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STEAM | January 2016 - Out of cash, out of cache

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Thank you. I'm gonna make sure to buy ToCS I.

Just need to decide on Vita or PS3.

Friend of mine reviewed it on Vita and he mentioned there were some issues. Either with performance or long load times or something. Although at the same time I don't know why anyone would buy a PS3 game at this point. FWIW he absolutely loved the game and he's been pushing me to order that pretty sweet looking Vita limited edition before it sells out.

What's with all the chromatic aberration in that game? It bothers me. Can you turn it off?

You can.


I did it!



if any americans can help me get the free league starter pack thingie on my na alt account i'd be much appreciated

it's easy and free, just go here and register it on my account name but maybe pm me first so i can tell u my account


tyty don gato
Is there any benefit to purchasing multiple Alien Containment Units in XCOM? Just got to where we're infiltrating a base after examining an Outsider, curious if it's worth it. Still need to build a cybernetics place and a lab, no MECs yet.

One ACU holds one alien. If you're really into capturing them it can be beneficial, especially for high-ranking aliens with, say, plasma weaponry. Having more than one is potentially handy, but probably not necessary.

The game being a bad port certainly help the low sales number.

I really wonder what it is that is affecting the fps in rise of tr for me
Setiing everything to low doesnt improve anything and even realhair has no major effect
I know my lappy aint the best but goud think having everything on Low would have this thing run at 30 fps consistantly at least

I've posted my performance report on the PC performance thread. The game doesn't even utilize my GPU fully in certain areas. Indoors, it's pretty stable at 40-ish fps on medium-high. But outdoors it tanks to 25ish with 50% GPU utilization. Bad port.


Because I have no interest in most anime, haven't really ever played any JRPGs with the exception of a few FF titles? I haven't played Trails, or Neptunia, or any of the Tales of ___ titles, either. It's actually quite easy. You can't tell me you know every single franchise that's existed, especially in genres you have no real interest in. That's like me asking someone how they don't know who the original characters for Street Fighter were when they never played the game then. Just because you know about the DS one doesn't mean everyone should, lol. Just because you know about anything doesn't mean everyone else should, in fact. That's not how the world works. "I know x so you should know x, too." Riiiiiight.
Thank you for proving my point. Because you don't know X or doesn't have interest in X doesn't mean other people doesn't, therefore your initial statement is invalid. Someone DO care about the Disgaea games.


Neo Member
What is the current opinion on the AMD Crimson driver?
I've got an R9 380 and I've been reluctant to update from the Catalyst beta drivers since a lot of people reported problems back when Crimson was released.


I've posted my performance report on the PC performance thread. The game doesn't even utilize my GPU fully in certain areas. Indoors, it's pretty stable at 40-ish fps on medium-high. But outdoors it tanks to 25ish with 50% GPU utilization. Bad port.
You have a Phenom CPU with an AMD GPU. Draw call intensive game parts will not fully utilize your GPU because the AMD DX11 driver sucks, and your CPU can't overcome that because it's really slow (by modern standards).

That doesn't make it a bad port.


I'm obsessed with Sunless Sea and contrary to what it's praised for I'm primarily into it for the resource management and exploration side of it then the writing, which I'm now just skimming through in many cases.

My first run through was a disaster but I at least learnt the rough locations of the ports which made getting fuel rewards easier for subsequent runs. Only critisim so far is that for a game built on dying and replaying they could have added more random story elements to keep it fresh. Thankfully I'm enjoying it for none story reasons.



36-ish hours or so, still need to do post-ch4 content though.

Roughly halfway through, as far as I'm aware. I guess I should be done with the game just in time for Pillars GOTY to hit Steam. :)
What is the current opinion on the AMD Crimson driver?
I've got an R9 380 and I've been reluctant to update from the Catalyst beta drivers since a lot of people reported problems back when Crimson was released.

I have AA issues in some games, it's completely broken in SWTOR so I have to turn it off, such jaggy, but apart from that it's pretty good so far.


So FFXVI containts Metal Gears now.
Anyway I was already interested in the game, but the last trailer bumped my interest. It's so much better compared to the PS4 demo, even the gameplay has enough variation (I mean, the fact you can use turrets is already a pro).


listen to the mad man


Braid was at 350k on XBLA after 14 months.

Assuming he meant in terms of gross:
~300k * $10.50 = $3.1 million after Valve/Sony's cut.

