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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Aldnoah Zero 11

Wow, loli maid did something! Driving that bigass humvee when she can barely see over the wheel and I doubt she can even reach the pedals!

Full action episode. I find it hilarious how the show is acknowledging how Inaho is the only competent human being alive, and how they are sitting in their war room discussing tactics and he is the only one who gets to talk with Yuki being the only one who finds it weird.

Sorry Slaine, your princess is in another landing castle (I'm sure someone made this joke before me but whatever)

And did Marito die? What was that?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SAO II Episode 10

Why doesn't Kirito just kill Sinon? I mean, Sinon explicitly mentioned that they could "kill themselves."


Barakamon 10

If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest. He is definitely with the rest. Fun little festival episode.


Love Lab 01-07


Pretty neat comedy series. RIP Riko when everyone know that she is lying

So...youre saying Sword Art Online is gundams fault?
I always knew gundam had sinister intentions!

Kirito and Tatsuya maybe Epitome of gary sue. but they are nothing compare to our Savior Jesus Yamato
Aldnoah Zero 11

Wow, loli maid did something! Driving that bigass humvee when she can barely see over the wheel and I doubt she can even reach the pedals!

Full action episode. I find it hilarious how the show is acknowledging how Inaho is the only competent human being alive, and how they are sitting in their war room discussing tactics and he is the only one who gets to talk with Yuki being the only one who finds it weird.

Mark my words, in the last episode we will learn Inaho was an alien all along sent to Earth to help earthling having a chance against Martians.


This movie is pure eye candy, the vibrant backgrounds of Treasure Town is chock full of detail. Worth a watch just for a visual feast alone. Apparently it was directed by an American, didn't know non-Japanese people were making animes. The source material comes from Taiyou Matsumoto whose Ping Pong animation I've seen earlier this year, though I wasn't aware of that fact prior to watching the art is so similar that it immediately gave it away. (Peco looks 1:1 White) Ping Pong was amazing, my favourite show of the year so far. Some people might dislike the character art however, they aren't as richly animated as the backgrounds but I didn't really dislike the contrast between the models vs the backgrounds.




Tekkonkinkreet is full of meaningful symbolism, it wasn't a convoluted plot that was hard to understand even when it went abstract towards the end. The lead characters White and Black were okay, 2 delinquent orphans with opposite personalities try to live through in a bad town that's about to change. They are well developed but, I was actually more interested and found it easier to relate to the struggling yakuza side characters' sub plot, the last scenes between Kimura and Suzuki were full of unnerving emotions. (I may have a sentimental feeling for sympathetic gangstas). I liked the climax with the last fight between Black and the 2 terminators and Black's final victory over the Minotaur personality in his dark subconscious, I like happy endings a lot.
Sword Art Online II 11

Gratuitous ass shots in full power this episode. So gratuitous that Kirito figures out the secret to Dess Gun by staring at Sinon's ass. And then a lizard ass.

I'd make a college of all the asses this episode but I don't think duckroll would like that, so this will have to do because it was basically my face the entire episode.

You figure out what emotion this face is conveying.
I think I actually find Dess Gun shooting someone with a magic gun that kills you through a virtual world more plausible then that giant convoluted explanation they gave. What a load.

And of course we're also so lucky to go back to Fairyland and get a scene there, including a great segment where all the losers talk about how great Kirito is with such great lines as "HE IS PROBABLY PROTECTING SOMEONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS ENEMY RIGHT NOW"


SAO is truly back to it's regular form now.
Amazing. Get to work Firehawk.


Barakamon 10

The episode I was waiting for because you knew
he was going to leave sooner or later. Hopefully the next episode involves Naru going to visit him in the city or him returning.




