to mission locations).



Moderated wildly
After an amazing 6 month start to the year I'm ready for a universe to get lost in.

That magical plodding discovery that only Bethesda games can deliver.

I'm ready for it to be my only game for a while and spending like 250 plus hours in it.


Gold Member
I want a space Dark Brotherhood.
Or a Thieves Guild (space pirates!)

I just wonder (if there’s a dark brotherhood) , how will they notify you? Someone land on a planet you’re on, hands you a note, then runs back to their ship and flys away? lol
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Or a Thieves Guild (space pirates!)

I just wonder (if there’s a dark brotherhood) , how will they notify you? Someone land on a planet you’re on, hands you a note, then runs back to their ship and flys away? lol
Their ships should just decloak right in front of you during space travel.



Gold Member
I'm pumped to just get lost in it all, like I always do with Bethesda games. I'm sure it'll drink my life away like they always do, and when I break the game by storing too much stuff, I'll start a new character like always and tell myself not to hoard anything or try to break the game, then I'll do it anyway because I'm OCD, and then the cycle continues.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Or a Thieves Guild (space pirates!)

I just wonder (if there’s a dark brotherhood) , how will they notify you? Someone land on a planet you’re on, hands you a note, then runs back to their ship and flys away? lol

You come out of your space pod and there's a sticky note attached to its door.



2 new potato quality game play clips.

Gun play almost looks like a CoD style shooter here.

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exploring and feeling like this

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