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STEAM | September 2014 - Nice thread. Btw, Bayonetta 2 is out next month.

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Galaxy Tab S 10.5[/URL] and it's been absolutely phenomenal. A few games don't work with the device's 2560x1600 resolution, but I'd say 99% of stuff I've tried has worked flawlessly. It's a much better device (specs wise) than the Nvidia tablet, but it also comes with a higher price tag.

I was after the shield cos it costs £230 which is kinda my budget (add in the case too), I want it really for general purpose email, netflix, skype poss play a few games (I'm using my phone for all that but its pretty mych dieing atm and battery drains way to quick) though I have my vita as a dedicated handheld with me. The stylus and 5 mp front facing camera is what is selling it to me, the pc gaming streaming is an added bonus on top ( I assume I will have to update my geforce 580 for it to work).

I also did see the samsung pro 8.4 for the same price and it was pretty good too as was the kindle (sans fire os).
Cecil's gloriously optimised purple lipstick is fully visable in this version; 10/10!

This seems like a decent port. Things get very pixelated like in this picture when it zooms in on the character models, but it looks better than I expected!

Battles are locked to 15 FPS which is gross, can't remember if it was the same in the DS version. Enjoyed what I played though, have a real soft spot for IV.
The Free Hoxton DLC for Payday 2 should be out soon since they added the teaser trailer to the intro of the game. It doesn't look like there will be a way to fully stealth it if the teaser trailer is anything to go by. I really hope it's half stealthing into the prison, then a mad dash to find Hoxton as well as a proper escape to the van like in the original Payday. There doesn't seem to be a big window for the DLC though. The Hotline Miami cross over DLC comes out at the end of the month and there will be a Halloween event at the end of October. I hope that doesn't mean it's coming in Novemeber.

Aw yeah, that's going to be awesome.
I gave up on Final Fantasy XIII after about 20 hours. Apparently, I was still in the tutorial.

I'll pick it up when it's £5 and give it another shot.

I think everybody gives up after 20 hours because the next 20 hours is the same.

Problem with the game it takes too long for the game to open up, plus post game is just a dead grind.


I can't remember exactly where they mentioned it, but it seemed like Almir was suggesting that Free Hoxton would occur after Crimefest, but not too soon after. It'd be crazy to release such an amount of content in such a short time.

Aww really? I was kinda hoping the it would be a good way to start off Crimefest since the DLC is about bringing back a character from the original Payday. Simon Viklund said something about a month of celebration for Payday too. The big music update came out today, exactly a month before Crimefest but there was no official announcement of an event or anything.
While I'm probably completely on my own, I'd like to ask for people to drop Russian key trading, especially for Final Fantasy 13.

It took many, many years for publishers to get over the "piracy will destroy sales" thing and finally we are getting games on PC again and at very reasonable prices.

I can sympathise with people wanting (or needing) cheap games, but ultimately it'll just prove counter productive for everybody.

People constantly talk about "I wish x would come to Steam". Here is one of those big games, there are potentially other big games to follow, some of which might actually be worth playing and I think it is time to take a stand.

Well said. I for one am in complete agreement.
Aww really? I was kinda hoping the it would be a good way to start off Crimefest since the DLC is about bringing back a character from the original Payday. Simon Viklund said something about a month of celebration for Payday too. The big music update came out today, exactly a month before Crimefest but there was no official announcement of an event or anything.

The last 5 unlocks in the Crimefest thing haven't been added yet, plus the Hotline Miami DLC, plus whatever Halloween event they have planned, hope they haven't bitten off more than they can chew.



The last 5 unlocks in the Crimefest thing haven't been added yet, plus the Hotline Miami DLC, plus whatever Halloween event they have planned, hope they haven't bitten off more than they can chew.

Yea, they timed the Crimefest community group thing poorly since they launched it and then went on vacation for a couple weeks. I actually forgot how far behind they are on releasing the rewards, we still don't even know what the FBI files are supposed to be.