Assuming he meant unit sales:
~300k sales at $28 ($40 * 0.7) = $8.4 million after Valve/Sony's cut.

Regardless, sounds like the pricepoint worked out fine insofar as it was alleged that pricepoint would have resulted in significantly lower sales.


So FFXVI containts Metal Gears now.
Anyway I was already interested in the game, but the last trailer bumped my interest. It's so much better compared to the PS4 demo, even the gameplay has enough variation (I mean, the fact you can use turrets is already a pro).

Nothing says Final Fantasy like forced stealth sections and turret segments.

Assuming he meant in terms of gross...ts, since Steam version is currently at ~40k.
So FFXVI containts Metal Gears now.
Anyway I was already interested in the game, but the last trailer bumped my interest. It's so much better compared to the PS4 demo, even the gameplay has enough variation (I mean, the fact you can use turrets is already a pro).

We're jumping a title now? :p

Still not sure what to make of the sneaking aspect, but the rest of the trailer was great and the pants on fire stuff was hilarious!

I'm fired up for it again.


Mine is pretty and pink


Braid was at 350k on XBLA after 14 months.

Assuming he meant in terms of gross:
~300k * $10.50 = $3.1 million after Valve/Sony's cut.

Assuming he meant unit sales:
~300k sales at $28 ($40 * 0.7) = $8.4 million after Valve/Sony's cut.

Regardless, sounds like the pricepoint worked out fine insofar as it was alleged that pricepoint would have resulted in significantly lower sales.

It's gross



I could be wrong, but didn't Braid come out back when Microsoft was pushing indies to choose between signing with a 3rd party publisher or MS? I think the percentage floating around was around 40% for Devs.


So, roughly 100k sold overall?
Not that bad, Steam, not that bad at all.

Of course, the PC version is actually losing him money, considering 5 million copies being pirated as we speak, but oh well...

More like 150,000 copies since Braid was sold for half the price of The Witness.

Assuming 40% to devs with Microsoft contract, it is:
~300k * $8 = $2.4 million after Valve/Sony/Humble's cut.

How much goes to devs with Valve/Sony?


I could be wrong, but didn't Braid come out back when Microsoft was pushing indies to choose between signing with a 3rd party publisher or MS? I think the percentage floating around was around 40% for Devs.
Yeah, you couldn't self-publish on XBLA.
More like 150,000 copies since Braid was sold for half the price of The Witness.

Assuming 40% to devs with Microsoft contract, it is:
~300k * $8 = $2.4 million after Valve/Sony/Humble's cut.

How much goes to devs with Valve/Sony?

Also Braid cost $15, not $20.

XBLA numbers after a year were ~326k copies: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/116111/InDepth_Xbox_Live_Arcade_Sales_Analysis_August_2009.php

326k * $6 = $1.9m, but then we don't know the PC number which came out in April 2009.


IGN: "I had a much better time after abandoning the barely workable mouse/keyboard controls and plugging in my trusty 360 pad to maneuver the tough-as-nails heroine through planet after enemy-filled planet."

Errr. Can you speak on the mouse controls?

One thing that really irks me about gamejournalism outside of the obvious stuff is how some journos feel the need to give absolutely everything an adjective, no matter how redundant it might be.

Jon Blow: It's hard to talk about numbers without breaking NDAs, but The Witness is on track to sell more in a week than Braid sold in its first year, and Braid was a hit indie game! (I'll let you know if this officially happens!) Which is not to be too money-oriented, it's just great that we'll be able to make the next game at a comparable budget level (maybe bigger, we'll see!)


Butwatabout the piracy?


Mine is pretty and pink
I hope FFXV comes to PC in a reasonable amount of time and hopefully ported by someone like nixxes.
After seeing that new footage the combat looks so much smoother and I'm really looking forward to playing it.

Also both Hajime Tabata and Akio Ofuji are always entertaining to watch in the ATR's, seems like some cool dudes.


Mikkel Hjortshøj ‏@Fyoucon 7h7 hours ago

@Jonathan_Blow steamspy reports 38,841 (± 4,341) for steam owners. How accurate is that? if you're allowed to tell.
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Jonathan Blow ‏@Jonathan_Blow 6h6 hours ago

@Fyoucon It's kinda far off, on the low side.
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Jonathan Blow ‏@Jonathan_Blow 6h6 hours ago

@Fyoucon This is not too surprising though since SteamSpy is expected not to be accurate in a game's early days.

Guess because people are still buying and SteamSpy is trailing behind.
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