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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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Still find it weird charging for themes and whatnot is so common place on consoles.

Oh silly, I'm not buying that. I just want the prinny wallpaper, currently looking around google to see if i can find it, its extremely dumb charging for themes, especially when sony refuses to let you customize your background in anyway that way if you do want it to look different, better open up that wallet bby


Yup, RE5's co-op stuff is unbearable. Even Ashley would be more useful.

0. XCOM 2?

Are you talking the AI player or with a person?

Resident Evil 5 is fucking bullshit solo. This Jill fight and the shit AI is driving me insane.

What are you having trouble with? You just need Wesker to leave. Make sure sheva has body armor and some good weapons & ammo

The only time the AI is trouble is if you're trying professional without infinite ammo.


irresponsible vagina leak

This image took way too much time and is too sloppy for just a simple joke.



Poor Tomb Raider, first its released on Xbox at the same time as Fallout 4 and now its released on PC in between The Witness and Xcom 2. I expect the PS4 release to be two days after UC4


Poor Tomb Raider, first its released on Xbox at the same time as Fallout 4 and now its released on PC in between The Witness and Xcom 2. I expect the PS4 release to be two days after UC4

That would be funny, but it'll show up on PS4 Holiday 2016, which means it'll just be overshadowed by the likes of KH 3 and NieR: Automata instead. RIP.


Bombshell looks neat from the videos, I'd give it a try it's on my wishlist and my friend seems to want to try it out too, too bad about no coop tho


IGN: "I had a much better time after abandoning the barely workable mouse/keyboard controls and plugging in my trusty 360 pad to maneuver the tough-as-nails heroine through planet after enemy-filled planet."

Errr. Can you speak on the mouse controls?

Mr. Tibbs

That's what I thought too.

Apparently TJ Hafer and I are two of the only people that liked it.

What's really weird is that the IGN reviewer didn't even seem to like the game.

There are games I've been handed for review that were legitimately a chore to even get through. Bombshell was just not even in that league. Again, not sure why I'm taking so much time to defend a mediocre, forgettable shooter. I've never had a score hit this far outside consensus

I guess the 7-9 scale strikes again!


Apparently PC was mentioned at some point on that FFX. Active time report. I'm still betting on a late port like type-0. Since they want those double dips.
I didn't have a problem with the mouse/keyboard controls.
What's really weird is that the IGN reviewer didn't even seem to like the game.

I guess the 7-9 scale strikes again!

Oh well that's just wonderful.

Seems now I'm the only asshole that *legitimately* liked the game. Son of a motherfucker.

Somebody post a picture of the world's largest L so I can hold it.
Seems now I'm the only asshole that *legitimately* liked the game. Son of a motherfucker.

Somebody post a picture of the world's largest L so I can hold it.

Just console yourself in the fact that even the shittiest of movies will usually get above 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, meaning at least one critic liked it. (There are less than 300 movies in the 0% club and most of those were straight-to-video or made-for-TV.)
Tomb Raider is taking longer than I'd liked. Really doesn't help with the monotonous landscape and boring characters. I actively dislike Lara's character and her VO is bad, I hate hearing her pant and squeak every second. Ditto Roth's VO. Sam and Mathias are the only interesting characters and good VOs. Story also is good, don't get the complaints. It's better than I expected.
I just finished the
monastery and Roth died.
. Wish it would have ended there. Full-on shooter is the better part of the game. Maybe because those remind me of the great pacing of Uncharted. Raiding tombs is a bit shit due to incredibly small and bland puzzles. From what I saw of the new TR, my complaints about same-old levels and bland tombs have been rectified. Bodes well. Hopefully characters and VO got better, too.
RE5 needs a camera mode, that game looks awesome, I feel sad the camera is always zoomed behind those triceps

I'm set for BBI!
Stealth upgrade to 21:9 monitor?
I'm really frustrated with this last sequence in Bionic Commando.

It's a series of quick time events. Well, I suppose it is but I can't get past the first one. Bionic man is riding a flying robot and is supposed to rip the wings off and to do that it asks you to hold right on the left stick and mash B. As I'm using the keyboard I hold D and mash F, but it doesn't work regularly at all. I'd die seven times in a row and then the eighth time get a quarter of the life bar down, but it still kills me.

This is lame. There wasn't a single QTE in the rest of the game.


Jon Blow: It's hard to talk about numbers without breaking NDAs, but The Witness is on track to sell more in a week than Braid sold in its first year, and Braid was a hit indie game! (I'll let you know if this officially happens!) Which is not to be too money-oriented, it's just great that we'll be able to make the next game at a comparable budget level (maybe bigger, we'll see!)



man my apartment is like totally flooded

this sux

They were too busy thinking how many fonts they could pack in, to ask how many they should
i mean, i wouldn't like hate much on the game cos it's a harmless indie game, i just think overall the quality of it is too uneven, and the portraits specially are pretty ehhh

but u know, i wouldn't dig too deep cos u know, i haven't played it and i'm not gonna be too judgemental of a game i haven't played


Jon Blow: It's hard to talk about numbers without breaking NDAs, but The Witness is on track to sell more in a week than Braid sold in its first year, and Braid was a hit indie game! (I'll let you know if this officially happens!) Which is not to be too money-oriented, it's just great that we'll be able to make the next game at a comparable budget level (maybe bigger, we'll see!)


Excellent news.

Witness 2 PS6 launch title confirmed.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
But piracy was going to ruin his career :(



Its funny that ubi does silly e3 presentation of their games and then said games turn out better than expected
Ubi should ditch thr 'gamer speak' since it is more effort than they need
Also meme guy hasnt been memed since e3 2015 :v


I really wonder what it is that is affecting the fps in rise of tr for me
Setiing everything to low doesnt improve anything and even realhair has no major effect
I know my lappy aint the best but goud think having everything on Low would have this thing run at 30 fps consistantly at least


Btw, TitS SC is amazing. Seriously. If you've finished FC, and enjoyed it, you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it. Of course, now I want 3rd, but that most likely won't happen.


I really wonder what it is that is affecting the fps in rise of tr for me
Setiing everything to low doesnt improve anything and even realhair has no major effect
I know my lappy aint the best but goud think having everything on Low would have this thing run at 30 fps consistantly at least

Crappy drive speed?
Low memory->much swapping + coupled with drive speed?


The X-station 460

I really wonder what it is that is affecting the fps in rise of tr for me
Setiing everything to low doesnt improve anything and even realhair has no major effect
I know my lappy aint the best but goud think having everything on Low would have this thing run at 30 fps consistantly at least

check cpu usage

it's probably just the game if both your cpu and gpu aren't being utilized


Is there any benefit to purchasing multiple Alien Containment Units in XCOM? Just got to where we're infiltrating a base after examining an Outsider, curious if it's worth it. Still need to build a cybernetics place and a lab, no MECs yet.
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