Guess the Free Hoxton DLC isn't that soon. :(


The Free Hoxton DLC for Payday 2 should be out soon since they added the teaser trailer to the intro of the game. It doesn't look like there will be a way to fully stealth it if the teaser trailer is anything to go by. I really hope it's half stealthing into the prison, then a mad dash to find Hoxton as well as a proper escape to the van like in the original Payday. There doesn't seem to be a big window for the DLC though. The Hotline Miami cross over DLC comes out at the end of the month and there will be a Halloween event at the end of October. I hope that doesn't mean it's coming in Novemeber.


Also, isn't Crimefest all throughout October?
Yea, they timed the Crimefest community group thing poorly since they launched it and then went on vacation for a couple weeks. I actually forgot how far behind they are on releasing the rewards, we still don't even know what the FBI files are supposed to be.

Guess the Free Hoxton DLC isn't that soon. :(

I think the FBI files are supposed to be a full stat system.


The Free Hoxton DLC for Payday 2 should be out soon since they added the teaser trailer to the intro of the game. It doesn't look like there will be a way to fully stealth it if the teaser trailer is anything to go by. I really hope it's half stealthing into the prison, then a mad dash to find Hoxton as well as a proper escape to the van like in the original Payday. There doesn't seem to be a big window for the DLC though. The Hotline Miami cross over DLC comes out at the end of the month and there will be a Halloween event at the end of October. I hope that doesn't mean it's coming in Novemeber.

Awww Yeaaaah! Finally with this and the Hotline Miami thing, finally gonna have a reason to start playing more Payday 2 again!


Stormy Grey
Aww really? I was kinda hoping the it would be a good way to start off Crimefest since the DLC is about bringing back a character from the original Payday. Simon Viklund said something about a month of celebration for Payday too. The big music update came out today, exactly a month before Crimefest but there was no official announcement of an event or anything.

In Almir's AMA, he only seems to mention that the Halloween stuff this year will be either a return of last year's event or something new "depending on how cool we want the Old Hoxton stuff to be". He also confirms that their ideal setup would be having Old Hoxton first before any of The Dentist's other heists.

So, nothing solid on if it is coming during Crimefest or after. There was probably an exchange on the Steam Forums I am skimming over where he mentioned it, but hey, plans change so he could be bumped up in the queue.
I actually thought the open area with missions was pretty meh compared to the beginning.

It pretty much is a grinding field, just to take on the large elephant creatures that can one stomp ya as well as max characters/weapons.

At least 13 2 was better, never played lightning returns at all.


Dang these games that are being bundled mere days after being released on Steam. I just bought Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle a couple days ago.
oh boy I can't play games on an empty stomach. I'm playing Mirror's Edge and I keep dying trying to make a jump and I lost my patience wayyyy quicker than I normally do. Almost deleted the game cause I got so frustrated :p ITS K THOUGH, I'M EATTING NOW :D I'm gonna watch an episode or two of Gurren Lagann and give ME another shot.


oh boy I can't play games on an empty stomach. I'm playing Mirror's Edge and I keep dying trying to make a jump and I lost my patience wayyyy quicker than I normally do. Almost deleted the game cause I got so frustrated :p ITS K THOUGH, I'M EATTING NOW :D I'm gonna watch an episode or two of Gurren Lagann and give ME another shot.

Where abouts in the game? I just finished it today and some of the scaffolding areas were really frustrating.


While I'm probably completely on my own, I'd like to ask for people to drop Russian key trading, especially for Final Fantasy 13.

It took many, many years for publishers to get over the "piracy will destroy sales" thing and finally we are getting games on PC again and at very reasonable prices.

I can sympathise with people wanting (or needing) cheap games, but ultimately it'll just prove counter productive for everybody.

People constantly talk about "I wish x would come to Steam". Here is one of those big games, there are potentially other big games to follow, some of which might actually be worth playing and I think it is time to take a stand.

