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Nah man, this guy was a actual trader. Decided to ask me if I liked GTA V. Said yea, few days lter I wake up to a slashing steam message. He didn't even think it was a big deal.

Well I don't know about GTA IV, but IMO there was barely anything to spoil about the previous games. Even in GTA IV where they leaned way more heavily on the story, I don't think knowing the ending would have really impacted my enjoyment of the game. Then again I didn't think GTA IV's story was very good in the first place,


Unconfirmed Member
It's a matter of perspective for the most part. The key is not "I'm the worst player in the world" or "I'll never get better at this, I suck", but having the desire and believing that you will get better or will learn that one trick that it takes or figuring out the mechanics of the world. In my mind getting better at titles like Super Meat Boy from Super Mario 3D Land or Kirby's Epic Yarn to Volgarr the Viking isn't that far removed, it's me learning the mechanics and learning how to best use them even if I do die often/lose points or time.

A title like Demon's Souls or early Castlevanias or Rayman Legends I see what's coming in front of me and I know I could get there, I just have to learn to react better or figure out the right way to go about it. A title like Mega Man 2 could seem hard with the bosses, but once it's known what they are weak to it's suddenly not so bad for most. The fact it's not "impossible" tells me it can be done, so I keep going for it.

The important key in that though is if I enjoy the game play. I don't actually like Dark Souls due to certain sections, certain enemies, and other issues I won't get into and it simply wasn't fun for me I had to force my way through certain parts of the game and I can't stand that. So even though I could get past areas, I could improve and react better, I didn't want to because it wasn't fun for me to play. A lot of single player FPS on the hardest difficulty setting could be beat I know, but if it's just bullet sponges with cheap A.I., and me with very little health as the "difficulty" than I'm not going to bother because it's no fun for me.
On the other hand Rogue Legacy and FTL I'm always dying and not always improving, but I enjoy playing it still because the game play is fun and that prevents any stress. There is a game on Mega Drive called Death Duel that I have never beat, I'm not sure I will ever be able to beat it, and yet I love playing the game from time to time despite getting stuck at the same enemy every time with no visible improvement.

I enjoy a challenge in games, Save for a few games where I just play to play such as Death Duel or most casual puzzle titles (sudoku, picross, etc) I enjoy being able to say I improved or figured out what the game was throwing at me. Single player or multiplayer, it's a sense of progression in a game even if it's just me being better at it rather than a level bar increasing or percentage going up. If you don't feel that progression any more, if you don't have the sense of "I could get better at this" and most importantly you don't feel like the game play by itself is fun enough to keep going at, than there is no secret or way to get over it and may never be, and that's okay to move on from if it's just not for you.
This is a very, very smart post and I want to thank you for taking your time to write it and making me see things in a different way. You said a lot of things that are true, like trying to avoid forcing oneself through a game when they're not enjoying it. And I can definitely see that you're right with this, because that's exactly how I felt when playing Super Hexagon. At first I thought it would be impossible, and stopped playing after beating the first stage. Then I went back to it, with the idea of completing the game. It was hard as balls, but I couldn't stop thinking "One day I'm gonna beat this". It took more than 13 hours (between PC and phone), but I managed to reach 70 seconds on Hyper Hexagonest at last. I'd say the most important thing of all was that I could feel myself improve. I got 1 or 2 seconds further than the last time; I pulled off some moves that I could never have dreamed of before; I learned the patterns and how to react to them. Basically, I learned how to play the game. And that was rewarding, incredibly so.

So that's another truth you wrote: if you enjoy the game despite its difficulty, you'll probably want to get better at it and keep trying. If not, then it's totally fine to play a different thing, and maybe come back to it if you ever feel like giving it another chance.

look at this guy, boasting about all the real life friends he has
Haha, joke's on me, because they don't buy many games :(

Not really interested in Rage, but thanks for offering though.
I was just joking, though. It was a reference to the guy who entered a Rogue Legacy giveaway here, won it and then traded it with a friend for Rage, because he googled the game and thought he wouldn't like it.

It becomes progressively shittier and by the end you will probably take back everything positive you said about the game.
Why does Assassin's Creed 2 come to mind? :p
I am not as young as you think I am ;)
And yeah, I think that's why I prefer stealth games. They give you time to think and plan.

