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Sunset Overdrive Review Thread


Don't be such downers Sony fans! You guys still have next Ratchet and Clank to look forward to.

GJ MS for funding their great vision. Game stands out among the depressing crowd of games!


Haha except Halo isnt a horrible franchise like R&C and Resistance.

R&C is an excellent franchise, Up Your Arsenal and A Crack in Time are two of the best games in the genre.

Resistance was pretty good. I had a lot of fun with the third one.


Awesome scores so far. Can't wait for my pre-order to unlock.

I only played demos of the Ratchet games and they never clicked for me, but SO looks like a cross between Dead Rising, Jet Grind Radio and Saints Row, two of which were actual system sellers for me in the past (DR1 and JSRF).

Nice to see the XONE is finally starting to build up a decent library of games.

Edit: FWIW, I own a PS4 and a gaming PC already)


time for that FUSE sequel

get on it insomniac

LOL. That game may have been a blessing in disguise that served as more inspiration for this. Everyone went ape shit when they changed the more cartoony, lighter-toned Overstrike concept to what ultimately became FUSE. I think they realized that they needed more innovation that went beyond another bland, by-the-numbers cover shooter. Glad to see Sunset Overdrive arise from that wreckage.
Can someone explain the whole BioGamerGirl score is all we need?
Based biogamergirl


It was from the Destiny review trailer Activision launched or something.


Pretty pumped I pulled the trigger for this a few days ago with the deal on the Microsoft store, looking forward to tomorrow - although I was also looking forward to FF14's 2.4 patch hitting, but maybe that will have emergency maintenance and then it's a no-brainer as to what I'm doing.

Aside from TV/media and a few hours of Titanfall & Guacamelee, I really haven't used my XB1 much at all since launch day. Between this & MCC I am excited!


Can someone explain the whole BioGamerGirl score is all we need?

Basically Destiny was mostly getting mediocre/poor reviews and a commercial or print ad was put out trying to make it look like the game was getting overwhelmingly great scores by cherry picking from shit sites no one has ever heard of, including BioGamerGirl.

Edit - shit, beaten with the image


Guess I'm getting that bundle.

I'm shocked at the review scores honestly. I thought it was going to get docked heavily based on the preview impressions.
I'm praying for a demo but it seems that what seemed to be something too repetitive and with slow gameplay is actually not like this at all. At least I'll wait for long gameplay videos and NeoGAF OT with impressions.

But regarding my initial impression, good to be wrong then :) and time to turn on my Xbox One (I only play Peggle 2 since Forza 2 is good but I'm waiting for the obligatory definitive version with all DLC since game is a little short on content and TitanFall is...well TitanFall).


Saint Titanfall
It was a review site nobody had ever heard of that Activision used when promoting Destiny because most of the well known sites panned the game.

Not just that, the website itself looks about as homemade as it comes. It still makes me laugh.

edit: This is from the website

The fact Activision scrapped that low was just too funny.


The movement reminds me a bit of Ultimate Spider-Man in a way - I really like the fluidity of it. Very JSR-ish. Not sure how I feel about the combat though, and both the aesthetic and humor really, REALLY turn me off of the game.

Might get it on sale if it comes to PC, or if I ever get an XB1.
Hope this is good! I wasn't even a huge Insomniac fan back in the PS2 days, but these are the kinds of games we need to succeed critically and commercially so we don't send the message that we'll only buy shooters, sports game roster packs, and annualized franchises. I like that they're going all out with TV advertisements, it's a good sign.


Chû Totoro;136120402 said:
I'm praying for a demo but it seems that what seemed to be something too repetitive and with slow gameplay is actually not like this at all. At least I'll wait for long gameplay videos and NeoGAF OT with impressions.

It sucks that demos are practically a thing of the past. Seems like we used to get so many, but now it's hardly ever. This is a game that's screaming for a demo!


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Based biogamergirl


It was from the Destiny review trailer Activision launched or something.

Destiny made the website legit. I hope to see BioGamerGirl reviews in every review thread.

It was a review site nobody had ever heard of that Activision used when promoting Destiny because most of the well known sites panned the game.

Basically Destiny was mostly getting mediocre/poor reviews and a commercial or print ad was put out trying to make it look like the game was getting overwhelmingly great scores by cherry picking from shit sites no one has ever heard of, including BioGamerGirl.

Edit - shit, beaten with the image

Hahaha...oh Activision.


Why does Polygon exist?

Actually, I think that sentence makes perfect sense. I've played plenty of games that felt like they were made because of marketing or consumer trends or because it was a sequel so it HAD to be made or whatever other reason. Sunset absolutely feels like a game that the team legitimately wanted to make.

Also, the tweet about the humor being like a bakery or whatever it was is nonsense.
It is satire and parody.

Something many people either don't get, or don't understand. It's why you see comments like "trying too hard to be funny"...when that's the entire point of that type of comedy/writing/design.

Yep. It's "bad" on purpose. Like a B-movie.

The humor isn't for everyone (I personally like it), but it is deliberate.
To me they just got to the point of "hey what kind of crazy weaponry can we design since thats what everyone says is our calling card". All the while the gameplay was getting extremely boring and stale. There wasnt any kind of gameplay renaissance in the series like Mario Galaxy.

The two offshoots tried something different, and while they didnt quite deliver, I wouldnt say those failed from a lack in creativity per se...

But yeah the mainline games all have the same core gameplay, but its so solid that huge changes werent really necassary to keep the franchise on track.
R&C had spherical worlds before Mario Galaxy btw ;p
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