Yeah, it's always worth spending a few more bucks for more Japanese game support(In my case, anyway). There are many(Ninja Gaiden trilogy pls) that I'd love to have more of on PC/Steam.
Where abouts in the game? I just finished it today and some of the scaffolding areas were really frustrating.
The part where you gotta go all the the way down and then turn on the elevator and it goes up and then u gotta reach the elevator. I can't figure out how to get to it

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (A Fish Aficionado, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Papers, Please -- MB-6EC263272BFBE072 - Taken by Zeeman
Hey, I saw your name as well :p
Congrats btw!
You could also run the game in Offline Mode or use the steam_appid.txt trick, but not all games support offline achievements and the latter would disable Steamworks functionality entirely since you're not playing the game Steam thinks you are.
I don't know why but I want Steam to be online while playing. Voice-/chatting with friends, sending screenshots during gameplay, looking up wikis.
I hope someone here tries just to swap JP with NE audio files. If that works, it would be ace!
white Saoirse > tanned-ish Saoirse
Humble day 11
  • Far Cry 3 Deluxe 6€
Bought it for 7,50€ during SS and haven't even started it yet. Feel stupid for buying stuff and not playing it. Embarrassing how few games in my library were played at all :/
What's wrong with me?
Oh the yearly update for Train Simulator is also live sweet! :D
I love me some train driving, yay *punches download button*
Edit: featuring Sean Bean as narrator!!!
German loving simulator-game.... check!
Concept is nice but man, does everything happen fast! I couldn't even read or decide what can be done and already something happens. But it's still in development, so maybe that'll be changed?
Good video. But you said you like the game and recommend it even?! Did you change your mind after playing more?
I finished the "story" of Destiny this weekend and I honestly couldn't tell you any of it. If there was a test on the story after you finish it, I would have failed miserably. It's completely throwaway. I enjoyed the game overall though, as I like playing games co-op with friends, especially when there's loot involved. I didn't really buy into the hype to begin with, so I wasn't super disappointed in the game. Whatever longevity the game has is in its Crucible (team deathmatch) and co-op challenges. Hopefully the two announced DLCs will add something extra as well. I'll probably play it for another week or two and then I'm on to Diablo 3.
Wow, to think how hyped some were for Destiny. Even read some saying it's gonna dethrone Halo. As I thought though a well crafted single-player campaign with one protagonist for all has it easier to engrave itself into the minds of players. I like co-op games but even the main player having customizable outfits/classes etc. makes it hard I think to make him/her fit as well as say Master Chief into Halo.
What's very good to hear is that the mechanics are enjoyable. That's very important. Even though I don't give two cents about score/ratings, I can't imagine Activision bein happy with the Metacritic - factor in reports about some Pubs tying dev bonuses to certain Metacritic goals and this game did not live up to hype. Again, doesn't mean it's bad; many seem to enjoying it very much. For me personally, my interest in the game dropped very hard once I understood this is some kind of MMO without the ability to play through it full-offline. I imagined something different. That Ubi open-world TPS in New York is the same. Just give me SP. MP is fine but I don't need every game to be mandatory MP; even if gen8 is all about "social".Also, wasn't Destiny the game rumored to have to sell at least 10m copies to even break even? I think PC is inevitable. It's the home of MMO after all.
I'm no Dead Rising expert, but I played the first game, I've watched someone play a decent amount of the second game, and I've been playing the third game (finished the game, and I'm working my way through the DLC episodes), so I can probably answer this question (loooong post ahead).[..]
I could honestly write a whole essay about its shortcomings, so I'll attempt to keep it concise. It's as you say: it's mindless. [...]
Sorry for late reply. Still catching up with many pages.
Thanks for your detailled write-up. Makes sense the way you put it. I only every saw videos of DR2, so I didn't catch much about the importance of story, time or different way of saving people. Only got a feeling about the mechanics. That time limit sounds on one hand like a guiding challenge but on the other hand like it deters from exploring. Without having played any DR I tend towards DR3's approach tbh. But I should first play both to really grasp how it affects my enjoyment. Also, sorry, but DR3 being open-world with more focus on vehicles piqued my interest a lot, don't hate :p
Other than that even a big open-world with many weapons doesn't sound like fun when you have to constantly make the same fetch-quests. And being over-powered does sound like fun for 10mins but it changes gameplay dynamics drastically.
Thanks again guys. I can hold out till I catch DRs at much cheaper prices then (and OTR without that stupid notrunincountry flag -_-)
Sorry for long post peeps :p
I still kinda like JRPGs, have tons of them on my backlog, but why is everyone so hyped for FF to be on steam since we always had top-notch WRPGs like Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Witcher, etc?