I think you said t'other day that you're 30 something didn't you? Well I shall be 48 at the end of next month, ulp.

Oh and I got to the final sector in FTL :/. I have a very bad feeling about this! :( The game was hinting quite strongly that I should do something in the previous sector but I couldn't due to earlier decisions. I expect it may well fubar this particular game whatever I do but at least I'll know what not to do next time :).


I think you said t'other day that you're 30 something didn't you? Well I shall be 48 at the end of next month, ulp.
Never said how old I am. I'm younger than you are, but older than 30 ;)

Man, Hitman Absolution is getting really disappointing as a stealth game. Once you hit about midway, you run into single path shit where stealth just isn't an option.
So I just found out that Steam has a secret multiplayer game that you can play. It's Spacewar. You just need to type steam://install/480 into a steam chat window and it gives you the option of installing it.

Has anyone ever tried it before? It looks fun.


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Why does Assassin's Creed 2 come to mind? :p

That's a completely different scenario. The quality of the content in in Ass Creed 2 doesn't vary at all as the player progresses through the game. Pacing issues and too much content are a per player problem.

The design of everything gameplay related in Afterfall goes downhill as new ideas/enemies are introduced. The quality of moment to moment gameplay decreases at a disturbing rate. This is not a per player problem, everyone will see these issues no matter what rate they consume the content.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I'm hyped for GTA V (PC...) despite hating 4. I'd be pretty mad if someone spoiled it for me. I really enjoyed the story in San Andreas, and everything I've seen makes it seem like the game is more SA than 4.


The problem is that I can never get the motivation to keep playing for long. After dying repeatedly on the same part, I don't feel like playing the game anymore. It's simply not fun, and makes me feel like the worst player in the world.

How can people put up with that, and continue anyway? What's the secret?

Well, you're impatient. Nothing wrong with that. You need patience to enjoy roguelikes. I love Dark Souls but don't have enough patience for roguelikes.


So I just found out that Steam has a secret multiplayer game that you can play. It's Spacewar. You just need to type steam://install/480 into a steam chat window and it gives you the option of installing it.

Has anyone ever tried it before? It looks fun.

If I recall that was a test for the achievement system by valve.
Well, you're impatient. Nothing wrong with that. You need patience to enjoy roguelikes. I love Dark Souls but don't have enough patience for roguelikes.

same here. beasted through dark souls, completed all the achievements. that game is very forgiving.

i was a kid when i played Nethack and didn't like it. not a surprise that I didn't like FTL that much when i got it from a member here.

It's all about careful risk management and absolutely punishing mistakes. brain's not wired for that (ask me about my investments, they've gone to shit the last time i managed my own money). most games let you run freely without consequence or rely on your twitch reflexes as a player. these ones rely on your judgement and a bit of luck.


Used it just fine last night.
Yeah, I put up some Fez ones up last night without any problems.
Yes it is periodically glitchy like that for me too but invariably sorts itself out in time.
Hmm, alright. Thanks guys, first time it happened to me so I was wondering.

Seems to be working alright again right now. Almost like as soon as I complained about it somewhere, it suddenly starts working again.
Mighty Gaben is watching.


If anyone was on the fence about Volgarr, get it. It does require some memorization but it also rewards patient play punishes thoughtlessly rushing through levels. It's one of those games where once you complete it once and you go back to the first level, you wonder why you had so much trouble. Just playing it is satisfying.


:( I was tempted to get the current bundle to get this but it looks like I dodged a bullet there! Thanks for your input fellow GAFers.

Yeah it starts well enough (Considering what it is). I'm one who doesn't mind a bit of jank in games. Hell I enjoyed infernal somewhat. But once you reach the city in Afterfall it becomes a whole different game. Not a good one either.
Yeah it starts well enough (Considering what it is). I'm one who doesn't mind a bit of jank in games. Hell I enjoyed infernal somewhat. But once you reach the city in Afterfall it becomes a whole different game. Not a good one either.

That's a shame as I liked the look of it but better to know than not. Besides it's not like I'm lacking for games to play thanks to the recent Sale and Steam GAF being so awesomely generous. Of course I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from gifting me the game of course *cough*.


