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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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For you.
Yes, but it's not the Director's Cut and the app hasn't been updated in a good few months, so I presume it's not going to receive the changes seen in the standalone version. I assume this is why the sub includes both (i.e. for the sake of purists who, for one reason or another, prefer the DLC in its original form).

This is the sub of the game on my store: http://steamdb.info/sub/43879/
No Shadowrun dlc on the apps :/


Only 15 minutes and I already regret buying FF13. Especially since it releases two days before Ryse. Maybe I should cancel. But then I can't trade another 7 days so nope. Send help.
I need some help. Which Lego games should I buy? they're all so damn cheap.

I know I'm getting The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings one for sure.

Which one are a must play and which one are skippable?

Lego batman 2 is fun , lego batman 1 is okay , thats it ( the lego star wars games are great too but those arent on sale i think )


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This is the sub of the game on my store: http://steamdb.info/sub/43879/
No Shadowrun dlc on the apps :/

Ah, this is one of those moments where SteamDB's tendency to lag behind on sub removals has given rise to some conflicting information. It does indeed appear that the previous sub was yanked in favour of the standalone-specific sub. Sorry! I'll see if the seller I bought Dragonfall from the other week still has one last copy.

Edit: Nope. :( All of the listings on TF2 Outpost are out of date and there's nothing on Dispenser/Steam Trades.


Interesting to see FF XIII on Steam, I always get stuck on the final Boss of these games but I usually just go for the journey, not the final destination.

FF XIII have a nice battle music, something I often like in these games. This theme after the one minute mark is pretty and I hope I can manage to play it soon on my PC.

>.> the battle theme was actually my least favorite song. It just wasn't as catchy as 7,8,9, and 10. Never played 12.


I ended up getting Lego Batman 2, Marvel Superheroes, The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings.

Good choices, yes? :D

Also F.E.A.R 1 just to try it out. I heard good thing about the 1st game in the series.

Edit: also going to get Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City GotY
I need some help. Which Lego games should I buy? they're all so damn cheap.

I know I'm getting The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings one for sure.

Which one are a must play and which one are skippable?

Marvel Super Heroes and Batman 2 are must plays. The Movie Video game is also pretty fun and follows the movie closely if you liked it, but smaller in scale then the other open world games. Not sure about the other ones, haven't played those yet.

I must have been a little burnt out from Lego games since I never finished The Hobbit and LotR, but from what I played, they were fine movie adaptations with lots of side quests.
I need some help. Which Lego games should I buy? they're all so damn cheap.
I know I'm getting The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings one for sure.
Which one are a must play and which one are skippable?

I actually quite liked LEGO Marvel Superheroes. It starts a bit slow, but when the world opens up and you can start swapping between tons of different characters it gets really fun.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Incoming 30 posts of saying it's a good price because the game is shit.

Refer to 4 pages ago where i posted the exact same sentiment

Yeah I'm not understanding all the hate here. I mean, it's pretty much expected from the Steam discussions tab (and trust me, there seems to be plenty of that going on there) but you guys are usually pretty cool.

I understand it may not be the best Final Fantasy game, but I think we can all agree that having a previously console-exclusive game released on PC is a good thing.

For me personally, I only ever played about 10 hours of Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3. With my family, it's just too hard for me to reserve TV time enough to dedicate to a game like this. This way, I can play it on my computer with my headphones on and not bother anyone. I'm looking forward to it. And for me, that makes it worth buying again.


I ended up getting Lego Batman 2, Marvel Superheroes, The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings.

Good choices, yes? :D

Also F.E.A.R 1 just to try it out. I heard good thing about the 1st game in the series.

Edit: also going to get Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City GotY

I think you're going to be Lego-ing for a long time to come, especially if you're the type who likes to 100% your games. There's a lot of stuff to find and collect in those.




Yeah I'm not understanding all the hate here. I mean, it's pretty much expected from the Steam discussions tab (and trust me, there seems to be plenty of that going on there) but you guys are usually pretty cool.

I understand it may not be the best Final Fantasy game, but I think we can all agree that having a previously console-exclusive game released on PC is a good thing.

For me personally, I only ever played about 10 hours of Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3. With my family, it's just too hard for me to reserve TV time enough to dedicate to a game like this. This way, I can play it on my computer with my headphones on and not bother anyone. I'm looking forward to it. And for me, that makes it worth buying again.