I still kinda like JRPGs, have tons of them on my backlog, but why is everyone so hyped for FF to be on steam since we always had top-notch WRPGs like Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Witcher, etc?

Because for years now the JRPG market on Steam has been a wasteland. Seeing the big JRPG titles like Final Fantasy come to Steam brings up the possibility of even more JRPGs on Steam, and then even more Japanese games on Steam.


Having to play Quake Live at 95ms because they refuse to put up official servers for a game mode I grew up on


I'm definitely not putting any money into this.


I still kinda like JRPGs, have tons of them on my backlog, but why is everyone so hyped for FF to be on steam since we always had top-notch WRPGs like Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Witcher, etc?

Speaking for myself, I'd say it's because I never bought into the party line that says "WRPGs > JRPGs and as long as you have top-notch WRPGs you don't need anything else". :p They're really two different types of games, and it's nice to see both represented on PC.


Having to play Quake Live at 95ms because they refuse to put up official servers for a game mode I grew up on


I'm definitely not putting any money into this.

Errrrr... 95 ms sounds like a great ping to me.
Maybe I'm just too used to sub-par overpriced internet connections.


Nothing to write home about, but shit, they're free!

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (r3n4ud, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Castleminer Z -- MB-570684CC5698D892 - Taken by Tellaerin
Deadly 30 -- MB-D430B7C817E85B77 - Taken by Servizio


Sorry for late reply. Still catching up with many pages.
Thanks for your detailled write-up. Makes sense the way you put it. I only every saw videos of DR2, so I didn't catch much about the importance of story, time or different way of saving people. Only got a feeling about the mechanics. That time limit sounds on one hand like a guiding challenge but on the other hand like it deters from exploring. Without having played any DR I tend towards DR3's approach tbh. But I should first play both to really grasp how it affects my enjoyment. Also, sorry, but DR3 being open-world with more focus on vehicles piqued my interest a lot, don't hate :p
Other than that even a big open-world with many weapons doesn't sound like fun when you have to constantly make the same fetch-quests. And being over-powered does sound like fun for 10mins but it changes gameplay dynamics drastically.
Thanks again guys. I can hold out till I catch DRs at much cheaper prices then (and OTR without that stupid notrunincountry flag -_-)

Honestly, I'm with you on that. As much as I could appreciate the interesting things that the early Dead Rising games did, it never clicked with me, because I had to force myself to play in a way I didn't want to (not exploring). Actually, what I did instead was ignore most of the side content, just so I could do the main story without having to start over, which sucked a lot of my enjoyment out of the game. I could have done another run through now that I knew where everything was, and could do it better, but I was over it at that point. I never actually wanted them to change the series to appeal to me (because I hate when this happens to my favorite series), but it was a factor in why I was able to enjoy this game as much as I did.

But at the same time, it felt like they didn't really add enough to make up for what they took away. Specifically, the mission design was never particularly deep or interesting in and of itself. It was trying to navigate a mall completely infested with zombies, and keeping survivors alive, while choosing the most efficient route to get everything done in time that made that game interesting. When you eliminate that, all you have left is poorly designed missions, that are made a bit more tedious to make up for the fact that they are less difficult. I really wish that since they already made the commitment to change the core design of the series to appeal to a wider audience, that they at least went all the way and added something interesting to replace what they removed.