This movie is pure eye candy, the vibrant backgrounds of Treasure Town is chock full of detail. Worth a watch just for a visual feast alone. Apparently it was directed by an American, didn't know non-Japanese people were making animes. The source material comes from Taiyou Matsumoto whose Ping Pong animation I've seen earlier this year, though I wasn't aware of that fact prior to watching the art is so similar that it immediately gave it away. (Peco looks 1:1 White) Ping Pong was amazing, my favourite show of the year so far. Some people might dislike the character art however, they aren't as richly animated as the backgrounds but I didn't really dislike the contrast between the models vs the backgrounds.




Tekkonkinkreet is full of meaningful symbolism, it wasn't a convoluted plot that was hard to understand even when it went abstract towards the end. The lead characters White and Black were okay, 2 delinquent orphans with opposite personalities try to live through in a bad town that's about to change. They are well developed but, I was actually more interested and found it easier to relate to the struggling yakuza side characters' sub plot, the last scenes between Kimura and Suzuki were full of unnerving emotions. (I may have a sentimental feeling for sympathetic gangstas). I liked the climax with the last fight between Black and the 2 terminators and Black's final victory over the Minotaur personality in his dark subconscious, I like happy endings a lot.

This show has some incredible art much like studio pablo. Studio 4c was always incredibly artistic and their work has a pretty distinct appearance. It always baffled me that they werent more popular than they are.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Mahouka 24

Tatsuya kicking ass. It's all I really asked for.
They really played up him being a secret part of the military. they were quick to show the remaining students his involvement with them.

edit: Question:
At the end with Miyuki was unlocking Tatsuya's power right?

Tetsuya is damned badass!
Its blowing my mind at the idea that his power's been suppressed up until now!

SAO II Episode 10

Why doesn't Kirito just kill Sinon? I mean, Sinon explicitly mentioned that they could "kill themselves."

I think the episode explained why very well. The idea of waking up suddenly and causing your attacker to panic won't play out in a little girl's favor.


Aldnoah.Zero 11

It was a fun and enjoyable episode but one that I think ended with a whimper instead of bang. Deucalion suicide ramming sequence felt like they run out of time/budget. As noted above the decoys looked off too.

Really liking the ED.

School Days 4

Yes because that won't backfire at all.

Lot's of groping drama in this one. -_- I suppose I should appreciate an anime where holding hands isn't the peak of things to do in relationship but the writing and drama is so stupid it's impossible to take it seriously.

Makoto is now both a serial onanist and a wannabe rapist. Him and swimming pool seems like a momentously demented idea.

On a positive note, this episode expanded my English vocabulary (whisper sweet nothings) so genuine thanks for that I guess.

What's with all the Nisekoi avatars ? Did the manga jump another shark ?

It's a heartwarming story of a brother who will do anything to protect his little sister.

Their parents does some horrible things to them when they're little, but they grow up to be pretty normal.

There's a woman that has a strange hat and a cat who seems to want to help them, but unfortunately she only seem to want to have their baby.

Some mysterious guy shows up and tries to separate the two, but they manage to escape in the end.

And there's a lot of teddy bears in this as well :3

The biggest problem with this show is that it's too short. The episodes just seem to jump around to random bits of the story, probably because of the limited time they got, and it makes everything confusing or not make sense at all. There's also a lot of censoring, so a lot of times you can't really see what's happening either.

The OP is pretty good and there's some violin and piano music that makes everything sound classy even when it's not.

I give it 1/5 internal organs:

What starts as a typical high school anime that jumps into a gorefest for the ages. Onii-chan and imouto are infected with a virus that turns one into a flesh eating monster and the other into an immortal being whose flesh regenerates. The purpose of this is to feed some sexual fetish of nonstop girl eating brother action.

There is a witch women who knows something about the virus. With the magic of science she conceives a child with Onii-chan and imouto's reproductive organs. An incestuous child created without the act of incestuous sex. Good job anime!

The censoring is all over the place. We see panning shots of bodies ripped asunder yet we censor the act of pulling a knife out of a pocket only to show it in the next shot. The animation is pretty good and the music does a decent job to set the tone. Who doesn't love to hear classical piano during cannibal eating and sexual moaning?

