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Summer 2014 Anime |OT2| Or, where Jexhius finally watches more Doremi for Hito.

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Is that the show with the twintails girl going :D with the cards?
Not sure , but this show is a great case of "all girls are great girls".
Why haven't you watched it already ?

So, Hanamonogatari. As a story itself it was alright, but what interests me more is
how it seems to feel like an epilogue for the entire franchise, like there's no room for anything to follow it
. Makes me wonder about the remaining story arcs for the final season.

That's because it's the last one in the chronology ? And it's meant to be taken as an epilogue ? There is still a lot of things to adapt Like ... The stuff with gaen, the broken link between arararagi & shinobu , some new stuff going on during that timeframe, thje adventures of hanekawa, heck even kizu monogatari so we can have a proper look of those events and introduce new characters ..Heck maybe a whole bunch of new characters could appear in town for some reason or another and we could get a amazing finale because of this.

NOt saying it will happen [ :) ] but there is the possibility
but it totally could.
after all , we didn't get an explanation for meme oshino & ougi oshino , the most obscure characters of the whole franchise so far


As Mikage said once, deeper, go deeper. By the way what Mikage was doing was not so much brainwashing but an ode to eh Jungian concept of reaching a psychological breakthrough with a patient with combined with the greek poet Ovid's seminal work Metamorphosis as symbolized by the very iconic butterfly that was in the office.

Ovid was Roman. It's called Metamorphoses.



Poet Centuriate
For those into Monster Musume, your favorite half-human harem may get an anime adaption



Here, have hipster Utena.



with those glasses, she really looks like Euphie from Geass.

I hear the watchbets are horrific.



Not sure , but this show is a great case of "all girls are great girls".
Why haven't you watched it already ?

That's because it's the last one in the chronology ? And it's meant to be taken as an epilogue ? There is still a lot of things to adapt Like ... The stuff with gaen, the broken link between arararagi & shinobu , some new stuff going on during that timeframe, thje adventures of hanekawa, heck even kizu monogatari so we can have a proper look of those events and introduce new characters ..Heck maybe a whole bunch of new characters could appear in town for some reason or another and we could get a amazing finale because of this.

NOt saying it will happen [ :) ] but there is the possibility
but it totally could.
after all , we didn't get an explanation for meme oshino & ougi oshino , the most obscure characters of the whole franchise so far

Because I work a whole lot :/
I also forgot its name. It looks so cute.

Kanon (2006) Episode 1

Uguu! MikeHattsu alert! ItsHappening.gif

Okay, so I was mistaken and did not originally watch the entire episode, but rather the beginning few minutes. Originally, I wasn't crazy about the character designs. However, seeing the series in motion and hearing the girls, I actually like it a lot better now. It's KyoAni, and they're pretty good.

On to the actual show, Yuichi seems rather likable. We already have the cousin dynamic here in episode one. Seems a cute little town, almost reminds me of my own small cute little town. Yuichi's waiting outside when it happens. Uguu! She's sooooo freaking adorable. Loved her story about the Takoyaki stand.

What's even cuter was the mentioning of her Wings and Ayu spinning like a cat/dog trying to see them. Those wings are actually super adorable, part of what makes her so cute.

I have a long weekend, so we'll see how much more I can watch, Mike. 6 episodes per disc, so I'm thinking 4 more summaries. This one was a bonus for how long it took me. ;o


Nice! I hope you enjoy.


the holder of the trombone
Little witch academia

Man this was great. Also how did trigger go from this to the animation trainwreck that is kill la kill?


the holder of the trombone
Yeah, I guess I pretty much know the answer already, but I guess that I can see why people would be disappointed in kill la kill after this. Even though I found kill la kill to be flawed but enjoyable.

Also I'm jumping around too much as far as completed series go. I think I'll stick through my little monster first before watching other shows


the holder of the trombone
Also either crunchyroll fixed their chromecast stuff or you need a phone that is top range for it to work properly, because it's hell of a lot better on my LG g3 than my Xperia sp.


