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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


Why does Polygon exist?

quote the whole paragraph?

Sunset Overdrive feels like a game that someone wanted to make.
Emphasis on "wanted," there. Many games feel like well-assembled concepts that someone thought would be a good, successful idea, and several of those end up as good, successful games. But it's rare that I play a game that feels like it was driven by heart and a desire to make something specific, that only a specific collection of people could accomplish.


Destiny has received lots of positive feedback for gunplay. It's other areas where it fell short.

SO has received lots of criticism for its auto-aim. That critique is nothing new or unreasonable.

Honestly I can't see how a game with high mobility like SO could be playable without a huge amount of auto-aim.

Why does Polygon exist?

I agree with the above : it does make sense when you feel that there was some love put into the game by the devs. Some games are just standard "by the book" products, and some are made with enthusiasm. I always got the feeling SO was of the second category. I felt it with the first Bayonetta too.
Reviews pushed me over the edge and I just pre ordered digitally. Other than MCC, I'll wait on price drops on the other big games this year. I knew this one would be right up my alley


Still hyped. Sadly, for all the criticisms on the humor, it seems like my type of humor!

It is satire and parody.

Something many people either don't get, or don't understand. It's why you see comments like "trying too hard to be funny"...when that's the entire point of that type of comedy/writing/design.


Hell fucking yes. Insomniac is back, baby!

other than fuse... they've never gone anywhere.

This game is textbook insomniac. Grind on rails traversal mixed with crazy weapons.

This game is ratchet and clank pure gameplay mixed with jet set radio vibes.

If you like ratchet and clank, you'll like this.
It is satire and parody.

Something many people either don't get, or don't understand. It's why you see comments like "trying too hard to be funny"...when that's the entire point of that type of comedy/writing/design.

I don't know if it's about "getting" the humor. Some people just don't enjoy certain types of humor. I love slapstick and my dad despises it. Just how it is. Personally, the humor in SO looks like the kind I enjoy, but I can see how people would be turned off by it.


Sailor Stevenson
That's one of the problems with humor in games, it's so subjective. I've loved the humor of this game since day 1, and I'm confident I'll still find the game pretty funny, even if it fell flat for a few other reviewers. There's been plenty of instances where I've thought something was really funny in a game, only to find out that a lot of other people found it annoying or terrible. Tiny Tina in Borderlands 2, for example.

and for outlets like Kotaku or Gametrailers who didn't like the humor, you had outlets like IGN / Polygon who loved it.

I think you'll have some people who love the humor and others who don't, and that's ok. I laugh a lot while playing it
Well...I'm now short 120 bucks after preordering this and Master Chief Collection. My wallet is crying. I'm on vacation starting this weekend and turning 30. I'm gonna dial it back and binge play like I'm in my 20s again :)

Great job Insomniac!
and for outlets like Kotaku or Gametrailers who didn't like the humor, you had outlets like IGN / Polygon who loved it.

I think you'll have some people who love the humor and others who don't, and that's ok. I laugh a lot while playing it

Exactly. Writers need to just stick with their vision and go. You can't please everyone.

EDIT: Also the fact that Kotaku still gave game a "Yes" speaks volumes for the gameplay. Very impressive considering how much they hated the humor. :)


I'm surprised at the shock surrounding the games critical performance. Maybe I'm just a Crackdown-junkie looking for my next fix or someone who was impressed with every public showing but, to me, Sunset Overdrive always looked great.

I had my fingers crossed for it and I'm glad to see it has delivered.


It is satire and parody.

Something many people either don't get, or don't understand. It's why you see comments like "trying too hard to be funny"...when that's the entire point of that type of comedy/writing/design.

You do realize that not all satire/parody is good quality, right?

Or are you saying that just because a piece of work (game, book, movie & TV) is satire/parody, that it's automatically great??
The Ratchet and Clank Future games were amazing and underrated. Insomniac has been making great games for a long time so its nice to see these review scores for them.

So tempted to get that Sunset Overdrive bundle now.


Neo Member
Although the reviews are reassuring I pre-ordered last Weds. after watching gameplay posted on GAF. Just looked like it was really fun to play.


Good to see the game is getting good reviews! Already preordered so it won't change anything for me, but it's always a plus for the developer!


Has anyone mentioned how long the game is, and replayability? Might buy this tomorrow because of these great reviews


I was on the fence about SO since I wasn't impressed by how all the videos seemed to be zipping on wires and bouncing on things which didn't seem exciting, but all the positive reviews are making me reconsider.


Wowww amazing what a dev can do when a first party isnt forcing them to pump out sequel after sequel in horrible franchises.
When has an Insomniac game ever come to PC? Are you being sarcastic??
A thread over the weekend seemed to indicate it was a possibility. I know there is plenty of skepticism about that, but considering I do not own an Xbox One, the prospect of a PC release is something I like to dream about... because the game looks good.


Wowww amazing what a dev can do when a first party isnt forcing them to pump out sequel after sequel in horrible franchises.

Yeah, they said that this is the kind of game they have been wanting to make for a decade. That kind of ambition showed from the first gameplay reveal for me. Insomniac is back.


I don't know if it's about "getting" the humor. Some people just don't enjoy certain types of humor. I love slapstick and my dad despises it. Just how it is. Personally, the humor in SO looks like the kind I enjoy, but I can see how people would be turned off by it.

You do realize that not all satire/parody is good quality, right?

Or are you saying that just because a piece of work (game, book, movie & TV) is satire/parody, that it's automatically great??

Nothing wrong with not liking a type of comedy. There are plenty of people that don't get satire/parody and then there are those that understand what it is, but don't like it.

My comment was on those that don't "get it". That's why I quoted the "trying too hard" comment. The whole purpose of a lot of satire/parody IS to "try too hard" or being ridiculous to make comments on society/certain things.

It's like saying a company is "flying too hard" in a flight sim. No...that's the whole point ;)

I have a family member....god help her...that doesn't "get" most jokes...and just stares at you after everything ranging from smart comedy to sarcasm. I can't imagine being so lost.
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