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Starfield | What aspect of Starfield excites you the most?


Have there been any news about cities? I hope to see at least two or three big ass cities that are super cool. Not just towns. I want cities to get lost in.


You understand how studios operate right? They have different teams?

The team that created Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout did not develop Fallout 76.

They helped in some form, but did not create it nor develop it.

Bye felicia
This is an incredibly naive take. The credits for the game are available on the fandom wiki, broken down by version/update.

The majority of the staff and almost all of the leads that worked on the release version were from Maryland, many of them also worked on Fallout 4, some going back to Skyrim. The failings of 76 can’t be levelled at the Austin studio. They definitely caused some technical issues, but if you look at all of the people from the two Starfield Directs, virtually all of them are credited with working on Fallout 76 too.

The thing about Starfield is that because of studio expansion, the majority of the people working on it won’t have ever worked on a BGS game before. Not at all something to be inherently worried about since the same was also true of the team that worked on Oblivion.

We won’t know whether Starfield has technical issues or rough edges until it launches, and fortunately it’s launching soon. If the promise of the fewest bugs at launch of any Bethesda game are true, this stupid argument will hopefully be put to bed.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I love the freedom Bethesda games give you. No one has ever matched it. You can do whatever the hell you want at any point at all. Most conversations they give you plenty of ways to say whatever the hell you want as well. It's amazing. It's also great how you can be developing one way, then find something else you enjoy and you don't need to restart to min/max. You can just start doing the new thing. Everything is parallel and you aren't capped out of learning more so it's just another factor of doing whatever you want. It also seems like they completely aced the whole theme. Several games have tried already and missed the mark, but they got it.


I love the freedom Bethesda games give you. No one has ever matched it. You can do whatever the hell you want at any point at all. Most conversations they give you plenty of ways to say whatever the hell you want as well. It's amazing. It's also great how you can be developing one way, then find something else you enjoy and you don't need to restart to min/max. You can just start doing the new thing. Everything is parallel and you aren't capped out of learning more so it's just another factor of doing whatever you want. It also seems like they completely aced the whole theme. Several games have tried already and missed the mark, but they got it.

Ive read multiple times about this "you can do whatever you want" in Starfield, yet I've read things that contradict that so I'm not sure how I feel about the game yet.

I want to ride vehicles across different types of terrain...can't do that

I want to fly around within each planet and see the world's from the sky...can't do that

I want to be able to go swimming underwater and explore the life in the ocean of different planets...can't do that

Can't I jump out of my ship in outer space and float out in the darkness? Idk

I'm sure the freedom is incredibly awesome, but to say "you can do whatever you want" ...that's far from the truth...isn't it?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm sure the freedom is incredibly awesome, but to say "you can do whatever you want" ...that's far from the truth...isn't it?
They might add it in later, I don't know. I'm not surprised they didn't make a game with literally every technical possibility you could ever imagine. When I say "you can do whatever you want" what I mean is in the Bethesda tradition. You, as a single human being, can, within limits of normal human actions, choose freely.

This isn't a string of hallways like Final Fantasy. It's not the same soulless shit 5000 times like Assassins Creed. It's not quadrants of combat checklists like God of War. There is an immense amount of different specialties and actions you can do and there is no cap on your taking on new proficiencies making you pick and choose what to get into before you've even had a chance to try it. There are no stupid rules dictating when and where and how much you can keep loot. There is an immense amount of quest lines covering many different activities, moods, factions, levels of scope, NPC personalities, etc. While doing quest lines you can handle them as creatively as you can imagine, you can stray from them and pick them up as you wish, or drop them entirely and go pick them up again later. For many things you might want but aren't there, it is well possible to mod them in.

When I say "You can do whatever you want" I am comparing it to gameplay experiences I have had anywhere else, not the limits of human imagination. I don't think it is fair to judge a game for not doing literally everything you can ever dream when no one has, no one can, and no one ever will make a game that lives up to that demand. I am excited because no other developer has delivered anywhere remotely close to the level of Bethesda on these design aspects.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Play anywhere! Fuck yeah!
I just looked it up and FYI Play Anywhere only works with MS store for PC. So if you buy the console version you'll be able to play on the Xbox PC app, but if you get the Steam version that won't give you access to Xbox.
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They might add it in later, I don't know. I'm not surprised they didn't make a game with literally every technical possibility you could ever imagine. When I say "you can do whatever you want" what I mean is in the Bethesda tradition. You, as a single human being, can, within limits of normal human actions, choose freely.

This isn't a string of hallways like Final Fantasy. It's not the same soulless shit 5000 times like Assassins Creed. It's not quadrants of combat checklists like God of War. There is an immense amount of different specialties and actions you can do and there is no cap on your taking on new proficiencies making you pick and choose what to get into before you've even had a chance to try it. There are no stupid rules dictating when and where and how much you can keep loot. There is an immense amount of quest lines covering many different activities, moods, factions, levels of scope, NPC personalities, etc. While doing quest lines you can handle them as creatively as you can imagine, you can stray from them and pick them up as you wish, or drop them entirely and go pick them up again later. For many things you might want but aren't there, it is well possible to mod them in.