Oh man. I thought they were going cheapskate because they were cutting corners to turn out klk to hit the deadlines
I mean, yeah a lot of it was them cutting corners to make up for poor planning. But they had a TON of people on board. (and subsequently money)


Poet Centuriate
One Week Friends 7

Shogo is probably the best dman bro that ever fucking bro'd in the history of broing.

But yeah, this was probably my favorite episode yet. I'm rooting so hardcore for these two. Great show.

Ah. Whew.

Captain Earth 19

Ekranoplans don't have wings like that, that's not really how they work.

lots of fucking fanservice this time round

what a crock of shit this combat animation is.

so that's the

wow cool story great writing jk

Attack on Titan 13

Being able to skip 4:40 of stupid recap/replays and the OP is not a good thing. Well, for the show. Save me from having to sit through this longer than I have too.

really grusome slaughtering set to garbage modern hard rock lolololololol this some cliche'd-as-fuck shit

I love you Levi but you ain't surviving this series, there's no way you do.

those are some seriously :wonzo hands jesus

Terror in Resonance 6

Wait they're FBI? I thought they were supposed to be Australian. "Why are Japanese so bad at placing accents?"

Man Lisa why

oh god this Engrish

still pretty fun. writing was definitely a little weaker here.

Space☆Dandy 21

really slick, handsome looking dandy but...WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH

really fucking trippy but dear god it looked so fucking good

Little witch academia

Man this was great. Also how did trigger go from this to the animation trainwreck that is kill la kill?

Still only trigger's second best work.


Magimoji Garurumo 10

Boys becoming men. Men becoming wolves. Hot springs! The final scene was more sentimental than I was expecting, and Chiro got to be in her human form again. A pleasant way to start the day.


No I didn't miss anything, apparently the power to revolutionize the world was something so stupid and trivial that I didn't even consider it to be that. People are dueling over a wish granting genie(never explained how she would help gain them that) and there is incest, wow 2deep4u! It's a crap show with mostly terrible characters, terrible overused recycled animation and it was the most repetitive anime I've ever seen. You must've watched this series with very rose tinted glasses to overlook its shortcomings.

I mean, it's okay to hold a different opinion of the show but, based on literally everything you've said it's pretty clear that you've failed to grasp most of the shows themes and ideas. There's nothing wrong that, of course, not everyone has the time or energy to perform a close reading of the text.
I mean, it's okay to hold a different opinion of the show but, based on literally everything you've said it's pretty clear that you've failed to grasp most of the shows themes and ideas. There's nothing wrong that, of course, not everyone has the time or energy to perform a close reading of the text.

I know that you are passionate about the show but you are looking at it with rose tinted glasses. Someone has a ridiculous and vague motivation, Utena gets challenged, Utena defeats them. They don't give up, Utena gets challenged 2 more times by everyone spanning 39 episodes. The art and animation was terrible with ridiculous disproportionate figures and recycled footage over and over again. It's indisputable that it's repetitive.

Also I've read this, it explains the symbolism behind Dios and Rose Bride and possible settings:

Ohtori academy is actually set in Hyrule and Akio, Himemiya and Utena are Triforce holders? Mindblown

But basically everyone at Ohtori
was dead? Their souls are stuck in a spiritual purgatory?

Also Utena was inspired by Gundam more than you may think:



Everyone repeatedly getting slapped through the show

Also either crunchyroll fixed their chromecast stuff or you need a phone that is top range for it to work properly, because it's hell of a lot better on my LG g3 than my Xperia sp.

In theory the device shouldn't matter. When you send a video to Chromecast the device should be sending the URL and the media streams directly to the Chromecast, it doesn't go through the device first.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Caught up on some anime! Amazing!

Haikyuu is really fucking good. Bummed its already ending.