The last episode was very out of place and had nothing to do with the rest of the episodes. I guess even with this much blood we have to end it on a happy note.

I give this an anime a 4/10. It was entertaining to see how ridiculous it got but that doesn't excuse how terrible the characters and plot were so under developed. But when you only have 4 minute episodes I guess the only thing you can hope for is to shock the audience with the limited time you are given.


Terror in Resonance - 09

Just about I wanna to admit everyone is right the show has gone to shitter, the 2nd half is happened..

I fucking love it, oh my god the whole half is really please me, so fucking beautiful.. they played out scare bomb sense into ironic romantic scene, and man its powerful.. at this point I can admit all character are terribly written and that scene shouldn't affect me, but the power of execution man...

I don't care if its manipulative, they successfully did it, with great use of scenario and sharp directing, the feeling of bittersweet that shifted to helplessness in that ferrywheel scene is so incredible, I never got such a feeling in mindless thriller scene before,,
The series maybe leaning toward bad note, but this individual eps(or half) deserve my 10/10.
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha 01-03
Pretty bog standard. Cliches abound and I feared of getting arrested after watching episode one on the train. (that henshin maaaaan)
The ferret was cute though and there was some nice faces I guess. Guessing it's a slow burn.

It does start off slow. The first seasons won't do much for you and is pretty standard.

Then A's comes along and everything goes crazy awesome.

Season one is slow. It cranks up to awesome at the end and then A's just skyrockets to the top almost immediately.

I beg to disagree. The ending of Season one is really freaking anticlimactic IMO despite having some pretty cool things.


Mahouka 24

cya truck

I love seeing Mayumi's reactions. Even though shes part of the 10 Master Clans shes taken back by what Tatsuya can do.

Shes also best girl.


Cardcaptor Sakura 34

So we have two characters who have "moon" in their names, Yue is Chinese for "moon", and the moon did something to Sakura that caused her and Yukito to get delayed. I knew Meiling's lack of kanji would be her downfall as soon as the true answer was revealed. All those kanji quizzes aren't necessarily difficult, but are still fun to play along with. I agree with my friends that I wanted to see what the other quizzes were. Gonna miss having Kero tell me things about the universe, but it also means more time that can be spent on the story. A necessary tradeoff. The whole thing reminded me of the Herald Hunt. Good memories.

Jinsei 09

"Get Chuumei Watanabe to compose the theme song." Ikumi, I love you and never want you to stop. Between Jinsei and Invaders, I'm getting a ton of toku love in my anime this season, and it is magical. Emi's a pretty great addition to the cast, and Rino's pretty cute when she's under hypnosis and playing around with her pet quail. That drawing Emi made halfway through the episode was... quite something. Maybe she has natural yuri goggles, though I'm merely speculating.


Is Texhnolyze worth watching?

First post on Anime-GAF, by the way! Hurray! I hear the watchbets are horrific.

The first rule of NeoGAF is don't post at the bottom of the page because you post may get lost. Take this is as a helpful tip!

I'd like to say that, really, the idea of watchbets are not just to tie two doomed souls together. While that might be amusing on one level, I don't think it should really be the norm.

Ideally, what we're trying to is introduce people too good anime that that they haven't seen or heard of. The problem with this idea is that explaining why a show is good takes a good deal of time or effort. In lieu of that, forming a pact to force both parties into action by mutual consent makes a great deal of sense because then you actually have some force driving you to watch the show. Because, hey, we all know that there are plenty of good shows we haven't seen yet, we just can't muster the energy to actually sit down and watch them. The watchbet brings in this outside influence to help motivate people to act.

Still, I understand that isn't as amusing to write up or discuss compared to simply watching a good show. Still, I'd rather we were known as a source of useful advice as opposed to just "herp derp bad anime".
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