When I say "You can do whatever you want" I am comparing it to gameplay experiences I have had anywhere else, not the limits of human imagination. I don't think it is fair to judge a game for not doing literally everything you can ever dream when no one has, no one can, and no one ever will make a game that lives up to that demand. I am excited because no other developer has delivered anywhere remotely close to the level of Bethesda on these design aspects.

I'm not knocking the games and I'm sure the freedom is great, I'm just hoping there's not alot of bloat and filler content to feel like there's freedom. I wish I could be in a space ship in space and fly towards a planet and jump out the ship on the way into a planet and spin uncontrollably through the atmosphere GTA5 style and do some crazy stuff. I saw the hint of being able to kill an NPC during a side quest. I'm wondering how many people you can do that with. GTA5 style freedom out in space on different planets wouldve been absolutely incredible. I understand that's alot to ask though.

I'm still really looking forward to seeing how everything plays out in Starfield. The combat is what I'm hoping they completely nail, that's a must for me


I have played Skyrim for 2 hours, New Vegas for 15 and Fallout 4 (bleh!) for also 15 or so.

I'm just excited to see how good Bethesda games are given their pedigree. Fallout 4 was not that good.


Gold Member
Ive read multiple times about this "you can do whatever you want" in Starfield, yet I've read things that contradict that so I'm not sure how I feel about the game yet.

I want to ride vehicles across different types of terrain...can't do that

I want to fly around within each planet and see the world's from the sky...can't do that

I want to be able to go swimming underwater and explore the life in the ocean of different planets...can't do that

Can't I jump out of my ship in outer space and float out in the darkness? Idk

I'm sure the freedom is incredibly awesome, but to say "you can do whatever you want" ...that's far from the truth...isn't it?

I have been thinking the same thing. i probably get bored with flying into the skies into space after 6 hours

There's no aliens and no deeper in-planet and between planets traversal. makes the SF universe feels smaller than prior BGS games


This is an incredibly naive take. The credits for the game are available on the fandom wiki, broken down by version/update.

The majority of the staff and almost all of the leads that worked on the release version were from Maryland, many of them also worked on Fallout 4, some going back to Skyrim. The failings of 76 can’t be levelled at the Austin studio. They definitely caused some technical issues, but if you look at all of the people from the two Starfield Directs, virtually all of them are credited with working on Fallout 76 too.

The thing about Starfield is that because of studio expansion, the majority of the people working on it won’t have ever worked on a BGS game before. Not at all something to be inherently worried about since the same was also true of the team that worked on Oblivion.

We won’t know whether Starfield has technical issues or rough edges until it launches, and fortunately it’s launching soon. If the promise of the fewest bugs at launch of any Bethesda game are true, this stupid argument will hopefully be put to bed.
Some of the team helped in dev for sure but it surely wasnt their main game


Gold Member
I want only 5 things:

1. Be able to glass/nuke/destroy a planet, be it as part of a quest line or because I found some really crazy weapon, which I can shoot only once or so.
2. Be able to space crew members if I don't like them.
3. Be able to fly through a gas planet.
4. See what Bethesda thought of for when you attempt to fly through a black hole.
5. Be able to explore space hulks, possibly in Zero-G (they could have self-contained stories/mysteries like the Vaults in Bethesda's Fallout games).


Gold Member
This sent me on a research spree trying to confirm if this is even possible.

Looks like combination of solid planet core + crazy temps and pressures would make that a suicide run.
So, if I don't explode/get crushed while trying that, I'll be disappointed!
The aspect of Starfield that excites me the most is that it will sell well and boost Xbox's sales and status. This will greatly upset all the anti-Xbox trolls and shills on this forum, which will be most enjoyable to watch. And oh yeah, maybe the game will be fun to play, too.
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😂 I mean, idk if I would call that a true Bethesda game.
its praised today by bethesda fans. And people criticize its online feature only nowadays. Oh, and the subscription thing.
The game itself was a chore for me. I didn't drop it because I wanted to give it a big chance. I wonder how others devote thousands of hours to play new vegas or fallout 3 and 4. Judging by youtube videos, I wouldn't even touch them. Fallout 76 was the worst game I ever played. Won't touch the series again, or Starfield, unless its polished and interesting like Doom Eternal.
Sure, each to their own I guess.


its praised today by bethesda fans. And people criticize its online feature only nowadays. Oh, and the subscription thing.
The game itself was a chore for me. I didn't drop it because I wanted to give it a big chance. I wonder how others devote thousands of hours to play new vegas or fallout 3 and 4. Judging by youtube videos, I wouldn't even touch them. Fallout 76 was the worst game I ever played. Won't touch the series again, or Starfield, unless its polished and interesting like Doom Eternal.
Sure, each to their own I guess.
Won't play Bethesda CRPG's unless they are interesting like Doom Eternal? I sure enjoyed me some Eternal, but can't make sense of the comparison.