Finished Castlevania - Lords of Shadow and the first of the two end-of-story DLCs. Was (and still is I guess) a fun ride, but the game was not quite what I had expected. Only a little Metroidvania style backtracking is required. I missed a few damage and health upgrades because I could not be bothered to load old levels again but I had found enough to finish the game without many problems.
The character action parts were solid, I am not really good at these games (but enjoy a little DMC-style now and then) to judge. The bosses were a really fun part though the camera was a hassle at times.
Surprisingly tough puzzles and not just sparingly but often. These were mostly Myst style room riddles and I liked them more than I thought.
The story.. well the story. Try not to get yourself spoiled. I won't say more.
I only knew that there was a "special" ending so that spoiled me more than I would like. Still a funny "heel turn" at the end.


Oh boy were you right. Got out of the area and into the city and yeah i think i'm done playing this. I'll just imagine the first part was it's own game.

I quitted once I got to a boss which generates several deadly - fast - bullet sponge ghosts every few seconds. At every boss enconunter I was on the fence of abandoning it, but that one was crazy.

I looked on YT and the only guys passing it were using cheats (and easy settings too).

It has to be told that game has been patched several times since last time I played, but my interest dropped hard. Maybe one day I'll check it again. It's a pity because I really appreciated the setting and didn't find the jank so harmful, but those bosses...


maybe tomorrow it rains
The story.. well the story. Try not to get yourself spoiled. I won't say more.
I only knew that there was a "special" ending so that spoiled me more than I would like. Still a funny "heel turn" at the end.

I regret spoiling it back when I realized I would be unable to finish the console version. I didn't expect a Castlevania story to be that interesting.


Damn FEAR is so good, been going back to Extraction Point again and decided to start speedrunning it (my goal is about 50 minutes), found some cool glitches like floating in the air as well. I just love the shotgun and it's kinda hilarious that a single melee attack can kill any non-heavy combine soldier as well as those annoying cloaked aliens. Been grinding the levels for hours now and man how I have missed an FPS game like this.

After having finished the AvP 2010 marines campaign and gotten half-way into the predator one, that's when I said enough of this bullshit scripted events and cutscenes that take up half of the game, and that's when I started up FEAR.

Now after I'm done with this project which may be soon or in a few months, I'll be playing through Perseus Mandate since I never really gave it a chance the first time I played it.


Still more games:

09/25/2013 - Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord - Platformer - Black Forest Games/Black Forest Games - $4.99
10/10/2013 - Defense Technica - Strategy - Devolver Digital/Kuno Interactive - $XX.XX
2014 - Elite: Dangerous - Space simulation - Frontier Developments/Frontier Developments - $XX.XX
2014 - Hyper Light Drifter - Action/RPG - Heart Machine/Heart Machine - $XX.XX
2014 - Tetrapulse - Simulation - Keen Software/Keen Software - $XX.XX
2014 - The Long Dark - Survival - Hinterland Studio/Hinterland Studio - $XX.XX
Damn FEAR is so good, been going back to Extraction Point again and decided to start speedrunning it (my goal is about 50 minutes), found some cool glitches like floating in the air as well. I just love the shotgun and it's kinda hilarious that a single melee attack can kill any non-heavy combine soldier as well as those annoying cloaked aliens. Been grinding the levels for hours now and man how I have missed an FPS game like this.

After having finished the AvP 2010 marines campaign and gotten half-way into the predator one, that's when I said enough of this bullshit scripted events and cutscenes that take up half of the game, and that's when I started up FEAR.

Now after I'm done with this project which may be soon or in a few months, I'll be playing through Perseus Mandate since I never really gave it a chance the first time I played it.

It's F.E.A.R., not Half-Life. :lol

Though I'll admit, I didn't realize the Assassins were Replica's at first, either. Really need to replay the game, those guys were eerie as fuck.


Damn FEAR is so good, been going back to Extraction Point again and decided to start speedrunning it (my goal is about 50 minutes), found some cool glitches like floating in the air as well. I just love the shotgun and it's kinda hilarious that a single melee attack can kill any non-heavy combine soldier as well as those annoying cloaked aliens. Been grinding the levels for hours now and man how I have missed an FPS game like this.