Baby Steps is going to end in a really awkward spot. Guessing this show never gets a S2 so read the manga etc. That OP was a total lie!

Last weeks Ace of the Diamond was hilarious. Don't think I've ever seen a show set up a flashback episode with the premise of a dude having to stand there because his buddies were taking a piss.

So far this season I really love Nozaki-kun and Aldnoah. Haikyuu is also great and Ace of the Diamond is quite enjoyable as well. Baby Steps is okay. Sabagebu is trash.

Next up today is Barackamon, dunno what other standouts there are from this season (if there are any)?


I know that you are passionate about the show but you are looking at it with rose tinted glasses. Someone has a ridiculous and vague motivation, Utena gets challenged, Utena defeats them. They don't give up, Utena gets challenged 2 more times by everyone spanning 39 episodes. The art and animation was terrible with ridiculous disproportionate figures and recycled footage over and over again. It's indisputable that it's repetitive.

Also I've read this, it explains the symbolism behind Dios and Rose Bride and possible settings:

Ohtori academy is actually set in Hyrule and Akio, Himemiya and Utena are Triforce holders? Mindblown

But basically everyone at Ohtori
was dead? Their souls are stuck in a spiritual purgatory?

Also Utena was inspired by Gundam more than you may think:



Everyone repeatedly getting slapped through the show


You know, at first I thought you were someone who just hadn't understood Utena. Which is fine, because as others have pointed out (despite your insistence otherwise) Utena is a complex show. It's fine if you don't understand it!

Now I'm honestly wondering if you're serious. You read some TV Tropes page and think that you totally understand the show? Really? Also, where are you even getting this whole
everyone at Ohtori is dead and in purgatory
conclusion from? While it's been a few years since I've watched Utena, I never got any of that from the show at all.

"Gundam had a scene with fencing, Gundam inspired Utena". Really? You don't think that's silly at all? I can do that too! Nadia had a silly animal companion. Clearly Nadia inspired Utena! If only they were remotely similar works...

On a final note, if you thought something like The Tatami Galaxy was bad and "2deep4u", why are you planning on watching something like Tekkonkinkreet? Are you intentionally seeking out works that you know you'll hate? If you don't like these sort of anime, you shouldn't force yourself to watch them.
Children who Chase Lost Voices


Almost thought I watched a Ghibli movie, beautiful countrysides and Makoto Shinkai's characteristic colourful background vistas. It's a very simple family movie which follows a run off the mill "young girl goes into a fantasy world" concept. Nothing really stands out and the movie ends anticlimatic. It's a fine movie that lacks substance but it's like they've been only trying to do make their own version of Ghibli. Oh and Mimi is just Peto




YAlso, where are you even getting this whole
everyone at Ohtori is dead and in purgatory
conclusion from? While it's been a few years since I've watched Utena, I never got any of that from the show at all.

It's on the Wikipedia page.


Princess Tutu 18-20

I really liked the Midsummer Night's Dream episode. Adding a little Shakespeare to anime livens things up. The theme of the second half is more about the various kinds of loves, it looks like. I actually thought the ghost knight was Fakir, until it was revealed they were completely separate beings. As for Rue/Kraehe, her situation seems more like Fate (appropriate, in many ways) more than it does Regina. Tutu does have a circle of friends - even if Lilie is kinda shady - while Kraehe has nothing, and if she tries to act on her own desires and change the story, she'll have even less than nothing. Mytho's fight against himself is an interesting element, but Fakir and Duck have the best chemistry of all the on-screen characters. I get the feeling major plot revelations are about to be dropped.

There's many kinds of magical girl series out there, and this is doing what I like about a lot of anime. It's using all these classic literature and music concepts in the framework of a mostly typical magical girl story, but that the story is typical isn't a point against it. It serves to reinforce the themes. Because it's then exploring why these kinds of stories are, in all their permutations, and never becoming too bleak.

Junichi Sato really is the master of magical girls.
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