Edit: maybe I'm miss reading you.
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its praised today by bethesda fans. And people criticize its online feature only nowadays. Oh, and the subscription thing.
The game itself was a chore for me. I didn't drop it because I wanted to give it a big chance. I wonder how others devote thousands of hours to play new vegas or fallout 3 and 4. Judging by youtube videos, I wouldn't even touch them. Fallout 76 was the worst game I ever played. Won't touch the series again, or Starfield, unless its polished and interesting like Doom Eternal.
Sure, each to their own I guess.
Lol I’m sure it got some fans. But if you want idea of a Bethesda game. Hell try morrowind, oblivion fallout 3 or 4 and Skyrim. Before saying forget anything they have done. Fallout 76 is more of there, let’s try something different. Pretty much all publishers have end up trying to do some kinda multiplayer game. When they prefect as a single player studio.


its praised today by bethesda fans. And people criticize its online feature only nowadays. Oh, and the subscription thing.
The game itself was a chore for me. I didn't drop it because I wanted to give it a big chance. I wonder how others devote thousands of hours to play new vegas or fallout 3 and 4. Judging by youtube videos, I wouldn't even touch them. Fallout 76 was the worst game I ever played. Won't touch the series again, or Starfield, unless its polished and interesting like Doom Eternal.
Sure, each to their own I guess.

Did you take a look at the thread title before posting this?


One month to go for premium upgrade customers!!!!
First time I've ever paid extra to play a game early. Normally I just suck it up and wait the 3+ days or whatever but this time I'm not, especially while most of my friends list will be probably be playing it early too.


First time I've ever paid extra to play a game early. Normally I just suck it up and wait the 3+ days or whatever but this time I'm not, especially while most of my friends list will be probably be playing it early too.
Same here. I justified it by convincing myself I would have bought the first DLC anyways, knowing that I normally never pay full price for anything.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
First time I've ever paid extra to play a game early. Normally I just suck it up and wait the 3+ days or whatever but this time I'm not, especially while most of my friends list will be probably be playing it early too.

I'm leaning towards it every day as well lol


The aspect of Starfield that excites me the most is that it will sell well and boost Xbox's sales and status. This will greatly upset all the anti-Xbox trolls and shills on this forum, which will be most enjoyable to watch. And oh yeah, maybe the game will be fun to play, too.


You should let your voice be heard even louder and cast your vote in the poll.

I'm intrigued by the scope of the game.

They are targeting a very specific type of sci-fi which and have taken to calling it NASA-punk. It's my feeling it will be a much more grounded experience, rooted in feasibility of technology, than we've come to expect from space sim style games.

Plus, Bethesda games usually make for an engrossing experience, bugs n all.


Some of the team helped in dev for sure but it surely wasnt their main game
Honestly, I think the blame lies with management. They handled the coordination of personnel working on the game, certified if gold, and were heavily involved in the marketing. I definitely don’t expect Starfield to launch in the same state, but I also don’t expect it to be problem free. I don’t mind *some* Bethesda jank though so I’ll be buying at launch. I’m going in knowing it won’t be everything I want from it and I expect to have a blast regardless. Mods for Starfield are going to be insane.


Same here. I justified it by convincing myself I would have bought the first DLC anyways, knowing that I normally never pay full price for anything.
I'm close to buying the premium upgrade, but still on the fence. I mean, I am going to play this game, but worried about it's state.
I'm waiting for another trailer/details and perhaps even previews? Hoping you can buy the premium right up until Sept 1.
The last game I ever prepurchased was previous gen cyberpunk and that was a disaster.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
What excites me the most is...

.. that at it's heart it's a new Bethesda RPG following their classic formula I love (mostly.)


Neo Member
So quick q: if I buy the $100 digital premium version in the next few days on Xbox, will I be able to play it on Sept 1st?

The wording on the store is kinda weird:

"Actual play time depends on purchase date..."

But there's no cutoff or anything like that...


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So quick q: if I buy the $100 digital premium version in the next few days on Xbox, will I be able to play it on Sept 1st?

The wording on the store is kinda weird:

"Actual play time depends on purchase date..."

But there's no cutoff or anything like that...
I think that's saying "Hey if you buy it on September 2nd obviously you can't play it on the 1st" kinda deal lol


Gold Member
I'm leaning towards it every day as well lol
Do it!

Joining Welcome Home GIF

This has been my most replied to thread. I’m glad it’s about us being excited for a game and not something negative.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This has been my most replied to thread. I’m glad it’s about us being excited for a game and not something negative.

Honestly, I like the concept of a big single hype thread, not a big fan of when people start making new threads for the smallest of things about a game being revealed. It splinters the conversation.
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