After having finished the AvP 2010 marines campaign and gotten half-way into the predator one, that's when I said enough of this bullshit scripted events and cutscenes that take up half of the game, and that's when I started up FEAR.

Now after I'm done with this project which may be soon or in a few months, I'll be playing through Perseus Mandate since I never really gave it a chance the first time I played it.

F,E,A,R, is one of those games that just gives you warm fuzzy memories all the time, to bad the latter sequels can't hold a candle to the original, the expansion packs were okay I guess. Playing F,E,A,R, on the exteme diffculty without slow-mo is recommended, it still amazes what the AI can do when you try to cover too much. Oh year F.E.A.R. Combat was one of the best MP FPS games that I would consider on par with CS, Quake or UT.

I wished the F.E.A.R. 2 Alpha from 2007 got released, I would love to play F.E.A.R. 2 with the original game mechanics.

But that shotgun in the first game is such a beast:



FEAR was a landmark in FPS if you ask me. The AI was brilliant, the gunplay was massively satisfying. FEAR 2 was okay, 3 is... Pretty bad.

Its crazy how fast that series lost its magic.


7GB download or 7GB installed? Running tighter on space than I'd like now that I have TSW installed but I could part with 7GB instead of 20+

Steam's download numbers can dfifer greatly from the installed size due to steampipe compression, so you can't really go by them anymore. Van Helsing was like, 8 gig downloads but 20 gigs installed.


Trucker Sexologist
FEAR was a landmark in FPS if you ask me. The AI was brilliant, the gunplay was massively satisfying. FEAR 2 was okay, 3 is... Pretty bad.

Its crazy how fast that series lost its magic.
It's one of the only franchises where enemies will actually use grenades, flank, and flush you out of cover. Most modern shooters have stupid enemies that either suicide rush you or sit in one spot and occasionally poke their head out so you can pick them off.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn FEAR is so good, been going back to Extraction Point again and decided to start speedrunning it (my goal is about 50 minutes), found some cool glitches like floating in the air as well. I just love the shotgun and it's kinda hilarious that a single melee attack can kill any non-heavy combine soldier as well as those annoying cloaked aliens. Been grinding the levels for hours now and man how I have missed an FPS game like this.

After having finished the AvP 2010 marines campaign and gotten half-way into the predator one, that's when I said enough of this bullshit scripted events and cutscenes that take up half of the game, and that's when I started up FEAR.

Now after I'm done with this project which may be soon or in a few months, I'll be playing through Perseus Mandate since I never really gave it a chance the first time I played it.
"They tried to bury their sins, but instead planted the seeds of their doom."

Only 50 minutes? That's impressive. Every time I replay those games I have to stop and listen to every phone call, even though I probably know it word by word.

Perseus Mandate is good too, so do play it. I should do another replay of the franchise one day, and this time try not to stop halfway through Extraction Point (which already happened 2 times).

F,E,A,R, is one of those games that just gives you warm fuzzy memories all the time, to bad the latter sequels can't hold a candle to the original, the expansion packs were okay I guess. Playing F,E,A,R, on the exteme diffculty without slow-mo is recommended, it still amazes what the AI can do when you try to cover too much. Oh year F.E.A.R. Combat was one of the best MP FPS games that I would consider on par with CS, Quake or UT.

I wished the F.E.A.R. 2 Alpha from 2007 got released, I would love to play F.E.A.R. 2 with the original game mechanics.

But that shotgun in the first game is such a beast:

F.E.A.R. Combat was how I got into the series, and I agree with you, it's probably the most fun I ever had playing multiplayer against strangers. The sequel is excellent too, though I disliked the removal of PC-centric elements, such as manual (and quick) saves, and only allowing one save slot.


I've never played FEAR >_>

I played it for a bit in like the beginning but it didn't click with me. I specifically remember I didn't like the gunplay. Maybe I should check it out again.


So I just found out that Steam has a secret multiplayer game that you can play. It's Spacewar. You just need to type steam://install/480 into a steam chat window and it gives you the option of installing it.

Has anyone ever tried it before? It looks fun.

I remember trying it a long time ago, just for the hell of it. I never found anyone in the lobbies, so I ended up uninstalling it to keep down the clutter, even though it's tiny.
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