It's a game that I enjoyed most of the time that I played it (until the DLC, which has been much rougher), but when I look back and reflect on the way the game was designed, I can't help but be disappointed with the design choices, if that makes any sense.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of Hinomura, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away 21 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Hinomura, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Commandos 3 Destination Berlin -- MB-F5B67EBE8C99C272 - Taken by bluechox2. 4 entrants total.
Solar Flux -- MB-579E39850F7A71CF - Taken by Vlad. 9 entrants total.
Not The Robots -- MB-418873635C4AB8D2 - Taken by xBladeM6x. 1 entrants total.
Claustrophobia The Downward Struggle -- MB-FB31832C4B269587 - Taken by Kuroyume. 8 entrants total.
Deadly 30 -- MB-92611BB1E771A51D - Taken by drakaenae. 1 entrants total.
The Bridge -- MB-13E0557670E995B6 - Taken by Pakkidis. 8 entrants total.
Face Noir -- MB-13B7B430EC615130 - Taken by gaiadyne. 5 entrants total.
Windforge -- MB-530FBB883CF68D17
Ionball 2 Ionstorm -- MB-4EA86D734945FE12 - Taken by Kifimbo. 1 entrants total.
Monaco What's Yours Is Mine -- MB-50A9B9DF8DB1D49D - Taken by astrogamer. 4 entrants total.
The Night of the Rabbit -- MB-A581C3953D1AC9C3 - Taken by fernandes. 11 entrants total.
Power Up -- MB-C768B45435937868 - Taken by bobnowhere. 2 entrants total.
Race the Sun -- MB-35F51D89E8695150 - Taken by Krappadizzle. 10 entrants total.
Dawn of Fantasy Kingdom Wars -- MB-AC5B898E75E00904 - Taken by nja. 1 entrants total.
The Book of Legends -- MB-968E4E6CEA31677A - Taken by darkchewie. 1 entrants total.
Deadly Premonition The Director's Cut -- MB-D1BDE0300132A167 - Taken by billmcdougal. 23 entrants total.
Commandos 2 Men of Courage -- MB-48BAA64AA9EF936C - Taken by ScreamingTrees. 4 entrants total.
CastleMiner Z -- MB-9679CA00D854DD02 - Taken by Sarcasm. 3 entrants total.
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator -- MB-F7F0B1A793510C95 - Taken by Daedalos42. 5 entrants total.
Commandos Behind Enemy Lines -- MB-333A6D4EB6D64BAC - Taken by Diedac. 2 entrants total.
Commandos Beyond the Call of Duty -- MB-4B51BAB78BCE512C - Taken by topyy. 4 entrants total.



Good video. But you said you like the game and recommend it even?! Did you change your mind after playing more?

Thanks. Yeah, I still recommend it.

Thing is though I feel my videos so far (except for the Ryse one) have been pretty bad. I feel like Ive been rushing through the games and just tried to make videos as fast as possible.

My goal now is simply to use more time and resources on my next/future videos to make the quality go up.


The timer mechanic of the earlier dead rising games was my favorite thing. Because unlike most I don't like exploring really. I get more of a thrill trying to see how fast I can beat something. While still enjoying what the game has to offer and not skipping cutscenes. Was nice to get a game that rewarded that sort if playstyle since so little do. .

With that said the timer mechanic in DR3 with the inclusion of way too many collectibles is a bad trade off. Since players like me aren't going to bother and will have ample time to beat the game. I beat it on day 3. While players who like to explore realize its a weak addition to try and meat out the game.
Because for years now the JRPG market on Steam has been a wasteland. Seeing the big JRPG titles like Final Fantasy come to Steam brings up the possibility of even more JRPGs on Steam, and then even more Japanese games on Steam.
I can relate to that if it even remotely increases the chances of us getting the latest Yakuza games over here. :p


Errrrr... 95 ms sounds like a great ping to me.
Maybe I'm just too used to sub-par overpriced internet connections.

95 feels pretty crappy in a game like Quake. Especially when you're using a gun like the RG that requires precision.


Unconfirmed Member
While I'm probably completely on my own, I'd like to ask for people to drop Russian key trading, especially for Final Fantasy 13.

It took many, many years for publishers to get over the "piracy will destroy sales" thing and finally we are getting games on PC again and at very reasonable prices.

I can sympathise with people wanting (or needing) cheap games, but ultimately it'll just prove counter productive for everybody.

People constantly talk about "I wish x would come to Steam". Here is one of those big games, there are potentially other big games to follow, some of which might actually be worth playing and I think it is time to take a stand.

To be fair publishers can lock these up tight as can be and restrict as much as they want. In some cases it leads to publishers completely taking the piss ie Deep Silver charging £40 for a new game the cheeky fucks. It works both ways. A sale is a sale and it beats piracy doesn't it ? It's no worse than folks waiting for a sale to get games dirt cheap IMO.

That's just my opinion anyway and it's obvious we think differently about it but eh whatever.
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