Amen brother. Screw salsa and all the haters :p


I'm quite glad now that I didn't jump when GMG had the Lego Sale for the same price. Because now I can buy it for even cheaper from Russian :D
Why do people keep saying things are universally considered bad when the opposite is demonstrably true?

I'd rather people just say they didn't like it and why rather than try to make it seem like no one liked it when more people did than didn't.

I agree with you wholeheartedly but that's not the way most people roll online. It's been my observation that if you frame your opinions as such, and couch them with lots of "I think.." and "IMO"s that nobody pays attention to your post and you feel like you're on some universal ignore list. On the other hand, if you state your opinion as fact (especially negative ones) you will receive lots of replies and will feel engaged and rewarded for your behavior.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Based Valve:

Hello Jason,

Let's try temporarily disabling your Arma X subscription. This should allow you to activate Arma 2. Afterward, we can reenable your Arma X subscription.

Please let me know if this works and I will then reenable the Arma X subscription.

I have temporarily disabled Arma X.

I had no idea this was even an option. I was wondering why my game count dropped a fair bit.

Dr Dogg

I'm wondering who Squenix sent FFXIII to do the porting work? Matrix have done quite a fair few of their handleheld FF ports but I have no idea if they've got the resources to do a PC job. Don't know if any of the studios that they've used for other Japanese PC releases would be involved (though would need to do some digging). Though in my wildest dreams that ominous "To be announced" project on Nixxes website would look real nice with FFXIII filled in there (never going to happen but they are bloody port magicians).


I ended up getting Lego Batman 2, Marvel Superheroes, The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings.

Good choices, yes? :D

Also F.E.A.R 1 just to try it out. I heard good thing about the 1st game in the series.

Edit: also going to get Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City GotY

I thought lego lord of the rings was suuuuuuper boring. If the entire lego schtick is just re-creating scenes from movies in lego form that is a one trick pony that wears itself out super quick.

I do have lego marvel though and I'm thinking that might be better since it's not made from any one particular thing.
This turned me off of that line of thinking quick:

+ Estimated achievement difficulty: 7/10
+ Offline: 35/35
+ Online: 0/35
+ Approximate time: 75 -100 hours"

Most of the achievements are pretty reasonable but there's one that requires you to craft every equipment piece in the game that requires you to grind for 20 or so hours.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Those Final Fantasy XIII trading cards and backgrounds are going to be straight up insane I imagine.
I thought lego lord of the rings was suuuuuuper boring. If the entire lego schtick is just re-creating scenes from movies in lego form that is a one trick pony that wears itself out super quick.

I do have lego marvel though and I'm thinking that might be better since it's not made from any one particular thing.

Yea, I kinda agree with you there with the Hobbit and LotR games. I think I've seen those movies on the big screen, dvd, or tv way too many times to enjoy playing through them again, which is probably why I didn't finish those.

I liked the Movie video game though, since I'd only seen the movie once, and some of the levels strayed away from the film
(especially the last few and boss battle)
, so several parts were a new experience. But damn, Everything Is Awesome was stuck in my head for a few days after that.


HL3 confirmed

ModBot said:
Instructions for redlacs:

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Deadly 30 -- MB-E7FA466A562921FA - Taken by nja. 1 entrants total.



I ended up getting Lego Batman 2, Marvel Superheroes, The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings.

Good choices, yes? :D

Also F.E.A.R 1 just to try it out. I heard good thing about the 1st game in the series.

Edit: also going to get Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City GotY

that's alot of games :O
thinking of the LEGO games as well


I find it funny that the very people who trashed XIII probably ended up buying it on
steam because its so cheap.
Most of the achievements are pretty reasonable but there's one that requires you to craft every equipment piece in the game that requires you to grind for 20 or so hours.
Man, I never got to finish that crafting achievement on ps3.


Final Fantasy XIII shot up to #1 as quick as Lighting. SE really timed this well by showing the FFXV trailer earlier today and THEN putting this on Steam for a low price. Bravo!

Edit: I would welcome the Ivalice pack(XII and Tactics) anytime.


Devolver mentioned that Heavy Bullet EA owners would receive a little gift. I'm guessing they are getting extra copies of the game.
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